
Friday, March 27, 2020

How To Make Money On Clickbank For Free | $22,446.46 In 2 Months #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Make Money On Clickbank For Free | $22,446.46 In 2 Months

hey guys what's happening Joshua elder
here and today in this video I'm gonna
show you how to make money with
Clickbank 100% free okay I'm going to
show you exactly how I made twenty-two
thousand dollars yes that's not a
mistake twenty-two thousand dollars in
the past two months with a hundred
percent free traffic and leveraging
Clickbank and the Clickbank marketplace
and okay we're going to talk a little
bit about what traffic is we're gonna
show you how to find a product but
number one guys this isn't showing you
guys how to post on websites like clora
how to post on blog sites how to post on
forum sites posting on Pinterest these
are all traffic methods that can work in
the short term but they're not gonna
give you the ability to really change
your life and that's what you're looking
to do right you want to quit your job
you want to be able to spend more
quality time with your family maybe
you're you're in college you want to
drop out of college maybe you're a
teenager you want to quit high school
don't quit high school exactly but you
want to you know build an income on the
internet and be able to do that probably
most likely full time like me know I
worked at a at a day job for about eight
and a half years until I finally learned
the right way to start and grow my
affiliate marketing business using and
leveraging Clickbank and it's not what
most of these people are preaching on
YouTube and there's so much information
out there you guys really don't know who
to listen to so I want you to get I want
to give you guys some clear direction in
this video right so I'm not just giving
you what you want but I'm giving you
guys what you actually need to get to
the next level in your life okay if
you're not serious about building an
online business if you want to kind of
dip your toe in the water and try a few
strategies here and there I don't want
to waste your time this isn't the place
where you're going to be able to do that
I would recommend being in this business
whatsoever because you're going to let
yourself down because you're going to
realize it takes a lot more work than
that so with that said enough of me
preaching let's show you how to make
money on Clickbank for free and first
I'm going to log into my Clickbank
account okay I wanna show you guys some
some pretty pretty awesome cool results
in the past two months I'm gonna go to
reporting and I'm going to go to custom
range here
and we're gonna start off as you can see
today's the 22nd
we're gonna go back to January I'm gonna
go right around the 16th to you know the
16th of January to March 22nd I'm gonna
click go and if you guys can see down
here you can see 22,000 $446 is what
I've been able to make in the past two
months with clickbank ok I'm gonna show
you guys exactly how you can do that
this channel is all about authenticity
it's all about showing you guys exactly
what I'm doing in my business and I'm
showing you guys something else just to
get you you know to give you a value to
get you into my business that's not what
this is about so I think you're going to
love this video because that's something
I really really take pride in so let's
go over here let's go to the Clickbank
marketplace so number one I want you
guys to write this down number one is
you need a product to sell right you
know have a product to sell you don't
have a business and you're not making
any money right so you need to find a
product so what I would suggest that you
do is go to clickbank com ok I'm gonna
go over here I'm going to create a new
tab and I'm gonna go to clickbank comm
and you're gonna create a new account
right here okay very simple very easy to
do you follow the on-screen instructions
here fill out all the information
complete these 3 steps and then you'll
log in right and you'll come to a page
that looks like this I'm actually in the
marketplace right now which is this link
here and then what you can see is you
can see all these different categories
here ok I got everything from arts
entertainment all the way down to travel
and you guys are gonna want to pick
something that you're you know sort of
interested in you don't have to be
really really hardcore passionate about
it but something that you're intrigued
by something that you're interested in
something that you can start and not get
bored of in a few days or a few weeks
and K so I'm gonna show you a live case
study example I'm super passionate about
helping people start their own online
business I'm passionate about affiliate
marketing so I went to the e business
and E marketing section right and I
started promoting products that I
resonated with within the marketplace
here on Clickbank
there was also some other private Lee
listed vendors here too as well you're
gonna notice they're not in this section
here but you have to reach out to the
vendor personally and say hey I want to
promote your product and then they will
allow you to sign up to be able to do
that okay so not everything that's
listed in the Clickbank marketplace here
is everything that you can promote but I
will tell you here just within this
section of the marketplace there's about
four hundred eighty five different
products just in the e business and E
marketing section so let me break down
exactly what you're seeing here you're
seeing the list of different products
that you can't promote here okay and
then there's a promote button right here
and this is how you get your customized
affiliate link so what I would do is I
would click promote here and then I got
my account nickname here I click create
and then you got this big long ugly
affiliate link here now you can go to
places like bitly right you can also use
goog l it's Google's URL shortener and
what it will do is will take this
complex URL here right right here and it
will actually shorten it for you so you
just copy and paste it let me just show
you guys live real quick copy and paste
it here and then I would click shorten
URL and boom this is the link that I
would go out and I would share on the
internet and basically where this link
sends us to is what's called a sales
page right let's see this Google short
link has been disabled
so this violates the terms of services
by Google right so Google's probably not
the best URL shortener to use so what I
would do is I would type in bitly com
alright and then I would just take that
same URL over here and I'm gonna create
again and I would copy that
and I jump over here and I would paste
it and then boom we have a link right
there that shouldn't get banned
right sometimes Facebook will ban links
sometimes Google will ban links so they
see that your you know you're using an
affiliate link that's from straight from
Clickbank and you're not cloaking that
affiliate link then it's easy for you
know that link to get banned ok so
there's ways around it you can use bitly
you can use also a tool called click
magic right so let me just jump to click
magic here and login for you guys and
show you guys some of my links ok so for
example let me go here and then let me
go to let's go to this link right here
the sales page for for product that I'm
promoting here and you can see that this
length is primary URL this is my raw URL
kind of like my Clickbank URL that I got
over here right big long and ugly but
what you can actually do is you can
attach a custom domain right a custom
domain to click magic and then you can
go in here and you can actually select
whatever custom domain you just attached
and then you can put the extension here
and then boom it'll create it for you so
instead of going to this big long link
here it'll go here and this won't get
blocked by Facebook if you want to share
this link on Facebook okay so that's the
first order of business is of course you
find a niche a market that you're
passionate about and then you look for a
product that you want to promote and
then you click the promote button and
click the link now let me talk a little
bit more about you know finding an
actual product I look for products that
are selling really well right that's
going to be determined by the gravity
score here so I would say anything above
about a 30 gravity score is really
really good you also want to be wanted
to be a product that has tremendous
amounts of values that's really really
valuable that's not going to have a
large percentage of people refunding so
it's one thing to have good sales
material on a product it's another thing
to have a good valuable product once
they buy the product right or else
they're going to refund so the best way
that you could find
valuable product is to purchase the
product right and then comprehensively
go through the entire product I know
most people aren't going to do this but
if you really want to separate yourself
head and shoulders above everybody else
right this is what I do I'm telling you
guys exactly what I do to make you know
over ten thousand dollars a month on
Clickbank I own the products that I want
to promote I become a testimonial of the
products I embody the products and then
I go out there and I promote the
products in a very strategic and
effective way so what I would do is I
would go through here and I would check
out the sales pages of these products
and listen to the sales pages maybe look
for reviews about the products out there
on Google now be careful summaries
reviews just have a hidden agenda to get
you to buy their product so you got to
be you know just careful do your
extensive research and then purchase the
product you can also you know refund if
it's a bad quality product but go
through the product spend the next few
weeks going through the product and then
implementing what the product teaches
and getting a result so if you're you
want to go in the weight loss industry
you'll buy a weight loss product and
lose weight using that product and then
you can use that to obviously sell and
promote the product right so in the
affiliate marketing space it's the same
process I get a product that shows me
how to make money right I go through the
teachings that show me how to make money
and then I get the end result which is
making money and I bring other people in
by showing them the end result of what
this product helped me accomplish right
so that's vitally important that you
guys become a testimonial embody the
product be sold on the product mynhardt
right not to go so holistic on you guys
but this is the truth I'm speaking truth
you guys not speaking theory right like
a lot of other the other youtubers do
you know go out here post links all over
here on Craigslist in forums guys those
gurus those youtubers are not doing that
they're just giving you value right to
feel like you're learning something so
you end up joining their thing or
whatever it may be
right at the end of the day if
I want you to bring you into something
right I have an intention to sell you
something I want to give you guys value
on what I'm doing then you're more than
likely going to want to join me because
I'm upfront with you guys so with that
said now that you've picked a product
right you picked a niche you picked a
product what we want to do is now is we
want to pick a traffic source okay and
there's so many traffic sources out
there what is traffic traffic is just
simply eyeballs its eyeballs to this
page right this is called a sales page
it's also called a virtual sales letter
the whole purpose of this page is to get
people to buy so what you want to do is
get as many people to this sales page
right as possible as possible so how do
you do that well let me show you guys
the most effective way to do that that's
that's long-term we're not going to be
you know having to hustle all day
posting on these different websites out
there right like tumblr and blogger and
Cora and Facebook and what you need to
do is you need to pick one and you need
to go super super deep with it right you
need to master achieve mastery don't be
a dabbler don't get distracted by
everything else out there because it
sounds better right it's marketing
that's a game of marketing focus on one
thing and go super deep with it so I'm
gonna go to which ranks
websites based off of traffic but these
websites are getting and I'm going to go
to I should be able to let's see let's
let's type in Alexa rankings all right
here we go website traffic statistics
alright and let's go to let's go back
and let's go to top sites that's what I
want to find right and boom so what we
want to do here is we want to go where
the eyeballs are going right we you know
a lot of big companies they advertise
during the Superbowl because guess what
it's the most watched event in history
every single year right everybody's
watching the Superbowl 99% of the u.s.
is watching the Superbowl
so since these big companies know that
they want to go where the eyeballs are
going so they want to be on the Super
Bowl commercials well the great thing
about online marketing is you don't need
to pay millions of dollars to be seen on
Google and be seen on YouTube and
that's what's super cool about this so
that's why I'm gonna show you guys how
to make money for free you know using
and leveraging Clickbank and a specific
traffic strategy like Google so what
I'll do is I would first look at these
different websites and say okay which
website do I really want to go deep with
which website do I really want to drive
eyeballs drive visitors from to my
website right to my affiliate link right
to my website like this and so what I'll
do dank pop-ups what I'll do is I'll
check out you know each of these
websites and say okay you know am i
passionate about writing articles for
Google because we understand if we're
gonna rank in Google com right and I
type in any given search phrase right so
I typed in best green juice recipes
recipe right you're gonna see check it
out there's a couple posts that are
blogs it looks like most of these are
blog posts sometimes what will happen is
videos will show up here too as well
right so you got to recognize okay I'm
either gonna need to write some articles
or outsource it or I'm going to need to
shoot some YouTube videos right Google
owns YouTube and so YouTube videos rank
highly in Google search engine okay so I
would determine okay what am I willing
to do what am I willing to push myself
to do to be able to make $10,000 a month
am i willing to to write articles am I
willing to shoot videos am I willing to
make Facebook posts am I willing to make
Facebook videos so you have to
understand the medium or the the
creative material that you're going to
be creating on that given platform right
so on Facebook you can do post and you
could do videos on YouTube it's just
videos on Google it's it's articles and
it's videos right so same with Yahoo
down here so what I decided to do is I'm
okay I love YouTube because I can kill
two birds with one stone the way that I
can do that is I can upload a video to
YouTube and get traffic from YouTube
with my video to my sales page here and
I can also leverage Google to do that to
accomplish the same exact thing so I'm
like that's cool I can create a video
and rank it at the top of YouTube's
search engine and rank at the top of
Google's search engine so that's why I'm
super sold on videos you guys that's why
I absolutely love video marketing so
once we recognize what platform that we
want to master right traffic generation
on then what we want to do is we want to
figure out our strategy okay and you
guys can also pick Instagram you know if
you love posting photos if you're you
know you love photography if that's
where you hang out right then then use
Instagram and find somebody that is a
master of Instagram traffic and learn
everything you that you can from them
okay you quite honestly I'm not a
complete master at Instagram again I
know YouTube I know how to achieve
mastery on YouTube so find somebody in
one of these platforms as a master and
learn everything that you can from them
okay so once we add we do that what we
want to do is we want to figure out what
our strategy is okay the strategy is
actually fairly easy find other people
in your niche that are successful with
that strategy and model them okay model
them don't copy every video for example
it's on YouTube don't copy every video
don't copy every headline
don't copy every description right you
want to model what they're doing I'm
going to show you guys what I mean by
that so what I decided to do I'm just
gonna go back over here I'm gonna go to and I'm going to type in
affiliate marketing because that's my
niche so you're gonna type in your niche
here and then what I'm gonna do is I'm
going to look at all these different
videos that are ranked at the top of the
search engine I'm gonna look at the
channel name I'm gonna write each of
these down right so you can feel free to
pause this video if you know what your
niche is go ahead type it at the top of
YouTube and then
start writing down the different channel
names here alright it's alright
you know I'll expect Becker's channel
you can see mines here just kind of cool
od productions I'll write that down you
know I'll just write down my dot-com
universe jianchao so I'll write these
down and then guess what I'll do is I
will go to the actual channel like
deadbeat super affiliate here right I'm
gonna go to their channels and I'm gonna
find out the topics that they're talking
about then their videos this is gonna
give me ideas for topics to create and I
can also look at the specific videos to
find out the content that they're
providing and maybe I can take some of
that content put it my own words and use
it as my own as well as add some extra
content I actually believe it or not I
did that with this video and this isn't
against you know this specific youtuber
because he's got great content he knows
what he's doing but what I decided to do
is I decided to go to his video section
I went to his channel first and I sorted
by most popular right and then I looked
at ok all his videos that were getting
tons of searches and I looked at this
clickbank bucks free methods here how to
make money on Clickbank for free same
same topic is this video and then what I
did is I looked at the content I'm like
what would I do different what do I like
what do I dislike and then I would
create a similar video just like it guys
it's all about modeling I'm modeling so
if I click on this video here in my
little bit of publicity here which is
all good but you're gonna see look he's
got some links here in his description
so what we would want to do is we would
take our clickbank affiliate link right
we take this clickbank affiliate link
that we created you know basically that
I created with click magic and I would
actually put that right here ok so below
you're actually gonna see a link that
you can go to which is in fact an
affiliate link right and so that's how I
build an income that's how I make money
okay and in my videos I would have
different calls to actions in my videos
telling people hey click the link below
if you love what you're hearing go ahead
and click the link below for a little
bit more information on how to get
started with Clickbank right so that's
basically what I would say in this video
so that's the process you guys and so
then I'll continue every day and you can
even pre plan and write down a bunch of
topics that you would like to talk about
based off of what you're seeing in
somebody else's channel so you could see
if I go to my videos here I got a lot of
my video ideas from other successful
videos like this video here so you know
again my niche is affiliate marketing I
find people within that niche that are
succeeding on YouTube have more
subscribers than me and i Reaver s--
engineer it right there's different ways
also that I build my youtube channel and
I'm gonna give you guys some links in
the description below you're gonna see
one link that's how I made $15,000 per
month or how I make $50,000 per month
with micro channels much smaller YouTube
channels okay there's also another link
I'm gonna provide below that's how I
made seven thousand dollars in a week
with with Clickbank as well okay so
that's gonna provide you a little bit
more information on how to build wealth
using YouTube and using Clickbank okay
so that is the process you guys and to
add to that what we also want to do is
we want to use marketing materials that
are provided by the vendor so for
example this EECOM profit sniper if it's
a good quality product typically it's
gonna have what's called a JV page or an
affiliate page and then this affiliate
page is supposed to provide us with
content and images and banners that we
can use and repurpose as our own to help
promote this affiliate product okay so
you can see this provides quite a few
emails which is great so we can send
these emails out to our list but if you
don't have an email list it's really not
useful so what you want is you want a
product vendor that will fully support
you that will show you how to drive
traffic that will show you you know
how to promote it will show you how to
position yourself as an authority it'll
show you all the details right that this
page isn't going into and all the
details that I'm not going into in this
specific video because quite frankly if
I showed you everything to build money
online every detail to create success
online then this video would last for
hours so what I've done is I've provided
a link the first link in the description
will actually walk you through in
complete detail how to build an online
business from scratch how to set up
these links from scratch how to create
your own sells funnels and okay cuz it's
one thing to send people straight to the
sales page here right this sales page
again we're gonna copy and paste this I
just want to make sure I'm being clear
with you guys to this sales page we
don't just want to send people straight
to a sales page okay what'll happen is
most people will come to this page
they'll click off and so we worked so
hard to get that traffic to get that
visitor for them to click off so what we
want to do is we want to put what's
called a capture page in front of them
right and it looks something like this
we want to put this page in front of
them okay when we put this page in front
of them guess what they'll click give me
instant access they'll enter their email
address here and then when they click
click here to get access now then
they'll go to the sales page right so
that gives us the ability if they don't
decide to buy on the first time they
don't buy this product from the first
time guess what we just capture their
email address and now we can follow up
with them we can send them more emails
because on average it takes about
between six to seven exposures for
somebody to make a buying decision for
somebody to trust you so that's why it's
it's it's vital to capture their
information before you just send them
straight to a sales page so that's some
added some some bonus gold nuggets there
for you if you got value from this video
guys give me a thumbs up like this video
comment below if you've got any
questions but it's really guys success
leaves Clues right stand all that on the
shoulders of giants model six
yes right don't reinvent the wheel and
don't listen to people that aren't
actually practicing what they're
preaching right so I think it it's about
coming across a video like this that
will actually show you how to promote
the right way so you know if you want to
show up if you want to learn how to set
up proper landing pages and squeeze
pages you want to learn all this lingo
you want all the gaps filled and covered
for you so you can stop looking for the
shortcut and build a true long-term
profitable business click the first link
below in the description ok go there
right now
don't wait click that now and we'll see
you on the next page this is Josh elder
signing off and we'll see you guys the
next video take care

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