
Sunday, March 29, 2020

How I Made $300 PER SALE Selling This Drop Shipping Product! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How I Made $300 PER SALE Selling This Drop Shipping Product!

what's going on guys welcome back to
another video so this week I've been
moving house and I found a product that
I sold years ago I used to sell this for
$300 per sale so per item online and
made very very good money selling this
particular product what I want to do
today before I throw this product away
in the rubbish bin I wanted to go over
why I saw this product and you know I
also want to go about why I stopped
selling this product as well I've just
kind of helped you guys out with your
drop shipping stores and selling
products online so let's jump into my
office I've been setting up this new
recording studio here for you guys which
we're going to be doing in future videos
but let's go into my office and I will
tell you exactly what this product is
why I sold it why I stopped selling it
and why it was so unique to the market
back then and how you could possibly
make money with this item yourself now
the reason I love this item so much will
solve it back in the day is because you
can sell it for a higher price
okay I'm standing in two high ticket
items again you put it's pretty much
less work and more money because it just
takes the same effort to sell low priced
items and high priced items so let's go
into my office and we'll talk about this
product right here all right so some of
my longtime subscribers probably know
what this is because you know that I was
very and still I'm interested in this
niche I spend most of my life as a hobby
in this particular niche so what we have
here guys is what we call a fiberglass
fly fishing rod this is a three piece
fiberglass fishing rod now what I'm
gonna do first is we'll go over the
product I'll tell you a little bit about
the product and the story behind it then
we'll go inside my computer and I'll
show you some more cool stuff so this is
a three piece fiberglass rod and when I
actually bought these products I bought
them to test them because the story goes
guys is back in the day when I was
selling these
you couldn't dropship these because you
had to buy them in bulk from Alibaba so
I would buy bulk 20 30 at a time for
like 26 bucks these 50 bucks each and
they are selling for 300 so you could
imagine the price that sorry the imagine
the profit you make is really really
good and I'll tell you where I sold
these in a second so the the quality was
surprisingly very very good when I saw
this I when I got this particular
product in I thought
a horrible quality has the proper
fly-fishing arm guides and the proper
shape they it's just a really really
good product I actually tried to break
this and I can't break this particular
product this is a very very high quality
product from from China and it's got the
good proper cork on it the the real the
real seat is very very good as well and
this is a good quality of real seat this
is a an eight foot number five fly rod
so if you know anything about fly
fishing you'll know what that is okay so
that's the product now one of the main
reasons I got into this particular
product guys is because I love fishing
that's what I do and I've always said to
people when you start drop shipping or
selling products online if you don't
know what to sell always jump into a
niche that you know something about or
you're passionate about because it's so
much easier to sell particular products
and their niche when you know about the
product so yeah this is actually a
beautiful fishing rod I'm probably not
going to actually throw this away it's
great like I thought I can't fault this
particular product it's an amazing
product it's just so clean now the thing
about this guys when I was selling this
particular product nobody was selling
fly fishing rods now look at how much
you can sorry fiberglass fly fishing
rods look at how much you can actually
sell these for so these for proper
branded ones you're looking at three
hundred plus nine hundred four hundred
eight hundred nine hundred the thing
about this niche guys it's a very
passionate niche okay highly passionate
but one thing I hated about this niche
it's very very micro niche so you're not
going to sell a lot of these products
okay it's very hard to sell these at
mass because it's very micro nation
there's not a lot of people that are
interested in fiberglass fishing rods
I'm sorry fiberglass fly fishing rods or
fly fishing rods for that matter because
it's not a mess of niche so guys I'm
gonna explain to you what I did okay so
we'll put this down I'm like I just
can't believe like I haven't seen this
for a long time the quality is just
insane it's got a carry case three-piece
so anyway guys this is kind of what
happened so a long time ago I think I
was like four or five years ago way
before dropship was really a thing this
six or seven years ago now when I
started saying this I could only get it
from Aliexpress which was a problem so
this is le Express here now you could
order a minumum one-piece they've
actually changed it it used to be
different but that's usually a test
product after then you have to order a
bulk amount now that was fine but my
biggest problem was sending these from
New Zealand to America to the UK massive
shipping cost for me so it was a problem
so that was another problem it's another
reason why I stopped selling this
particular product so they did eat into
my margins a little bit but the thing is
now guys is you can actually get this
from Aliexpress this exact same brand
check it out this is the brand here okay
I don't if you can see that that brand
right there that is the exact same logo
on the screen right now you can drop
ship these now for 71 US dollars and
they do their duty packet they do a
packets or deliver and twelve decks
right so that's one problem solved now
you can get this from Aliexpress now how
do you how do they sell this how do they
make the money well I didn't use
facebook ads because it's really just
wouldn't work for this particular
product Instagram guys know the thing
about this when I was selling this
product it wasn't popular fly fishing
wasn't a thing online I should say fly
fishing was kind of like Titan you know
really tight-knit community kind of
middle middle age mental you know older
men but now we've got young people into
fly-fishing instagram has blowing it up
massively and i'm going to show you why
so what i did guys is they actually went
out and contacted just big trout fishing
pages okay but nowadays will get rid of
this so so these are kind of like some
trout fishing pages i would contact all
you're going to do guys is get one sale
a day
I think after shipping cost I was making
around about 150 on these at the time
profit one sailor there's 100 bucks per
net profit okay so these are this
general fly-fishing pages so we have 160
K 115 K here now these are just a few
pages I found there's probably way more
pages than this okay so you can find
lots and lots of fly-fishing pages all
did guys was take a photo of the rod I
would actually go fishing because I was
you know into fishing I still am but if
you're not into fishing all you'd need
to do is like take a photo of the rod
unlike a rock or something or just a
nice photo that's it and Instagram is
insane for selling products like this
and especially nowadays because
Instagram is making these types of
niches really popular if you look at
these they're growing here's another
Instagram page but more importantly
guides oh here's another one so this
literally so many but more importantly
guys it's getting so popular and you can
tell because there are people individual
people with private accounts 60 56,000
followers this one here 102 102 K
followers now I'm not saying go on
advertising these people are telling to
advertise your product it will be a
little bit more harder because their
personal profiles but this is to show
you that there is a big demand for
fly-fishing right now here is another
one and here is a another one okay so
let me just kind of clear things up here
guys and go over a few things on on on
this product ok number one it's a great
unique product it's very unique flat
fiberglass fly fishing rods are very
expensive if you want to buy branded
ones so this is a cheaper alternative it
is a popular niche on Instagram which is
really good you can now dropship this
particular product I still kind of got
over the quality of this you know when
you get like electronic products from El
Express you run the risk of you know
problems with that but there's no guys
you kind of any problems with this is
literally a fiberglass rod with some
steel eyes for the line that's it so the
attentions having problems with this
product a very very slim now the
downside of this particular products
guys is it's very micro niche it's still
quite micro niche I would say it is
growing but it's still quite micronesia
so you'd want to sell things like
fishing reels as well fishing flies
fishing fly tackle boxes fishing flight
packages other trap fishing stuff so the
general niche is trout fishing the micro
niche is fly fish so those are the two
niches you could possibly advertise this
now I'm not going to say
is gonna work for you this worked for me
years ago I haven't tested this for a
super long time but I'm sure a lot of
you guys are smart enough to figure out
that you can make quite a lot of money
on Instagram with this particular
product now what I would highly
recommend you do if you do if I decide
to go into a niche like fly fishing or
transition as go white label go brand it
Tess was a few drops shipping price but
if it's successful for you
you should definitely order and bulk and
get your own brand put on the product
this is this is the major key in a niche
like this it's all about branding myself
I only I'm not not really particularly
in trap fishing but when I do saltwater
fishing I only buy one product in that
Shimano I'm a very brand based person
when it comes to buying my fishing
products so you really want to go out
and brand the product or generally if
you have any type of winning product and
any niche you want to go brand it
obviously it's gonna cost a lot more
money to do that and you run the risk of
buying groups of all product doesn't
sell but if you're serious about making
money online with e-commerce then I
highly recommend you go Brandon so
that's it guys this is the product I
solve this for $300 sometimes more on
Instagram on these pages here where you
can literally contact them I've got
tutorials on how to contact these people
and just take a nice photo head get your
ecommerce store running your shopify
ecommerce store and you can go out and
you can now dropship these products
that's the best part guys is you can
actually drop ship this product now I
could not drop ship this back in the day
that was the biggest disadvantage of
selling this particular product so let's
take it down this is the products and
it's full glory right here beautiful
quality guys I still can't get over the
quality of this product it is insane
quality and a lot of people always say
hey you're shipping products from China
this is you know guys everything is made
in China if we think you can probably
grabs that this is made in China
this is China everything literally
mostly everything comes from China guys
so yeah you can sell products buying
from China and they are pretty good
quality this is actually quite a good
fishing reel as well I can see on that
these guys
now guys you can actually go to their
store okay and look at all of the other
products so you've got the you know the
fruit the lead and the lead lines this
is the lead line for the fly-fishing
you've got the the flies
you've got more more rods different
colors different variations you can go
up to here guys products and there is
literally hundreds of products that you
can sell you can stick to one supplier
and you can sell products our products
our products all right guys now if you
made it this far guys I just want to
know that obviously I can't fit all of
my ecommerce tutorials into one video I
actually just updated my course it's
about 80% updated I still have more to
add into this training are we actually
doing a massive relaunch soon and upping
the price but if you want to learn more
about how to start your own e-commerce
store how to sell products online and
you know you can now dropship these
products those products in particular
you don't have to pay anything for the
product you promote this product and
then when you get the money from the
person you go and pay the supplier and
they send the product out for you it's
very hands-off and really low-risk
business models so I take you through
guys how to set up your store sourcing
the products Facebook Instagram email
marketing facebook chat bot which is new
building our sales funnels which is new
and Google ads which is completely new
as well and then some also organic
traffic methods I take you through
literally how to style your own drop
something ecommerce store from start to
finish now the only reason I'm
mentioning it right now guys at the end
of this video it's because you're
obviously interested interested but once
this is fully updated 100% updated the
it won't be this it won't be the price
that is now it'll be much more expensive
because having much more content so
anyway guys I hope you enjoyed the video
I just thought it was quite interesting
there I still had this product made some
really good money with it back in the
day and who knows maybe this nation is
popular I do remember that these these
pages weren't this big way back in the
day obviously but I can see now that
this nation is quite popular nowadays if
you want to jump into my training guys a
link below and I'll see you in the next
video make sure you hit that like and
subscribe for more content when I
release it