
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

HOW TO MAKE $10,000 PER MONTH PASSIVELY (WHILE ON VAC #Best Education Page #Online EarningATION)


all right we are live what's up YouTube
this is Ryan hildreth and today we're
gonna do a livestream I'm gonna show you
how to make ten thousand dollars per
month passively literally while on
vacation and I'm gonna show you exactly
what has changed my life through
affiliate marketing so we're gonna jump
into a live stream if you are watching a
replay of this go ahead and skip ahead
two minutes I'm gonna wait for everyone
to get in here
we're gonna do a live Q&A at the end
this would be very fun I'm just gonna
share my journey with you and kind of
show you exactly how I'm generating
passive income okay you know what's up
Caleb what's up Eli how's it going dubs
what's up how's everyone doing today
it's a great day sunny day out passive
income coming in and I'm gonna show you
exactly how I'm doing that who else is
in here where is everyone coming from
today haven't done a livestream in a
while hi Sandra
Kwan what's up yeah it's been a while
since I've done a livestream you know
how's it going have you guys are you in
the mentorship group
have you tried that yet we have like 500
people in there right now oh that's a
good question we're gonna do Q&A at the
end but no this does not require money
I'll show you how to do it for free
starting off yo Sherman Oaks awesome
cali arizona nigeria awesome cool Orange
County cool Canada Nigeria Syria Wow
Ecuador we have people from all over all
over RI New York City Chicago
cool all right guys let's go ahead and
get started I'm gonna jump into this let
me pull up my powerpoint for you guys
and then we will go ahead and get
started okay there we go make sure you
guys can see this there we go
all right there we go let me make sure
myself a little bit smaller and we'll
get started here just want to make sure
all of you can see this all right it
looks like you can cool all right let's
go ahead and let's go ahead and do this
make this smaller - all right so
affiliate marketing ok affiliate
marketing masters basically I'm gonna
show you how I'm making 10,000 per month
passively while on vacation ok so I took
a three-week vacation from social media
but I was still making money I was still
generating passive income and you know I
was able to do that without having to
stress out about you know when is my
next paycheck coming in I was able to
generate money while on vacation while
taking a break and I want to show you
how to do the same so I'm gonna kind of
show you where I started because I
didn't come from money I didn't you know
have rich parents you know I came from
just a normal middle-class family worked
a part-time job at 16 years old I got my
first job at in and out as you can see
this was me okay I I worked at
in-and-out burger if any of you don't
know what that is here in California
basically it's a fast-food place with
burgers and fries and milkshakes okay so
you know I was flipping burgers making
fries and working a part-time job and I
really didn't know what I wanted to do
in life I went to four different
colleges I hated it I realized you know
I was switching my major I went from
psychology to you know biology to
business finance
and eventually I dropped out and I
dropped out about a year and a half ago
to start my entrepreneurial endeavors
and it's been the best decision that
I've ever made
okay so you know getting working at in
and out kind of taught me that okay you
know I can't be making minimum wage my
whole life I have to kind of strive for
something more that's why I went to
college and college showed me that you
know I eventually got a nine-to-five and
realized it just wasn't for me I
realized that I was doing something that
wasn't making me happy and I was only
making the company richer okay
meaning the stuff that I did at my job
getting paid you know thirty thousand a
year after taxes okay that's basically
poverty level here in California
California is super expensive to live in
and I was just stressed out you know I
was stressed out because I didn't know
how to increase my income because at a
job a corporate job and if you have a
corporate job that's fine because that's
where I started out so I totally
understand but I knew that I was either
gonna get three percent raise at the end
of the year or maybe a little bonus at a
corporate job but I wasn't able to
exponentially grow my income so I needed
to generate another source and that's
kind of what got me into affiliate
marketing okay and we're gonna talk more
about affiliate marketing in just a bit
but I wanted to kind of share with you
where I started in humble beginnings I
wasn't a genius of any sort I literally
I was an employee at in-n-out burger so
um you know I I don't come from money
but with affiliate marketing okay with
affiliate marketing it has provided me
with the best income that I've ever
generated okay no nine to five will ever
generate me this much amount of income I
make you know well over thirty thousand
a month just from passive income
affiliate marketing you know right when
I started generating like five to ten
thousand extra a month I took my you
know you can see over here I took my
fiancee to Hawaii we you know my my
family's wedding was out there we had a
great time you know it was just amazing
to be
to you know travel and still get paid
right my fiance had to take time off of
work she had to ask her boss hey can I
have this time off but for me
I was able to you know just pick up and
go I brought my laptop did a little work
out there and you know was making just
as much money while on vacation and then
when I started making ten thousand or
more a month that's when I got my the
Ferrari for five eight which has been my
dream car you know ever since I was a
little kid Ferraris have been you know
obviously I'm a car enthusiast you can
see all these pictures of cars I got a
Ferrari 458 and that was a big milestone
for me because I wouldn't have gotten
that without affiliate marketing income
so again passive income I was able to
generate enough money to put a nice down
payment on a Ferrari and then pay the
monthly payment which was around $3,000
a month with insurance so yeah and it
was pretty amazing
not only was able to you know take my
fiance to vacations we went to Russia as
well you can see on this bottom picture
down here we visited her her family in
Russia I was able to meet her brother we
were doing some push-ups by the pool in
this picture but I was able to yeah
travel the world and make money online
while traveling the world so pretty fun
not only was I able to give back to my
fiance give back to myself right by
buying my dream car but I was able to
give back to others in this top photo
was that Ferrari of Newport Beach I went
to their charity event we were able to
donate you know my fiance and I donated
you know gifts to the children in need
that we you know didn't have gifts for
Christmas so that was amazing feeling to
be able to give back and obviously you
know to be able to give back in in
grander scale you know you have to
generate a little bit of income a little
bit of extra income to be able to give
back and really make an impact so it
just felt really nice to do that I got
my fiancee a you know I proposed to her
and got her the wedding ring that I
always wanted to get her when I first
proposed I didn't
enough money for a engagement ring so
you know I just got her like a little
gold band and that's that's all I could
afford at the time because I was working
the nine-to-five not really making much
and I wasn't able to get her the ring
that she deserved so I ended up
upgrading that and got her a nice you
know a beautiful ring that I really
wanted to get her and just recently I
purchased a Nissan GTR
in cash $80,000 cash I was able to just
pay for it and not have the car expense
so you know all of these things wouldn't
have been possible without affiliate
marketing so again one realization that
I had about affiliate marketing and
we're gonna kind of get into it now are
there are millions of products and
services being sold okay millions of
products and services being sold and
people out there will pay you a
commission if you help them sell their
products and services
they'll also pay you for leads meaning
emails okay if you get emails for these
companies they will pay you per email
and it's pretty amazing I didn't I
didn't even know about that before I got
into affiliate marketing there's
literally trillions of dollars in
circulation being spent on product you
know products and services okay so if
someone's not gonna you know buy your
product or service they're gonna go buy
someone else's and just know that
there's trillions of dollars out there
you just have to know how to get your
slice of the pie and with affiliate
marketing you're able to do that you're
able to go to these companies say hey
I'm gonna sell your product or service
maybe it's a product or service you
enjoy maybe it's a you know a wallet
like this a leather wallet that you
enjoy the brand of the wallet maybe you
enjoy iPhones maybe you enjoy you know
sparkling water right you're able to get
a unique link for this water and you
know find people that are already
searching and buying you know sparkling
water online and put your link in front
of them and if they use your link you
get a commission for selling that
sparkling water or whatever product or
service it is it could be you know
you're generating leads for real estate
agents so
you just have to know how to get your
slice of the pie okay there's the money
is out there it's just you just have to
know how to get your slice of the pie so
the biggest you know I like to keep it
simple okay I like to keep it simple
with affiliate marketing people like to
complicate things and say oh you know
where do I start how do I make money
online it's very very very simple okay
you just have to get an affiliate link
and get traffic okay
meaning qualified traffic you know if if
you are selling you have an affiliate
link for a phone okay for an iPhone or
for sparkling water right here okay
let's just say you have an affiliate
link for this you're gonna find people
that are already searching for this
stuff okay they're already purchasing
this stuff and put your link in front of
them get traffic to your link and when
you get that you will get conversions
and sales okay and the easiest way to
start off for free okay and because I
know someone asks a question here before
how do I get started for free well you
could generate free traffic and this is
how I started off I started you know
putting my links in my YouTube
descriptions on my Instagram then I
started making Facebook pages gathering
emails okay this is all free traffic you
can get free traffic on any social media
platform you just have to know to like
where to go right if you are affiliate
marketing dog collars where would you go
to find people that are interested in
dog collars you would go to maybe a
Facebook page with our Facebook group of
dog lovers right and you'd go and
converse and get emails you know get a
get associated with people and get your
affiliate link share your affiliate link
with them okay that's the best FREE
source of traffic now there are
limitations with free traffic okay when
I was doing free traffic I was making
you know you know and again I was making
like three 3,000 to 7,000 a month with
free traffic and you know I did have a
decent size you know my youtube was
growing at a very quick pace so a lot of
traffic was coming from there but we
you know we have over 500 students in
this course you know that I teach and
they're making at least a hundred to
three hundred dollars a day with free
traffic okay so an extra three to six
grand a month
what would that do for you like I want
you to ask yourself how what would an
extra three thousand dollars per month
do for me could I pay my bills could I
put more away to savings could I pay off
my student debt could I pay off my
credit cards right could I maybe
purchase something that I've always
wanted maybe you know invest in stocks
or bonds whatever you know what would an
extra $3,000 do for you I want you to
ask yourself that because that's what is
definitely possible with affiliate
marketing with free traffic okay but
there are limitations with free traffic
it's a little bit more work you know
your income is definitely gonna be
limited to that you know anything's
possible you could make more than seven
thousand dollars that that was just kind
of where I noticed my limit was so which
was fine that's still a full time income
seven grand but once I started
controlling the traffic meaning I was
buying traffic to go to my affiliate
links that's when I started making
thirty thousand plus per month okay and
you know it's very possible for you get
started you know may start making $50
$100 $200 a day and then you can invest
back into your business pay for traffic
pay for emails and you will generate
more money okay so you know it's just
like investing back into your business
so that what are the next steps right
what how do I get started so basically
you're gonna go to an affiliate Network
this is just a basic overview of how to
get started you'd go to Affiliate
Network like CJ affiliates max bounty
Amazon affiliates they have a program I
don't personally enjoy Amazon affiliates
because their Commission's are so low
but but you can do it and it's you know
possible to generate a little bit of
money for
Amazon affiliates CJ and Max bounty are
probably my favorite there's a lot of
others out there that I use Clickbank
click funnels lots of different types of
affiliate networks but you're gonna sign
up to one of those networks get a link
set up your campaign and get paid okay
that's it three simple steps sign up to
an affiliate lab network get a link set
up your campaign and get paid passive
while you sleep okay and you know some
of the wealthiest people out there
billionaires Multi multi millionaires
they all say if you aren't making money
while you sleep you can't build wealth
it's just not possible
okay and you know unfortunately that's
the truth
but fortunately you're here today
watching this video watching this live
stream with me
and I'm showing you what is possible
maybe you've never even heard of
affiliate marketing so these are just
some of my commissions not all of them
just enough that I was able to fit on
this screen but as you can see you know
there was a campaign last year that I
did you know forty two thousand dollars
I made forty two thousand dollars from
this campaign it was a digital product
there's some rank here getting paid out
every day around a hundred to two
hundred dollars a day not that couple
you know a few grand a month digital
product services over here this is my
max bounty this month I've made three
thousand two hundred eighty-four and you
know this was from some leads that I
generated this over here four thousand
you see I got paid this month and here
are some smaller ones that I got paid
through CJ for various services okay so
all of this is possible you see the
money coming in okay it's coming in
every day passively I'm not I'm not
spending my time to get these sales
okay the sales are coming in and when
they come in while I'm sleeping you know
I wake up in the morning look at my
phone look at my email and see that I
got paid out every single day so um but
yes and and I wanna and I want to re
kind of emphasize the statement you need
passive income to build wealth that is
the most important thing I've ever
learned from you
all of my mentors one thing that they
all did was build passive income Warren
Buffett gets passive income from the
businesses that he's invested in right
Bill Gates
you know gets passive income from the
huge corporation that he builds right
lots of investors get passive income
from the stocks they invest in or the
companies that they are angel invested
in well here's a you know niche that you
can invest in yourself invest some time
upfront and get paid passively for the
rest right so you set up your campaigns
that takes some upfront effort it's not
easy this is not a get-rich-quick this
is takes time to set up your campaigns
to get your affiliate affiliate links
set up your website right maybe it'd
take you a few days it's like straight a
few days worth of work maybe like 48
hours of straight work to build a nice
campaign but after that you're
generating passive income I'm still
generating income from campaigns that I
built a year ago okay so passive income
is the way to do it and if you want to
get involved okay
I did make tanner and I made a coupon
code for you so because we made this
course together affiliate marketing
masters teachable com the link is in the
description use the coupon code spring
100 okay this this expires in a few days
but if you use it you're gonna get $100
off the course get started there's never
been a better time to utilize social
media utilize free traffic sources to
generate some income and then use
Facebook advertising Google AdWords you
know you can advertise on Twitter you
can advertise on Instagram there's tons
of ways to generate traffic paid traffic
and just start Jenner and just start
exponentially growing your income so
hopefully that has cleared some things
up for you let me go ahead and take some
questions I'm gonna make those big again
and then we'll jump into some questions
right now what did you guys think of
that what you know what are your
concerns do you have any questions
let me see what you guys are saying
alright alright let's go back Muhammad
or this guy says he loves the animal
style burger yes in and out that is
where I worked cool all right let's see
clown says if I can make 200 a day I'll
quit my job that is so easy most of our
students are already making 200 a day
just very passive obviously it took some
work upfront
exactly results aren't typical it
depends on your work ethic you have to
be willing to put in the work upfront
you put in that work and you generate
passive income again like I said I have
campaigns that I built last year that
are still making me a hundred to three
hundred dollars a day so definitely
yup hard work pays off cool let's see
Amanda says which website do you
recommend first I really you know I
would get started with any network I
mean probably Clickbank or CJ affiliate
would be the best just go check out
their website but we teach that in the
course we show you exactly step by step
which ones you know we prefer and which
ones are pretty much the easiest to use
Calvin says he's in the influencer Group
pumped to get my personal brand going
yeah and this applies to so if you're in
my mentorship group in my influence or
evolution group affiliate marketing
applies to influencer marketing right
because you can use your personal brand
to promote affiliate offers and and
that's kind of you know what I did and
so we're gonna get more into that later
but yeah definitely awesome
let's see Edward says talk more about
the upfront work so Edward the upfront
work is going to consist of getting a
website right getting so going on you
can go on GoDaddy buy domain name for a
couple bucks and then you know set up a
website on Wix for $9.99 per month like
10 bucks per month so you have to have a
website once you have your website then
you just go out and get your affiliate
links right from these networks CJ max
bounty Amazon Clickbank right you get
your affiliate links and then you're
gonna put your affiliate links on your
website or you're gonna go out and start
sharing your links with people that you
converse with and Facebook groups
Instagram and that's free traffic right
and once you do that you start
generating some sales right and then you
can invest that money back into your
paid advertising and once you're running
paid advertisements to your website with
your click funnel or with your affiliate
links then it's passive then you're not
working for that traffic so that that
would be the upfront work at first if
you're trying to generate free traffic
Ahmed says he needs $70 a day to quit
his job that's a very very obtainable
dollar amount to generate from affiliate
marketing $70 is very attainable with
one of my campaigns you literally get
paid out fifty dollars fifty dollars per
sign up so and I usually get like three
to four signups a day so I'm generating
like two hundred dollars just from that
yeah Clickbank
it's a good question so what's the
advantage of the course compared to all
the free YouTube videos so that's a
great question the course is gonna give
you structure the course is gonna give
you structure it's gonna give you
insight on exactly what I've done what
Tanner has done to do affiliate
marketing okay so you know that that
really isn't I do have free YouTube
videos on my channel about affiliate
marketing if you want to watch those
you're more than welcome to the course
is just a more specialized and
structured group we also have a Facebook
group that we you know that a lot of
members help out in so you would have
access to other members in the course as
well amanda says so a campaign is a
website design no campaign would be your
landing page plus traffic coming in
right so campaign would be you build
your website right and then you start
getting paid traffic to that website
that's technically what a campaign is
and then maybe a follow up with emails
and we show you how to do that as well
so all right let's see what else is in
all right any other questions how do you
get your paid traffic so mostly from
Google Adwords and Facebook advertising
Caleb says when will you be announcing
influence or evolution mentorship
winners all if you're in the group I let
you know in the last video that I'll
probably be announcing in a week or two
sha zine says where do you get the
funnels I use click funnels
jaesi says do you and Tanner offer over
the phone consulting with the purchase
of the course we don't that's usually
paid but you can always reach out to me
you can always message me on Instagram
or through email email is best and I'll
get yeah I get back to you alright guys
I'm gonna get going
does walmart have affiliate
opportunities I'm pretty sure they do
I've never used Walmart's affiliate
opportunities but I'm pretty sure they
do have affiliate links most companies
do you go on their website and you go
all the scroll all the way down it'll
usually say affiliates and you can click
on that and they have links there and
usually you you can apply so jose says
do you think there is affiliate
marketing and car parts so jose that's
kind of what I'm getting into is
affiliate marketing in the car scene the
automotive scene from what I've heard
there's not a lot of companies out there
that are doing it but if you can
negotiate something with them and that's
that's maybe something that I'll add
into the course after you know we
negotiate with certain automotive brands
I'm sure there is some out there that
you can get affiliate links from but
yeah alright guys well I'm gonna get
going it was great having you here I
hope you enjoyed the livestream again I
will see make sure to use the coupon
code if you are getting into affiliate
marketing masters I will see you in the
course make sure to email me if you have
any questions and I will see you
take care
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