
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

How He Went From $0 To $50,000 Per Month Affiliate Marketing #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How He Went From $0 To $50,000 Per Month Affiliate Marketing

I fucking I don't know why it seems so
oh you know what click start stream in
the wrong thing previous room I just
started mine ok cool
we're we are live I believe okay cool
hey what's up YouTube this is Ryan
Hildreth here with Anthony Alfonso a
student of mine have literally seen him
go from making zero dollars to 50k a
month he's making just as much as me
just from affiliate marketing so I
wanted to bring him on here kind of
share his transformation share his
expertise and you know hopefully he can
teach you guys a few things and inspire
you to get into affiliate marketing so
what's up Anthony you wanna let me make
sure everything's good yeah can you hear
me pretty good yeah yeah I just turned
on my stream too man oh god yeah just
feel free to like ask it and ask me any
questions and yeah I just turned on my
stream so it's kind of delayed and P I
guess people are starting to jump in and
yeah any questions man feel free to ask
me and yeah let's answer questions and
Q&A and man the journeys been crazy I
got some comments saying black screen
let's see alright what's up everybody um
maybe we can see me now make sure mine's
good minds get on my end we're good over
okay cool alright just a second guys
Anthony is getting his camera together
and then we're gonna jump right into it
if you are watching a replay of this go
ahead and skip ahead a couple minutes
we're gonna wait for people to get in
here and we'll jump right into it let's
see we go alive everything is ready to
go and then my stream messes about what
are the odds of that
it happens alright but best part
possible at least you know we're doing
it live people can jump in and see
so yeah I'm just gonna look at some of
the questions for right now until you
jump on we had it's great a few people
in here modern millennial what's up Mike
yo what's up schism flat earth
revolution Abdullah J ste what's up
alright we got about 65 people in here
yeah you know what my stream is messing
up but hey can you see me no I can't see
you really yeah that's weird turn your
turn your video back on earlier yeah
there we go let's just run the stream
from your channel and yeah man we're
already live people are probably asking
questions and yep yeah but can you send
me pretty good
yeah see you perfect perfect man all
right so you jump right into it um so
yeah Anthony just kind of tell your
story how you started off with affiliate
marketing and maybe how you got to 50k a
month which you was just a recent goal I
think you just hit and you're
potentially gonna hit 60 K this month
which is a new record for you yeah it'll
be a record-breaking month so hey
everybody I'm Anthony Alfonso if you
don't know me I do affiliate marketing
cpa marketing they're both pretty
similar the only difference is is that
cpa I view it as more of a higher form
of marketing and you're mostly focusing
on paid traffic Facebook Ads Google Bing
ads and essentially I started about a
year ago and I went from making nothing
to you know this month I'm gonna hit
potentially 60 K and if you guys are
familiar what cpa marketing and networks
you've probably heard of max bounty cash
network and EPC boss i mean the list
goes on but if we look right now i'll
just show you on my screen yeah show
that there we go let it focus a little
bit more alright guys if you could see
that forty nine thousand three hundred
eighty seven dollars this month that
anthony has made through affiliate
pretty crazy a pretty crazy growth to
see go from I just want you guys know so
I mean I started I mean I was making
zero in the beginning and my whole goal
when I started was to become a super
affiliate and to me I mean that goal was
like I didn't think it existed to be
honest I just thought like people would
like fake screenshots and I thought I
thought there was something more about
it but what helped me is that I was
putting in 18-hour days on this whether
it was learning how to build a funnel
learning how to build email marketing
and so you know one thing I want to
touch base on you know for everybody
tuning in is a lot of people talk about
what they made but no one talks about
what the return on the investment was so
you see so far I'm at forty nine
thousand and four hundred today I'll hit
over 50k by Sunday I should probably get
to 60k but if you want to talk about my
return on my investment by Sunday I'll
probably be at about thirty three
thousand thirty four thousand profit
after ad spend so that's something you
know I just want to touch base on is
that you know no one really talks about
what their real ROI is and like so if
you spend a hundred bucks and you make
300 bucks you made $200 profit so you
know if anyone was curious like what my
ROI was that's what I'll potentially
make by Sunday so yeah any questions in
the live stream you know we're gonna be
answering them and I'll give you guys my
person my perspective on how I do
something Ryan will tune in and Brian's
got some questions for me
well you know how the journey was how I
got started and essentially it was just
driving like there is no plan B and um
you guys if you guys are following or
following my channel you guys know i
ryan interviewed me a few months back
and at that time you know goes 1015 k
and it was crazy how just a couple small
tweaks to your campaign how much money
you can actually make and I kind of I've
gotten to the point to where I feel with
a campaign if you're getting started an
affiliate marketing CPA and you're
making $100 a day and you're making $500
a day if you can make $500 a day you can
make $1000 a day and if you can make
$1,000 a day you can make 2002 me you
know getting to where I'm at
it was just a huge mind shift for me
because I was kind of scared to spend
money you know I didn't want to scale
too big too fast and then just lose so
that was like you know the last couple
months I've just been focusing on
because if you guys are into affiliate
marketing cpa it's kind of like a secret
society no one talks about it no one
talks about scaling on no one knows how
to truly scale depending on what traffic
source you use but yeah just feel free
to ask any questions and you know Ryan's
got some for me and then I'd love to
answer everybody's questions yeah we'll
definitely do a QA at the end of this
but for now Anthony did you have where
did you start out did you start out with
free traffic like or did you start off
straight with paid traffic maybe talk
about a previous campaign you did maybe
give the people an idea of what you can
affiliate market what products or
services can you affiliate market what
are the what is the potential out there
yeah you know um so when I first got
started I did youtube affiliate
marketing so what you know my first true
affiliate Commission was making a review
video on YouTube on my youtube channel I
made $100 sale all for YouTube and it
was like all free traffic off Jason just
based off of a review and to me like
once I saw that then I was like wow I
really made $100 off the sale off making
YouTube video and then that's when the
drive started to come to learn more and
more but just so you guys know like what
kind of offers was i running in the
beginning and I kind of turned me out
running paid advertisement so one of the
main campaigns you know I joined a
couple companies and I promoted the
companies but besides promoting the
companies if you guys are familiar with
pier fly one of the campaigns I got
initially started was one on a Clickbank
and then one on pier fly and I started
running it was a 90 cent email summit so
anytime someone signed up I got paid 90
cents but I negotiated to get a dollar
turn right around there for every email
and I started running that via Facebook
Ads leveraging viral videos for that
campaign so if you want to know the
steps essentially in the beginning I set
up a Facebook
people from Facebook to a landing page
from a landing page to the offer and
then that was my very first CPAC PL
campaign getting into the networking it
was really really cool setting up my
first campaign I mean it's once you
finally set up your first Bono first
landing page it's like it's really it's
really uh
I loved it so yeah oh yeah I don't know
if that answers your question but yeah
yeah I don't live i watch them like once
a week so I bear with me so far on the
live stream they're not I hope I can
give you guys a lot of volume but you
know I know some people there I want to
say this so this is like an important
question I want to touch base on yeah so
you want to quit your job you want to
make a full-time income
affiliate marketing cpa marketing and i
asked myself that question and the way I
figured out that how to answer that
question was what did I want to make
daily to be comfortable to make money
full-time from home and I kind of
reverse engineered a game plan so if
your game plan is to make $500 a day
profit well then what you want to do is
eventually you want to be at the point
where you're spending $500 a day on ads
and then you know you may be making a
hundred to five hundred dollar profit so
that was something like a big mind shift
for me was you know spending money and
like my income goal was like a thousand
a day and then you know I had a reverse
engineer it's just yeah I don't know if
that answers anybody's questions but um
yeah Ryan just throw there's some
questions that me yeah definitely know
everybody know it's all good it's crazy
to see your growth and something you
said on the income goal I think that's
important for anyone new here that's
getting into building a business online
is to have that goal because once you
hit that goal then you can kind of say
okay I I have the formula that it took
to get to that goal now what's my next
goal and kind of let's build from there
and you said $1000 a day I have this
thing a thousand a thousand dollars a
day keeps the nine-to-five away you know
essentially you're making that much
money that's that's a pretty good
lifestyle to be able to
you know continue with the business pay
for your expenses and kind of put away
for savings - so - yeah or you're gonna
say what one thing I want to touch base
on for people getting started on you
know Facebook Instagram whatever traffic
source you want to use to start making
money from always remember every year
cost is gonna go up Facebook's gonna
roll out new changes just like they did
today you're rolling after using chat
BOTS like I know a lot of people use
chat bots on Facebook Ads
for affiliate marketing so just have to
roll with the punches and then adapt to
all of the changes so just keep that in
you know affiliate marketing is not dead
if you know how to track properly and if
you know how to set up like a psychology
of a funnel is what I say you know if
you're promoting a doggone offer on
Facebook Ads you have to pre-sell the
audience before they even make it to
your landing page and then also if
you're using a chat bot pre-sell them
and the chat bot what they're gonna
expect when they leave facebook so they
have a general general idea what your
phone was gonna say so then they can
follow the steps and you can make a
higher chance of the commission so just
keep that in mind when you're building
out your campaigns and roll with the
punches with Facebook and one big
takeaway is building a team and I you
know I want to stress the importance of
this because that's what I had to do
essentially me myself I was at you know
five hundred thousand dollars a day I
was stuck there for a little bit but
what I started to do was I started to
build a team I started to hire people to
run different aspects of my business and
that's what's helped me grow and you
know I don't have many people helping me
but just two people helping me but you
know I had to take that leap in order to
get further and I just hired two people
to help me with different aspects of my
business mm-hmm one thing I wanted to
ask you as well is so I see a lot of new
people that get into affiliate marketing
or doing this with paid advertising what
they do is they will put set up an
advertisement that will run straight to
an affiliate link instead of a landing
page with the offered it can you do that
or is it important to have the landing
page with your offer
instead of
you know putting the affiliate link in
the paid in the paid advertisement which
I see a lot of people do so you know
some this is like a very important
question the answer so I want to say two
aspects of that question with Facebook
yes you can direct link and but if you
direct link off of Facebook you have to
use software to cloak your link now
that's one aspect but I love focusing on
aspect number two what aspect number two
is is to have a landing page send people
from Facebook to your landing page but
more importantly if you're using
leadpages or WordPress by domain go to
Namecheap or GoDaddy spend eight to ten
dollars and then mask your affiliate
link master domain your click funnels
domain your landing page domain mass
that domain with that domain you buy for
eight to ten dollars one if you have a
tracking software you're gonna be able
to track but the flip side of that if
you just try to replicate from Facebook
hypothetically option number one
you have a chatbot an autoresponder
Facebook's gonna see that they're
eventually they're gonna block that link
and then mark your message sent to the
customer as spam option B Facebook's
gonna eventually catch win that your
direct linking and then they're just
gonna bang your attic on yep so the safe
bet is to send to a landing page but
I've kind of developed a scaling method
and you're gonna have to have your pixel
placement perfect through your entire
funnel if you're gonna want to scale
from two to five hundred dollars a day
to a thousand dollars a day what good or
why so you have to have a landing page
to have your pixel placement perfect so
just keep that in mind in terms of
scaling make sure you have pixels on
your lander on the offer through your
entire phone that's awesome so yeah
don't directly guys like you're gonna
get a shit shut down and yeah be careful
doing that we've all made the mistake of
direct linking at first and you know
Facebook will crack down on you
eventually you might be able to get away
with it for a little bit a little bit
but you know they always come in another
question I wanted to ask you is how
important is an email list with
affiliate marketing oh man
so I'm gonna give you guys an example so
I was running a Facebook ad one day and
the next day my I was having issues with
my fan page so the fan page wasn't
working properly so I set up a new fan
page but when I set up a new fan page I
wasn't making any sales that day because
I had a setup new ads new fan page and
set that up but this is why it's
important to have an email list I sent
out a broadcast email that same day I
sent out a broadcast email like my
entire campaign is revolving around
building an email list and because I
sent out that one broadcast on the slow
day I made 1,000 it was like 962 a
thousand so I essentially made 1k profit
from sending out one email and to me
that was just a blessing it was gonna it
was like a Friday Friday I mean it was
gonna be a really good day but you know
system should happen in the morning and
I had it fixed and I just sent out an
email broadcast one email broadcast
generated me 1,000 so building an email
list is a hundred percent if you can
build an email list and I'm building an
email list it's gonna help you with
scaling in the long run so make sure
you're building an email list especially
if you're gonna want to scale in the
future yeah I look at it as an asset to
your business you know especially with
the online world like that is an asset
if you have a large email list that's
that can be leveraged not only for your
own business but maybe others other
affiliates or other business owners
might want to pay you to leverage your
lists so always important to build the
email list any advice for you know the
new people getting into this maybe they
never even heard of this kind of work
what's the best way to get started I
guess yeah so if you're a beginner a
hundred percent recommend starting on
YouTube now I'm not gonna say YouTube's
gonna change your life
but YouTube's gonna to help you make an
educated opinion on what training
courses to buy and what level of
experience you feel that you're at so
that was one thing for me I just I went
through YouTube in the beginning but you
know I'll be straight up no matter what
how many YouTube videos you go through
you're still not gonna know the golden
nuggets so what its gonna take to make
your first you know five hundred dollars
a day
today and I'm talking about via paid
advertising or someone strategies into a
free traffic so if you're a beginner I
recommend this do as much as you can
with YouTube now don't waste time with
bullshit jvzoo Clickbank and what's that
other one you do to me
don't waste the time with bullshit
courses for that you know you spend
twenty fifteen dollars on coz I've done
I spent fifteen dollars and you know 40
bucks on training courses and they were
garbage yeah and I mean everyone you can
learn a different perspective from
everybody and you know I was grateful
that I still went through it but at the
same token I would just focus on free
traffic if you're a beginner focused on
free traffic today you have enough to
spend a thousand from the free traffic
you've generated so if you're just a
beginner and you want to make money
start making YouTube videos relative to
something you're interested in or do
reviews on YouTube or post them free
Facebook groups get value post your
affiliate link oh yeah posting your
third link can be effective I know a lot
of people do that to get started so yeah
I hope that answers anybody's question
who wants to get started and always
remember this invests in a mentor who's
at the level you want to get to so let's
just say personal branding if you know
someone who's making 10,000 a month on
personal branding and you're making zero
dollars a month that person can
potentially teach you exactly you know
the steps that they took to get to
10,000 a month so always remember that
in terms of you know if you want to get
to one place to the next let me you know
I'm at you know I'm gonna hit
potentially 60 K by the end of today
I'll be probably at 51 K I look at it
like this for me to pay someone to coach
me mentor me and teach me I'm gonna have
to pay someone a thousand dollars an
hour to talk to me or I'm gonna have to
pay someone and I have paid someone I
have K P I have paid people a thousand
dollars an hour just to talk to me just
so like tell me I'm tell me I'm doing
something stupid you know just to review
and mastermind within yeah honestly it's
just the best investments I've made in
myself is willing to to invest in a
coach a mentor and training courses so
yeah I use you to learn as much as you
can but just be ready to invest in
yourself if you're gonna or if you don't
want to better than yourself you'll just
waste my
until you finally try to figure
something out so it's like do you want
the shortcut or do you want to spend two
months to figure it out
and uh I hope that answer is anybody's
question man that's some pretty good
advice man cuz that would be the same
advice I would give to someone new too
because that's kind of how we did it
right like I remember you know when I
was maybe 20 or 21 and I was just going
out partying I may be spent - 300 bucks
on drinks and going out but when I
decided that hey you know I want to I
want to build a business I want to start
generating some income online schools
not gonna teach me that where can I go
to learn and that's when I started
spending you know two to three hundred
dollars on courses instead of going out
and drinking and doing that kind of
stuff so pretty good I really like that
advice Anthony let's go ahead and pull
up the QA I'm gonna pull up the screen
right here
questions yeah let's let's hop in and
give a ton of value and see you know see
what everybody's questions are yeah
let's do that
okay let's see what we got here
okay um let me make this a little bit
bigger real quick all right so I know if
we have any question here Abdallah says
it's legit man sky's the limit what was
your what was your budget when you first
started yeah so budget in terms of Bo
what I started spending so to me I tell
my students I tell people I work with
and me personally I like to start my
facebook ad budgets at $30 a day now if
you're running Facebook ads or you're
running Bing ads you're gonna have to
split up your campaign ends and multiple
ad sets while you're testing so I kind
of look at it on a seven-day spectrum so
if you're gonna spend if you can afford
to smoke then you know 850 bucks a month
810 bucks a month set your budget for
about 30 dollars a day and know that
within seven days within a typical pay
period and a CPA network your goal is to
get break-even on two hundred and ten
dollars or have a slight profit but if
you can break even and then build an
email list that an email list is gonna
pay back 10x fold if you can break even
on a campaign but then while you're
breaking even you know what you're
you know what you can scale up on so my
first initial initial even on campaigns
today when I was testing on the campaign
I started at $30 a day so I hope that
helps anyone determine like how much
they should spend not for sure
yeah and it's good like you said look at
what is your budget and then kind of
break it down in a daily increment from
there and you and guys you don't don't
be afraid to start off with the lowest
but you know five dollars a day if
that's all you can work with you know
what I mean at least you're generating
some leads if anything you're getting a
few emails for your list so yeah one
thing to think about is that if you can
if you can do $10 a day the only
difference is from someone spending $30
a day and someone spending $10 a day the
person spending $30 a day is just gonna
be able to get more data faster and more
pixel data faster more emails so at $10
a day yes it can work I have a friend of
mine spending $10 a day he made his
first sale I mean it's exciting to see
like making a sale spending $10 a day so
just some you know know what you can
spend daily but most importantly if you
can spend $5 a day or $10 a day try to
at least spend whatever you can spend
for at least 14 day and a couple weeks
yep Serbian said will this be on your
channel later yes it will be it'll be
posted right after we get off this how
much does building a team cost you per
month so that's a great question so what
I did with my team is I set everybody up
on Commission base and that's what I
wanted to do and so that pretty much
incentivizes them to if I can reach X
amount of sales in a day then they know
that they make X amount of income in
that day so if the profit is lower that
day then they just don't make as much
profit that day I pay them within seven
days so they we know what we're gonna
spend for seven days well I know what
I'm gonna spend for seven days and they
have an idea on what I'm gonna spend so
as long as we can beat that then they're
gonna make an income off of it for sure
let's see how do you start as a 14 year
oh that's a great question starting at
14 I would recommend starting a YouTube
channel and yeah just start a YouTube
channel and stop maybe sign a book like
Amazon Associates or be an Amazon
affiliate of like certain products video
games or whatever your interests are
yeah just find what you're passionate in
and see if they have an affiliate
program for someone who's 14 and can
potentially get in it and maybe if you
can build enough audience at 14 you can
strike up brand deals and you know do
page shout outs for people I mean
there's so many ways you could go if you
were 14 and you were just focusing on
free traffic yeah definitely do you know
any uh affiliate networks that have
video games on there I don't know I
don't know of any uh Clickbank and I
believe click better they had this I
think it pays out twenty dollars per
sale um cook Bank and cook better there
you go and you can you can always type
in on Google you know affiliate
marketing games you know to be hidden
and they're a whole host of websites
will show up for you
grant says how does it work we just
explained it in the whole video just
kind of go back in the video someone
says what is this guy's name on social
media so I'll link that in the
description but do you want to give them
your social media right now if you guys
look me up
Anthony Alfonso I have a youtube channel
just I'll just comment and say what's up
to everybody so if there you go well
yeah I'm checking out the comments too
guys so yeah we're gonna make sure we
answer all your questions so you know I
don't want anyone like leaving we're
like they feel like I missed their
question or you know cuz I'm here to
answer them right now and like give a
ton of value yeah and we'll be doing
more of these you know I want to do a
live stream at least once a week so
maybe we check back in in a in a week or
two and kind of see you know if there's
any more people that have questions but
someone said I missed the stream what
type of offers does he promote Amazon
software Clickbank or a mix yeah so as
far as offers I promote my favorite
vertical is potentially offers
work the best
they're just another niche but as far as
vertical I would say skins my favorite
you can use advertorials and you can get
pretty aggressive with them on Facebook
if you do it right and on being being
preferably but um that's not the only
vertical I run and I run in a few others
but that's by far been my favorite
vertical to running nice nice email
autoresponders what do you recommend
stick with a weber but depending on your
budget no chance free for the first two
thousand email subscribers so keep that
in mind I personally like to use a a
weber get response is okay but yeah
those are the top dog email responders
you guys can use nice yeah I use I use
click funnels action etics
come combined with SendGrid probably not
the cheapest option but I just like to
keep everything in one so that's what I
use and J yes Anthony does offer I'm
pretty sure you offer consulting do you
offer consulting currently right now I
am NOT offering any consulting but if
you guys add me on Facebook you know
shoot me over your question if you have
a question and I'm aiming on April
opening back up consulting and working
one-on-one I used to do it about four
months ago but I kind of missed donut
and chatting with people and singing
because everybody's at different stages
in the journey for sure for sure Andrew
said should I create a YouTube video a
day to see growth Andrew I think you
should I think the more content you put
out the better chance you have at
getting some traffic what do you think
Anthony yeah I would say the same thing
with YouTube the most important aspect
is just consistent it consistent to see
so we have put out one video a day and
one thing I would recommend is so you
don't get burnt out just plan out your
video seven days in advance like what
your hook line is gonna be what your
thumbnail gonna be just planting it all
out in advance and um I have trouble
with that I slack on YouTube with voting
out too many videos yeah for sure
alright we'll do this last question then
we'll get going how long did it take you
to optimize your campaigns to reach a
larger audience
it's without wasting much money on
converting into sales um so the best way
to answer that question it's two ways
one if you're gonna promote an offer if
your budget is slow run a dollar or
three dollar payout because then you can
get the most out of a lower budget but
if you're trying to convert a fifty
dollar sale a hundred dollar sale be be
ready to spend so if an offer page you
fifty bucks
be willing to spend three to five
hundred bucks just to test that right in
the beginning it can take a little bit
to get going so just 10x be ready to
spend a lot um as far as how long did it
take to optimize my campaign probably
about three weeks I would say three
weeks to optimize my campaign awesome
awesome man well yeah okay I guess what
we'll end it there we'll conclude it
there if anyone had any questions I
didn't get to make sure to just either
reach out to Anthony or me if you join
my new Facebook group I'll probably
throw that in a link to I can answer
some your questions but yeah Anthony any
last words do you want to give any lots
of yeah I guess my last words would be
stay humble stay hungry and just
remember um hypothetically right now if
you're thinking about doing affiliate
marketing if you're thinking about
trying to make money right now there's
someone on the whole other side of the
world who's already taken action moving
out a phone today yeah so just take
action with it and if you if you lose
money in the beginning you're buying
data so you're never really losing money
so just be willing to you know take a
couple losses in the beginning to start
to get the profit in the end so as you
know you know it's it's not easy to get
started in the getting but I mean no no
no I hope that helps anybody like really
trying to get started hey Jay
I appreciate Jay Steven Jay C Allen Don
everybody in the comments asking
questions I appreciate it all you guys
just jumping in and chatting with us
yeah awesome man well I appreciate you
jumping on the stream we'll definitely
do this again to get you know answer
some more questions I'm sure there was a
lot that people are still wondering but
you know hey that's why we jump on these
live streams so I'm cool all right
Anthony well I will talk to you later
all right talk to you later everyone
have a good day

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