
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

How To Generate One MILLION Dollars In Sales Using INSTAGRAM #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Generate One MILLION Dollars In Sales Using INSTAGRAM

hey this is Ryan hildreth and in this
video I'm gonna show you how I've
generated a million dollars in sales
utilizing Instagram now this is the
first free video in my exclusive
mastermind group so if you haven't
joined I'm giving away free mentorship
to five people I'm choosing by the end
of this week five people to mentor and
help grow their personal brand and
generate sales online so if you haven't
already done so click the link down
below join that private Facebook group
and you're gonna get access to the rest
of these exclusive videos this is the
first one and this is the only one that
I'm going to be uploading here on
YouTube but if you are in the facebook
group right now let's go ahead and dive
into it okay so before I get into the
actual details of you know how to set up
a business profile on Instagram and kind
of the nitty-gritty of the technical
stuff I want to talk about the common
problem that a lot of entrepreneurs new
entrepreneurs even you know seasoned
entrepreneurs they make the mistake of
focusing on making money right and what
I want to kind of break down for you is
that if you're so hard focused on the
money you are neglecting you know the
previous steps that you need before you
generate an actual sale okay so the
first is obviously building your brand
story whether it's a personal brand or
brand for a product or service that
you're trying to promote so building
that brand story that message so that
people actually know you know before
they buy your product who are you or
what is this product you're selling how
is it going to help them and if you can
better relay that message of what it is
where it came from that's the first part
right okay so I'm not focusing on that
in this video I'm going to focus on the
second step which is you have your
message right you have this great
product or service personal brand
whatever it may be and you want to
spread this message okay and that's how
you generate over a million dollars in
sales is by reaching
as many people as possible okay and
that's kind of what I'm going to show
you in this video with Instagram and how
to utilize Instagram to reach as many
people as possible for free okay use and
abuse the social media platforms to
generate free traffic and interact with
your future client or customer okay
that's what a lot of people neglect
they're focused on the money or they're
focused on the idea or you know the
website they want to make their website
look nice and and all of this random
stuff that doesn't really you know
contribute to the end result which is
having a message and then reaching out
reaching out to as many people as
possible okay and I'm gonna show you my
analytics on my Instagram and how I'm
able to reach you know hundreds of
thousands of people every single week
right because remember out of a thousand
people you reach a small percentage of
that maybe you know five - anywhere from
two to ten percent are going to want to
interact with you maybe purchase your
product or service okay so it's all a
numbers game from there not every one of
those thousand people unless your
product or service is absolutely amazing
and everyone needs it right if it's
water you know maybe a thousand people
that you reach might buy your product
but out of every thousand people not
everyone is going to buy your product so
you need to reach another thousand
people another thousand people and just
keep reaching more people that might
enjoy your brand story your product or
service your personal brand whatever it
may be okay so if you aren't currently
tracking that progress on how many
people you're reaching every day that is
the number one issue okay so you need to
start tracking exactly how many people
you're reaching on your Instagram on and
we're focusing on just Instagram today
obviously there's YouTube there's
Facebook there's Twitter but today just
Instagram okay and in order to track
that you have to have a business profile
so if you do not have a business profile
in Instagram business profile I'm going
to show you how to set that up right now
you need to have a Facebook business
profile okay
for those of that do already have an
Instagram business profile and facebook
profile great you're already a step
ahead okay but I'm going to show you you
know for those people that already have
a business profile I'm going to show you
kind of the tools and tricks that I use
to track my growth okay and if you
aren't tracking your growth then this
will be helpful for you as well if you
already are you are you know miles ahead
okay you are already probably seeing a
lot of success with generating sales for
your product or service if you're
tracking your growth you're tracking how
many people you reach you already have
an Instagram business profile maybe
you're already running ads so hopefully
this video helps let's go ahead and jump
on my computer I'm going to show you
exactly how to set up an Instagram
business profile okay and a Facebook
business profile link them to be able to
track your analytics and then eventually
right when we get into the sales part
generate millions of dollars in sales so
let's go ahead and jump on my computer
right now alright so we're here on my
computer and remember the first thing
before we actually are able to generate
sales we have to reach as many people as
possible okay and I'm going to show you
exactly how to do that using a Instagram
business profile again if you already
have one I will show you another more
techniques in this video to utilize that
you might not be utilizing as of right
now but first things first
open up your Facebook page okay the here
on the right hand side this is my
influencer evolution this is the free
group where I give away free mentorship
I'm picking five people this week and
continuing forward I might pick you know
one person a month so make sure to get
in this group the links in the
description but we're gonna start off
here first okay you're gonna go to your
Facebook you're gonna go right here to
the top right hand corner and you're
gonna go to create page okay and I want
you to create
since you know this is influencer
evolution we are creating a public
figure I want you to go here or you know
if you do have a brand you have a
product or service it might be dog
collars it could be anything
you can go to you know local business or
place or brand or product right but just
choose one of these i chose public
figure i went here and i typed in the
same name
basically i put you know ryan Hildreth
official which is my instagram okay so
you can put the same name here as your
instagram and you're gonna press get
started and basically that's gonna
create you a business page okay that's
gonna create you a business page then
once you have your business page
established okay let's go over here you
know your business page is gonna look
something like this whatever once you
have that page established okay you're
going to go to instagram and i'm gonna
go to instagram right now this is my
ryan Hildreth official over here on the
right hand sour left-hand side of the
screen i mean move this kind of in the
middle so you can see what i'm doing
here okay so I'm here on Instagram and
as you can see right under my name Ryan
Hildreth on the left hand side you see
public figure okay I was able to do that
because I linked my Instagram with my
business profile on Facebook so I made
this a business profile so you're gonna
go here to the Settings tab which is so
right under oh wow that's funny right
under the following it said six six six
I thought that was pretty funny but
right under 672 on the right hand side
of my Instagram okay following 672
you're gonna go to that little cog that
little wheel symbol right next to on the
right hand side of edit profile you're
gonna press that and you're gonna go
down to business settings and you're
gonna go to you see where it says switch
back to personal account that's gonna
say switch to business account okay and
you're gonna click that switch to
business account and what its gonna do
is it's gonna make you log into Facebook
and then choose the page that you want
to link it to and you're gonna link it
to whatever business page that you
created on Facebook okay and that's
gonna make you have a business profile
okay and what you're able to do with the
business profile is track exactly how
many people you're reaching
these are potential customers potential
clients these are people that might you
know buy your product or service so you
want to be able to track exactly how
many people are coming to your profile
and how many sales you're generating
from Instagram okay you don't want to
leave this up to guesswork you don't
want to be guessing oh you know well I
could make a million dollars this year
you're never gonna make a million
dollars unless you are able to track out
okay in order to make a million dollars
I have to sell you know five hundred
dollar product and I have to sell this
many of them in an able to do that in
order to do that I have to reach this
many people on Instagram and Facebook in
YouTube right okay so you're gonna go to
the right at the very top right hand
corner it says Ryan Hildreth official
and then you see that little bar chart
you're gonna click on that and I'm gonna
show you exactly you know how many
people I've reached right this is gonna
give you the analytics
okay so actions I've had in this yet
just from yesterday Monday three hundred
five people took an action on my page
right whether they click the link they
you know click DoubleTap to my you know
picture they sent me a message okay and
you want this number to just
continuously grow obviously I'm working
on this you know Instagram profile and
I'm getting these numbers up but you
want to see growth okay reach my reach
from March 13th to March nineteenth has
gone up 93 percent ok that's huge we
want to just constantly increase these
numbers and write these numbers down
take a screenshot track them in an Excel
spreadsheet you want to be able to track
exactly how many people you're reaching
and you want to make sure this number is
growing right my numbers are growing up
gained eighty followers or that's not
that much I usually gain anywhere from a
hundred to a hundred and fifty followers
per day and I'll show you in a future
video you know in the Facebook group on
how to do that but yeah so essentially
I'm tracking all my growth on here and
this gives me a better projection of how
I'm gonna be able to generate more sales
right because I'm reaching more people
profile visits 268 in the past seven
days okay that number is growing website
clicks 14 okay
emails you want to grow that number as
discovery 2900 71 people have discovered
my profile in the last week okay and
you're able to go to you know your
followers and see who the demographic is
eighty-seven percent men thirteen
percent women where they are San Antonio
Toronto right and you're able to track
how many impressions you've got on your
posts how many you know people reached
your stories and your posts okay and
once you're able to do that you will be
able to better project your sales and
generate more sales because you know
that you're reaching more people more
people are clicking on your website
right more people are visiting your
profile and you know to really
capitalize on this you're gonna want to
obviously sell something and we'll get
into that in a later video I just wanted
to show you the first step before the
cash before the making money before
selling you have to build your following
you have to reach more people more
people have to see your message okay and
that's what you should focus on first
I know it's hard because everyone wants
to focus on the cash and the cars you
know obviously obviously I bought some
nice cars and in the past I'm a you know
car enthusiast for you you might be a
travel enthusiast you might just be a
life enthusiast and just you want to get
away from the nine-to-five you want to
enjoy more time with family like me I
love spending time with my fiance and my
parents and I know that I have to reach
more people on my social media in order
to sell more products and services and
help more people when you help more
people when you offer more people
valuable products and services to buy
they will purchase from you and you know
the more people you reach the more
things you're gonna sell and I'll show
you in future videos on how to sell but
I hope you enjoyed this one and I will
see you in the next one

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