
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How I Quit My 9-5 Job And Started and Started My Own Online Business #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How I Quit My 9-5 Job And Started and Started My Own Online Business

what's going on guys thank you to lean
on this video and you later on this
video because you want to learn how I
was able to fire my boss quit my
nine-to-five job and start online based
business with affiliate marketing now
it's the first time you guys are
watching my youtube videos thank you
right I teach people how to make money
online with affiliate based marketing
but in this video I want to tell you
guys how I was able to quit my
nine-to-five job firing my boss can
create a full time income online with
the power of affiliate based marketing
now two years ago I didn't know anything
about marketing online I didn't know
anything by sales funnel host email
marketing anything right my whole life I
never went to college or anything right
my whole life was conditioned to work a
nine to five job right I did a lot I'm
28 years old and I did a lot of
nine-to-five jobs right
I worked construction landscaping and
roofing and my last job was a dishwasher
right so at the time when I was washing
I was working about 40 hours per week
and making around 400 to 450 dollars per
week on my job well I didn't like my job
because why I was a dishwasher I was
working for time right I was working for
time so I knew you could make money
online but I didn't know anybody that
made money online before so I knew you
could do it so I was home Craigslist
right I was on Craigslist in the labor
section looking for extra side income
you know exercise income to put in my
pocket then I seen an ad on Craigslist
and you guys have Mike seen an ad on
Craigslist before it says work from home
now I contacted the guy I got started
with the program and the party took me
about a week just set up you know my
account to set up the system and start
to earn money with the affiliate based
marketing company then one day when I
was posting ads online right I made a
hundred dollars and I was things in
myself and that 100 dollars I mean
within like a day just posting simple
ads online directly people to my system
and I was like I said to myself okay if
I can make $100 and I'm doing this maybe
one to three hours a day what would
happen if I do this full-time like
working a 95 job and you're working 40
hours per week so I said okay so I build
off my skills too I kept learning I kept
learning now at the time I was still
working my nine-to-five
job as a dishwasher so I told myself
this Alex if you want to quit your job
and work and make up online
put your nine-to-five job and run the
online based business what you need to
do is because I was making $400 a week
on my job so I told myself with my
online based business and I wanted to
make if I want to quit my job I would
have to make 400 400 to 500 dollars a
week on my online based business so what
did I do
right I'm a I still work my job and for
three months straight I stay consistent
my business I told myself okay Alex if
you can make $400 a week consistently
for three months and then I'll quit my
right because if I'm working the job and
I'm working 40 hours a week I'm making
$400 a week why not work on my online
based business work from home work for
my laptop and my smartphone and make
just too much money but not have to deal
with a job right so that's what I did
so per 90 days straight I stay very very
consistent right again on the 90th day I
went to my job and I quit my job because
at that time my online base business was
making me four or five six hundred
dollars per week and it just didn't make
sense for me to work a job to have a
boss to have someone told me what to do
when I couldn't be my own boss work from
home and make four or five six hundred
dollars a week working part-time from
home see that's exactly how I did it
right I started my online based business
I learned about affiliate based
I learned how to market and now it's
high's online and I stay consistent and
I was able to quit my job now two years
later thanks to my online based business
as you can see I moved to New York City
Manhattan one of the most expensive
cities in the world because I have
multiple streams of income right because
I have a passive income I have a
residual income and I have multiple
streams of income
thanks to run an online based business
and the reason why I love it is because
other job right if you have a 95 job and
you make $20 an hour and you work 40
hours per week the most money I could
ever make at my job is $800 per week
unless I work a second job or work more
hours well when you run an online based
business with a filling
smarty I can make as much money as we
want because we get paid from our
profits and you get paid commissions and
we get paid from our efforts right so if
you build up the skills that you learn
the skill set you guys can make as much
money as you want with affiliate based
marketing working from home right so if
you guys are interested in learning how
to make money online with affiliate
based marking whether for you guys is I
put together a free training series
right free video training series that's
gonna walk into step-by-step on how you
can start to make money with Amazon how
you can start to make money with Best
Buy I can start to make money online as
an affiliate so if you guys are
interested in this program and it's free
training series where I show you guys
how to make money online with affiliate
based marketing click the link below
right now go read to my free training
series we're sure you guys step-by-step
how to start an online based business to
make money every single day with
affiliate marketing and take a
nine-to-five job if that's what you're
looking for to do or if you're just
looking for a actually income and you
want to learn the online based business
click the button below you guys if any
questions add me on Facebook
email me or shoot me a text Meritage
subscribe to my youtube channel because
I post videos every two a day teaching
you guys how to sell online based
business and make money online
Kathir guys on the next video click the
button below and go watch my free
training series peace