
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How to Get More MCA SALES Training { Top Secret } #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How to Get More MCA SALES Training { Top Secret }

what's up guys is Alex Haney thank you
for watching MCA Motor Club America
sales trainee in this video I'm gonna be
showing you guys and telling you guys
how to get more MCA Motor Club and
making sales and how to reach the
thousand dollar weeks how I make $2,000
weeks with MCA Motor Club America with
this simple and easy stupid dumb tricks
right now I'm gonna tell you the secrets
right the secret that no one else is
telling you right get off your computer
get off your cell phone and go outside
get off your cell phone get off a few
computers start worrying about Facebook
a stop worrying about fate Facebook
profiles it's not worrying about YouTube
stop worrying about your sales funnel
stop worrying about email marketing it's
not worrying about sales go outside and
escape from the internet go outside and
escape from the internet like let your
mind just wander right let your mind
just wander and ideas will come flow to
you also another good thing is like a
menu do right it's go get you know but
grab some mindset books you know go grab
some mindset books that's going to allow
you to understand how you know how your
mind really works and how how to
condition your mind for a success right
because you know having success in your
online business inside MCA Motor Club
America is 100% different than working
the job right it's one hump it's very
different than you know any college is
going to teach you right
success is a mental thing right you have
to understand that you have to follow
that 80/20 rule the 80/20 rule is 80% of
your income or 80% of your results
happen from the 20% of the effort right
Sophia slaving away on Facebook on IG on
youtube on Craigslist you're not making
results just go outside this skate
brain spent 30 minutes a day 45 minutes
of days go outside and listen right
listen the people right now I live in
New York City I literally walked down
the street right to go get lunch and
just listen to people right because how
you know how I get good on marketing and
how I can't go dive right in you know
advertisements is I want to learn how
people think right I want to learn how
people think and how people move if I
can see how a normal person
moves I can tailor my advertising bedded
towards them right so Lily just go
outside detached from the internet
detached from the computer that's not
worrying about sales go grab a book
write go grab a little book boom go grab
a little notepad you know jot down some
you know ideas you know ideas and
like this you know smoke a blunt
whatever you want to do but just detach
yourself from the internet detach
yourself from MCA Motor Club of America
I can almost guarantee if you do this
every single day for 30 minutes a day I
can almost guarantee that your sales
will increase you will make more money
now of course you're gonna have to take
action but I can almost guarantee that
you will get new ideas right you might
be outside reading a book a you know and
not thinking anything and that one
Facebook ad comes to you and you do that
Facebook ad and that Facebook ad goes
viral and you make $32,000 in a month so
you make $32,000 a week from from MCA
Motor Club America like some girl my
team right some girl my teammate 32,000
dollars in one week with MCA right
detach yourself from MCA go outside
enjoy life you know have fun don't think
about the internet you don't think about
making money online and I can almost
guarantee your sales or increase for MCA
Motor Club America thank you guys for
watching this video like this video
comment below if you're going to do this
today and subscribe to my youtube
channel right now now if you want more
advanced training on MCA Motor Club
America with all