
Sunday, March 29, 2020

How I Got 10,000 Instagram Followers In 13 Days! (Secret Sauce #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How I Got 10,000 Instagram Followers In 13 Days! (Secret Sauce)

what's going on guys welcome back to
another video in today's video I'm going
to show you how me and a buddy of mine
grew an Instagram accounts - well we
actually grow to 16,000 people but we
grew our just in the last 13 days over
10,000 real followers and an outline
what we did but just a bit of a
disclaimer that I did not do this myself
I outsource this to someone I noted
someone that knows how to do this
properly I just simply did have time to
do this sort of stuff so I'm going to
take you through what he did and how he
got this account and why are we building
this account - lots of our followers and
the real reason is because it makes good
money and we'll I'll explain the money
and stuff at the end of this video so
stay tuned because a lot of people get
it all wrong and they try and make money
the wrong way with the Instagram all
so as you can see here we'll jump into
some steps right now so actually in the
last just today alone social bladers are
working anymore so were using another
step thing we you sign that blog and put
on your account and it signs in through
your account so today we went from 14th
well 15,000 to 16,000 500s have gone up
1500 today the last week we have done
the last week we've gone from 11,000 to
16,000 the last month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 so it's actually the reason
it hasn't in the last month is when I
just started using this back of this
date so yeah the last 13 days of 13 14
days we've gone from 4,000 to or 5,000
to 16,000 before the third before the
5,000 we were testing a lot of things so
it grew quite slowly but yeah as you can
see we have big days and low days the
low days we were testing a few things
but we've kind of got a lockdown now so
we're getting up to between 1,000 to
3,000 a day really depending on how
viral our stuff goes all right so yeah
that's how we grow our debt this is the
arm stats of this particular account and
a lot of people being asking us like in
facebook groups how do people do this
how do people get to hundreds and
thousands of followers now well I'm
gonna tell you exactly how in this video
and here's the account but I blanked out
some information obviously because we
want to keep this I love it some people
do know about this but we don't want to
get spammed with any garbage so 30,000
profile views in the last seven days
which is a little bit lower than we
wanted we are going to get that uh
pervert but we just had some issues but
I'll talk about that in the end of this
video because that's how you make all of
the money now and then his or his some
steps I'm sorry we went back to the
other one here's some steps of the
particular videos that we did so explore
paid one hundred thousand there we're
getting website clicks which don't
really matter profile visits that's what
we really want profile visits 1900
interactions like heaps of comments a
heaps of likes heaps of views heaps of
saves right so these are just cranking
along nicely and the stuff like this is
what's getting us the followers so how
did we do how did my mate do this I
should say I'm paying him to do this he
I he also outsource to him and it's his
job he does this every day so first of
all you have to understand the algorithm
he's told me everything he does um first
of all the only way to get lots of
followers and to go viral is to get on
the explore page you have to go on the
explore page we're not going to get a
bunch of followers and likes and views
okay I mean you want to get a lot lots
of engagement the algorithm works on
engagement there's lots of other factors
but engagement is one of the main ones
so likes comments saves video views and
stuff like that really important that
like engagement is really the key to all
of this that's why small accounts really
have for them to grow and also don't do
like so some of you guys probably see my
arm one of my purpose is I have two
accounts so at the test account that I'm
talking about right now and I have my
personal brand account my personal brand
account I use a bot on that follow
unfollow don't do that on an account
that you're trying to grow virally
because if you do that the health of
your account goes down alright
only use follow unfollow bots if you're
doing it for a specific reason on my
personal brand I'm doing that because it
works for me on my other account that
would go they were making go viral I'm
not using any BOTS okay because it's a
bad idea you want to either do one or
the other
now video is really important guys okay
Instagram is loving video right now if
you go to the explore page this is the
one that are a snap should I just took
theirs only how many images there's one
image and one image back here and the
rest are all video video video video
Instagram is really going hardcore on
video especially since they just brought
out Instagram TV which is clearly
different to the explore page but
they're really focusing on video okay so
this is how it works guys step number
one you need to purchase what we call
power likes and activate them on your
profile okay so we get our power lights
from a place called feel Graham so let
me just get this down here fuel Graham
calm and you go to power likes and you
purchase power likes and you activate
them on your profile now guys this stuff
isn't cheap don't think hey how can I
grow my account for free I think I pay
like three dollars per post and we're
posting two to three times a day so
expect to be spending about 10 bucks a
day if you want to post three times
right the stuff we're not you know if
you want to get these secrets and grow
big we spend money to do this I'm
currently paying this guy over $2,000
per month to run my account but I make
that back easily within a few days I'll
tell you how so it's for me it's an
economical it makes sense economically
for me to do that for my business
because I make back that $2,000 pretty
quickly so you want to go to someone
like your Graham and purchase what we
call power likes okay this is what's
going to cause the engagement to go up
now you can go also go to comment groups
but I don't do that and you want to stay
away from order arounds all arounds
don't really work okay they're garbage
you want to be doing power likes okay
really important first of all you want
to go and find some power likes and you
want to activate them on your account
step number one
step number two guys is to go down you
want to install a repost app and find
potential viral videos by going to the
explore page you see what's kind of
going viral right now or go and look at
other people's profiles and see what's
being viral in the past and use good
captions and what I mean by good
captions guys is actually use good
captions it says here have you ever seen
a turtle this big can you know I guess
if this is real effects are like was in
my eye
comment below you want to get them to
comment okay you have to get them to
comment if you don't it's not going to
go viral this is one of the key steps to
making this work so we use power likes
and we use really good videos and we use
good captions now you are allowed to
reposted videos on Instagram and images
you're allowed to do that it's fair use
however you should credit where you got
that video from to this point via and
then put the profile that you got it
from okay it's only fear that you do
that's quite critical but try find the
original poster if you can so that's
that's what you've really got to do now
step number three is watch it grow but
archive if that doesn't go viral this is
where a lot of people seem to get a
little bit blindsided so you see all
these massive accounts growing but we we
archive the ones that don't go viral so
like oh man these guys must do you have
some secret method no we archive the
ones that don't work so you don't see
that right if we don't see that a video
has gone viral in 40 minutes we archive
it we don't delete it if you if you
delete them too much stuff in your
profile your Instagram profile health
goes down we archive it so it looks like
our profile is going super viral but
we're probably you know for everyone
that was posted we might have archived
at one or two okay so don't be like
don't have this illusion that everyone
is amazing on us again everything's
going viral
we do have ones that fail quite often a
case we just archive those ones and move
on to another video okay that's why I
pay someone to do this guy's for me
because it's kind of like a full-time
job like there's a lot involved that's
really you know a lot of people say
what's the secret man having it follows
head of Facebook Likes you put in work
dudes you put it work okay this stuff
doesn't come easy that's why I pay cuz I
can make their money back now the next
thing is a secret sauce this is the
thing that really gets our videos to get
millions of views now you can use images
guys but right now I would recommend
videos because they just work so the guy
that does this for me contacts big pages
and the DMS he slides into the DMS and
he asked them if he can be added to
engagement groups because few grams
great but there are actually groups out
there that you know because everyone's
using a few gram that kind of dilutes it
but or saturates it but if there's you
know some big pages will have secret
groups and when you get into those
groups and you get these big pages and
like him your stuff then you start to go
mega mega viral now I don't know
anything about this how to do this so
you have to jump up to Google and Google
how to do this stuff and find the groups
because I have no idea
I'm not an expert in any of that I'm the
expert of making money from the accounts
so what I want to talk about now is how
you can make money from these accounts
this is where I come in
this is where my expertise come in and I
get a lot of I've have she added quite a
bit of hate this week some people found
my profile said but Franklin you're
posting travel stuff why would what how
do you monetize this you because we're
posting travel videos and kind of like
weird viral videos how do you monetize
this first of all we don't go on to spam
links and the video spam links in the
profile or anything like that
right number one I want to build an
email list
I started this workflow on the 26th of
last month that's now the that the ninth
for me so it like what thirty two weeks
ago already got two thousand people on
the email list and what I'm gonna be
doing is selling them my products via
the email list I could sell them a
thousand dollar product two thousand
dollar product the five hundred dollar
product I warm them up and I can sell
them products whether it be affiliate
marketing products my own products it
could be Shopify products that's the key
so I don't really care what the face of
the what
the profile looks like what I'm gonna be
doing guys okay to make the money is
concentrating on this the retargeting
list I go to Facebook and I start a
Facebook ad teaching them how to start a
business or what I do is I do a free
video okay I am actually just didn't buy
one today I do a 16 minute video this is
what I'm doing right now on how to
create a business even though these guys
have no idea about business that we're
posting travel videos this video warms
them up there's no pitch no link
anywhere then this builds a retarget
list of people who have watched a 50% of
the video then I pitch those people with
my lead generation magnet where I
collect the email a Facebook ad where I
collect the email right so this is where
everyone goes wrong they concentrate on
the face of the profile although you can
have a link we do have a link on this
one but we're doing that to grow
competitions and actually it's another
thing guys to grow faster with do
competitions if you can but anyway we
are more concentrated on the retargeting
list okay I have one that's one hundred
and thirty thousand from comments and
engagement we have once in a million's
huge from video views but those don't
convert very well we have the profile
views those are the ones that convert
well and you can also sell via the story
which is what we do swipe up go on get
log go and put your email and we'll give
you some free training that's where the
money is that's where the power is if
you heard a Thai Lopez that's exactly
how he built an empire he actually used
power lights we know because we've seen
them in our power like groups obviously
pay someone to do it but that's how you
got there make money okay guys so how we
built this account to millions and
millions and millions of people millions
of people millions of impressions and
thousands of followers guys 10,000 real
followers in 13 days we know these are
real within making money from these guys
we have collected a email list of 2,000
people in under two weeks it's a
thousand people
and we're only just testing guys I'm
gonna be scaling this up to thousands
upon thousands upon thousands of leads
per week that are gonna make me
thousands of dollars possibly even seven
figures if we get this going correctly
right there's big money in this
Instagram is becoming huge but you have
to put a little a little bit of work
step one you're gonna purchase the power
lights that cost money okay number two
you have to install the app you have to
find potential viral videos that takes
time you have to do good captions third
you have to grow it and then archive it
if it doesn't go viral you're not going
to get every single video go viral or
image if you decide to use images
because that's not how it works if
that's how it worked
everyone will just be make getting
gazillions of followers and you know we
would be kind of like owning the
algorithm doesn't work like that and
still game still has the upper hand okay
plus you're competing with all these
other people that are trying to go viral
as well but the number one key right now
is video video is everywhere look look
at this video video video video video
video video video video video okay and
wind when you get there you know to 3000
followers a day it's because you end up
in this section this is the big-boy
stuff when your video gets in this
section you get thousands of followers
per day with seeing profiles collapses I
think I'm the guy that's growing my
account knows someone that's giving 30
thousand followers for per week okay so
yeah that's how you do it guys and then
you want to monetize these accounts by
doing by growing an email list by doing
retargeting Facebook retargeting ads so
you connect the Instagram as a business
account to your business page or your
business an account and Facebook and you
do ads to the people that viewed your
profile because they're cold there's no
point in trying to sell them on the
profile page no points at all zero we
tested it actually and we sent people to
this page and we got we run ourselves or
if you want to do that if you're really
impatient you can send traffic to Ally
and then do retargeting for people that
visited that page but I would highly
recommend you warm them up by doing
Facebook retargeting to this okay guys
so that's how we grew the account and
just make sure you also try and go into
engagement groups because that's really
what the secret sources the fioor gram
does great but to go mega viral and to
get thousands of people followers per
day you really want to get into those
engagement groups that's highly
important in this case all right guys
that's it for this video that's how you
grow big Instagram accounts there's no
secret go out there and Google stuff
research stuff read blogs watch videos
absorb all the information it starts
implement this stuff your South I'll see
on the next video
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