
Sunday, March 29, 2020

How To Create A Profitable Dropshipping Store In 2019 #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Create A Profitable Dropshipping Store In 2019

what's going on guys welcome back to
another video in today's video I'm gonna
show you how to be successful it
dropshipping how to make money online
with your Shopify store and generally
just show you what's working right now
in the industry for me if you're new to
all of this I'll teach you how how it
all works what it does and how you can
make money online from doing this type
of stuff okay it's it's easy to
implement it's a little bit harder to
get sales as some of you might know and
get traffic but we'll go over that
inside this in this video now actually
go through and show you a method that
I'm using right now that's doing
extremely well for me with drop shipping
okay now Before we jump into this guys
if you're new to my channel if you're
new to all my content I actually got
started with drop shipping back in 2009
so the difference between me and a lot
of other people online is a lot of other
people teaching this stuff I've just
come along for the ride and they're
riding the wave I've been doing this
since 2009 I used to sell mobile phones
video cameras on a web site over here
called trade me way back before this was
even popular and we didn't have online
e-commerce stores back then or I didn't
know about them and I sold these
products on these websites they're kind
of like eBay but in New Zealand and
that's how I got started in the
e-commerce industry so I've been doing
this stuff for a long long time now
since 2009 which is an extremely long
time so I've had a lot of experience I
know what works what doesn't works what
doesn't work sorry and I like to share
that online with you guys now will for
we jump into the heart of this video if
you don't know how this works what we do
is we find products online they can be
from China and now you get we're getting
way more access to people are to people
from China who have factories in the
United States and they send out from the
United States even Russia okay so if
shipping time they're a lot quicker now
it's it's better than ever this is the
time to get into e-commerce then what we
do guys is we take those products we
upload them to an online store whether
it be Shopify or another platform you
want to use we send traffic to that
store and then someone purchases the
product from us and we make money it's a
very simple business model is very
lucrative business model and the reason
is guys this makes more money because
I don't have to hold any stock you don't
need to create products you don't need
any special skills you don't need a
higher staff you don't need to have a
store where you pay rent every single
you can do this on your own you don't
need any help like you can do this from
your computer from anywhere that's the
advantage of doing this it's online
e-commerce is getting big right now and
you don't have to have stock or create
your own products or any special skills
that's the beauty of doing e-commerce ok
it's extremely extremely profitable and
you don't need to do any of this you
don't need to have a store that's
basically how it works
and if you do want to learn like like
this video isn't gonna be a full
tutorial on how to learn the stuff if
you do want to learn I do have free
videos below I have full playlist on my
youtube channel where you can go through
and teach yourself how to make money
doing this drop through and stuff but
what I'm going to do guys in this videos
video is go through quickly give you the
gist the lowdown of how this all works
so you can understand how this works and
I'll do it in the fastest way possible
so we can get back into the training so
first I use a platform called Shopify
and you can sign up there's a free trial
below you sign up and once you're once
you signed up right with Shopify you
have a store that looks like this really
really simple to use
number one you upload products to your
store ok and then once these products
are uploaded you can go and send traffic
to the store right it's pretty simple to
do here's a product right here ok so you
go and upload some products number one
number two you go to settings and you
can actually set up payments so go to
payment providers and you can take
payments from people this is just our
test or you can take payments from
people via sitting up Shopify payments
or PayPal or you can go to alternative
payment methods and there'll be specific
payment methods depending on what
country you are from ok so easy to sit
up that's really the main two things and
you're doing is start the next thing you
need to do is actually install an
application called uber low okay this
application is called oberlin what you
do with this application
you can go and import products from my
websites loading a bit slow right now
from a website called Elliot spritz now
you can either upload you can either
find the products in here but I wouldn't
recommend it I would actually recommend
you go to Aliexpress and you actually
manually look for products that you
think are going to make you money okay
we're like a middleman
now guys we're going to go through how
to find products on this video because I
do have videos on that I have actually
multiple videos on my youtube channel
but I want to show you something pretty
cool that kind of is a bit of a game
changer so there's particular products
now I don't know if we have in here we
go so you'll see this is United's USA
there's a lot of sellers now that were
actually shipped from the United States
which means you get way quicker shipping
times we're talking a couple of days
people can get can get their products
within under a week usually with the USA
shipping now not all vendors do this but
a lot of them do do this now so you can
get you know much bit of shipping times
and quality shipping times now to
navigate Aliexpress is very simple a lot
of you guys probably already know this
you just go through and there's
categories and every single niche and
you can go through and people have made
million dollar brands by selling these
particular products from this website
and putting that white labeling them and
stuff like that so you go in here guys
you find products and you upload them to
your store which is really easy by going
to products okay next after you do the
products after you set up your payments
you obviously want to go and choose a
theme I recommend the adventure theme so
you go to online store and in themes and
then you can simply go to upload theme
if you have one or you can browse themes
and here and you can find free themes
and here explore free themes and you can
customize it here now if we view this
store this is a test or for something
that I'm doing this is a very very clean
theme you don't need to look amazing
when you're starting you can just use
the free themes and you can go out there
and start to make sales and like I said
you're a middleman like look out cheap
these products out guys
the solar phone charger you can you can
pick it up for $13 point nine nine right
for $14 you could I am this is actually
one of our most profitable profitable
products when I first started I was
selling this for 50 bucks so you're
looking like a 2030 dollar profit right
there from selling these particular
products so you can make really good
money by selling this product okay so
once you set up the the product the
themes and the payments it's simple you
can just go and start sending traffic
now how to put a product and guys it's
very easy just go to add product and you
can add a product and manually or if you
want to use the overload app which is
very simple on Aliexpress I don't
actually I don't know if you have it
activated but there'll be a bill I have
what they call an extension that you can
click and it will import specific
products into your store once it imports
those products will automatically load
all the information for you and you can
simply start selling like if I go to a
bill i right now I can actually show you
something real quick
on how you can actually get these things
so I can discover this and add import
list if you want to do it via a bill oh
and then that will add it to my import
list and then I can simply import this
product see it's already automatically
fulfilled everything out although I
recommend you change this to a more
compelling title and then you can change
the description the variants and the
images now if I go import to store just
like that guys if I go back to my
products that is now there okay there
you go
product number three so that's how easy
it is to actually get started guys you
don't need to go and have a
brick-and-mortar store and put products
in bulk and have all this product left
over that doesn't sell you you don't
have any of that hidden guys it's
there's such a big advantage to drop
shipping so that's a rundown a quick
rundown of how you can actually just
just go and set this up it's not very
difficult I do have videos on my youtube
about that but I want to talk about guys
is how you can actually be successful
what's working right now in this drop
shipping industry okay it's simple you
need to have traffic and the most common
traffic source is Facebook what I'm
finding that's very profit
babul sorry and it's got a new tooth so
it's very hard to talk and it's got two
teeth on one on either side one fell out
actually I got to get a fix tomorrow so
they're like veneers or something so
what I do now guys is a lot of people
there's two types of people in this
industry the people that will focus
solely on one product and they'll waste
all of this time testing and it usually
doesn't work well these people that will
test multiple products and they'll find
a winner then scale up from there so
this is what I've you guys go out there
and I create multiple audiences so one
audience for each product okay multiple
audiences they've like hey I've got four
products I'm going to test all four
products one two
point because you don't want to put too
much time and effort into your testing
because let's say you go get videos made
and you and you go and do all of the
stuff and then it's a flop right your
first product is never ever going to be
a winner it's just usually the case if
you get if you go and test five products
and you get a winner the first time
you're going to be pretty lucky that's
just the truth like this isn't a
get-rich-quick scheme here so you go and
create these product are these audiences
guys for particular products so like
let's say for the phone charger we might
do hunting fishing stuff that's outdoors
for this egg thing obviously cooking and
stuff like that for the torch outdoor
hunting and stuff and then for the for
the air bid people that like campaign or
outdoors as well ok these are kind of
all outdoor products apart from the
kitchen one
now what happens guys is you're you're
eventually going to get a winner you
will eventually get a winner one day it
might not be the first couple of days of
my you know you might have you might
have a bunch of tests going before you
find a winner but once you find a winner
guys you must get into videos so I don't
want to hear people say hey it's hard to
create videos because it's not you can
actually go to Fiverr and you can pay
people 40 bucks 14 dollars these people
will create the videos for you and
there's actually software out there now
that you can use to create videos with
it's really really easy some of them are
like 30 bucks a month to use some of
them are one-off payment you have to
spend money to make money in this
industry so you need tools of the trade
like a plumber
he needs a hammer or whatever right he
needs a van for those tools tools of the
trade what you do guys is you create
these videos and let's say for example I
know that's a different product but
let's say we made some money here on our
testing you make some money here on the
video the video is a must guys when you
start to expand when you find that when
you find that winner so test with images
when you find a winner
and the winners someone is like a
product that's getting sales it doesn't
necessarily have to be profitable it's
getting sales then you must go into
video you can keep the image going but
your video is going to be the winner for
you because Facebook is putting video as
a priority because they're going in
competition with YouTube right now
they're trying to be the big video
platform that youtubers they promote
videos and give you cheap engagement
cheap purchases and everything so you
are giving your sales in your video
but the next thing guys is you can
create these audiences people who
visited the watch three seconds of the
video that's kind of all waste of time
people watch 10 seconds people who
watched 50% 75% 95 % you can go and
create ads whether they be the video
again or image ads and you can retarget
back to people who have purchased sorry
who have watched that specific amount of
their video and it becomes a big web of
stuff but that's what you need to do now
to make money with e-commerce because it
is a little bit harder if its housing
cost is getting a little bit higher or a
little bit higher than what it was six
to the months ago but it can be done and
this is the way to do it okay so test
with images number one once you find a
winner and guys people think winners are
products that make you a thousand
dollars and you spend 100 winners a
products that make dinner that are
selling that's what a winner is a
product as well as a winner is a product
that's selling consistently so I don't
care if I have a product that's selling
for two weeks and I'm I'm even or I'm a
little bit profitable because the video
is what's going to make me all of my
money I know that this product is
potentially going to be a hit I'm
getting sales so I'm going to go and
create that video and then I'm going to
go put that video out and I'm gonna get
sales at this point and then I'm also
getting sales at this point okay so you
can't just go out now throw up an image
ad like this and expect to scale that
all the way the thousands of dollars a
day and make money doesn't work and work
two years ago and worked a year ago it
doesn't work anymore I was telling you
the truth right now does that stuff just
doesn't work okay one thing I do want to
say now actually sorry when you do these
retargeting ads what you do is you
basically as you just creates like if
you want to know how to create ads I
have videos on that I have actually are
retargeting it our video as well but you
create just a normal ad a conversion ad
and you advertise to a specific list of
people okay what should watch percentage
of your video I recommend million 50%
and 75% ninety-five percent a little bit
too high you you have you're gonna have
to have a big you know you're not gonna
have much people inside there 95% list
and you're gonna burn through your
audience very very fast okay you
80% is 75% a good percentage to
advertise to even 25% would be good but
you're gonna spend a little bit more to
get a sale okay
so Facebook Ads image test with images
once you find a product that looks
promising you're getting sales then go
into video as fast as you possibly can
start building up those audiences and
then get more ads going with video or
images I would recommend video again
maybe a different video or images is
usually not too bad with retargeting
because the the traffic's already warm
and then we haven't even gone into email
marketing yet you can do email marketing
as well and you can email back to people
who left the cart you can email people
who who purchased a product who
purchased this product and then you can
go and promote another product to them
using a programs like contact flow which
I might actually do a tutorial on I
should have added into this but I might
do a tutorial on that as well but then
my friends is how you should be doing
your Facebook Ads right now with
e-commerce and I guarantee if you
actually do do this method or try to do
it you will have a bit more success I'm
not saying you'll be successful I can't
guarantee that but you have a better
chance of success with your drop
shipping journey now some big mistakes
guys that are going to hold you back if
you if you don't fix these you will a
you probably won't be successful
e-commerce people try to profit off low
margins okay you need to be selling
products and a 20 plus profit so 20
dollars or more the reason is the more
profit you make then obviously the more
money you make but you have more to put
back into ads okay think about it for a
second and a twenty dollar profit 500
products sold you're making ten thousand
dollars right if you do it at a five
dollar profit 500 products just you're
selling are you going to make two and a
half thousand dollars right so you gotta
think to yourself you've got to go out
there and put two just to become even
you've got to put two thousand five
hundred dollars to Facebook and say give
me five hundred purchases for two
hundred to two and a half thousand
dollars right it does happen of course
it happens but it's much better to sell
a higher profit product because all
you're doing is
people are going to buy products that
have a twin doll imagine people are
gonna buy products they have a five
dollar profit margin they don't know the
difference okay they don't know how much
you're making so higher profit margins
are the way to go in this game okay now
if you spend six dollars five dollars
and you call it quits hey I haven't made
a sale I get this every day guys it's
blows up my email like crazy I've spent
$5.00 I spent six hours spent ten
dollars I haven't got a sale of course
you haven't got a sale first of all
Facebook hasn't even optimized for you
yet you'd literally just start an ad
it's probably the first 24 hours if
you're not ready to come into e-commerce
with like a few hundred bucks at least
to start don't even bother starting
simple as that and this is not a
get-rich-quick scheme if you think this
is the get-rich-quick scheme this will
not work for you there's no such thing
as a get-rich-quick scheme in fact
ecommerce is just like any other job you
wake up you go to your you go to your
desk in the morning
you work for most of the day and then
you stop at nighttime when you're
starting once you actually get the ball
rolling you can build out a team then it
becomes more like a chill vibe lifestyle
kind of business okay now guys that
that's that's how to be successful okay
with dropshipping did that that's the
method that I'm doing right now and I've
kind of gone through I know this is a
long video but I do have plenty of
videos on my channel free videos you can
see a playlist but I do have something
special for anyone that's lasted this
long okay I have over the last two years
if you don't know I've created a
training course that's pretty much the
best in the industry
you're nothing anything as good as this
there are rave reviews everywhere it's
insane we have results coming in all the
time but it's closing and we are
releasing the next version and it's
insane we're talking about bots Google
Ads funnels we're talking about heaps of
stuff and what I'm doing is I've opened
up the VIP list so if you know how I'd
do my stuff you know that before I
release it I open up I open up a VIP
list and you get a discount when it
comes out okay we take you to a bunch of
training you can like four days of free
training when we open up the cart you
get a discount well either it goes like
this video and comment and fights me and
I'll give you the personal link to the
VIP list and you'll get put on my
facebook miss Angela our list and then
you'll get a notification when the
training opens up and this will take you
through step-by-step how to create your
drop shipping business if you don't want
to do that you can feel free to go and
watch my playlist they're all free to
watch however they are a little bit
outdated so you get put on the VIP list
you comment below and vite me you must
like the video as well we want to get a
bunch of black so we can get 500 likes
on this as well and I'll also do
something very very special and release
the training plus you're gonna go on the
draw okay to win access to the training
for free so you get it for free and also
if we get to 500 likes
we will also draw two winners on the
next video
okay guys I know there's not a lot of
content in this video but you need to
understand there is not you know these
YouTube videos I like to keep them under
30 minutes that's why I have the
playlist that you can go and watch if
you want to learn how to create your own
drop shipping business this video was
mainly to show you the new myth that
will not new but the method that I've
been using to be successful with drop
shipping in 2017 2018 okay this is what
I teach a lot of my students and so my
training so if you want to get on the
VIP list guys this is absolutely free to
get on the VIP list free to watch the
training once it comes out then if you
want to get into the advanced training
then the offer is here and you get
discount by being on the VIP list so
like this video comment and vite me and
I'll see you guys in the next video make
sure and don't forget to subscribe as
well for the next video and then you'll
find out if you're the winner or not
from this one

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