
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Get Uncomfortable to become Comfortable! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Get Uncomfortable to become Comfortable!

as what's up it's Alex and thank you for
watching another daily video with Alex
and in this video the topic is going to
be about being uncomfortable now before
I talk about how this media is going to
relate to you and help you inside your
business I want to tell you how being
uncomfortable can help you make you
comfortable right and the reason why I
want to talk about this is because
people message me all the time whether
it be on Facebook my youtube channel or
Gmail they say Alex you know can you
help me with my bit inside my business
to get more sales and more leads and the
number one thing that I told them is
start to shoot more videos right and the
one thing they say is you know um I
don't feel comfortable in front of the
camera and talking in front of camera or
I don't know what to talk about where
I'm ugly or a thousand other one excuses
you're telling yourself right I told
them you have to solve a thumbs down you
have to get used to being uncomfortable
so you can become comfortable right let
me say that again you have to get used
to become an uncomfortable so you can
become comfortable now before I started
making video is about a month and a half
ago on my youtube channel if you guys
aren't subscribed already make sure you
subscribe but you know before I started
making videos I was just like you I was
ago I don't know what people are going
to say I crooked teeth I would list all
this stuff I don't know what to talk
about and I thought that stopped me for
a long time but as soon as I started
making videos whether it be a daily
videos or two three times a week my
business group you know my business crew
is almost about almost about like 50%
because I started getting uncomfortable
and I became comfortable in front of the
in front of the camera and then I
increase my business which made me more
money so today's tip of the day is start
to get uncomfortable so you can become
comfortable right so I want you guys to
go out right now pull out your camera
because we all have cell phones we all
of these iPhone 8 games on galaxy s 28
I'm actually using like a cheap metro
pcs cell phone I use this phone for my
business phone so that's why
use it but I pulled as you pull out the
camera and get used to be uncomfortable
so you can become comfortable and help
your business grow thank you guys for
watching video check out the links below
if you're interested in learning how I
can help you make extra income online
please like comment subscribe and let's
get this money
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