
Friday, March 27, 2020

How To Get Free Traffic To Your Affiliate Link (Long Term Strategies) #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Get Free Traffic To Your Affiliate Link (Long Term Strategies)

hey guys what's going on Joshua elder
here welcome back to the channel and in
this video I'm going to show you how to
get free traffic to your affiliate links
so if you're an affiliate marketer
you've definitely come to the right
video because I think the biggest
struggle for people out there it's
getting traffic right not just getting
any type of traffic but getting quality
traffic and being able to convert that
traffic so if you're a returning
subscriber welcome back lots of value in
store for you if you're brand new make
sure that you subscribe to this channel
because right now I'm uploading videos
on a daily basis teaching you how to
build a life in business full of freedom
passionate fulfillment and also take the
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and let's go ahead let's get started
give me a big like click that like
button and we'll dive into the content
right now
so as you can see got a little mind map
chart here and we're gonna break down
kind of step by step how to get free
traffic to your affiliate link and it's
more than just sending traffic from a
platform to a capture page or or to an
affiliate offer and expecting it's just
gonna convert by osmosis right a lot of
you guys have tried that before and it's
not working so what do you need to do
you need to pre frame people in other
words you need to show them that you are
the go-to person in whatever niche
you're promoting in okay and the way
that you want to do that is provide
native consistent quality content okay
when I mean native it needs to be native
to the platform for example the behavior
on Facebook is different than the
behavior on YouTube when people go to
Facebook you know they're scrolling down
the newsfeed they've got a lot of ATD
going on they're you know reading a post
about you know family event one minute
and then they're reading a post about
you know fitness the next minute it's
like their mind just scattered in so
many directions and you don't really
know what they want at any given time
because it's just changing constantly
and so you have to adapt your content to
that platform okay so is typically on
Facebook you want videos that are
anywhere between on average about two to
or maybe five minutes the most now I've
seen people have videos much longer than
that and if you're going to do that it's
got to be high production value they've
got to be super engaging and they have
to have you know tremendous amounts of
value so you can have longer videos on
Facebook it's just going to require a
lot more work on your part so the
average because the attention span is so
low on Facebook
keep your Facebook videos per say
between 2 to right around 4 minutes or
so ok so what I'm going to do is I'm
going to expand this here and kind of
elaborate and a little bit more detail
as to what we have here but I put down
four major traffic sources that I
absolutely love here in 2018 that are
working working extremely well a few of
them I'm really exploiting right now
there's one in particular I'm going to
be looking to really dive deeper into
this year but make sure that if you're
somebody that's new that's getting
started you know you're just barely you
know getting your feet wet when it comes
to traffic make sure that you just focus
on on one method okay focus on one
platform okay and I want you to master
that platform I don't care how long it
takes I don't care how many brick walls
you hit I don't care how many times you
fail okay because there's lessons
through that failure you're not just
gonna learn one lesson and then just
succeed you're gonna have to learn
multiple lessons before you succeed with
any of these platforms because you have
to understand the behavior you have to
understand some what the algorithms and
understand the principles of how these
work and not just short-term tactics or
so many people teaching you tactics out
there and they worked extremely well
back in 2011-2012 but in this day and
age they just don't work like they used
to because we understand that social
media can change at any time right we
don't own our subscribers on YouTube we
don't own you know our placement on
Google that can change from time to time
but if we can adapt to the changes in
each of these platforms and adapt early
on before we even know they're going to
make a change then we're going to
benefit hugely in the long term so what
I did is I listed down the four
platforms a really
big right now Google obviously a lot of
traffic comes from Google number-one
website on the Internet
YouTube I believe is the number two now
I believe and then Facebook's number
three and I think instagrams like Number
ten or something like that but Instagram
is growing in numbers drastically
day-by-day so let's go ahead and let's
talk about Google search engine now
there was a few ways you can rank in
Google right you can rank articles aka
blog post and you could also rank videos
YouTube videos in Google because as we
know Google owns YouTube favors YouTube
quite a bit there are also some other
websites out there that we can leverage
that Google gives a lot of credit and
authority to one of these websites is
Quora it's a website where you can go
and you can ask questions it's kind of
like a Yahoo Answers ok so it's a
website where you can ask questions and
then you can get answers to those
questions and it's very easy to rank
Quorra posts at the very top of Google
now you don't own Korra which is
difficult but you can go on there and
you can create a question and then post
an answer that same question and if that
question aligns with what somebody's
searching for in the search engine then
you can pretty much siphon off a lot of
that traffic leveraging the authority of
Korra ok you can also rank your personal
blog and different websites ok these can
be you know other websites besides Korra
that have a lot of authority but if you
really want full control I would
recommend having a personal blog or a
personal website now I also posted right
here that you need consistent quality
content that is the game here you guys
this is a marathon this isn't a sprint
the person that has you know the ability
to run the longest aka you know create
the most content over a long amount of
time and quality content consistent
quant content is the person that's going
to win ok you're not just going to post
a couple blog post during the week and
start generating a bunch of income and a
bunch of leads and to your you know into
your business it doesn't work
like that so you want to make sure that
when you're going out there you've got a
strategy in place you've got your
articles pre-planned you've got your
videos pre-planned you know the
structure you know the topics that
you're gonna talk about and you want to
spend like a Saturday or maybe a Sunday
night at the end of the week if you have
to have a full-time job but if you do
this you know part-time that's that's
useful to follow that sort of that
strategy is just spend one night where
you just brainstorm you brain dump all
the ideas all the different things that
you could be talking about in your
business of course you want to do some
SEO research you want to do some keyword
research and you want to learn how you
know YouTube works and how SEO works
right and so if all this is like foreign
to you I'm gonna put some links in the
description below that goes in more
depth about how to rank you know your
websites and even your videos the top of
search at the top of the search engine
and even how to find topics that are
trending that people are searching for
right now because often we create
content around a topic that people
aren't searching for right or we create
the right topic but we're not optimizing
it correctly so people can see it right
and so what we want to do is really
master our niche whatever the niche is
that we want to go into we want to
master that and then on top of that we
want to master a traffic method whether
that be YouTube and Google and SEO
because those work hand-in-hand whether
it be Facebook posting in groups posting
on your profile go and do that whether
it be Instagram posting photos and
videos daily giving out value that way
but I see so many people there like one
day they want to set up their Instagram
the next day they want to set their you
know their website that day after that
they want to set up their Channel and
this is great this is all good to have
at some point right because it's gonna
benefit you if one platform goes under
it will hugely benefit benefit you but
if you're a newbie I would recommend for
the next six months at least three to
six months every single day post
that specific platform okay so you can
see here I've got three ways that you
can drive traffic on Google which is
through Quora we talked about that
personal blog and a website you know
through YouTube and then specifically on
the YouTube platform I've got two
primary ways there are more than two
ways believe it or not to drive traffic
on youtubes platform once people are on but the two ways where I get
the most traffic is the suggested video
section on YouTube and YouTube SEO
basically ranking my videos at the top
of YouTube's search engine okay and then
of course on Facebook you have groups
that you can dive into in your niche and
just give tons of value in those groups
right you want to give before you take
you never want to go into your business
with the intention I know that sounds
kind of you know contrary to what you
maybe have heard but you don't want to
go into your business to just 100%
primarily make money okay you should
have the intent intention of 80 to 90
percent value and ten percent to make
money right you want to you want to give
because you know it's the right thing to
do and it's because it's your passion
right you can't fake yourself out into
believing that your passion about
something when you're just interested in
the money okay so you really genuinely
gotta love what you're doing because
that's gonna drive you forward that's
what's going to cause you to post on a
consistent basis and you're not gonna
quit after a couple days or a couple
weeks okay so we got a Facebook and then
we got to Instagram two ways to
obviously drive traffic from Instagram
really through photos and videos now
Instagram is the platform I will be
looking at a master later this year and
by the way there's gonna be a link in
the description if you would follow me
on Instagram that would be great because
I'm gonna give you guys sort of like an
insight more of an insight look on the
day-to-day of my business and my life
and everything if you want to get to
know me more then feel free to you know
follow me on instagram below that will
be in the description so with that said
let's go ahead and
show you kind of live I guess some
examples of what each of these platforms
look like with with you know leveraging
them leveraging traffic from them kind
of in a raw real setting so let me
minimize this real quick and you can see
number one this is the Korra website
right here and like I said you can you
know add a question and then somebody
else can answer a question but you can
also kind of hack the system and use one
account to create questions another
account create answers so when somebody
would type in for example this post is
about how can you afford living in
Hawaii on your own I guarantee if I took
this question and if a lot of people are
going to Google and typing this question
in then this chorus i'ts give it getting
a lot of traffic as a result of that so
I'm just going to go to Google real
quick and see if this you know specific
topic is actually ranking in Google okay
let's see yep Laura's right here it's
number two so what would happen is when
somebody would click this listing right
here and let's hypothetically create a
scenario here let's say maybe you want
to promote a credit card where you can
earn SkyMiles and get a bonus maybe
20,000 SkyMiles if you apply for a
credit card or maybe even get a free
trip to Hawaii if you apply for this
credit card what you can do is go you
know to an affiliate network that offers
that credit card offer and take your
affiliate link and ask the same question
and in the comments have you know a good
answer and at the end if it's like hey
if you plan on moving to Hawaii or going
to Hawaii and you want a free trip you
can actually get a free trip by applying
for this credit card here so does that
kind of make sense such as kind of on
the fly an idea then of course like I
said you would embed your affiliate link
here in the answer so Cora that's
obviously one way that you can obviously
get traffic to your affiliate link
here's my blog right here
I've got affiliate links sprinkled in my
blog posts here so for example
characteristics of the successful so
what I do again ninety percent value
it's all about the pre frame giving
value ahead of of course the offer and
then you can see right here I got an
affiliate link right here that goes to a
specific affiliate offer and then I have
another call to action at the end so
kind of like lightly sprinkling my
affiliate links throughout my articles
but it's not like in your face like
sleazy slimy used-car salesman right so
that's an example of being able to make
money from your blog you know ideally I
would like to rank for characteristics
of the successful right if people are
actually typing that into Google and I
find that they are by doing keyword
research then you know I'd obviously
rank and get traffic to my affiliate
link from the search engines doing that
you can also take your blog and you can
share it you know across you know
Facebook and YouTube and so there's
other ways to get traffic to your blog
besides like SEO but that's a little bit
more advanced and it's monotonous and
there's not a whole lot of leverage
there okay so of course we also have
YouTube here's YouTube search and then
let me give you an example of the
YouTube suggests the video section you
can see on this specific video here if
we go down here believe it or not I
think right around 60% of my videos of
the traffic from my videos per se are
coming from the suggested video area so
what that means is basically when
somebody searches for a topic and they
click on this video here what they'll do
is they'll watch this video and then
they'll check out well maybe I didn't
like this video as much maybe there are
some other videos that can explain
better on this topic and they'll scroll
down here oh they'll click any of these
videos you can see that one of my videos
is right here right so two really
primary ways that are like where 80 to
90% of my traffic comes from
on YouTube is through the search which
is right here so if you type in
Clickbank right now I'm ranked at the
top for the word Clickbank which is a
pretty competitive keyword term and
that's super awesome and then on the
suggested videos section side right here
so also show you because I always want
to be authentic I want to show you my
traffic sources on YouTube so again
suggested videos is 42 percent of my
traffic that's where 42 percent of my
traffic to my videos is coming from is a
suggested video section and then browse
features are like returning subscribers
about twenty twenty seven percent okay
YouTube search is obviously YouTube's
search engine right the search engine
here you can see that's about eleven
percent of my traffic right so these may
not be my exact numbers I just briefly
you know thought they were but you can
kind of get a rough idea of where my
traffic is really coming from on YouTube
so really crushing it here on the
YouTube platform its might go to
platform I've been going deep with this
platform for the past four or five years
now you just don't get a better quality
of person of buyer on YouTube because
you know it's it's raw video you build
relationships very very quickly on
YouTube and people get to know your
really really fast verses like the
written word or even over on Facebook so
you know with that said I really hope
you got value from this video and before
I end I got to jump to my Instagram
account and typically right here in my
profile this is where you would put your
affiliate link if you're going to do
Instagram and YouTube you would put your
affiliate link obviously in the
description of your videos so like
here's one of my videos here and this is
where I put my link right here in the
description okay so that's where you
want to be putting your link and you
want clear calls to actions right CTAs
in other words you need to tell people
what to do on every single platform even
though it appears like it's right in
front of their face you need to let them
know like on YouTube click the
below on Facebook if you're writing it
you know a post let the no.22 check out
you know the link in the post made me
exit out of this okay so on Facebook
tell them to click you know the link in
the post or maybe you put the link in
the comments to improve engagement
there's little hacks on Facebook that
you can use to increase exposure to your
links and if you post a link in your
actual post on Facebook right if you're
writing an article and you post that on
Facebook you don't want to post a link
on Facebook much every once in a while
you can do that because you won't get as
big of a reach on Facebook and the
reason they do that is so you use our
paid advertising platform so you know
obviously that's kind of a penalty
that's the price you pay on Facebook but
it still can work to a certain extent
and of course Instagram you can put the
link right here you'll notice here I
actually didn't put my affiliate link
what I what I'm doing is I'm sending
people to my youtube channel because I
really want to build more of a
relationship before I like just send
people straight to an offer and that's
just kind of how I work so with that
said I hope you got value from this
video if you want to learn how to build
an affiliate marketing business the
right way from complete scratch and get
the right traffic and you want this
explained in complete detail obviously I
can only cover so much in this video go
ahead and click the link in the
description my top recommended system go
ahead and do that now and we'll see you
on the next page and give me a like and
guys don't be greedy give me a subscribe
right now subscribe to this video and
let me know you guys like videos like
should I keep giving you guys value like
this should I keep being this authentic
and open with my business I'm sure you
guys appreciate that let me know in the
comments and we'll talk to you soon see
you in the next video take care