
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Facebook Ads THAT WORK In 2019: #1 Facebook Advertising Mistak #Best Education Page #Online Earninge Revealed

Facebook Ads THAT WORK In 2019: #1 Facebook Advertising Mistake Revealed

hey this is Ryan hildreth75 online
marketer and in today's video I'm going
to show you how to run Facebook ads that
actually work now there are so many big
mistakes people are making when it comes
to running Facebook ads either for their
own business for their Shopify store for
their social media marketing agency
clients for their Amazon store I'm gonna
show you right now some big key tweaks
that you can make in your advertising to
help you understand the product and help
you understand how to get better
conversions and ultimately more profits
for your business or for your clients so
let's go ahead and jump into this
actually before we get started go ahead
and comment down below because I'm going
to be giving it a free coaching call
giveaway at the end of this video
Congrats to benjamin Fairborn won the
coaching call so congrats to you so
let's go ahead and get into this so what
we're looking at right here is how to
run Facebook Ads that work and actually
convert okay so we're gonna go over some
big mistakes that people are making in
today's advertising world with Facebook
Ads primarily so the biggest mistakes
being made are number one okay not
choosing the correct marketing objective
alright so you have to understand where
you are in the sales funnel in your
business funnel and I'm gonna show you
kind of what that means if you don't
understand what that means okay so we're
gonna I'm going to help you choose the
right marketing objective to get the
best results number two not giving not
giving facebook enough time to optimize
I'd spoke with my ads rep and she said
that Facebook usually takes around seven
days to optimize an ad there's so many
people out there that are expecting it
to get results in you know one to two
days and that's just not gonna happen
and I'm gonna show you kind of how to
get quicker results but usually we're
gonna have to wait at least what I've
seen in my experience three to five days
but apparently it's seven days for
Facebook ads to actually optimize number
three not giving Facebook enough
to work with I'm gonna help you be able
to generate more data for your Facebook
Ads for your Facebook pixel so that you
can get the conversions and get the
profits that you're seeking and number
four is only running one AD per ad set
and I'm gonna show you why this is a big
mistake and show you an example of you
know why that is and how we could get
around that okay so first we have to
understand what Facebook advertising
actually is okay it's a product
therefore it has to be used a certain
way obviously Facebook doesn't have the
best instruction manuals for this type
of stuff obviously there's you know
content like mine my youtube channel I
do Facebook ad videos and I show you
exactly how to run them but you know
it's definitely a difficult product to
use if it's your first time and if
you've maybe had zero results from your
Facebook ads so we have to know that
data driven it's a data driven platform
that utilizes content from businesses to
promote offers okay so data is being
used Facebook needs data in order to run
your ads effectively they use geographic
location demographics gender interests
age behaviors etc and Facebook needs
this data okay so number one okay
choosing the correct marketing objective
as you can see to the right-hand side of
the screen right here when you're first
creating an ad this is kind of what pops
up right you have brand awareness you
have reach you have traffic engagement
app installs video views lead generation
messenger then you have conversions
catalog sales store visits so which one
do you choose right which one is the
best one to choose and the answer to
that is it depends it depends where you
are with Facebook advertising if so you
have to ask yourself these questions
like do I have an email list right if I
don't have an email list for my business
that I then I can't give Facebook any
data to work with right like I have an
email list and I could go ahead and
upload that email list into my Facebook
and ads manager and create an audience
and Facebook uses that data that list of
people and find similar people like that
out there on Facebook okay but if you
don't have an email list then I'm gonna
show you in a second where what
marketing objective you're gonna want to
start out with okay have you ran ads
with to the website before do you have a
Facebook pixel installed right do you
currently have a Facebook pixel do you
even have one in your ads manager these
are all questions you need to ask
yourself and if the answer to these
questions we're all know then you're
gonna want to start off with either
awareness or consideration for traffic
so you're gonna want to stick with the
three objectives of brand awareness
reach or traffic and the reason that is
okay the reason that is if you're a new
business you're not going to get any
results running conversion ads for your
business if you haven't given Facebook
any data because they don't know who
your audience is they don't know who
your customer is they don't know who
wants to purchase from you what age
gender demographic behavior interests
they don't know anything about you right
in your business so what you want to do
is kind of reach a large number of
people and this is only at the beginning
right you're gonna this is brand
awareness is kind of at the top of the
funnel right think of think of your
business as a funnel your marketing
funnel okay
brand awareness is up here so once you
reach a large number of people let's
just say 10,000 people now Facebook can
go ahead and see okay which you know
which people in this 10,000 engaged with
your ad which one's viewed your ad for
the longest right then we can go ahead
and using that data right we could run
an ad if we can create an audience based
off of people that viewed our video ad
for whatever 20 seconds or more then we
could run traffic to people that are
most likely likely to view our ad for 20
seconds or more right okay so now we're
getting a little bit deeper in the
funnel we went from brand awareness to
traffic and now we're running that
traffic to our website so people are
actually clicking the link now we could
create an audience based off of people
who clicked our link right we're giving
Facebook even more data okay these
people viewed our video longer than 20
seconds and they clicked our link right
now we're creating now we're warming up
that Facebook pixel and we're giving
Facebook data to work with to be able to
run conversion ads which is kind of
where you know that's the bread and
butter that's where the sales are
actually made that's where the leads are
actually generated so when you're first
starting off with Facebook Ads you don't
want to jump straight to conversions
because Facebook doesn't know enough
about your business they don't know
enough about your customer so you want
to start off with something other brand
awareness in the difference between
brand awareness and Reach is that reach
is gonna reach as many people as
possible brand awareness is gonna show
your ad to the most engaged people so
both huge audiences but one is more
based often of impressions and one is
based off of just pure reach so when you
ran your ad for the brand awareness or
reach now you can you know create an
audience based off of engagement run
some traffic ads once you run traffic
ads create a new audience then run some
conversion ads get some leads get some
sales okay so that was a deep dive into
like that so many people are getting
wrong and you know I don't want to see
you know your business fail on Facebook
because Facebook is such a good product
Facebook advertising and if you use it
the right way you're gonna get massive
results okay so use the funnel brand
awareness up top
traffic and then conversions okay and
then that sales comes out of that giving
Facebook time okay again my facebook ad
rep says it takes roughly seven days for
ads to optimize if you go ahead and look
at on the right hand side of the screen
this is an example from one of my ad
sets I'm running you know six five ads
here and this is at the beginning of the
campaign obviously I only spent twenty
six bucks
nothing has happened I've gained one
lead right and these are the results
that people are getting mad about
they're like well I spent twenty six
dollars and I only got one lead well you
have to give your Facebook Ads enough
time to optimize this was the first day
that I ran these ads I'm gonna have to
spend at least you know twenty-five to
fifty dollars before Facebook starts
optimizing these ads in my favor to
where I'm paying only you know a dollar
a lead and not 375 for a lead right so
give your Facebook Ads time to optimize
at least a week be patient
your sales aren't going to come in until
at least three to four weeks down the
line when you've obviously optimized for
conversions okay this is why you run
multiple ad sets or you run multiple ads
per ad set okay if you're only running
one ad for your campaign okay I'm going
to show you right here at the bottom of
this screen do you see that screenshot
well that is literally the same ad being
replicated okay I just duplicated the ad
so I'm spending the same amount of money
there tar it's using the same creative
using the same wording using the same
everything and as you can see the
results are different why is that okay
as you can see this first ad I spent you
know roughly I spent around the same
about four dollars and you know fifteen
cents on average between these
- but one has almost gotten double the
impressions why is that why is that well
that has to do with variability right
one ad may reach a cluster of really
good people that are you know connected
to your business and that's just that's
just variability okay and and that's why
I always say run multiple ads per ad set
duplicate your ads just to see maybe
maybe one performs better than the other
you never know and that's why you want
to do this kind of stuff so that's
another thing a mistake that people are
making and I don't want you to make that
mistake and ultimately we want to give
Facebook more data to work with as you
can see here this is the screen that we
get to when we create our ad it asks for
either a custom audience which maybe we
don't have but it asks for like
geographic locations you know age gender
interests behaviors right so when you're
first starting your Facebook advertising
campaigns let's just say you don't have
an email list this is your first time
running Facebook ads or you know you're
trying to build you're trying to warm up
that Facebook pixel for your business
target different audiences okay I want
you to at least target five different
audiences maybe if you're in the you
know restaurant business and it's
primarily I don't know sushi right
target three other sushi restaurants
famous sushi restaurants then target
like random people I would target maybe
a famous famous actress or a famous
singer like Rihanna right and just see
what audience resonates with you know
whatever you're trying to offer and see
you know if Facebook can maybe gain some
data from that audience if you spend
five ten fifteen bucks on an audience
and it didn't work out at least you
tried it and you gave Facebook a little
bit more data to work with because and
that's what I tend to do with my
business is you know I'll target like I
said a random actress or singer or
someone totally random that doesn't have
anything to do with my business but
there are some people in that audience
that you know resonate with what I'm
trying to offer
and they'll click my link they'll submit
their email right and now Facebook says
oh wow this person in that specific
you know submitted their email let's see
if we could find more people in that
audience that would replicate that same
action right or that would purchase a
product from you know my business right
so give Facebook data to work with if
you're only targeting one behavior or
one interest that's not enough you want
to do at least five different ads to
five different audiences in order to
give Facebook more data to work with
so again if you want to learn how to get
paid for running Facebook ads and what
you just learned right here how do you
get paid for that kind of stuff I want
you to comment like and subscribe in
this video okay for the free coaching
call I'm doing a giveaway for in the
next video I'll announce the winner but
the first link in the description is
gonna have our clients on autopilot
strategy and these clients are paying me
they're coming to me asking for my help
for Facebook advertising paying me
anywhere from one thousand to five
thousand plus per month to run Facebook
ads for them and if you attend that
master class okay the master class is
the first link in the description you
attend that I'm going to send you
personally the clients on autopilot
strategy I'm super excited to announce
this and my students we have over seven
hundred plus students in social media
marketing mastery that are using the
clients on autopilot strategy to gain
clients for their business without
having to go cold call or door knock or
go I hope you enjoyed this video again
link is down below for the master class
as you can see here's some of our
students that were on that same master
class and you know this jason landed a
two thousand dollar-a-month client nick
is now doing over a hundred thousand in
revenue for his agency Jamie Martinez
got a $1,300 a month client all from the
things that they learned in this video
that you just watched and the master
class so I look forward to seeing you in
there and take care

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