
Friday, March 27, 2020



hey guys what's happening Joshua elzar
here and welcome back to the channel in
this video I'm gonna show you how to
make $100 a day consistently really even
if you're broke if you're somebody
that's got no money if you're somebody
that maybe has a lot of money you're
just like man I'm I'm sick and tired of
doing what I've been doing for so many
years so many months I want a new stream
of income then this video is definitely
for you I'm going to show you how to
implement the strategies in this video
and no more than about 30 minutes to an
hour a day so if you have the tenacity
the drive if you are resourceful right
in being willing to learn a new skill
set right then you can definitely do
this okay so what I'm going to do is I'm
gonna take you sort of through the
evolution of my own business starting
back in 2011 2012 I'm gonna show you
guys exactly how i got to where i got
today now i'm earning well over you know
a hundred dollars a day but this video
specifically for people that really just
want to get started and they want to
make that first 100 dollars in a day and
be able to replicate it and do it
consistently a day in and day out so
it's really finding a method and I guess
they a skill set to master and then
being able to deploy that skill set and
find a specific strategy that works in
that skill set and then duplicate that
strategy day in and day out okay so
we're gonna talk about search engine
optimization in this video because
search engine optimization absolutely
changed my life it changed everything
for me and the reason it did was because
you know I was struggling doing
door-to-door sells early on in my
entrepreneurial career right my early
20s I just wanted to make a lot of money
I wanted to buy my dream car and so I
went to Chicago and I knocked doors I
did door-to-door
alarm sells and for those of you that
have done you know cold calling and
door-to-door sells you know it's very
much a numbers game right you can learn
some cool little sells tactics and they
work but it takes a while to really like
develop that willpower
be willing to get objections and get
your you know the door slammed on your
face numerous times and you realize
after a while okay I've just got to sort
of detach myself emotionally and just
understand that this whole thing's a
numbers game so once I understood that
right I would have started having
success but I couldn't take it when it
came to getting rejected you know day in
and day out so I ended up quitting like
after a month of knocking doors and
that's when I really started doing you
know research on the internet define
ways where I didn't actually have to go
to people and sort of press my product
on them but they would come to me and
say Josh I want access to whatever you
have to offer and I would just simply
give it to them right and that's what's
so great about search engine
optimization in Google is people are
going into Google and they're typing in
exactly what it is they want okay so
they're gonna type in how can I lose
weight in my belly to fit my wedding
best HGTV HGTV s out there in 2018 right
best weight loss supplements I mean you
it could be a spectrum of everything and
anything you know how to relieve tension
in my back right how to get rid of
arthritis so people are going to Google
they're typing in their problems and
then all we have to do is be the bridge
and and lead them to the solution of
whatever that problem is okay and so
that's what I've been doing for the past
you know four years almost five years
very successfully now and what I want to
do is I want to show you exactly how
this works in complete details so search
and drop search engine optimization is
just the ability to rank websites at the
top of Google search engine as well as
you know rank videos at the top of
YouTube search engine and you can also
rank videos at the top of Google search
engine as well so we're gonna start from
scratch okay what we want to do first is
we want to figure out the demand of any
given search phrase out there what do I
mean by this we want to find out exactly
how many times
somebody is searching for a specific
phrase into Google on a monthly basis so
for example if we just simply type in
weight loss right here right if we want
to actually rank at the top of Google
for this specific search term then what
we want to do is we want to find out how
many people per month are actually
typing in this search the search phrase
into Google now for those of you SEO
experts out there already this is a
hypothetical situation you know this
this specific search phrase is very very
competitive very difficult to rank for
but I'm just using this for you know for
training purposes so I'm gonna take
weight loss and I'm gonna go over to
this what I like to call the Google
Keyword planner okay to find this all
you need to do is go to google and type
in keyword planner okay and you'll
notice it's for slash
home for slash tools for slash keyword
planner I'll also put it in the
description below and I have more videos
that go into depth of how to use this
Google Keyword planner how to get the
most out of it
if I did in this video this video would
be hours and hours and hours long so we
don't want to do that I'll make sure I
put a link in the description that will
show you how to dive a little bit deeper
into here but let me just give you a
quick overview so we're gonna stick to
the United States and we're just gonna
type in weight loss right here and we're
gonna see exactly how many times per
month this specific search phrases is
typed into Google in the United States
okay and it looks like this gets one
hundred and sixty five thousand searches
per month just weight loss right so
follow me here so now that we know it's
a hundred sixty five thousand people we
know that this keyword this specific
search phrase also called a keyword SEO
terminologies we know that this is in
high demand right so if we were to rank
at the top right here right where Web MD
is we understand that we could probably
get potentially like 70% of that 165
thousand people to go to our website now
now that we have them on our website the
next thing
we probably want to do let's go to WebMD
calm the next thing that we want to do
is we want to monetize these people
which means we want to make money from
these specific individuals that come to
this website so let me break this down
on kind of breakdown on how you can
monetize websites there's multiple ways
that you can monetize websites and make
money from your website okay and this is
basically what I would do is I would
model successful websites like WebMD so
WebMD it's cool note number one there's
a little pop-up that just came up so I'd
probably want to have a pop up on my
website and it looks like it just went
away but typically that pop-up the whole
purpose of it is to capture your email
address once WebMD captures your email
address guess what they can do they can
email you and through those emails that
can provide different offers to you and
when you purchase those offers WebMD
gets paid right
not only that that's that's what I call
like a front end profit point another
front end profit point would be having a
Google Ad advertisement at the top here
so we use a program called Google
Adsense and when we sign up for Google
Adsense Google Adsense will give us a
little code that we can place at the top
of our website and even on the side and
the bottom anywhere that we virtually
want to we place this ad what'll happen
is advertisements will start showing up
right here in this area after we place
this little line of code here and so
what happens is when somebody comes to
this website and clicks this ad guess
WebMD gets paid Google gets paid and the
advertiser potentially gets the lead
that they want so that's another way
that you can advertise is when people
click your Google Adsense ads then you
get paid you make money that way
so now what we're doing at this point is
we're building a list and we're starting
to monetize the front end of our website
by having ads Google Adsense around our
website okay what we can also do number
three on the back end is we can have our
own products that we sell
our own products that we offer okay so I
could have for example a section at the
top here that has my own products that
I'm offering or other affiliate products
that I can offer to as well so if you're
like Josh I don't have my own products
to sell on my own website what you can
do is you can sell somebody else's
products and the way that you can do
that is you can sign up for places like
peer fly com peer fly is an affiliate
network and I just logged in here you
can see I've made right around twenty
seven hundred bucks but what you can do
is you can go to offers for example here
and we can browse offers and if we're
creating a specific niche website and
we'll get into a little bit more detail
about that so just bear with me here
everything's gonna make sense we would
select the category here and then if I
wanted to go to like health let's see if
we can find health and fitness right
here and then check this out this Fenn
365 and even the South Beach diet right
here look they're gonna pay us eighty
five dollars right so what we can do is
we can promote this South Beach diet on
behalf of the owners of the South Beach
diet and they will actually get us give
us a cut of the Commission okay so the
owners of the South Beach diet will get
a get part of the Commission and then
they'll actually give you a part of the
Commission too as well so right here
typically it'll tell us the specifics
sometimes they'll pay us eighty five
dollars just for the lead just to send
them a lead for example somebody that
would fill out their their name their
email address their phone number and
their address typically they know their
lifetime customer value when people do
that so they're willing to pay you more
upfront and they're gonna make more
money on the backend so for example
they'll pay you eighty five dollars but
they understand that the lifetime
customer value is maybe five hundred
dollars so they profit whatever that
difference is okay so what you can do is
you can actually you know go to pier fly
com you can sign up this is an affiliate
network has tons of different offers
that you can promote
okay and then you can go and they'll
provide you with like banners here you
can place on your website right so you
can place you know obviously WebMD they
could place it on their the side banner
here of maybe on a page that's all about
you know for example healthy weight you
know and there's multiple ways that they
can monetize so that's one affiliate
network another affiliate network is and
I've showed this to you guys plenty and
plenty of times
but this is like my go-to affiliate
network because it's all digital
products and I love promoting digital
products because the profit margins are
huge you can make a lot of money through
digital products so Clickbank is a
marketplace it's just full of tons and
tons and tons of digital products and
you can see you know my weekly snapshot
here that I'm averaging you know between
two and and three thousand dollars right
around $2,500 per week just within this
affiliate network as you can see right
here okay so this is another affiliate
network is great you can
also go to you know a website called
commission junction if I just go to CJ
comm and they're an affiliate Network
for physical products and digital
products alike so you can sign up for
Commission Junction you can sign up for
Clickbank you can sign up for peer fly
or you can just go to google and type in
you know affiliate networks and then
sign up for those affiliate networks
find offers that are related to your
niche website and then place those
offers on specific pages okay so let me
show you kind of this live in action how
this works okay so there's different
types of websites that you can create
and I'm just gonna walk you through
exactly what I did when I got into this
industry started learning SEO well back
then you could actually pick specific
search phrases right based off of the
keyword research tool here and what I
would focus on was product name keywords
they're called pnks right so I
understood that okay number one if I
owned a domain that was a product name
keyword so for example you know if I
let's see if I can think of it off the
top of my head what is a product out
there let's see MacBook Pro right
MacBook Pro laptop so if I owned MacBook
Pro com what I would do is I would
optimize that website for MacBook Pro
computers and then when somebody would
go to google and type in MacBook Pro
Google would give my website credit
because my domain said MacBook Pro comm
so that it would be considered an
authority domain and Google would rank
my website at the very top of Google and
it was awesome because it was so easy to
rank and so that's what I did is I found
a product that was in demand and then I
bought the domain around it so for
example let's just type in MacBook Pro
right this is non-scripted you guys and
you can see look five hundred fifty
thousand searches a month so if I own a
MacBook Pro calm and I could become an
affiliate of Apple right hypothetical
situation then I could rank my website
at the top get a potential five hundred
fifty thousand people to my website and
then sell MacBook Pros on that website
and then Apple would give me a cut of
the Commission right so I took this
concept back in 2012 and I created a
website called juvenile so
the product was juvenile and it was an
anti-aging supplement and you can see
people are still searching for it today
720 searches a month and then what I
would do is I would use this Google
Keyword tool and I would find the
different variations of juvenile the
search term which means like people
would d be typing in not just juvenile
but juvenile reviews right juvenile
supplement does juvenile work etc etc
and then what I would do is I would
create these pages around these
different search terms and I would
answer those specific problems like what
is juvenile you know it's juvenile a
scam here's my juvenile review and let
me show you guys this exact website back
in 2010 so I used a website generator
tool called Wayback Machine you can
actually go back in history of a website
and see the development of it right and
so I typed in juvenile reviews
net to show you guys I actually did this
you can see that you can check out the
history of my website and the
development of it but here's pretty much
the end result okay I made a website
juvenile exact match domain
to the keyword and you guys can see that
I have links in here each of these links
actually go to the juvenile website okay
and I got a special affiliate link from
peer fly com that website that I was
talking about that that listed these
different affiliate offers in their own
network and I found that juvenile was
one of their offers so I became an
affiliate of juvenile through their
network and they gave me this secret
code right this not exactly secret code
but a customized code to me and that
would just go out there on my website
and I would share that specific that
specific link on my website so I put
that link right here right here right
here all right got a little banner here
I'd put it right here and so what would
happen is people would go to Google and
they type in juvenile reviews right and
what would happen is my website would be
ranked at the very top here of course
this website's not around anymore
but it'd be ranked at the top here and
then what would happen is they come to
the website here and then they click you
know this link here and then they
purchase juvenile and guess what
juvenile would send me a commission so I
was actually monetizing my website not
from google adsense when I first got
started but from affiliate offers now if
I add a google adsense maybe at the top
here I'll be making income in two
different ways and then if I was
capturing names and email addresses that
could be making money in three different
ways okay do you see where I'm going
with this so I just got started just by
you know creating websites around
specific product names and then I would
put the offer on the website people
would click and buy and I'd earn a
commission off of it okay so after I
started doing that I started creating
multiple little these little mini sites
so once I was making like $30 a day from
this juvenile web site I'm like cool to
make $60 a day all I need to do is go
out there and create another website
make $100 day I need to create yet
another website so I took a formula that
work and I just kept replicating it and
replicating it and replicating it and so
what I would do is I would create these
websites and I would monetize them in
different ways so here's another one
depakote dosage dotnet kind of a weird a
weird domain name here so what I would
do is I would go for pharmaceutical
drugs and I'd create websites around
these pharmaceutical drugs and they're
they're generalized names and then what
I would do is I would I would monetize a
website with Google Adsense Google
Adsense ads so people would click again
and I would get paid so I started doing
that with this website now for some
reason you can't see all the graphics
and stuff on this website you can just
see the text but this website had
banners at the top and at the bottom so
when people would click that's how I'd
actually would make money so I what I
did is I purchased like 80 of these
domains around these different drug
names I place you know Google Adsense on
each of these websites and that's what
allowed me to scale to a hundred dollars
per day right like Josh that sounds like
a lot of work well at first it was but
once I had a system in place right once
you have something that works first find
something that works and then duplicate
it right so I found one website that
really worked and I'm like okay I'm
gonna just take this formula I'm gonna
keep duplicating duplicating duplicating
duplicating buy more domains around
different product name keywords right so
that was working really really well and
then what happened is Google had an
update and that formula wasn't working
they basically were stating that you
were over optimizing for the specific
domain names you were trying to gain the
system to rank at the top of the search
engine and they pretty much devalued
your rankings and and sandbox you so you
weren't even showing up in the search
engine whatsoever so what I had to do is
I had to change my formula I started
learning a skill set which is SEO so
guys number one learn a skill set and
then what I did is I found different
ways to make money through that skill
set so after I made some money here and
I realized that I have to evolve with
Google versus learning different little
tactics here and there that worked
short-term what I needed to learn was
strategies and principles and and
understand how these platforms operated
so I started learning that and I even
took this same exact formula and I
started implementing it into YouTube so
we taught we talked about creating
domains around specific keywords so for
example if I wanted to rank for
glucosamine and chondroitin can contract
I don't even know what that says guys
but I would buy this exact domain right
I'd go to I'd buy this this
domain as its stated here okay and then
what I would do also after it wasn't
working too well in Google I switched
over to a YouTube and I started doing
the same thing so instead of of course
you can't buy domains on YouTube but
your channel name what I would do is I
would make the channel name the name of
the search phrase that people are typing
in you see what I'm saying see where I'm
going here so I started doing this in
Google stopped working in Google I'm
like okay it's working in YouTube right
now so I started doing it in YouTube and
it worked incredibly well look at
there's just this one video 112 thousand
views and again I would monetize this
video in multiple ways on this video I
had a link in the description I've shown
this video in my channel before but I
have a link in the description they'd go
to this link and they go to a website
they'd fill out their information name
an email address and they'd be sent to
an offer and if they bought that offer
guess what Josh would get paid so this
was working you know for quite some time
and it was hilarious because I would
shoot these little videos in my parents
basement that were just 2 to 4 minutes
long ranked at the top of YouTube and
I'd followed the same script for every
single video it worked for a long time
and then recently in in the past about a
year and a half that stopped working as
well so I was actually ranking in the
very top here but you can see now I'm
ranking the four position for this
specific search term so I'm like okay
now I need to innovate again right I'm
starting to learn that I need to adapt
with the specific platforms that I'm on
right versus learning
little tactics I need to see the whole
kind of 10,000 foot view of how these
platforms work and adapt to them most
people are learning these little tactics
and they work short-term they stop
working and people quit on their on
their you know on their dreams of making
money on the internet so what you want
to do is you want to adapt we don't own
our subscribers on YouTube but I've said
this before we don't own our Facebook
following we need to learn how to get
people from those platforms onto our
email lists right because we own the
email list right so what I started doing
is I started creating themed channels
right and instead of having you know
juvenile I started theming
my channels for example this is like a
this is like a themed website Healthline
this websites all about health it's not
about one specific topic but it's about
health the umbrella of health as a whole
okay you're following me here and so you
can see help line is actually monetizing
in multiple ways this is Google Ads
since the top and it's Adsense on the
side here too as well whoops and chances
are if I continue to go through this
website they're probably monetizing
other different ways maybe health line
has their own products too as well but
you guys get the idea and that's what I
started doing in my youtube channels you
can see that just popped up this opt-in
form so another way that they're
monetizing so I applied this to my theme
channels on YouTube I'm like okay my
theme is internet marketing product
reviews so I'm going to start reviewing
different products in the internet
marketing space so instead of one topic
again it's a theme focused on many
different you know topics but still
sticking to a specific theme so you can
see I did that here and you know this
this channel helps me generate right
around you know five to ten thousand
dollars a month just from these little
mini videos and spending about 20 to 30
minutes a day creating this content you
know and I've gotten to a point where
I'm able to do it fairly quickly if
you're getting started it might take an
hour or so to get started right but you
I can do this with YouTube videos you
can guys can do this with websites what
I want to do is I just want your
creative juices to get flowing so once I
realize that this worked really well
what I wanted to do now is create
Authority channels the same thing as
Authority websites WebMD doesn't just
focus on health they focus on everything
in between family pregnancy news experts
living healthy so it's not just about
health but it's more than than just than
just health alone okay so this is what
we would call more of an authority
website and maybe WebMD is not the best
example because they do they do you know
mostly focus on health but they do have
other topics as well so since we're
already on this website we'll just use
that as an example but an authority
website focuses on many many different
themes and many different topics okay
and that's kind of what I'm beginning to
do on my authority YouTube channel right
here is I focus on teaching people how
to make money online I do product
reviews and be getting in more into
health and wellness and finance and and
other things so what's so great about a
channel like this this is what YouTube
is really liking right now is big bigger
authority channels where you're posting
consistently on a weekly or a daily
basis okay so what I'm doing is I'm
adapting with the platform so it's
really key to build an authority and
build a brand in this day and age if you
want to be making at least a hundred
dollars a day online so you can see guys
if you look at my specific videos I'm
monetizing these videos in different
ways number one I'm monetizing through
Google Adsense right you can monetize
through Google Adsense on videos as well
and you can see this is my estimated
revenue okay and this this number is
actually going up on a weekly basis and
you can see just in the past week we'll
get this to load up you know I was you
know I was actually this goes about the
past 28 days to 24 2018 I was making
about $4 and
and 17 cents a day hovering right around
there and then look now it's jumped up
11 dollars here 9 8 9 7 so you can see
that it's gradually going up so that's
one way that I'm monetizing here guys
the next way that I'm monetizing is
under my videos as I've explained before
we've got links right here I know this
may sound redundant but I want you guys
to get clear on this it's very very
I'm sending people to a website they
fill out a form they go through the
sales process and they buy and Josh
makes money yet another way right and
then once people get access to that
product they just paid for by going to
my website there's other income streams
on the backend too as well so you can
see that I'm making I have multiple
income streams multiple ways of making
money by learning one skill set
mastering one specific skill set so with
that said I hope you guys got some value
from this video this is how you generate
a hundred dollars per day find a skill
set find a strategy within that skill
set that works right once you find what
works go ahead and just duplicate it day
in and day out consistently every day
for thirty minutes to an hour a day can
you do that can you commit to doing that
and if you want to learn how to do all
of this from complete scratch in
complete detail there's gonna be a link
in the description below go ahead and
click that link okay
click that link you'll it'll take you to
a page you'll enter your email address
and you'll learn exactly how to do this
okay with that said if you got value
from this video give me a thumbs up also
you know comment below if you have any
questions whatsoever did you guys get
the value from this are you excited to
go out there and start making $100 a day
if you are comment $1 a day in the
comment section below this is Josh alder
signing off and we'll see you in the
next video don't forget check out the
resources section below click those
links talk to you soon

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