
Friday, March 27, 2020

How To make $300 Per Day With Automated Websites! (NOT FLIPPA) #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To make $300 Per Day With Automated Websites! (NOT FLIPPA)

hey guys what's going on Joshua elder
here welcome back to the channel and in
this video I'm gonna show you how to
make up to three hundred dollars a day
with automated websites and no this is
not there's a lot of
youtubers out there talking about Flippa
and how you can buy websites for under a
hundred bucks and basically make $300 a
day from these websites although that
may sound practical and it may sound
good successes in the details right and
the truth of the matter is is it's gonna
take work for you to go out there and
promote these Flippa websites and i'm
gonna show you exactly you know how much
work it's gonna take and why your time
would be better spent elsewhere so with
that said if you haven't already
subscribed to the channel make sure that
you do by clicking that red subscribe
button below and also take the bell icon
to receive updates on future videos that
I upload when I upload them so with that
said let's go ahead and dive into the
content let's talk about Flippo websites
and why you shouldn't be using flippa
to automate your online business okay so
number one is you of course you have to
buy the the website the turnkey website
okay not it not a big deal its automated
it's already set up you have to worry
about the graphics or anything that's
great but here's a thing you're going to
have to worry about promoting that
website right and the way that most of
these youtubers are teaching is that you
promote the website through Facebook
groups right what happens with Facebook
groups is when you post a website
article in facebook groups eventually
that post that you just posted is gonna
get drowned out by other people's posts
so you might get a few clicks here and
there and then once people land on your
website you need to monetize it right
and the way that they're teaching you to
monetize it is through Google Adsense
program and that's great to do on the
front end but then you have to make sure
that you have your ad in a place on the
website that's gonna get the most clicks
and a lot of times when you do get
clicks you're getting like pennies on
the dollar you might make three cents
here five cents here ten cents there
just by promoting in facebook groups and
this is something that you have to do
every single day you're always having to
worry about promoting promoting
promoting so you know worrying about
having to get
traffic to that website so how can you
actually get traffic to these websites
passively the way to do that is to learn
search engine optimization right so if
somebody is going to Google and they
type in maybe it's a the latest news
about Donald Trump right and they're
typing that into Google what you want to
do is optimize your article for that
current event on your website and a lot
of these articles on these turnkey
websites they're not optimized for SEO
purposes see so for example this website
right here if I scroll down this is
brand new it's a starter site any site
that's you know I would say under a
couple hundred dollars is not going to
have traffic right it's not going to be
getting any traffic whatsoever you're
going to have to self promote it and
you're just gonna have to do a lot more
work than you really need to do so the
questions are to be asking yourself is
there actually a better way than using
you know automated flipper websites to
create an income and yes there is right
you can only count the dots looking
backwards not forwards so I've been
doing this for ten years now you guys
and I know I've done it all I've done
the eBay the drop shipping I've done
flip buying and selling websites even
created my own website myself I remember
it was drink well pet fountains which is
basically you know a way for it's like a
way for dogs and cats to to get water
through this little fountain and I would
create this automated website and put
these products on the website and then I
would rank for these product names at
the top of Google right and I had a
website that was making maybe like 50
bucks a month and I sold it on Flippa
you know for I can't remember how it was
I mean this was like eight years ago
so I actually created the website from
scratch and I learned the promotion
strategies now one of the great things
about this is you can buy an automated
flip a website that's great you could
take a hundred-dollar website and turn
it into thousands of dollars a month but
you have to know what you're doing you
have to know how to promote properly and
it's not just promoting and phase
book groups that might help you make a
couple dollars here and there but I know
most of you guys are at this video
because you want to make 300 dollars a
day so with that said to tie the knot
here you're gonna see that if you're
paying $100 for a website you know it
says right here a starter site is a
brand new website it has recently been
launched it's unlikely to have traffic
revenue or page rank right so it has no
traffic whatsoever so you really need to
focus on getting traffic to it the site
established in February 2018 and it's
built with WordPress so takes a lot of
the technical details out of it but you
still are going to need to really learn
how to promote properly so with that
said how can you actually take efforts
like what you would put in to flip and
put into this whole entire process where
you would make I don't know maybe a few
dollars a day and if you knew what you
were doing maybe you would make you know
50 to 100 dollars a day how could you
actually take that same amount of effort
and put that focus elsewhere and make 10
times as much right have you ever heard
that you can actually have two people
promoting two different products the
same way one product is twenty-five
dollars and another product is a
thousand dollars and they make just as
many cells have you guys heard of that
before I realized that back in 2012 when
I was promoting low ticket products and
I was doing it through you know this
website YouTube right
and I'd promote you know a fifty dollar
product here a hundred dollar product
there I get 50% Commission's but I was
like grinding just to make right around
a thousand bucks a month right and so
guess what I did all I did was I changed
the offer that I was promoting right I
changed the offer so instead of
promoting a twenty-five dollar product I
started promoting five hundred dollar
products $100,000 products and three
thousand dollar products and guess what
I ended up making ten times the amount
just by changing the back end of my
business so let me just give you some
ideas if you want to go and you want to
do like flipper websites
make sure that you're monetizing on the
front end of the website as well as the
back end the website and what I mean by
that is when people come to the website
you can have different advertisements
right you can have ads from Google
Adsense so when people click those ads
you just get paid every time somebody
clicks well that's one way that you can
monetize the website just one way right
so without having to do any extra work
on that website what you can do is you
can add different products and promote
different products on those web pages of
your website so you have multiple
symbiotic income streams right so for
example I might have a little forum on
my website and I showed you guys this in
the last video let me just jump over
here to my personal website and just go
home real quick you can see that I
monetize my website in multiple ways
right here I have people opt-in right
and basically an opt-in form is
basically a form where you capture a
name and an email address and then
somebody goes on an e-mail list then all
you need to do is follow up with them
through emails right so you end up
owning that that person's email right on
your email list and you can send them
offers through email works really cool
that way so that's one way that I
monetize my website another way is that
I have my blog here and what I could do
on my blog right I have another opt-in
form right there so again I can email
people different offers but what I can
do is if I click on for example this
post right here
I'm giving them yet another opportunity
to enter their name and email address so
you'll notice I click to that link right
here and then guess what they go to a
page and they request access to this
page I'm just gonna enter a random email
address here and then it takes them to
this video here and then when they click
here to get access it's going to take
them to what's called a sales page right
I didn't create this I didn't create any
of this right here okay
this was created by the product owner
what happens is when somebody clicks to
get started for just $1 here and they
scroll down they're gonna notice check
it out my affiliate ID is right here so
when somebody pays this dollar guess
what I get a commission now you're
probably wondering Josh why is it just
$1 why would you just want to make $1
follow me closely here right here's
what's really cool about this process so
again let me back up here somebody came
to my website right and this is where
you can monetize your website I have two
ways of making money number one I can
get somebody to opt-in to my email list
number two I can have links in my
articles that people can click to also
go to a sales funnel a sales process
that I just showed you and then
eventually buy a product here okay also
there might be ads here that I'll
eventually place Google Adsense right
and you'll start to see little ads on
the side you see my new sites all the
time all right and then if they click
those ads I get paid so now there's
that's there's three ways of getting
paid follow me here so when somebody
ends up paying the $1 here what will
happen is they will go through a
systematic process okay they'll watch a
series of videos and then these series
of videos will educate them on a
specific topic in this case is teaching
people how to live the good life and
build an online business okay so it's
really geared towards entrepreneurs
business owners stay-at-home mom
stay-at-home dads brick-and-mortar
owners store owners really anybody for
that matter so they pay the $1 trial
they go through this process and then
guess what they start being exposed to
other products that they can buy to help
them make more money to help them live a
better life to help them basically get
to where they want to go so what will
happen is when they buy these products I
actually get paid a commission from
these products so let me show you we've
got let me count here one two three four
five six seven seven income streams I'm
going to show you that I've been able to
create just by sending people to a sells
Paige this sells page and just by them
paying $1 because it's about what
happens on the back end you guys it's
about what happens after they spend $1
and here's what happens after they spend
the dollar they go through another
process again of Education and then
guess what I start earning Commission's
when they start buying products so
you're gonna notice my income streams
are gonna vary here but you're gonna see
you're gonna be blown away it way by the
end of this okay and how much I've been
able to earn just by sending people to a
one dollar offer here okay
so here's one $19.60 okay here's another
one my pending earnings are seven
hundred thirty dollars and 66 cents I've
made lifetime earnings of eight thousand
eight hundred forty-one dollars and
eighty three cents I didn't have to sell
any of these individual products or
services okay all the system did all
this selling for me on these multiple
strip products inside of this ecosystem
right it's like when people go to Amazon
and they buy one product and they buy
another product and they buy another
product you know all in one go and then
Amazon makes money off of all those
products that they just sold it's it's
it's the same concept here let me show
you another income stream right this one
this income stream from just this one
dollar again right selling this one
dollar trial look it's turned into this
type of money here 5,000 dollars this
week almost two thousand dollars this
week almost two thousand dollars that
week two thousand dollars just this
recent week and then a brand new week
has just started today as you can see
Mars 21st 17.6 T four cents right just
from a one dollar trial to sending
people to one dollar trial it's the
system that's doing the selling for me
you guys check out this other income
stream three hundred and seventy nine
dollars and forty-five cents are waiting
to be paid out total Commission's earned
three thousand six hundred dollars
ninety two cents okay you guys can feel
free to add this up if you'd like
another income stream two hundred and
sixty dollars from Bluehost calm another
$49.50 impending earnings I just got
paid 100 $7.47
and lifetime earnings seven thousand
four hundred and seventy eight dollars
and seventy eight cents again I didn't
have to do any promotion just sending
people to one dollar trial and then
letting them go through the system where
they end up buying all these individual
products and I get paid
here's another income stream waiting to
get paid one hundred and fifteen dollars
and 64 cents if I go here that's my
pending earnings are waiting to be paid
out but if I jump over here you can see
that my total earnings in this income
stream 267.50 m
check him out was three hundred forty
six dollars and seven cents that week
the next week 246.50 cents okay just by
sending people to this page and having
them complete the process so they
basically pay and then they get access
to this system which is this system here
right and they start with what's called
the challenge and I have other videos
all link in the description that talked
about what the challenge is and go in
detail about the challenge but they go
to the training right this shows them
how to make their first ten thousand
dollars a month and they complete these
sessions and as they go through these
sessions they start to get access to
these different products right so how
would it what would it be like for you
to be able to leverage this same exact
system is this something you'd be
interested in is this something you'd be
interested in leveraging if it is let me
know in the comments below put yes in
the comments right now on youtube put
yes in the comments and then there'll be
a link in the description go ahead
you'll click that link and you'll get
access to the same exact system that you
can leverage right that somebody else
created but this individual is giving
you access to this system that you can
basically resell re promote
and have the potential to earn these
types of commissions here here here here
here here and here
right and here's what's cool the way
that you're earning these Commission's
is there's a section called MSI settings
right and this is really cool so you'll
notice all you need to do is sign up for
each of these income streams right by
clicking these links here and then
you'll enter your affiliate IDs and then
automatically what will happen is these
IDs will get embedded into this
challenge here as people go through the
steps so if I go to the training here
and I click on for example session 7
here check it out they'll watch the
video and then my links only if I go to
action steps my links are automatically
embedded in these action steps so these
are action steps that people will have
to complete and then my links will be
embedded right here to complete these
different action steps so when they
click here and then they end up getting
get response which is an autoresponder
they go ahead and they create an account
guess what this is where Josh makes
money ok you following me here so they
also would click sorry let's go back
here so they click here click magic they
sign up for here guess what they sign up
they start their free trial and guess
what happens
Josh gets paid right here cool cool cool
right and then again they get access to
click funnels here right they get access
to this
and guess what boom this is where I can
make money so someone else is actually
doing all the selling someone else
created this system I didn't create the
system I'm just an affiliate of this
system so when I promote write this
system I will get a portion of the
commission here as you can see and then
the product owner the system owner gets
a portion of the commission which is the
difference here
so if I was to take these earnings here
and minus them from eighteen thousand
forty seven dollars and seventy eight
cents for the month of March that's how
much the the product owner will make the
system owner will make as well so it's a
great incentive for the product owner to
get affiliates because the affiliates
are going to make a bunch of money and
these affiliates are gonna be promoting
on behalf of the product owner and the
product owner is going to get paid as
well so if you would like to get access
to the same system right and you would
like to be able to plug into these types
of income streams all you got to do is
watch each and every one of these videos
follow everything step-by-step and you
can potentially be getting results like
this but it's crucial you've got to
complete the steps you've got to focus
100% of your energy on this don't get
distracted with other YouTube videos
you're gonna get overwhelmed right I've
been there I've done that this is
something that will give you full true
leverage in your business you're not
going to be working for peanuts right
you remember to leverage your efforts
you're gonna be able to do the work once
and have automated systems and processes
do all the selling and telling for you
guys that's why it's no more difficult
to sell something that's twenty-five
dollars versus something that's five
thousand dollars when you have the right
systems you have the right processes in
place and you're actually giving people
what it is that they want and you're
properly educating them right so what
most people will continue to do is
they'll make money the hard way right by
trying to go out there and post in
facebook groups trying to go out there
and struggle to do search engine
optimization with no leverage right but
if you can have multiple streams of
income on your websites right and and
have symbiotic income streams then this
is something that you should be
definitely going with so with that set
if you want to get access to this click
the link below will actually show you
how to promote this too as well right
we're not going to show you low
leveraged ways of generating visitors to
your to this system by you know posting
in facebook groups although that may
work to an extent and you're gonna make
a lot more money by having a full system
like this versus just having a website
where you just make it money on google
adsense right you have these multiple
streams of income so you definitely want
to be plugging into something like this
it's going to give you the true freedom
the true leverage that's been missing in
your life and inside your business so
with that said you want this $300 a day
formula again results not typical just
because I'm creating this doesn't
guarantee that you're going to create
this but if you truly want to build a
business that's long term that has
longevity where your income is going to
be sustainable for the long term you're
gonna have income from these different
income streams for a lifetime if that's
something that you're looking for click
the link below in the description don't
forget if you haven't already give me a
thumbs up and let me know in the
comments did you get some value from
this video did you have an aha moment do
you understand what MSI's are and how to
have multiple streams of income in your
business would love to know that's head
Josh elder signing off and we will see
you in the next video take care