
Sunday, March 29, 2020

How To Increase Your Pinterest Traffic by 262% in 7 Days! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Increase Your Pinterest Traffic by 262% in 7 Days!

what's up guys in today's video I want
to go over one of my last videos and
show you some results because when I did
a video are two weeks ago now on how to
make money with Pinterest and a lot of
people said it won't work it doesn't
work you're wasting your time well no
because we've been I've been doing this
type of stuff for a super long time a
long long time now and although the
method I taught was a very slow process
it can snowball to a lot of money and a
lot of traffic so I wanted to do an
update to show you now we haven't made a
lot of money with this right now but I'm
bringing in a lot of traffic that can be
turned into money when we monetize it so
I'm gonna if you haven't seen this video
guys I'll leave a link below it's how to
make money on Pinterest $100 a day 50
bucks whatever you want to make but the
whole concept the whole point of that
video actually was about more the
traffic not so much the money so it was
more about getting the traffic and you
can get insane amounts of traffic from
Pinterest not only that guys you can use
this traffic to rank websites because
you know it counts as like kind of
backlink social backlinks and
interaction to your site when people
click on your site it gives Google good
signals and once I implemented this
strategy okay so the reason I did it
guys because there was a guy that
comments on this video and it kind of
annoyed me I said you know the few
haters actually said it wouldn't work
and stuff like that so I thought it's
works for me heaps in the past so I'm
gonna fire it up again I got one of
someone on my team to do this for me I
don't do it they I pay them to do it
I think it cost me like 100 bucks a week
and they're going and they schedule all
the posts but you can do it yourself
but it made sense to me just to try it
right and one of the websites that we're
sending traffic to and this is a fresh
website increased in rankings we had a
good increase in ranking disease for
sitting at in a most of these so if you
don't know what this is guys this is
pretty much ranking ranking for keywords
in Google and the the Pinterest traffic
acts as interaction so Google sees that
your site's getting interaction and they
put you up a little bit and it also acts
as social backlinks which is really good
as well and this is actually how I
started ranking websites way back in the
day so we started the we
that of this myth that around about here
you can see we had some nice increases
we have come down a little bit now but
we have some nice increases and rankings
so it can be used to actually get your
website higher and the Google rankings
as well so let's look at some results
guys first of all this is the profile we
tested it on if this is my old arm by
one I don't really use anymore Franklin
Hatchett don't worry about these steps
have an updated yet they are a lot more
and show you on a second and what we do
okay this is kind of the plan we reap in
other people's pens and then in the
middle of that every single day we put
four or five of pins to my own website
okay and we've grown followers I'll show
you that I'll show you all the steps
right now okay so the first steps we're
going to look at is the overview and
check this out it's incredible
look at this increase we have had an
insane increase now this was we're
starting to go viral now this is kind of
what I mean with the with the snowball
effect so this was actually let's go
back to when we started doing this so
the first two like the tenth let's do
that not even that let's go back more
July so there okay guys check this out
so I did the video like a couple of
weeks two weeks more like three four
weeks ago and then we started
implementing this after the video I
think was like two days after some of
those hate comments you can see the
impressions guys and look at this look
at this okay incredible and we are
getting we're not getting a lot of
clicks but we have a lot of pins getting
traffic like hundreds of pins and
they're getting like one two three
clicks each we're getting hundreds of
clicks all the time right but you'll see
that these impressions are now going
insane okay so we've had an increase of
three hundred and sixty three hundred
thirty six thousand percent since I
started this method okay so
it works right well I'm not gonna sit
here is there as a work because it works
and let's just go back and have a look
at some more stats here as well people
you reach we now have a reach of five
thousand monthly viewers average engage
is 180 clicks to my website it down a
bit but we have we have an increase in
that as well okay so that's the
Pinterest stats guys good man like like
we're going viral now we're going viral
so probably the start to monetize this a
bit more now let's look and here guys so
what I do and now the money made we have
made some money on affiliate stuff it is
a little bit hard to track certain of
tracking numbers although I can track I
can track Shopify and click funnels and
so far with Shopify we've got about 20
trials and click funnels I think we've
got about 6 or 7 click funnels trials
with this in the last about three or
four weeks right or was it tools back in
23rd of move it's a two or three weeks
so we've got quite a few trials and they
are making money now that those are the
ones I can track and then just probably
a few more as well in there like
Bluehost I think but guys we go through
here we have right now 800 pins really
the schedule using this program called
tailwind ok we'll go down we'll try
finding some of mine so here's one of
mine here looking for your 60 days
Shopify trial okay this is one of my
pins that my team made custom made it
this links to one of my websites and
these are all search engine optimization
you know this notices hashtags and stuff
so these get traffic forever and we go
down guys and there's another one here I
think blogging tips this is another one
for Shopify we compare Shopify of click
funnels and then all these other ones in
the middle guys these are not mine these
are other people's we use these to build
up the followers which I'll show you in
a second but this one here that's not
let me just have a look here I think we
do two or three a day yep that's one of
my ones I click funnels one as well that
should be one of mine
go down there's that see there's another
one we just keep repeating the same
stuff guys and we're getting traffic to
my websites okay and it's there's so
much benefits to this we're getting
traffic we're ranking higher in Google
we're getting more followers checked out
let's serve up some stats insights
profile performance performance if you
guys you don't know what any of this is
go back to my other video I explained
how this all works now I did initially
have some followers from back in the day
okay so it's not like I started with
nothing so that probably helped me but
since we started doing this guy's we've
gone from like we've gained about 200
followers which is not a lot right
that's not a lot of followers but we're
gaining followers for free we have a
good engagement rate around about twenty
four percent which is not too bad it's
pretty good for Pinterest and all the
stats are good all the stats are good so
you really can't complain guys this is
free traffic well it's not free I'm
paying someone to do it but essentially
it is free traffic if you set this up
yourself and do this yourself
and we're getting insane amounts of
traffic and we have made some money
we're getting Shopify trials we're
getting clickfunnels trials we probably
have made some money with a Bluehost as
well I promote the Bluehost inside my
pins we are doing Bluehost as well so
let me just get my iPad out and I want
to explain to you why I'm doing this
alright guys now when I post a video
online about how to make a hundred bucks
a day online I have made money online
there's always a bunch of people that
say this doesn't work it's not gonna
work it does work that's why we post
about it but more importantly it's more
about the traffic if you can get the
traffic guys you can use that traffic to
do a lot of things because you'd
probably know you're not going to make
any money unless you have traffic so
what we do is we use Pinterest guys as
the traffic source okay this is the
traffic source then once you have that
traffic you can distribute it to
wherever you want you can distribute it
to and I recommend not sin as straight
to affiliate links even though I've said
it in the past it's better if you do it
properly so what I'm doing right now
guys is I'm sending them to a blog page
with a little article on it with
linked to an affiliate link right which
which will do and red goes to an
affiliate page where I then make money
so that this is how we that's the
affiliate page so that's one of the ways
to make to make money with Pinterest
right so send them to a bridge page or a
blog page I think I see them to my
clickfunnels review on one of them and
there another one I've seen them to
where Shopify review and there's a trial
and then they go to the page and then
you make money right another way is you
can build up your social media accounts
you can see them to your Facebook you
can send them to your Instagram right
you've got this the thing is you've got
you've got tailwind this program that
does everything automatically for you
you can spend a couple of hours a week
sitting this up it does everything for
you and you can send that traffic and
distribute it to all sorts of places
online right like we're going viral guys
we're going viral um that's not it there
on that one we're going viral now like
ruthless amounts of traffic we're going
to be getting ruthless amounts of
traffic soon and we can send it to
anywhere click funnels we can send it to
a pre sale page we can build an email
list guys you can send these people to
an opt-in form which I'm going to
actually start doing I haven't really
done that that's probably what I should
be doing you can send them to an opt-in
form guys will you click an email ok or
facebook Messenger bot or something like
that and then you can promote your
products that way right and then once
again you make money ok so that's why we
do these videos guys think of Pinterest
as the traffic source this is your
traffic source or suela whatever you're
using and then distribute that traffic
to your various ways of collecting
emails collecting commissions making
money on your own courses you can do
this to make make money on courses and
actually Pham recently the last kind of
2 to 3 weeks I've had a big increase in
course sales in my own courses I think
this probably has something to do with
that because people go and search me
that buy my stuff
purchased my content so yeah that's why
we do it guys all right that's why we do
it it's working
it's a great traffic source especially
if you're a blogger it's a great traffic
source for bloggers financial bloggers
have them how to build a blog bloggers
DIY bloggers women bloggers this is a
lot of woman on there's a lot of women
on Pinterest so that's it
all right guys that's why I do this
video is to show you traffic sources
that can help your business grow okay
you might not want to use this traffic
to make money you might want to use it
to grow something grow your blog or grow
something all right guys now as always
below we have the competition the
winners are only pinned to post go to
the pin post see if you've won we have
two winners once again I don't think we
have 500 likes in the last video but
we'll do two winners
anyway and there's also some information
down there are some links as well for my
courses and stuff go and check those out
guys and the instructions to win on the
next time okay we're going to win we're
going to do another competition I don't
think we'll get a lot of likes in this
video but throw down alike will probably
pick another person for the next one as
well but either way we're going to pick
at least one person for the next
competition the add the information
instructions is in the description so go
and leave a comment drop a like I love
to stay interactive guys are apply to
every single comment you know I do you
can look on all my videos I apply to
every single comment go and get some
traffic go and grow your social media
accounts go and grow your websites and
possibly make some money
alright guys and um we are running out
of time but I should have showed you I
should have showed you something let me
just get this up action I want to show
you something really really cool okay
all right guys I got this up real quick
sorry for dragging the video on but
these are two guys that from my facebook
group that started watching me a couple
of years ago on YouTube and one of them
here has made 5,000 that day $800 that
day in affiliate commissions following
my strategies and this guy here found me
two years ago I think and he I think he
sold one of those websites for a million
dollars or something so guys the stuff i
teach works you just need to implement
it sorry it's a bit late here i'm a bit
tired you just need to implement
and it does take time that we're not
teaching any get-rich-quick scheme stuff
here the stuff does take time like I
don't even really know these guys
existed they've been in the back end
working on their businesses then two
years later they come in into my group
and give me a testimonial right they've
been working on their businesses they
haven't be messing around they've been
working on their businesses growing them
to the next level all right guys so you
see you in the next video don't forget
to subscribe like and I'll leave some
more videos up here you can click on
right now if you want to watch more of
my content