
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Home Based Business Ideas - Affiliate Marketing | A Growing 6.8 Billion Dollar Industry #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Home Based Business Ideas - Affiliate Marketing | A Growing 6.8 Billion Dollar Industry

hey guys what's going on this is josh
from Josh elder calm and in this video I
want to give you some home based
business ideas for 2017 now in giving
you these ideas I'm going to be speaking
on specific ideas that I have personal
experience with you may see so many
different business ideas out there
there's obviously there's Shopify stores
there's affiliate marketing there's drop
shipping there's buying and selling
websites there's ecommerce there's
making apps there's so many different
business ideas out there but I want to
give you the business idea that I've
implemented tha
t I've had results with
and I'm gonna show you exactly what I've
done to actually market this business
idea so you know exactly what to do in
2017 to get results yourself now I've
been promoting digital products for the
past three years online now digital
products are in the form of information
right you go to college you pay tuition
and you learn a curriculum well same
concept here except your specializing in
one specific skillset right whether it
be marketing affiliate products on or walmart com or maybe
marketing your own products maybe you're
not an affiliate maybe your marketing
your own products and you get to keep
one hundred percent of the profit right
which can be difficult for a lot of
people that are just getting started in
the home-based businesses or online
business is having to deal with product
development having to learn the skill
set to develop the product and then
learning website design skills and
copywriting skills and email follow-up
skills and a lot of different skills
that come along with starting a online
business in a home-based business so
what I did was I started with affiliate
marketing I've actually got a video that
i will give you at the end of this video
once you finish it that explains a
little bit more about affiliate
marketing for beginners and how to
exactly get started with affiliate
marketing in this video I'm going to
show you how to promote an affiliate
product and what I did is I did a simple
Google search to show you how big
market really is if you go to google and
type in how big is the affiliate
marketing market and there was an
article that pulled up as you can see
here and it's estimated that in the next
five years the affiliate marketing arena
the market size is going to grow to 8.6
billion dollars at least over the course
of the next five years or so so this is
something that you can definitely
capitalize on it's not something that's
going to work here in 2017 and 2018 it's
going to work in two thousand 19 20 21
22 so it's something that still if you
want to get started with it right now
you could benefit hugely from it I've
been able to leverage affiliate
marketing for the past three years and
promote digital products online not
having to worry about overhead not
having to worry about shipping a product
not having to worry about creating
websites plugging into gurus and experts
that already know about affiliate
marketing and leverage their websites
leveraging their systems and leveraging
their products so the idea here is to
either promote something that you're
passionate about being affiliate or
learn a new skill set like I did learn
you know online marketing you know I
knew a little bit about baseball I
played baseball in high school a little
bit in college and I knew some about
something about pitching right teaching
other pictures how to become better
pitchers how to add five miles per hour
to the fastball and I was 18 years old
but I didn't know exactly how to take
all that knowledge in my head and put it
in a format that's easy to digest and
understand for people and easy to market
and that was difficult not not to
mention the courage that I had the
muster up to just get on video in the
first place and talk about my skill set
in what I knew about pitching right so
there's these obstacles that people deal
with trying to create their own products
trying to get started in the online
marketing space or the home-based
business space and the best way to get
started guys is in fact affiliate
marketing now that's going to be my
opinion because I have personal results
with it just in the past 10 months
own I've been able to generate over two
hundred thousand dollars in commissions
with in affiliate marketing and within
this space just by promoting digital
products that teach people how to build
a business online and I've been able to
take my trade for other products on
Clickbank calm health products you know
weight loss products physical
supplemental products because I'm very
into fitness as well so really pick
something that you're willing to learn
or pick something that you're passionate
about and then obviously document your
journey and your progress towards your
passion whatever that is or towards what
you're learning and that's how you
generate an income so now that you've
picked a product now that you've picked
a market right now that you know what
affiliate marketing is you pick that
product you pick that market now we need
to learn how to get traffic to that
product right we need to learn how to
get customers in the front door we need
to learn how to get eyeballs to your
website and the best way to do that
right is to simply just document
documenting you don't have to plan you
don't have to create videos like these
and like pre-plan everything until you
get some experience if you go to my
youtube channel you're going to notice
that I've documented my progress from
day one in my affiliate marketing
business and that's how I generate a
large percentage of my revenue a large
percentage of my income is just by
simply documenting my progress I'm not
something that anybody can do right pick
up the phone in the morning your
smartphone shoot a video talking about
what you learn in your affiliate
marketing business what you did
yesterday maybe it's a weight loss
journey that you're going through and
it's a product that you purchase maybe
it's a book that you read right but of
course you want to make sure that that
products going to pay you large
commissions what you do is you purchase
the product right you go through it if
it's a weight loss product you become a
testimonial dot product and then you
document your journey on YouTube on
facebook on Twitter on Instagram on
snapchat on periscope you use these
platforms and you document
right your journey towards your your
specific goal and that makes the you
marking that product and your
positioning a lot stronger so that's the
easiest formula to follow that's the
formula that I've I followed now you're
probably wondering okay once you
cultivate this culture once you build
this following of people right as you're
documenting your journey how do you
monetize it how do you make money from
it well you want to learn you want to
use what's called a sales funnel right
and a fellow sauna was simply just three
steps so like for example in the
description of this very video there's
going to be a link you're going to be
able to click that and you'll be sent
through a sales funnel right you're
going to be able to learn a little bit
more about affiliate marketing how I've
been able to leverage affiliate
marketing a travel the world and and
work part-time and make a full-time
six-figure income right you're going to
be able to learn that and that's all
automated once you click the link below
you're going to go with go to what's
called the capture page you're going to
enter your information your email
address that's gonna be logged into
what's called an autoresponder so that I
can just follow up with you through
email right so you can learn a little
bit more about me and the products that
I offer and then you'll go to what's
called a bridge page right or a pre-sell
page that's where you learn a little bit
more about me and my story and how I got
started with a specific product you're
going to learn more about on the page
after that bridge page which is the
sales page simple three-step process so
what I've done now is I've cultivated I
built the swaddling right by documenting
my journey through YouTube through
Facebook through snapchat through
Instagram and other social media
networks right then I take those people
I monetize by sending them to my website
right which can be a web site of an
affiliate company that you're with you
mean have to create this website which
is awesome you have to worry about any
of the technical skills that a lot of
people tend to come across you know they
spend two years creating a website and
they don't even need a website right in
the past three years of me marketing
online I've had about two or three
people ask me for my website
believe it or not because I I think the
purpose of that is is that my income
speaks louder than just having a website
right there's more proof with just
showing income and documenting than just
having a website right so I think people
overvalue a website I think it's
important once you start curating
content once you start obviously
providing more value out there the
marketplace but it's not essential to
get started right so what we've done is
we built the following we sent them to a
cells process and then that sales
process does autumn does all the selling
and telling automatically for me and for
you so it's great a large percentage of
my cells of my traffic of the people to
get my businesses are from YouTube so
it's really starting with one method
it's mastering that method it's
documenting your journey and then once
you do that once you start building up a
subscriber base of following and once
you are consistently giving value to
people then you can monetize it through
of course the description and YouTube
through your post on Facebook through
private messaging through Instagram
posts your description and Instagram
from your your profile on instagram and
I've got tons of resources inside of the
system that you're going to get access
to if you do decide to click that link
in the description would be glad to have
you as a part of my team to help you get
started the right way and start
marketing so with that said that's my
number one home based business idea for
2017 and beyond its digital marketing
its affiliate marketing it's about
leveraging other people's products to
build your brand to build a culture to
document your journey and then monetize
that through affiliate product so if you
want to know the number one affiliate
product that I promote click the link in
the description now don't forget to
subscribe to this channel like share
comment you got any questions you got
some value from this video comment below
don't forget to give me a thumbs up and
share the
with somebody that can get some value
from it and again if you want to see
that video that I created previously
about affiliate marketing for beginners
it's going to be at the end of this
video about right now and lastly again
do not forget to subscribe I got kind of
cool resources things on testing right
now in my business that are working that
I'm giving to you one hundred percent
for free so with that said this is josh
elder from josh elder com signing off
and we'll see you in the next video

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