
Friday, March 27, 2020

How To Make $1000 Dollars As A Kid! [The BETTER Than LAZY METHOD] #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Make $1000 Dollars As A Kid! [The BETTER Than LAZY METHOD]

hey guys what's going on Joshua elder
here welcome back to the channel in this
video I'm going to show you how to make
$1,000 as a kid or as a teenager as an
adult as really anybody for that matter
and I'm gonna give you the better than
lazy way to make money in this video
there's a lot of people claiming that
you could be lazy and make tons and tons
of money online well that might be sort
of true but the truth of the matter is
is it's gonna require work okay it's
gonna require persistence so I'd rather
be honest and upfront with you as to
what it takes to build any type of
business online so if you're willing to
put in some sort of work right you're
not gonna lay on the couch and eat
Cheetos and watch videos and make a
bunch of money we know that but what is
the most simplest most effective way to
build a business and make money online
as a kid or anybody as a beginner it
doesn't matter where you come from what
shoes you're in how you put your pants
on in the morning I'm going to show you
a proven four-step way in this video so
if you haven't already please subscribe
to this channel slam that red subscribe
button and take the belt icon to be
notified of future videos that I upload
when I upload them and don't forget to
give me a thumbs up because I know
you're gonna get tons of value from this
video and I'm excited to deliver it to
you on a nice silver platter so with
that said let's go ahead and dive into
the content number one guys step number
one you want to sign up at two websites
one is called pure fly com and another
one is Clickbank calm now if you're
younger than I believe 16 or 18 you may
need a parent or guardian to sign up for
you okay because you're gonna need a
bank account you're going to need to you
know perform transactions and you know
obviously you know get that money
transferred to your bank account so make
sure that you've got that set up and
then once you get that set up you want
to go to number one Clickbank comm and
you guys can actually see that I'm
signed here in my back office with in my
account this is my username here and you
guys can see these are some results I've
created from this four step for me
and you can see that I really started
implementing this formula on April 10th
and now it's April 22nd and you can see
yesterday you know didn't bring in any
income you're gonna have some days that
do that right this is one of the few
honest screenshots of income showing you
guys that you're not gonna have constant
one thousand three thousand five
thousand dollar days right in the
beginning now as you progress through
your business like I am your incomes
gonna go higher and higher and higher so
you can see that there's more
consistency that's been created with
with in April then necessarily in March
now March I was promoting a different
offer a whole different strategy and I
was able to make three thousand dollars
from that now about strategies not as
consistent as a strategy I'm about to
show you in this video okay so what I
like about this strategy it's it's
sustainable you're gonna get steady
growth over time and your incomes not
going to go up and down and up and down
now some of you are just worried about
making a thousand bucks you want to know
how to do it as quickly as possible but
I want you to remain patient grasshopper
okay a lot of people jump ahead of
themselves and they're constantly
watching all these different YouTube
videos and jumping from one guru to the
another grew to another guru
chances are by next week you'll forget
about this video and you'll be learning
ecommerce you'll be learning you know
retail arbitrage you'll be learning how
to do offline you know you know
consulting to help offline businesses
come online and there's just so many
ways to make money online guys and
that's the problem is people aren't
patient they're just constantly jumping
around because they think they need to
be doing all these different things but
what I implore you what I urge you to do
is go really really deep right on one
specific vehicle of making money right
one specific strategy it's like taking a
magnifying glass and when you harness
all the sun's energy into that
magnifying glass on that single point
right whether it's on a bug whether it's
on a plant right when I was younger we
used to you know burn like grass and bug
with magnifying glasses right maybe they
don't do that nowadays but that's a sort
of energy that you want to harness
that's the energy that you need to
create success on the Internet
right and this may be going over a lot
of people's heads because they're just
like give me the secret give me the
secret right this is important you guys
this your search will end here if you
listen to what I'm saying because I
struggled online for five years trying
to make money because I was learning
everything and I was a jack of all
trades and a master of none right so
make sure that you're following what I'm
laying out for you because there was a
method to the madness okay so with that
said by going deep with one strategy I
was able to create this type of income
you could see on Friday $594 guys in 85
cents from implementing what I'm about
to show you so with that said what you
want to do first is go to clickbank comm
okay you'll just type it in up here
and then you'll go to create account and
then what you want to do is fill out all
this information it's all secure
privately capped okay and you'll just
complete the steps and create an account
there okay now in case you don't know
what Clickbank is it's an affiliate
network where you can go into this
network and what they'll do is they'll
have tons of products listed within the
network that you can choose to promote
this is called OPP other promoting other
people's products or it's also called
affiliate marketing or freelance
marketing right there's tons of the coin
names out there but it's basically
affiliate marketing that's what most
people know it as okay and the great
thing about affiliate marketing is you
can sell other people's products and
earn a commission by being the middleman
between somebody that's searching for
the product right and you know or
somebody that's searching for a problem
and the solution to that problem right
so what we're really doing here is we're
helping people on the internet through
the search engines solve whatever
problems that they have like how many
times you use Google a day I use it
every single day yesterday I used it to
figure out you know how to fix my washer
for some reason my washers not running I
don't know
it's because you know the water is not
running or it's a malfunction in this
new washer but I googled it to figure
out the solution right and so what will
happen is people will rank websites and
videos giving us the solution maybe
there's a certain product that we need
to get that solution and what they'll do
is they'll recommend a product to us and
then we'll go to the product vendors
website and then we'll buy that product
and guess what the person that sent us
to that link through like a youtube
video or through a website they make
money okay and they could be promoting
products through Clickbank right
they could be promoting products through
peer fly they could be promoting
products through there's commission
there's Rakatan there's pretty much Home
Depot Best Buy there's affiliate
programs for most large companies out
there but what we want to do is we want
to promote products that will give us
high commissions okay so one thing
that's awesome about the internet is you
can promote a product that's $5 right
and send people to that product and if
people are actually looking for that
product online they'll probably buy but
if you're only getting like 2%
Commission which is like pennies it's
really not worth your work but if you
can take that same amount of effort and
send people instead of to a five dollar
product to maybe a hundred dollar
product that's going to make the huge
difference for you okay so for the next
step what you're gonna want to do is you
don't want to get an account at pier fly
com okay all you need to do is go to
purify calm and select to start earning
today you'll fill out the same
application a similar application to
what you filled out when you signed up
for Clickbank okay so once you do that
you're gonna get logged into pure fly
right here and it's gonna look something
like this
alright so don't let this confuse you
what you want to do is you want to focus
on the left hand side here and what
we're gonna do is we're going to select
offers okay and it's going to pop down a
few selections here and we're gonna
select the Browse offers and it's going
to come to a page it's going to take you
to a page that looks something like
this okay and then you have all these
different offers right here and then the
pay amount right here
now I already populated this page and I
selected this pay button right here so
when you select that you're going to
notice look it goes from the cheapest
payout offers to the most expensive we
want to make sure we select the most
expensive payouts okay now there's tons
of different categories too as well we
can go over here to category and we can
go to like cryptocurrency we can go to
biz ops work at home beauty products
background checks as seen on tv so on
and so forth so what you would want to
do is select a category that you'd be
interested in promoting products within
okay maybe you're into gaming maybe you
like doing gaming tutorials maybe you
like doing gaming walkthroughs and so
the gaming something in the gaming it
would fit really really well for you now
keep in mind the payout amount all right
it's gonna require a little bit more
work if you're promoting an offer that
is a less payout right so if you want to
make $1,000 I would recommend promoting
a product that will you know make you
right around between $50 to $100 I'm
gonna show you how to do that all on
autopilot using YouTube okay
so after we select a product within a
specific niche so what I'm gonna do in
this case is I'm going to go to let's
see let's go to as seen on tv products
okay and let's go see if there is a
product that has a high payout okay so
you got the South Beach Diet you got my
snoring solutions this is a pretty
decent product right here the payout is
$69.50 so what I would do is I would
select that product okay and then what I
would do is I would scroll down and you
can see this is your affiliate link
right here this is your custom link
you're the only one on the internet that
has access to this link and this is how
cells are tracked back to you
now you might not be into snoring
solutions right but I'm just using this
as a case study example for you like I
said you can go into any niche that you
want to so now that I've selected a
product now what we want to do is we
want to follow the next step and the
next step is going to be we want to step
number three want to use YouTube to do
traffic research for product positioning
now that we've selected a product now we
need visitors to that product right
plain and simple
how are we gonna get visitors we're
going to use YouTube's search engine
because YouTube is going to provide us
the highest quality of people that are
ready to buy our product okay and by the
way let me just jump back to step number
one just real quickly if you want to use
Clickbank and find products within
Clickbank so I'm just gonna log in here
again what you would do is you would go
to the marketplace up here so you would
select that and the same process we have
a bunch of categories here so if we
wanted to select computers an internet
right here and then it's sorted by we
want to sort by either popularity or
gravity gravity basically tells us that
it lists all the products that are
selling really really well so in this
case this one right here are nineteen
dollars and forty three cents I would
just select promote and then enter your
account nickname here and then select
create and then you get this long link
right here that's another example of an
affiliate link and how to find it within
Clickbank and then what you can do is
you can copy it and you can go to a
website called bitly right it's gone
over this before but we'll do it again
real quick and then you're going to
paste it here and then boom look it
automatically creates a little link for
us and we copy this and this is a link
we'd go around the internet and share
you know in this case it would be
YouTube so now that we've selected our
product and we've kind of defined how to
find these products on pier fly and
clickbank we now want to go to youtube
and we want to
position videos to be ranked at the top
of the search engines so when people
search for search terms that are related
to our product right remember again
we're the middleman we want to find out
what their problems are we want to offer
them solution to be the gateway to that
solution so if people are having snoring
what would they type into YouTube right
so we would go over to YouTube right
here and number one you always want to
first create a review around the product
that you're promoting because people are
typing in that product in the search
engine and the way that we can find that
out is we start typing in this snoreless
pillow look snoreless pillow snoreless
pillow reviews snoreless strips people
are typing that in as well
snoreless perfect the solution whatever
that means so this product right here
people are going to YouTube and looking
for reviews on it and look you can see
this video was created two years ago
ranked at the top two thousand views
this one has 19,000 254 219,000 so on
and so forth so what we're going to do
is number one we want to get cells
quickly okay we want to hit that a
thousand dollar mark quickly so what
we're gonna do is we're gonna create a
review around this specific pillow first
we're gonna create a review around the
product okay and there's two ways that
we can do that we can do that by having
somebody else create a review for us or
what we can do is we can create the
review ourselves okay so what we would
do it was we would actually purchase the
product and we would use the product and
then we would record our results about
the product now if you're promoting the
product you want it to be you know a
product it's actually gonna help you and
help other people or else there's no
point in promoting a product that you
find out later doesn't work for you so
you can start by going and looking at
reviews of the product you know based
off of other people's reviews right so
if I'm thinking about promoting this
product what I would do first is look at
what other people are saying about the
product and how they're reviewing it and
if we find it valuable a good product
then we can go on and purchase it and
then we would document our progress with
that specific product so let me explain
the two ways of doing this number one
you don't have to go through all this
you know process of recording videos
which I'm going to explain in just a
second and right off the bat you could
just record a video just one video and
post it as a review on YouTube and rank
it at the top of YouTube okay and the
way that you rank it at the top of
YouTube is what I typically do is I look
at other people's videos for that same
search term that are ranked the top and
I find out exactly what they're doing
right so I would click this video here
and what I want to do is I want to find
out what this specific individual did to
rank at the top so I would pretty much
copy their title I would copy their
video tags and you can use a plugin
called vid IQ to copy the video tags
here and then I would not copy the the
description I would create my own
description but you could just pretty
much take this and reword it okay and at
the very top using that bitly link you
would place that link right here okay
so that's that's part of solution number
one is just to create one video one
review you know experience the product
see what the products like if you find
it to be a really good product then jump
on video and document you know your
review of the product now you don't have
to show your face you can show your
computer screen or you could just show a
video of the product itself and then a
voice over view talking about the
product so you could do that or you can
outsource the review and you can
actually see I'll show you how to
outsource the review and have somebody
else do the review for you you can see
that most of these reviews if you go
through them are actually not customer
real customer reviews they've hired
somebody on a web site called
to do these reviews for them and I can
tell just by looking at how short these
reviews are especially this this lady I
see this lady review a lot of different
products and I know somebody went on
Fiverr right so
and then what they've done is they've
gone to spokesperson videos which can be
found under the video and animation tab
right here and then just go to
spokesperson videos and then you could
just select somebody and just pay them
five bucks they'll create a quick one
minute to two minutes review on the
product you just give them the product
name they'll do the research more often
than not or you can give them a little
script on what you would say have
somebody else do it and then all you
would do is upload that video to YouTube
and put your link in the description
just like this video here any of these
videos so if you look at all these
videos they have they're all promoting
this snoreless sleep pillow and this is
exactly how I got started online guys so
what I would do is I would do one review
on one product and I do another review
on another product and you know I just
looked around just on the internet at
different products I was already
interested in right something that I was
already gonna buy or something I already
had in my home and I would do a quick
review on it and then place my affiliate
link in the description to that product
then I get paid so a lot of products out
there that you already have in your home
we're bought from like Amazon we're
bought from Walmart Best Buy and a lot
of these websites already have affiliate
programs that you can join to promote
those products through a custom
affiliate link that you're given to buy
these different websites right by these
different companies but the thing is is
I love to promote products that will pay
me a lot of money so just keep that in
mind okay as you're doing this so that's
solution number one solution number two
I find to be more effective so what you
would do for example with this snoreless
sleep pillow this would be a more
strategic approach and you'd get a lot
more website visitors and a lot more
traffic and a lot more people buying
your product because you're seeing the
before and after of the product and
that's invaluable when you can see what
you know life is like before you use a
product and what life's like after
that's enough social proof that somebody
needs to buy right so in this case what
you would do with the
sleep pillow or with anything for that
matter is you would and this works for
most products maybe not every product
it'll work for some services too as well
but what you would do is you would first
create a video of you unboxing the
product showing people that you actually
have the product that you're not just
creating a review to make money right a
lot of people know that they're smart
enough on YouTube to know when people
are lying to them so you want to make
sure that you show the unboxing of the
product right so if it was the store
less pillow your title of your video
would be like snoreless pillow review
and then - real unboxing of the
snoreless pillow or something like that
right so you would show the unboxing and
then video - you would talked about just
before results so in this case you talk
about what life's like you know right
now that you know your snoring every
night your girlfriend hates it you know
your your parents hate it they can hear
you any other room whatever it may be
right and so you're just going to talk
about your before results and then video
three to ten in this specific section
what you would do is you would talk
about the documentation of the product
the use of the product you know day one
this is how I felt using this product
before and after day two here's what I
liked I didn't like day three so on and
so forth and you could do that for a
couple days three days seven days right
this is going to allow you to create
sort of a video series on this product
and in every video in the title you
would have snoreless pillow okay you
would have snoreless pillow in the title
and so then by video 11 you should have
multiple videos ranked for snoreless
pillow or snoreless pillow reviews so
we'd be ranking for snoreless pillow
with many different videos okay and then
by video 11 you would show your after
results from the product okay and every
single one of these videos you have your
affiliate link in the description okay
so video 11 is big because then you
could talk about how you documented
everything from video 1 to video 10 and
people can feel free to go back and
check it out
so that allows them to see all the
social proof that you have in your
channel of you using the product what
you're like before the product and what
you're like after you completed the use
of that product so you can take method
one which is going to fiber and you know
paying five bucks to get a biased review
from somebody else from a spokesperson
you could also create a review yourself
right off the bat based off of other
people's reviews as well as your own
review or number two you can follow the
eleven video process and again it
doesn't have to be eleven videos right
you definitely want to make sure you
have the unboxing and the before results
and after easel after results maybe this
you just have one or two videos but you
would follow this specific process and
that will allow you more chances to rank
at the top of YouTube and people are
more likely to buy because they see that
much proof that you know you're actually
using the product you bought it and
you're showing the results of it so with
that said you know this is the better
than lazy way I can guarantee that every
single strategy on the internet there's
more simple strategies more complex
strategies but the level of difficulty
will determine how much you make if you
go for the harder stuff first you guys
you're gonna end up making more money in
the long run so let your search end here
go deep with this method this whole
entire channel was built off of this
method I just showed you so that tells
you something and because of it I'm
averaging you know right around two to
four hundred dollars even you know six
hundred dollars a day so with that said
if you got value from this video give me
a thumbs up make sure you like this
video click the link in the description
to check out my top recommended system
okay if you want to learn how to build
an affiliate marketing business from
scratch with nothing left out I covered
a lot in this video but I couldn't cover
everything if you want to access to
everything check out the link in the
description and like I said give me a
thumbs up subscribe to this channel and
comment below let me know what product
you're going to be reviewing what's your
first product you're going to be
on pure fly or on Clickbank or as a
matter of fact you can if you already
have another you know affiliate market
place you're subscribed to let me know
what product you found you're promoting
and that you're gonna apply this method
so with that said Josh elder signing off
we'll see you in the next video take

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