
Sunday, March 29, 2020

How to Make $100 PER DAY Online Starting From Scratch! (FOR BEGINNERS) #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How to Make $100 PER DAY Online Starting From Scratch! (FOR BEGINNERS)

what's going on guys in today's video
I'm going to show you how to make $100
per day on line now a lot of people ask
me how can I do this should I do
affiliate marketing show do drop
shipping should I sell a course should i
do freelancing and this video guys I'm
going to explain to exactly how I
started one of my businesses and went
from literally zero
I used free traffic methods and now that
particular business is doing hundreds
and thousands of dollars per yeah
and I started exactly where you are
wanting to figure out I already had a
few businesses going but I wanted I had
a new project in mind and I wanted to
get it to a hundred dollars a day then
once you get to a hundred dollars a day
you can go to two hundred three hundred
four hundred five hundred you can scale
it up so on this video guys I'm gonna
explain to you exactly how I did this
and show you on stuff and honestly if
you go and replicate this because we've
all started in the same place I started
with zero knowledge online if you
replicate this stuff what I teach you
you know my sells very valuable and I'll
show you some students at the end of
this video
you have a very good chance of getting
to that hundred dollars per day guys I
practice what I preach so here's the
Vinings here guys from one platform
another platform another platform all
the platforms I get money from guys I
wouldn't be able to fit it on the screen
but let's go through I kind of try to
explain it to you the best I can on how
to get this going for you okay it's
really easy to understand and honestly
all you need is look just a little bit
of time okay time you can get back
whenever you like all you need is a
little bit of time to get this started
so guys what I'm going to be showing you
today is quite simple to understand I'm
gonna show you first of all how to get
started I'm gonna show you how I started
with free traffic yes free traffic now
all you need to do is get some
consistent free traffic and then later
on once you have all that free traffic
coming in you can start to expand into
paid traffic or other traffic sources
when you have that hundred dollars a day
come in or two hundred dollars a day
coming in okay that's the goal is to get
that little bit of money coming in first
then you can expand into other
methods of getting traffic but honestly
guys I started this project I want to
show you right now in this video I
started with free traffic and I'll show
you the proof and everything I'm also
going to show you one of the best
affiliate structures to do so yes guys
in this training we're talking about
affiliate marketing because you don't
need your own products okay you get
commissions for promoting someone else's
product and guys you can promote courses
you can promote software's you can
promote WordPress themes shove off a
themes if any business online pretty
much 99.9% of businesses online have an
affiliate marketing program that you can
use to make a commission okay and this
is perfect if you don't have much money
okay now guys this is the existence
exactly how I started one of my flip
marketing businesses I started from zero
like I said and went from zero to
hundreds of thousands of dollars per
year doing this exact same thing I was
just like you behind the computer screen
I had a little bit of experience but
this was kind of like my big
breakthrough and you know proper
affiliate marketing so what you need to
do first guys and this is really really
important and I know a lot of people
don't like doing this but if you have to
spend a little bit of money on a website
doesn't matter what you do online
whether you're doing Shopify affiliate
marketing selling your course you need
your own domain name you need your own
website and honestly it doesn't even
cost that much twelve dollars per year
for a domain name is what you're looking
at and to start a website to two dollars
ninety five a month so three dollars per
month okay it's like thirty forty cents
per day to start your own website guys
this is your tool of the trade a builder
this say goes and spends ten thousand
dollars on a van or a truck for his
tools you can go and spend a couple
hundred bucks a year or three dollars
per month to start your own website
there is a link below for people that
follow me and stuff if you want to start
your own website but for this method
guys I highly recommend you have your
own paid website is going to turn into a
big asset for you later on and get
stronger and stronger and stronger and
you can even sell these websites a
couple years down the track one of my
students just sold a website for nearly
in dollars okay I just posted about it
in my Facebook group the other day so
this is an asset guys you build these up
now if you want to know how to make our
website we're not gonna do it on this
video I'll have a full tutorial in the
description below it'll take you through
how to start your own website and even
how to get traffic and stuff like that
there will be a full tutorial below now
to kind of sum it up for you all you're
going to do is go to the link below
we'll go to your favorite we're posting
sign up with Bluehost you put in a
password you choose your theme and then
they activate what we call WordPress now
WordPress is really simple you don't
need any code any coding skills you just
go in there and there's tutorials online
or the link I showed you and how to
actually edit the site and stuff like
that and it kind of looks something like
this guys you can this is the back
dashboard I can go to post I can go to
add new post and what it'll do guys that
will create a post that looks like this
okay this is a post here a simple post
it's a little bit more advanced that
kind of spend a little bit of time on
this but this is a post here with
affiliate links on it okay it's really
easy to kind of do it's not that hard to
do this guy's
now I'll let note guys I want to talk
about step number two okay once you have
your website set up and stuff like this
step number two is quite easy write a
few articles about specific products
courses anything any kind of in it you
know any nice you want to jump into
there's affiliate programs and every
single niche build out the blog a little
bit you don't want to spend too much
time building out the site because I see
so many people focusing on that but you
build out your blog or website over time
once you start getting money and you
just want to get it started
you just want to get some money coming
in first you don't want to you know mess
around with the specifics when you're
studying okay now you'll get commissions
from these articles I'll show you how in
a second and you'll optimize the site a
little bit to maximize conversions just
optimize it a little bit make it look a
little bit nice and just so you get
maximize conversions and you get more
money so guys this is what I'm talking
about okay what I what I do basically is
start these websites and what I this is
my structure so I can pair
products together so for example and
this this is my this is my site guys
this is what I'm talking about this this
particular web site here online dime's
calm I started three years ago this
website is doing hundreds of thousands
of dollars per year it's very simple as
you can see it's not complicated it's
very easy that kind of it's just very
simple what I do guys is I take two
programs so Sam cart and click funnels
and I compare them and they get a
commission if someone goes and uses Sam
cat they get a commission if someone
goes and uses our click funnels here's
my click funnels commissions here we're
doing well over a hundred dollars per
day that day was 69 but we made up for
you know four hundred others per day
three hundred dollars per day these are
click funnels commissions from articles
like these and here's another one click
funnels verse get response you scroll
down and then if they click on here guys
they go through and get a trial if they
stay on that trial I get a commission so
that's how this works guys you can go
and compare two products you can do it
for courses you can compare to affiliate
courses or to e-commerce courses or
something like that together okay now I
look and actually here's another great
example by the way live and best Shopify
themes that boost your sales if you
scroll down here guys in my blog I get
commissions for all of these things so
what I do is this website here is called
website sorry and baito market or beta
or something and I put these things on
my website and I say these are the best
themes I've read a little bit of
something about them and when people go
through and click guys to these themes I
get a commission okay it's really really
easy to understand and as guys it takes
me like a couple of hours to write up a
blog post it's not that hard this is the
easy part but what you probably want to
know is how do you get the traffic how
did I get the traffic to get this
particular website to hundreds and
thousands of dollars per year how did I
do that
right so you have to the website you
have their Philip you know affiliate
marketing stuff you can go and research
how to do that how do you get the
traffic that's the next thing what do
you do how do you get it well it's all
about first of all
the structure of the article you need
the article to look good feel good you
need to have your affiliate links in
here this one doesn't even have any
affiliate links let me go down okay this
one actually a bad example we don't have
many affiliate links and that one this
one I think we get enough so have your
affiliate links and guys have it nicely
structured have it you know nice and
clean that's the first step on your
website the next step guys is obviously
going out there and getting traffic how
do you do this and you know how do you
do it for free well number one guys this
is exactly how I started remember that I
was in the exact same place as everyone
else watching this video and there's a
there's no excuse anyone can do this if
you do it right what I see guys is
people just spam and scam they don't do
this right you have to do it right if
you don't do it right this will never
work for you like I'll get people like
from the last other YouTube videos
coming back and say hey this doesn't
work and they'll show me what they
didn't they just can't the spamming
stuff all over the place there's never
going to work to use this method you
need a blog page quote basically a
bridge page so it's a page in between
because you can't just send people
straight to the affiliate link now guys
method number one this is one of my
favorite methods I'm cure comm I think
that's how you pronounce it this is a
question site and this is my number one
traffic source right now and I'm still
using this today to get traffic today
took yesterday I still yesterday today
the day before yesterday I'm still using
this to get free traffic to my blog I
pay someone now to do this for me but
what we do guys is we find people who
want answers we offer them a solution
which is the blog post you start to
build up free traffic and get
commissions this is a person on my team
here she sent me this yesterday actually
one of our questions is going vite well
one of our answers is going viral let me
just show you here so yeah so she'll
send me a report every single week of
all the questions she's answered this is
one of them here she's multiple profiles
this was posted today is the 11th of
October here in New Zealand this was
posted over a week ago second of October
already 2,200 views
now this wasn't to an affiliate offer it
was to my econ turbo Shopify theme but
it's the same thing and you can see I'm
here's my website here so you know that
it's legit I pay people now to do this
for me but you can do it yourself and we
get so much traffic from this website
guys so for example if you wanted to go
and say hey promote click funnels right
you could do a blog posts on I have a
builder landing page or something and
I'm going to go best landing page
builder right there's still a bit of a
refresh here this landing page builder
page builder you have all of these
people asking this question what are the
best landing page builders what are the
top landing page builders with a modern
templates what is the best landing page
builder right guys these websites get
thousands of views a day plus your
answers will break and Google and you'll
get Google traffic as well this was the
number one free traffic source for me
when I started online Dames three years
ago it still is the number one free
traffic source for my blog today if you
end my Facebook groups you know I talk
about this all the time okay
and we get thousands upon thousands upon
thousands of views a day to our links
from this website okay this is the
number one traffic free traffic source
that we have right now there's no excuse
you can get traffic from these websites
okay and actually here you go this is a
new site so this one is actually this
other site here this is an online dance
com this is a new site I just started
and it is already our number one free
traffic source okay this is only after
like I think a week of using current
calm you'll remember that these answers
stay there forever they're forever
getting views so it's just a compounding
effect over and over and over again okay
so what we do guys is we we provide
value and then we go on answer questions
and cure by sending them to our blog
posts when we have links oh that's a bad
example sorry where we have links to
that we are recommending based on these
questions that people have answered so
for the theme one goes with this one
here we go on currants and put in best
shove off a themes and then people will
go and we might link to this one so let
me just you know best shove off a themes
and there's hundreds of questions one of
the best free Shopify themes what's the
best place to learn that Shopify what's
the best Shopify's theme what are the
best Shopify themes what is the best
third-party Shopify theme like guys this
literally people looking to buy stuff
from you number two forums one of the
best traffic sources online as well
provide value inside forums don't spam
use your blog pages as resources to help
people or you can link in your forum
subscription signatures now a lot of
people say to me Franklin you're full of
garbage this doesn't work a lot of
mother videos Wow one of my main traffic
sources on online dance comm was
blackhat worldcom over 50,000 views in
the last I think this is the last 90
days 50,000 views guys from free traffic
from a free forum so this works
extremely well you just need to put in
the work put in the effort to get this
free traffic in this free traffic can
turn into thousands upon thousands of
dollars for you you can definitely get
to $100 per day with this type of free
traffic okay so if forums are extremely
good as well you just don't want to spam
and there's two types of ways of getting
traffic is to have a link in your forum
signature that's kind of okay but you
also want to add value to the forums and
then you can link to your blog pages now
a lot of people say all my blog pages
get deleted
I get banned because you don't add value
you're right four or five lines and
expect to get traffic you have to write
a lot of content that's valuable and
then have a link to your website okay
otherwise just going to get banned and
you only have yourself to blame for that
number three guys Facebook groups you
can start your own Facebook groups or
provide value in other Facebook groups
but don't spam once
again if you start one Facebook will do
the work for you what that means is if
you start a Facebook based on a niche
Facebook has an algorithm where they
will suggest your groups to people in
other groups and stuff like that this is
why my groups 40,000 members I hardly
ever promoted it it just grew
organically from Facebook and this makes
me a lot of money as well this is a free
traffic source so Facebook groups is
another free traffic source guys there's
cific on the tabs up here and I don't
I'd kind of go through but that guys
another free traffic source to get to
your offer guys the thing is it's all
about traffic you have the best offer in
the world no one cares if you're not
seen them sending them to it this is the
problem everybody has I could teach you
how to make a website I could teach you
how to find the best affiliate offers
but if you're not going to put the work
and to get the traffic you're not going
to succeed okay you have to put in the
work now number four is my last traffic
source I'll use I've been really getting
back into lately I slowed down a little
bit but I'm doing this right now you can
go look on my Pinterest this is an
untapped free traffic source as crazy
I'm a free trader you can get you can
get from here if you want a video on how
to get the free traffic from Pinterest
go look on my channel or I'll leave a
link below and you can go and check that
out I have a full video on that it's
easy to get impressions and I know
someone right now making thirty thousand
dollars a month just from Pinterest
traffic alone that's thirty thousand
dollars per month of affiliate
commissions just from Pinterest alone so
here's how it kind of works guys oh
actually let me just show you some
student results so these are two of my
students that have got sent this
recently you can pause and read this if
you want but this guy's doing
and this on this day five thousand
dollars a day eight hundred dollars that
day he's probably easily doing a hundred
dollars per day now this is someone else
that sent me an email I made four
hundred dollars today and I've got
fourteen people in the trial I got all
this from free traffic guys the beauty
about free traffic and it just takes
time you can refill time whenever you
want you just time time time time is
nothing it just ticks over every single
day you have plenty of time
money you have to have work to get money
like if you spend $100 on ads and you
get no sales that money's gone free
traffic is just time okay so this is how
how it works guys you get free traffic
sources you send it to a blog page with
affiliate links like I showed you in
this example here and in this example
here we have affiliate links here these
go to pages with people purchase these
Shopify themes I get a commission okay
it's a little slow right now so we'll
come back to sue that maybe no here we
go so this theme is 400 bucks 500
dollars I get 30% of someone purchases
this theme I've made quite a bit of
money for this particular website okay
so that's how it works guys then we make
money the wrong way to do it guys is
simple don't send free traffic straight
to affiliate links or even paid traffic
this is a no no do not do this you will
get banned
you'll get no will like you you'll get
banned and then you'll come back to my
videos and say Franklin your methods
don't work because you've done this
garbage okay you need to have a bridge
page you need to have a blog page to
actually go out and get these results
and that's why I have students sending
me this stuff every single day because
they listen they take the action and
they're going implement what I teach to
get the results that they need
it's all here online for you guys you
just have have to implement these
strategies so I can't teach you
literally how to create a website on
this video we'll be here for a long long
time but I do have a training guys if
you do want to learn more about
affiliate marketing
I don't really promote this much it's
kind of being underground but we have
students in here doing very very well
you'll get taken through how to find the
best affiliate offers how to use free
traffic paid traffic we've got some
results module to take you through how
to find niches and and well actually had
a fine issues and products to promote
like I mentioned module number three I
take you through building out your
assets buying domain studying a website
navigating a website creating landing
module four we go through Clickbank a
whole module on how to make money of
clickbank amazon as well
search engine optimization paid traffic
is a massive module with Facebook solo
ads Google Ads then we have module eight
which is free traffic we talk about
forums cure we talk about YouTube then
and then email marketing is another one
guys to teach you how to build an email
marketing and then bonus funnels bonus
module as funnels so guys what it comes
down to is really getting the the free
traffic that I've mentioned in this
video and you need to start a website
like you can try off for free website if
you want but honestly I wouldn't even
bother because it's not you need to
become an authority and to do that you
need to pay for web so so you get the
free traffic guys you send it to every
website where you have your affiliate
links that's really simple there is and
that's how I've started like multiple
websites I have over ten websites off
the top of my head that I make affiliate
Commission's from I've clicked bank
website seven I think that's an Amazon
once kind of slowing down on Amazon I
have software affiliate stuff so like I
have affiliate websites where I'd just
promote software's and stuff like that
I've website where I promote courses I
compare other people's courses with my
courses so websites are always going to
be the foundation of your online
business and if you want to make a
hundred dollars per downline you need to
have a website alright guys that's it
for this video that's the structure free
traffic sources - a blog page with
affiliate links this is how I started
one of my websites completely free
traffic if you wanted to learn more
about this you can go into my course
I'll leave a link below and or if you
want to don't dumb people course that's
fine jump onto my youtube channel and
I've got lots of videos that can help
you out with studying your own online