
Friday, March 27, 2020

How I Promote Clickbank Products (FREE, FAST, No Website JUST YOUTUBE) #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How I Promote Clickbank Products (FREE, FAST, No Website JUST YOUTUBE)

hey guys what's going on Joshua elder
here welcome back to yet another video
in this video today I'm going to show
you how I promote Clickbank products in
a very fast easy and effective way so if
you're here for the first time on this
channel make sure that you slam that
like button because I'm always
delivering high quality consistent daily
value unique value teaching you how to
build a life and business full of
freedom passion and fulfillment so
please subscribe click that like button
and go ahead and take the bell icon
below to be notified of all future
videos that I upload when I upload them
and also if you're back to the channel
thank you for continuing to follow me
and support me and being a fan of me I
want to make sure that I'm listening to
you guys in the comments that are giving
me constructive criticism and I always
want to over-deliver and sort of improve
day by day and video by video so with
that said let's show you guys how I
promote Clickbank products but before we
actually get into the how-to stuff I
want to show you guys of course as
always that I practice what I preach I'm
in the trenches you know making money on
a Clickbank right now here's one of my
accounts I'm earning anywhere between
1,000 all the way up to about $2,000 a
week had recently a huge day last
Thursday May 3rd did over $1,000 there
and you really been maintaining between
you know a thousand to 2,000 bucks so
this is all part-time income this is
income that I make within a couple hours
every single night right now it's about
10 o'clock at night Mountain Standard
time this is when I do my work I'll
spend anywhere between thirty minutes to
about two hours working so there it
really is no excuses here if you've got
a full time job you want to do this
part-time you know you eventually want
to turn your part-time income into a
full-time you know business you have the
potential to do that you know anything
really is possible so go for your dreams
never quit persevere you know often
there's so many people out there
spouting off that you can make money
overnight that this little shortcut
tactic is the loophole secret to
building income online I've seen it all
you guys and the truth is is you guys
have to have the willpower to keep going
and keep persevering even when you don't
like creating content even when you
don't feel like working on your business
because you worked at your day job right
the entire day I know what it's like to
come home and be drained of energy
because of my co-workers because of
customers because of people around me
sucking my energy from me but you got to
be willing to fight that for a certain
amount of time to get to a point where
you can really you know have this
business and have the leverage of this
business provides and be able to make
money like you know I'm able to make it
today and I'm not just limited to this
income I have many streams of income and
you guys can feel free to check out my
channel a little bit more into detail to
figure out exactly you know the details
of what I do
so enough for the motivation let's go
ahead and dive into the content what I
really want to do is give you a
refreshing point of view you know I find
that a lot of my you know viewers they
love to see over the shoulder kind of
live case studies of how I would pick a
product what I would be thinking when
I'm picking a product how would I
position that product how I would sell
that product how would I you know get
traffic to that product that's really
what I want to go over today so this is
gonna be raw real uncut non-scripted so
what we're gonna do first as always I'm
going to assume that you already have a
Clickbank account if you don't you can
go to clickbank com in the upper right
hand corner you can select create
account super easy to do just in case
you want to run through of it I will
post a link below that will show you how
to do that
but I'm guessing you're resourceful
enough to go out there and figured out
yourself right so I want to teach you
the stuff that isn't just found out
there on Google for free or on YouTube
for free until now so with that said
let's go to the marketplace that's the
first thing that we're going to do and
then we're gonna pick a category okay
what I would recommend that you do is
you start from the arts and
entertainment and just sort of click
category by category and see if there is
a product that catches your eye right
search you know first for what are you
you know really passionate about is that
the arts entertainment is it sports is
it fiction is it personal development is
it spirituality is it green products is
it health what is it right and if you
don't know what that
just start brainstorming start going
down the list and looking at these
different products and I always say sort
by either popularity or sort by gravity
and the reason why I say that is because
we want to promote products that are
number one of quality and number two
selling credibly well has good sales
alright and what we can do is before we
even pick a product is we want to check
out the affiliate page so this is what I
do I'm like okay what do they have for
me to make my marketing easier and sort
of improve the whole entire process so
it's more effortless right so there's a
bunch of different things for example
that this piano product offers you've
got cartoons for your website for your
blog promotional videos okay so we got
keywords for SEO and Google Ads so
that's like super good to have because
I'm going to probably want to promote a
product through SEO through you know
most likely YouTube or Google because
that's what I know really well and
that's what I know how to teach you guys
so what you really want to do is look at
these you know look at the affiliate
page that's what this is called and
usually you're gonna find the affiliate
page just by let me go back here just by
looking at the description of the
product and then you can see right under
that this is affiliate page so you want
to make sure that the product owner is
supporting us with the proper marketing
materials to help us sort of you know
Kate create results a lot quicker okay
now with that being said what we also
want to look at is we're going to look
at the average amount that we're gonna
make per cell and you can see right here
it's fifty nine dollars and forty nine
cents that's the average amount that you
will make throughout the whole entire
sales process right and what that means
is some product owners just have one
product that they sell in their whole
entire sales process aka their whole
entire funnel while other people will
have multiple products and upsells along
with the front end product and that's
why you'll see that this number right
here is different than this number right
here this number right here is what
you're going to make on the front end
the initial sell which is fifty six
dollars and twenty five cents and then
the average amount per cell is with you
know all the products the front end
products you know mid ticket product
back end products so on and so forth so
that's an average amount that you would
make when everybody else you know when
everybody completes the whole entire you
know sales process so that's another
good thing to look at are those two
things and then of course the gravity
score the higher the gravity score of
course like I said the better the
product sells so I typically look for a
gravity score between at least fifty to
a hundred right fifty at the least a
hundred is just solid it means that
there's at least a hundred affiliates
you know selling one of these you know
products per week or there's one
affiliate selling a hundred of these
products per week this specific product
right here so you can look at it two
ways but basically we know that hey high
gravity means that it's going to sell
really really well okay so what I would
do is just look through these different
products look at how much money you're
gonna make front end back end you know I
would typically say the average sale
amount this is solid anywhere between
thirty all the way up to a hundred
dollars plus per sells is awesome for
the average amount per sale so I'll
really pay attention to that and then of
course I want to make sure that this is
a product that hey I can really go out
there and promote long term and not get
tired of the promotion not want to quit
right because more often than not people
will look at how much money they're
gonna make and then they go to create
content around the product to promote it
and they just are not passionate about
it you know it's not something that they
get up every single day and want to jump
on their computer or jump on video or
write about you know on a blog or on
Facebook or post about anywhere online
so it's really got to be something that
you are kind of diehard about you know
you absolutely love so you know go
through the different categories find
something that meets those criteria
so let's go ahead and find one product
that does and this is one thing that I
did research before I you know went
ahead and shot this video is I've I saw
this app coin or mobile app now I
typically don't believe in in mobile
apps but just for the sake of this video
you know this could be a quality product
I don't know I would recommend that you
know before you go all-in with the
product and you look at the gravity
score you look at the average amount per
cell what the JV tools are with the you
know what the what they offer as far as
you know affiliate tools to help you
promote what I would look at in addition
to that is how much quality is there in
the product is the product of quality
does it actually help people is it
something that you can really go to
somebody go to one of your friends your
family members and look them in the eye
and say you need to buy this this will
change your life right you've got to be
that convinced if you're not it's not a
product that you should be promoting
okay so now let's get into the actual
promotion now that we've identified a
product and gone through this criteria
now we want to do is we want to go out
there and promote it so what I would do
is first look at the sales page I know
I'd start writing down some buzz words
some possible keyword phrases aka search
terms that people would type into Google
and YouTube to find this specific
product right here so what I would do is
I were to create a brand new text edit
I'm just gonna pull up a new one here
and what I would do is I'll just start
typing in these buzz words so right here
says get paid to test apps so very
simple I'm just going to type that in
first get paid to test apps and then
we're going to scroll down see if I can
find any other keyword ideas app coiner
which is the actual name of the product
that's always a good key or to go for
and let's see if there's anything else
okay maybe it's test apps online maybe
that's another one
kind of got that idea from just reading
this here choose an app to test and then
I just like spend you know 30 minutes
what else are you know people gonna type
in to try and find my my affiliate
product so you know I don't want to bore
you with spending 20 to 30 minutes to
brainstorm but let's just quickly
brainstorm some possible other keywords
let's see get paid to let's see get paid
from iPhone apps maybe alright let's see
let's see apps that make your money
iPhone apps to make money from and again
guys just like we're brain dump in here
spend 20 to 30 minutes to do this and
then after you do that we're gonna
assume that I have a lot of keywords
right you're gonna jump over to here to
YouTube and we're going to just start
typing in some of these phrases into
youtube search engine to get more ideas
so I would start typing in get paid to
test apps right get paid to test apps
okay so now we have get paid to test
apps then I want you guys to look down
here get paid to test apps android so
this is called YouTube's instant search
and I talked about it in a lot of my
videos but basically YouTube is telling
us what the market wants we've got to
get paid to test apps android get paid
to test apps on iphone so i would go
down here again and type in get paid to
test apps to test apps android get paid
to test apps on iphone i think that's
what it said okay and then what we'll do
is again we can go back and we could do
make money from make money from testing
apps okay see make money testing apps so
YouTube Instant Search is showing us
that people are typing that in and I'll
just continue different variations let's
type in apps that make you money cool so
that's one make you money fast apps that
make you money while you sleep check out
all these apps that make you money
iPhone apps that make your phone faster
right so that's not really relevant apps
that make you money 2018 so yeah apps
that make you you money 2018 apps that
make you money what was it apps that
make you money while you sleep so what
we're doing here guys is now we're
casting nets we're casting these little
traffic nets out there for these
specific search terms that people are
typing in on YouTube and then what we
would do is we would do like screen
share videos we can do personal head
talking videos just like a video of
yourself and we can give people value
based around these specific keyword
phrases okay so for example this one
here what we're gonna do now is now that
we've found you know different search
terms or people are typing in therefore
we're gonna use these search terms to
create videos around and optimize these
videos so we can get traffic right what
we want to do now is we want to figure
out what to actually say in these videos
right so what we can do is we can speak
from personal experience that's one way
or number two we can be the reporter
which means we can go out there and we
can compile all this data that we find
around the Internet based off of what
other people are saying in videos what's
you know people are talking about in
articles on Google
and then we can create our own content
from other people's content and reward
it and put it in our own words and then
also put a spin on it and put our note
you know kind of inject our own
knowledge into it right so what I would
do is now just spend every single day I
would shoot one video and I would pick
one of these popular search terms and of
course I would type them in right here
and then I would say okay let's go
search and we've got this first one
right here and then I would watch this
video and I would take some notes okay
here's what I can cover in my video
maybe I can create a similar video about
13 apps that make money while you sleep
because you know this video has proven
but this is a topic that people are
searching for not just because the
youtubes instant search but because if
you look at the view count here it's
three hundred and thirty four thousand
views right so I'd take a look at this
video I take a look at the maybe the top
three videos and then sort of create my
own content from that and if you really
want to take it a step further you can
look for articles on Google that cover
the same topic as well all right so we
can go to this article and again I can
brainstorm ideas so all we're really
doing you guys is where the reporter
we're compiling all the information
that's already out there and improving
also upon that information so it's
always like you go through these videos
you're like what can I improve what can
I do better you know and I know 99% of
you guys aren't going to follow this
information because guess what those are
just the numbers that's how humans work
but I want to I want to change those
numbers I want to inspire you guys to go
out there and do this because at first
yes it might be you know somewhat
labor-intensive it's going to take some
work but at the end of the day it's
going to be worth it when you spend an
hour or two hours a day creating a video
and then realizing that
is making you potentially 50 bucks a day
passively how would that change your
life that'll probably allow you to quit
your job and allow you to take more
vacations maybe eat out at nice
restaurants a little bit more and that's
how I view each and every one of my
videos is leverage if I put two hours
into this video this video could be
making me fifty bucks a day that's true
passive long-term income that's where
you're not trading time for money that's
where you're realizing the leverage
points in your business and you're
realizing that you can make money while
you sleep if you're willing to put in
the initial work and you're willing to
put in the work that it takes to grow
mentally and willing to focus develop a
mature mind an immature mind is all over
the place
a mature mind even though it's difficult
you acknowledge that it's difficult but
you still do the research you still do
the inside work because most of success
in business is not the external stuff
it's the inside work right it's doing
the research it's getting clear on your
vision it's getting clear on a lot of
these different things that you guys
might be thinking Josh just show me the
quick easy money method if that existed
you guys I promise I would be telling
you guys that right now but I prefer to
be honest with you guys so go out there
be willing to do the right research
right so you have the Foundation and you
know the keyword research the content
research and be willing to make some
mistakes in your video be willing to you
know get on video if you're not somebody
that's willing to get on video because I
often get in every single one of my
videos in the comments below show me a
method where I don't have to get on
video guys in this day and age I can
guarantee you guys have tried millions
of different things out there and you're
losing trust and a lot of youtubers
right and you want somebody that is
willing to be authentic and the only way
that they can be authentic with you is
to get on video and and give you guys
some raw knowledge like I'm giving you
right now it's a series and people are
gonna buy from you is because you're
being real raw authentic you make
mistakes just like all humans do your
real with people and that's the key here
you guys is to just be real don't be
afraid to make mistakes because we all
make mistakes mistakes are a
prerequisite to success right it's the
flip side of the coin you cannot have
success without failure and when you can
accept failure because failure is part
of the process it's part of the game
you're okay with it and the people that
make fun of you are advertising their
ignorance especially in the YouTube
comments that's something you're just
gonna have to deal with those are
typically the people that are broke
they're the people that are poor they're
the people that have nothing better to
do because they don't understand what
it's like to grow as an entrepreneur if
they did they would be more empathetic
and sympathetic to the whole process so
I don't want to go off on a tangent here
but just to summarize this video is to
pick a product that meets the criteria
that we talked about in the beginning of
this video look at the JV tools that
they offer the affiliate tools and
resources that they offer do your
keyword research on YouTube find out
search phrases that people are typing in
that are trending that are hot that are
popular using YouTube's Instant Search
and then go and do research out there
compile the information together don't
reinvent the wheel and then add your own
twist on it and maybe give more value or
do something that maybe the video the
articles not doing that you could do
better and then post your link in the
description below to this specific
product in this case it was this app
coin or com so with that said this is
Josh elder you know signing off I hope
you got value from this video if you
want everything explained in complete
detail from scratch you want to learn
how to build an affiliate marketing
business you're willing to focus on this
for the next three months to two years
if you can commit that your life will
change faster than you think I just did
a tonight I just did a 30 day blitz so
to speak in videos which it means I
created one video a day for 30 days and
it took my youtube channel from zero
- now getting over almost 200
subscribers per day and over $70 a day
in ad revenue 30 days so if you can
dedicate yourself for 30 days at least
30 days to have your first breakthrough
now I've come into the game now with
different knowledge different
perspective I have knowledge now that I
didn't have 40 years ago so I'm able to
make money a lot faster so the faster I
can get to you you to my mental state
the faster gonna make money okay so with
that said like this video
you know comment below subscribe if you
haven't already check out the link below
and the resources my top recommended
system that's gonna show you how to
build an affiliate marketing business
from complete scratch so Josh elder
signing off we'll see you in the next
video take care