
Friday, March 27, 2020

How to Make $1,000+ Per DAY with Affiliate Marketing! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How to Make $1,000+ Per DAY with Affiliate Marketing!

hey guys what's going on Joshua elder
here welcome back to the channel and in
this video today I'm going to show you
how to make $1,000 a day with affiliate
marketing I'm going to show you guys
some income proof of what I've been able
to recently create using and leveraging
the affiliate marketing model and I'm
actually going to give you access to a
recording that I've charged $97
typically for people that decided to
join this exact mastermind group I'm
going to give you access to this
recording for free and you're gonna be
able to see the exact formula
I call it my 10k launch jacking
blueprint to making $1,000 a day with
affiliate marketing and I'm gonna walk
you through pretty much the overview and
how you can actually construct a
campaign that creates $1,000 per day
consistent income what I want to do is I
want to show you guys my screen if I can
here I don't know if you guys can see
this I'm gonna do my best you can see
this one product that I sold was able to
produce over eleven thousand two hundred
forty one dollars and fifty seven cents
just from the sell of this one product
and using my 10k launch jacking
blueprint and by the way you guys I
didn't invest any money to make this 11
thousand dollars so if you follow the
exact formula I'm about to lay out to
you in this recording that I have I can
promise you if you implement it you can
create similar results again this is no
guarantee of income just showing you
guys what's possible right Benji he's
excited to get started so all you guys
need to do is continue to watch this
video till the end and also don't forget
to subscribe to the channel I'm always
uploading videos on a weekly and even
right now our daily basis teaching you
how to build a life in business full of
freedom passion and fulfillment so slam
a subscribe button and also tick the
bell icon to receive future updates on
videos that I upload when I upload them
and let's go ahead and dive into the
content at the end of the video you'll
be able to click the link below in the
description ok and you'll be able to get
access to this whole entire formula of
course this is a 40-minute recording I'm
about to show you I can't cover
everything in a recording so if you want
to learn how to build an affiliate
marketing business from complete scratch
in detail write everything covered
thoroughly then click the link below in
the description and everything will be
covered there so with that said let's
dive into the recording and we'll go
ahead and we will get started now
so welcome you guys I appreciate you
first of all for putting your trust into
me to give you guys some value tonight
and let me get my microphone situated
here so you guys can hear me clearly let
me also go I'm just gonna stop sharing
my screen for just a second here I just
want to make sure that I got the right
microphone let's use this microphone
instead I think that'll make a huge huge
difference should be coming in clearly
let me go back to sharing my screen so
it looks like we're set up we're good to
go and we are recording good awesome
so welcome you guys to the 10k launch
jacking formula I got an overwhelming
response through my email that I sent
out and through my facebook I actually
did a couple lives too on Facebook
telling people about this and let me
just kind of preface this training for
those of you that just kind of jumped on
board I had people just throwing money
at me like Josh I just want access to
whatever it is I don't even know what it
is because you always over deliver on
value just give me access to it and so
for the hoes of you that aren't familiar
with what it is that we're doing here
let me just kind of explain it to you
and this is a strategy that I learned
man it's been about four years basically
what we're doing I want you kind of to
imagine you know all the buzz that goes
on when brand new movies are coming out
right so like for example right now or
we're coming up on spring and there's a
lot of movies are gonna be coming out
between the spring in the summer and
there's gonna be a lot of buzz created
around these movies so you have these
well-known movie critics right out there
that are letting people know their point
of view on these movies and they're
creating a lot of buzz around these
movies whether it's negative or positive
the marketplace goes crazy and they're
going on the internet and they're
searching for you know movie trailers
and they're looking for reviews on
there's just a lot of buzz out there
around a specific movie it's kind of the
same thing within the internet marketing
community and what happens is when
there's a brand new product launching in
the internet marketing community what
happens is is when that product is
launched and there's a lot of affiliates
on board right an affiliate is just
basically somebody that sells the
product so let's imagine that we got
these big affiliates on board that are
selling that are gonna promote this
specific internet marketing product some
of these affiliates guys they've got a
list of hundreds of thousands of people
so what kind of buzz does it create if
somebody sends out an email about a
specific product that's launching maybe
it's on Facebook marketing or maybe it's
a new YouTube marketing course whatever
it may be what's gonna happen is the the
prospects the consumers the potential
customers on their list they're gonna go
to Google and YouTube they're gonna type
in whatever the product name is plus
review right so we're gonna type in
maybe it's Facebook Ads
mastery 2.0 review right or they'll type
in Facebook Ads mastery does it work
there are specific keywords guys that
they're gonna go in and people
consistently type in without fail for
every product launch so a lot of times
it's the keyword plus review the keyword
plus you know which is the product name
plus scam the the product name plus does
it work the product name plus bonus so
on and so forth so we'll get a little
bit deeper into that but I want you guys
to understand what we're doing here is
we're positioning ourselves in the
marketplace right we're future pacing
ourselves so when a product is released
to the market boom guess what we're in a
position to receive that flood of
traffic and this is where the launch
jacking formula comes into place we're
basically launch jacking or using big
brand names right and big names in a
specific industry to kind of siphon off
legally the traffic from that brand
right so regardless you guys can use
this in any industry - by the way it
doesn't matter what you're doing there's
lunches in almost every industry that
you can launch Jack and if you can find
out where you can get the information to
find out when these launches are taking
place and the name of these products you
can win big big big big so it's all
about thinking ahead of the market right
when it comes to launch jacking because
if we do this we play our cards right
there's literally gonna be no
competition because it's a it's a brand
new keyword right it's a brand new
search term that people are typing in
and each of these search terms are like
little pieces of real estate right and
each of these pieces of real estate are
worth something so the quicker that you
can get on board with a product launch
the sooner you can upload your videos in
a specific sequence that I'm gonna show
you over the course of this training the
better off you're going to be so let me
know in the comments if that makes sense
and by the way guys I can't see my
comments right now we're just going to
kind of go through this and I will check
the comments at the very end of this
okay this this module should be too long
we may be looking at 20 to 30 minutes of
that okay just for the for the the first
module because I want to set the
foundation here and I want to show you
guys that anybody on this call right now
you guys can do this okay and you can do
what I'm doing right now if you don't
want to be on video you can show your
screen just like this and just give
people knowledge and we'll show you how
to kind of create scripts and get
something put together and just help you
number one get on video because that's
where the market is going that's where
this online space is going is they're
going more towards video marketing
because they're losing trust in people
guys they want to learn to trust people
again all right
people are getting tired of jumping from
product product and opportunity to
opportunity not having the proper help
that they need which is really why I
want to create more courses like this
that really give people the how-to stuff
right a lot of you guys have the mindset
you've developed the right mindset in
this industry you just want to know what
to do with it right so we want to make
sure that we do have a mindset to where
we are confident to go out there and
take action right there's not a lack of
information out there but there's a lack
of the proper mindset to put people in
the motion to you know sort of eliminate
all the fear that's out there about you
know shooting videos and putting content
out there on the internet and fear of
what somebody may think of us and the
truth is guys we have to we all have to
start from somewhere I had to start from
somewhere my first video was horrendous
it was terrible but I knew what the
journey was going to entail and when you
knowing that what the journey is going
to entail you kind of forgive yourself
but you understand that this is the
whole part of the process you know if we
understand how our brain works just you
know not go to go too far off the beaten
path we have to understand that we have
this brain that's that's wired for
survival we're not wired to necessarily
be public speakers where our brains are
wired to survive I think that we were
born negative because of the way that
our brains are wired and so through work
and consistent effort we can build the
right mindset a mindset for success so
realize when you're shooting videos that
our brains weren't you know created to
do this you know and that we've got to
build a mental muscle just like we we
build muscle at the gym so I wanted to
start off by saying that you guys now
that we've got that covered let's move
into the launch jacking formula what I'm
going to do is I'm going to go to full
view here and I want to make sure that
you guys can see my screen once again so
I'm just gonna pull up the chat real
quick so let me know that you guys can
still see my screen
Cory says it makes sense Francesca says
a hey Joshua what's going on Francesca
okay yes I can okay it looks like
everybody can see the screen awesome
awesome awesome appreciate you guys so
here we go guys let's get into the 10k
launch Jackie formula gonna take you
from start to finish on how I make ten
thousand dollars in as little as two
weeks from product launch Jackie and
launch jacking the right products right
there's products that you definitely
want to launch Jack there's products you
probably don't want to waste your time
on launch Jackie so let's go ahead and
let's move into this so here's the
process okay this is what we're gonna go
through step-by-step with you guys to
each of the video so the next video
which is considered video too but we're
gonna call it video one because right
here we're just kind of laying the
foundation so video one we're gonna
identify the product so we're gonna go
through and I showed this in the live
we're gonna go through how to identify a
product how to find a product whether it
be on munch Icom JV notify Pro Clickbank
JV zoo if you don't if you're not
familiar with any of these websites
don't worry we're gonna get into that a
little bit more in this presentation and
further down the road but we want to
find out where the product launches are
taking place or else we're not gonna
know what to you know even go for or
what products to go after if we don't
know you know what products were
launching so we won't first want to
identify the products or being launched
in this internet marketing space or any
space for that matter right so in in
this example we're going to go into the
affiliate marketing online marking
basically make money online space for
this case study here okay so that's what
we're gonna do in the very first video
or just identify the product and I'm
thinking you guys can let me know in the
chat I'm thinking of just doing a new
product launch from scratch so we
together can maybe go through this
process and we can all launch Jack a
product where we can all make you know
some money off of help you guys get
those those first few wins to help you
gain confidence so if that's something
that you guys would be interested in let
me know and maybe we can kind of go
through the process together of picking
a brand new product as well as show you
guys my recent case study and what I did
there so let me know in the comments and
I'll get there in just a second so in
module 1 we're gonna go over identifying
the product in module 2 we're gonna go
over video 1 which is the pre-launch
video ok and this is the first video
that we put up on YouTube in module
number 3 we're going to go over video 2
that we create and upload that's our
bonus video we're gonna be talking about
bonuses and how bonuses context your
results so just because I offered
bonuses it took me from you know making
probably a grand for the whole entire
launch to making $10,000 and by the way
guys I did this without really an email
list I do have an email list but only
one person for my email list actually
bought everybody else came from YouTube
and I didn't have to pay any money
out-of-pocket to even rank my videos and
I didn't pay for traffic whatsoever so I
didn't even spend any of my own money
doing this which is really really cool
in video 3 we're gonna go over the
review so we're gonna go over you know
creating a review video for social proof
showing people that were obviously
practicing what we're preaching if we're
recommending a product we should
definitely own it so we're going to talk
a little bit more about that in this
and then module number five right we're
gonna go over the email promotion a lot
of times companies will provide email
swipes for you sometimes they don't so
in both cases I'm gonna give you guys
kind of my preference on exactly what
you should do and sometimes I base the
products I pick off of the marketing
material that they provide for me so let
me just jump over here and let me check
the chat and see how everybody's doing
okay yes good idea love that idea Brett
says that's what I'm talking about Corey
says nice idea that would be great
everybody's liking this so far yasmine
Brett Francesca Corey Rhea's gab awesome
awesome cool so this is what we want to
do first obviously you want to identify
the product okay and how do we identify
the product and make sure you guys take
some notes
okay right these websites down because
this is where we're gonna find the
products that are launching here in the
upcoming months number one is JV notify
procom to is munch I comm and these are
all specific product launches in the
make money online space okay in the
internet marketing space number three we
have now they do
have brand new products that have just
been released okay so what happens is a
lot of these products on JV notify Pro
and munch Icom they're using merchants
through websites like JV d and okay Clickbank in jvzoo
have their own merchant processing
system okay they're both digital
marketplaces where munch I and JV notify
Pro aren't these are the launch sites
that you'll go to to find out the
products that are launching on jvzoo or
clickbank so hopefully that makes sense
as well as some people provide their own
merchant services their own processing
through like Infusionsoft or stripe so
just keep that in mind as we move
forward here okay and then the fifth way
that we can identify a product launch is
to go to google and type in your
industry so if it's the health industry
plus product launches so we could type
in health product launches right fitness
product must launches muscle building
product launches so on and so forth
so that's a good keyword identifier to
use whatever your industry is plus
product launches to find out specific
products within your industry that are
launching in the upcoming months so make
sure that you guys write that down okay
write down these five points here I'd
like you to write down all the points
and all the slides but I'll definitely
make the slides available in the members
area too as well for you guys so video
one let's talk about that so we're going
to basically identify our product and
we're gonna pick obviously the actual
and then we want to upload our videos or
begin to upload our videos the first
video that we upload would be our
pre-launch or pre review video it's kind
of like it basically gives people an
overview of the product that we just
selected and this will be uploaded three
to four weeks before the launch this is
all about positioning guys this is
crucial timing is crucial write that
down we want to upload our first video
three to four weeks before the product
is set to launch okay
so we want to give people the background
on the product creators we want to be
going for a product that has you know
product creators that are reputable
right we want to make sure that they
have been in the industry for a while
they make quality products you know
those websites out there like click and you know if you guys have
heard of that but there's certain
marketplaces out there that are not like
Clickbank Clickbank is the most well
known the most reputable and they house
hundreds of thousands of quality digital
products but like a website like click
sure they tend to have more spammy hypee
overrated products in lower quality so
we want to make sure that whoever is
launching the product you can look into
the history of the product creed or you
can you know go ahead and type their
name into Google that's something that I
do see what kind of products they've
launched in the past you can also check
out their JV launch page which we'll get
into more detail when we go into product
selection deeper and we actually select
a product so we want to make sure that
we check out the launch page we get to
know the affiliates that are onboard we
get to know the product creators and you
also want to let them know you'll be
buying a copy and offering bonuses if
you deem it a quality product that's
what you want to say to your potential
prospects that come to your video ok you
want to let them know hey if this is a
quality product because you're giving
them an overview you don't know a whole
lot about the product you just know what
you've seen from the JV launch page okay
and that you're gonna be looking into it
for them so you're kind of a kind of a
Oprah I guess you could say you're kind
of like a
third party reviewer of the product
right and you're giving people your own
opinion based off of the research that
you've done you've gone out there or
maybe you find some experts or you've
gone out there and you've done some
research on different blogs and
different websites about this specific
product and the product creators so you
know you could do more extensive
research to learn about the product
creators about the product about the
products industry as a whole right so if
an e-commerce product is launching maybe
learn more about the e-commerce lingo
and the words that they use like drop
shipping and Shopify and Amazon and FBA
and lingo of that nature so we want to
create a squeeze page to notify people
when the launch takes place and again
guys if you know you don't know what a
squeeze pages don't worry about it yet
we're gonna get to that point I just
want you guys to to write down these
main points so when we get to that
section in the training that this
becomes really clear for you guys okay
so we want to create a squeeze page to
capture their information on the front
end so when the product hasn't launched
we have their email address we can email
them when the product launches and earn
their business right then of course last
but not least the most important thing
is we want to rank for the product name
plus review so whatever the product name
is if it's 7-figure cycle we want to
rank that specific video for 7-figure
cycle review okay so that's what we want
in our first video which we're going to
get into that okay though so that's
video 1 video 2 is our bonus video this
is where we're gonna be offering bonuses
and we upload this video a day before
launch this is going to help us 10x our
results so what we want to do is we want
to show people the bonus page and
bonuses we will be offering if they
decide to purchase from your link and
the reason we want to rank for product
name plus bonuses is because there will
be many people out there and that are
kind of conditioned they bought products
in the past and they know that there
will be bonuses out there and so what we
want to do
we want to position ourselves right
head and shoulders about above everybody
else that may be ranking in the top ten
of YouTube or Google as well as separate
ourselves from these affiliates that
sent out the email to that customer in
the first place right so we can offer a
Bennis better bonus a better bonus than
they can then we can completely separate
ourselves right and a lot of these super
affiliates a lot of these people have
big lists they have less time they can
they can't pay as much attention to
their buyers so that creates an
opportunity for us to maybe do
one-on-one coaching and do like
one-on-one Skype calls and offer things
like that as a bonus so again we're
gonna talk more about how to create a
really stellar bonus that separates
yourself from the masses and it's just
the people love so we want to create
bonuses that are complimentary to the
product so it's all about quality versus
quantity there's a lot of people out
there that you know sell different
products and offer bonuses and do this
launch jacking method but the problem is
is they're offering rehashed PLR
products which is basically private
label right products that really have no
value they're the rehash there have been
resold to hundreds and hundreds of
people and so they offer just these
useless bonuses that don't complement
the product so for example I offered my
youtube course as a bonus for people
buying 7-figure cycle during the launch
process and it was cool because
seven-figure cycle teaches people how to
rank your Amazon listing or get your
Amazon listing you know seen in at the
top of Amazon but also what you can do
is somebody goes to YouTube they type in
whatever your product is that you
decided to launch on Amazon you can pull
traffic from YouTube - as well so it was
a great complementary bonus to this this
product right so we also want to give
people a sneak peak on the inside of our
bonuses so we'll show them like like
what I did is I showed them the inside
of my youtube course my tube traffic
selling system so I showed them you know
all the modules all the
they're gonna get access to all the
coaching to really build value into the
overall offer what you also want to do
is you want to be enthusiastic be
excited on video like that's half of the
formula guys be be really involved in
the process be excited about the launch
you know so you definitely want to go
for launches that you also resonate with
right and I get stoked when I'm
promoting a quality product on behalf of
something and I know it's gonna be
life-changing for somebody and so you
know I showed that energy on video so
you don't want to be kind of somber and
monotone and talk like this and you know
be excited just be yourself and be
natural be the best version of yourself
and you're gonna find that just by you
know shooting more videos if you haven't
already but that's part of the formula
being excited and you know it's all that
sells is it is a transference of energy
from you to somebody else that's all it
is so a lot of people put this sells
buzzword on a pedestal and make it out
to be bigger than it actually is but it
really comes down to just sharing you're
just sharing your heart you're just
sharing your mind you're just you're
sharing with people right you're not
trying to come up with the perfect line
or the perfect sentence or the perfect
sales tactic that's not what this is
you're just naturally being yourself and
you're providing value and you're giving
people your honest opinion right so then
we want to what we don't want to do is
we want to create a landing page where
you can offer your bonuses and I'm gonna
give you guys access to my high
converting customized landing page
you'll get access to my squeeze pages my
landing pages opt-in pages so you guys
can use my bonus page my high converting
bonus page for your guyses bonus pages
as well so we're going to talk about how
to get access to those pages and the
tools that I use to create these pages
so you can instantly pretty much copy
and deploy them inside your business
with very little to no work so we're
going to show you how to do that and
then what we want to do is of course in
the description of our second video is
we want to link people to our bonus page
to show them where they can get access
to our bonuses and then what they can do
they can send us a receipt after they
make the purchase and after they do that
we can send the bonuses to them and make
sure that we add them to our buyers list
because there are they'll more than
likely buy future stuff from us
so that's video 2 and then of course we
stated this we want to rank for the
product name plus bonus right so the
keyword identifier is the product name
so if it's 7-figure cycle we want to
rank for 7-figure cycle bonus at the top
of YouTube in the top of Google ok so
let's get into video 3 what we're gonna
do in video 3 is we're gonna create a
review of the members area and this is
gonna be the day of launch so we've got
three videos in total that we're gonna
create the first video we want to rank
for the product name plus review and
video 3 want to rank for a product name
plus review that gives us two chances of
ranking and then video 2 we want to rank
for product name plus bonus right so on
the day of launch we're going to look
into a possible review copy so you'll
notice that on a JV launch page you'll
you'll be able to see this of course
again I'm gonna run you guys through
this but you're going to be able to
whoever's their assistant is that's
helping take care of the launch you'll
be able to email the assistant and ask
them hey do you guys offer a free review
copy so I can get a copy of it for free
and review it and some people will say
yes and some people will say no you have
to buy the product right and so this
last one the the person said that I
couldn't get a review copy right so I
had to go out there and and get myself a
copy and I did that and I was able to
you know go through the product and see
if it was hey if this is something was
that was good for you know people to buy
if if there was value or if it was just
rehash because most of what out what's
out there you guys if you ever noticed
this already it's all kind of rehashed
kind of theory complexity no real like
tangible information that's actionable
that's like what I'm showing you guys
right now not just showing you guys but
doing it in action too is
well there's not a whole lot of products
out there like that right and so we want
to make sure that it truly is a quality
product that we can be proud to promote
and that we align with and the way to do
that is to either purchase a copy and go
through it or to review get a review
copy which you can email their support
to find out if they'll do that some
people will do that some people won't
some people will ask how big your list
is you know some people will ask more
information to find out if you're you
know super affiliate you've got a lot of
a big audience right so one of the great
things about owning a copy is you're
gonna learn a lot from it you're gonna
learn a lot more about the sales process
where we've come to find out that
marketing isn't just buying another
product but it's about paying attention
to the marketing of that product so by
following this process guys you're gonna
be learn a lot about marketing in itself
and how to structure a product launch
yourself and that's what I love about
this so you're going to get you know
you're gonna want proof of ownership so
you never want to sell what you don't
own I'd find way too many people in this
industry doing that it's like the
used-car salesmen that tries to sell
down a brokedown car they would never
buy in a million years or they would
never own or they don't own so don't be
the person that's recommending a
Mercedes when you just went out there
and bought a brand-new BMW right we want
to show the value of content that
they're gonna receive too as well that's
why we want to show the inner workings
of the membership area briefly kind of
give them an overview right kind of like
we're giving them overview of the
product in our first video we want to
give them the overview of the membership
area just like hit on the main points of
what the product is offering we also
want to explain benefits what is the
product going to give them and
understand this guys
you can give them a bunch of features
but and benefits but at the end of the
day people don't want to drill they want
the hole they want the end result so if
you can tell them this is going to give
them the end result and how it's going
to give them the end result as you're
taking them through the membership area
then please do that and I think the best
way to learn this guys it's not to write
out the perfect script you know I think
it's to just go out there and take
action take what I've told you today
right and when we get to that point
where you start creating videos you know
look at my videos and start modeling
what I'm doing in each of my videos and
that's the best way to learn is to not
think of how to write out the perfect
script for the perfect review video or
the pre-launch video or the bonus video
it's just to look at what other people
are doing they're successful and watch
their videos a thousand times if you
need to and I can refer you guys to my
channel watch my videos and just take
action you'll start to internalize the
information right the more you watch my
videos or you watch somebody else's
videos you'll start to internalize the
information it'll become subconscious
and automatic right for a while you'll
have to consciously think about what to
say but after a while when you work at
it it will become second nature just
like driving a car right at first you
were thinking about the wheel the
mirrors the gas the brake consciously
right in order and then you're kind of
got confused of what to press and and
you know you couldn't listen to the
radio while you were driving right and
nowadays you can you know hold those
turning wheel with your leg although you
shouldn't do that you can talk on the
phone you can you know do multiple
things and so I think that's the best
analogy I can give you when it comes to
shooting videos and kind of
internalizing the information just
through the power of repetition and
habit you'll develop the necessary
skills so never never give up you guys
so we want to explain the benefits what
is what the products going to give them
and then we want to again we want to
link to our bonus page and what I'll
also do here is I'll link to the actual
offer whatever offer we're promoting of
course we'll get the affiliate links
from the product owners right we fill
out our name and email address on the
launch page they'll give us access to
our affiliate links we can go out there
and we can start promoting right so last
but not least we want to rank for
product name plus review so in this case
study I ranked for seven figure cycle
review so last but not least the email
promotion what we want to do is on the
JV launch page we'll be able to get
banners email swipes and basically what
an email swipe is is its they're already
ready made and created emails that we
can send out so what the product owner
did to make our email promotions as easy
as possible is they've gone out there
and they've created the emails for us
then we could take those emails and we
can model those emails to fit our
personality right or we can take those
exact emails and pretty much copy and
paste I would do a little bit of both so
don't just copy but kind of take your
own personality inject your own
personality into the into these swipes
and that's gonna work it really really
effectively this last launch the
seven-figure psycho launch was amazing
with their email promotion they actually
told you what email to send out and win
and a lot of product launches these
creators you know create and if they've
launched a lot of products they
typically know what they're doing when
it comes to launching a product so go
for people that have done a lot of
product launches and you'll tend to find
that the product launch is more
organized they know what they're doing
they know how to improve conversions and
they have everything already made and
created for you okay so include also
emails that link to your reviews okay or
your review video and your bonus video
that you created during the video launch
process remember those three videos so
the second and third video will be your
bonus video in a review video what we
want to do is we want to create email
copy around those videos to send people
off to youtube or to a landing page
embedded with our YouTube video and then
I have a link for people to sign up
so again we're gonna go through all this
stuff it's gonna make perfect sense to
you guys and it's gonna be super fun but
make sure that you guys internalize this
information you go through this video
again if you need to so you know exactly
kind of what the flow is gonna be like
in the next few weeks so if you're on
the live calls we're going to be
launching these videos once a week so
our next call will be next Thursday at
the same time same place and in the
meantime I'll get these videos uploaded
into the membership area but with that
said what I wanted to do is I want to
move to QA and see if you guys have any
questions and I forgot to mention as my
last point what you want to do is you
want to offer extra bonuses before the
car closes again right before the car
closes which means this is they'll have
a countdown and they'll create urgency
and this is legitimate urgency with a
lot of successful product launches
they'll only offer the product for so
long and they'll close the cart and then
sometimes they'll open up the product to
be available to the public again
and sometimes it they never do it
sometimes it takes weeks or even months
so it creates that scarcity and urgency
and what you could do is you can offer
even more bonuses before the car closes
so you'd send out maybe a final email
that says like five hours left hey I
wanted to sweeten the deal for you real
quick you only have five hours I'm gonna
offer you XYZ whether it's you know
Skype coaching or if it's maybe a
private Facebook group that's what I did
I offer private Facebook group access
where I'm gonna be building my own
commerce store with them which was kind
of cool so there's a lot of cool things
that you can do you guys so I'm really
excited for you that is the end of this
specific presentation what I'm gonna do
is I'm going to jump over to the chat
and see if you guys have any have any
questions Cory says we're
well the members area B so what I'll do
in the next 24 hours I'll get that
created for you guys allowed my
assistant and set it up for you and then
I'll send you email with a link that
will get you registered for the
membership area so you have access to
all this cool information so so yeah
look out for an email I did add all your
guys's names to the email list I know a
lot of you guys paid obviously with
PayPal and so I took your paypal emails
and put them in my autoresponder so I
know not everybody got an email and if
you didn't feel free to reach out to me
on Facebook if you don't get the email
okay here in the future next time we'll
make sure that we set this up in a
process where you actually get access to
the membership site first and then you
just register inside the membership site
so I just wanted to get this out there
as quickly as possible for you guys so
yeah super excited Corey asked how long
will it take for us to start making
videos and start launch jacking well
according to the second module so next
week we're just gonna identify the
product and then the second module the
week after that we're actually gonna get
into video one which we will be that's
where we'll start creating our videos as
soon as video one is created or video
module module two is done I guess I
should say then we will move on to
creating our video we'll give you guys
an action plan an action step so what I
want you guys to do as far as action
plan for today is make sure you have
these notes review these notes a couple
times if you will feel free to go to
these websites and just check them out
create an account you can create a free
account on each of these and just kind
of check out some different products
within there so you can just familiarize
yourself with jvzoo and clickbank and
also familiarize yourself with JV notify
pro and moonshine comm so which are the
two launch sites that we go to I mostly
use JV notify Pro what I like about
Munsch I though is they will actually
show you which products are hot that are
launching which means there's a lot
affiliates a lot of people promoting
there's more buzz which means more
traffic for you alright so I like that
about munch I but J be notified pro will
show you like click count on how many
clicks a certain product gets to the JV
page the launch page which means more
clicks more affiliates more affiliates
more traffic for you right if you rank
at the top of YouTube because we have to
understand these people they're getting
these emails and they're like I don't
know if this product is legit or if it's
a scam if it's if it works I want to see
a review on it before I buy it just like
a TV when we go to Best Buy or we go to
a department store an electronics store
we want to go online and see what other
people are saying about it so people are
gonna do the same thing and if we can
you know be that person that is ranked
at the top to give them you know that TV
right to give them that internet
marketing product an e-commerce product
whatever it may be then we can make a
lot of money doing it and so you could
do this with electronic launches you
know the new iPhones the new you know
Samsung you know TVs tablets I mean
there's so many things that you can do
with this you guys launch jacking is
super fun you could do it with websites
too as well I like to do with videos
because videos rank so quickly so Corey
asked how long does the product stay hot
after the product launches usually it's
for about a week or two as long as the
launch is going on and as long as the
product owners are pushing it you know
and the affiliates are pushing it then
it'll stay hot as long as people are
pushing it and people are emailing about
it so the more people that are emailing
and the longer they're emailing that's
gonna dictate how long the you know the
the search traffic lasts for so
hopefully that answers your question
Corey TJ gives thumbs up awesome awesome
cool any other questions guys Corey says
should you launch Jack one product I
mean you could you could do one two
products at a time just depends on your
experience level if you're new I
recommend just doing one you know for
and then you could eventually move into
doing you know two at a time so I've
actually got a product launch that's
coming up in the next couple months and
maybe I'm gonna use that as a case study
for you guys well actually do that live
and I'll show you guys cool awesome guys
well did you guys get some value from
this let me know in the comments how did
I do
did I do a good job
hope so hope so Cory says he did great
awesome guys yes great will we be launch
jacking together most definitely that's
my plan here it's for all of us to to do
this together and keep in mind you're
gonna have some launches to do
incredibly well you're gonna have some
other launches that made you a couple
hundred bucks all right so it just
depends on the launch and it depends on
your positioning Brett says looks like a
good way to make a bit of extra cash on
the side it sure is ma'am and it's with
a very very honestly very little work
you know if you set up your videos the
right way and you you set up the launch
the right way that I outlined for you in
these videos definitely guys you can
absolutely crush it so is this all
making sense to you guys it's all clear
yeah all clear
good explanation great yes it is sweet
you guys awesome so yeah guys I will be
letting you know tomorrow about you know
the to get access to the membership site
obviously if you're here you're watching
the recording you're already here
congratulations and in the next module
we're gonna be going to be going over
the tools that you guys are going to
need to execute this okay so we're gonna
talk about you know autoresponders we're
going to talk about funnel software that
you need I'm gonna give you guys access
to you know my funnels that I use so you
guys don't have to deal with all the
technical stuff and setting up pages and
you guys can get off and running very
very quickly so we'll give you guys
access to that next week to finish kind
of setting the the ground floor so you
guys can you know hit the races and
really really have success with this so
with that said guys my goal with for
this is to help all you guys have a
successful product launch number one
help you guys make some extra money for
marketing so you guys you know a process
that works you could have some small
wins so if you need to build your faith
in this whole make money online thing to
prove yourself that it works this is a
great way to do it
predictable way to do it with very very
little to no risk
and you know just you know putting it
you know your your time in your effort
in and just believing in me and
following the process so Cory says his
goal is to hit 1k first time very very
possible very very possible man
so Francesco appreciate that cool guys
who's pumped up who's ready for module 2
already next week can't come soon enough
yeah everybody's pumped up in the
comments see a bunch of people
commenting awesome guys so we appreciate
you thank you so much and I will get
this in the members area as quickly as
possible and we'll see you guys in the
next module appreciate you and look out
for those emails

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