
Thursday, March 26, 2020

How To Make Money On Clickbank In 2018 | | Free Traffic Strategy (Without A Website) #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Make Money On Clickbank In 2018 | | Free Traffic Strategy (Without A Website)

hey guys what's going on Joshua elder
here and in this video today I'm going
to show you how to make money on
Clickbank here in 2018 and we're sort of
gonna piggyback off of my last video one
of my last videos I've mentioned that
I've done over 19 thousand dollars on
Clickbank well it's a new month now guys
it is March 1st 2018 and if we go to my
final sales volume in Clickbank for the
month of February you can see down here
that I did twenty four thousand five
hundred fifty five dollars and twenty
four cents pretty awesome this is my
total sales volume right here and this
is my total Commission right here right
and so if we want to get the whole
entire month of February all we need to
do is go over here and go to reporting
cancel here I'm going to go back to last
month and you guys can see eight
thousand six hundred and seven dollars
and ten cents so let me kind of break
down how I did this the product that I
promoted and sort of how I marketed this
product using free strategies from
Facebook okay so let me start from
number one the product that I decided to
promote was a product known as the 4%
you can learn a little bit more about
that product by going in the description
below and clicking the link below
basically what this product is is it
teaches people how to live the good life
okay it teaches them basically how to
become an independent entrepreneur and
build a highly profitable online
business and the product owner Vic what
he's done is he's actually reverse
engineered his success he's been able to
create millions and millions of dollars
online and what he's done is he set up a
systematic process and a series of
videos that shows you from start to
finish in complete detail okay so know
there's a lot of programs out there that
will show you hey we'll show you how to
build a business step-by-step and they
don't they actually don't show you and
by the way my serie is going off over
here which is hilarious
but with that said what most
opportunities don't do is they don't
show you literally step-by-step how to
get a website set up how to drive
traffic how to create capture pages how
to connect
your email autoresponder with your
funnel right the little details of
technical details that people need to
get to the next level also you know he
really goes into depth about mindset and
how important mindset is when it comes
to building your bu
siness so with that
said you know I went with a product that
I really believe in a product I could
really stand by in the internet
marketing make money online space and
guys you can go into any space that you
want to where there is a high demand and
a lot of products being sold and even a
lot of competition so you can go to the
Clickbank marketplace right here and you
can just find a list ongoing list of
different products and different
industries so you got like cooking food
and wine green products health and
fitness home garden so on and so forth
so I'm doing a business and emarketing
that's my niche is teaching people how
to build a profitable online business so
I'm going to sell products within that
niche and the product that I'm selling
here again is the 4% so you can see from
this product alone five thousand eight
hundred and eighty dollars ninety nine
cents and then I did get some rebuilds
from a product that I sold in January of
people that were on a monthly payment
plan and I did right around two thousand
five hundred and seventy six dollars and
eleven cents there so total it was an
eighty six hundred dollar-a-month
which is pretty dang awesome so let me
show you how I was able to generate this
five thousand eight hundred and eighty
dollars within February by showing you
my free traffic method with Facebook so
what I did back on February 8th at 251
p.m. you guys can see that I made this
post right here okay and the idea of
this post isn't to necessarily sell
people four percent you'll notice that
as I go through this post that I didn't
mention the four percent okay I didn't
really talk about the product much all I
did is I talked about the vision that
the product wanted to accomplish so
first thing you guys if you're gonna
promote a product you got to believe in
it you got to know it like the back of
your hand you've got to you know know
the ins and outs you got to go through
the product complete the product right
before you go out there and you
promote it to somebody else or at least
go through it enough to where you
understand the purpose of the product
and whether the product really is gonna
help people or whether it's just rehash
garbage right so in this case I
completed the first 10 at least the
first 10 videos before I even gave my
personal opinion on the product and I
knew after going through those videos I
thought to myself I'm like well this is
the exact process if I could reverse
engineer myself and what I did five
years ago when I started succeeding
online this product is every step that I
took in complete detail so this is
something that I really knew that I
could believe in and stand by that is
the most important thing so what did I
I started speaking the vision that this
company this product was trying to
accomplish to other people because I
realize that features and benefits of
products are great but if you want to
build a big following you want people to
follow you for a very very long time you
want to speak vision to them okay people
follow people that have a have clarity
and they have a clear vision okay you
don't necessarily have to tell people
how you're going to execute your vision
all you need to do is speak your vision
and I use this example over and over and
over again but Martin Luther King had
this dream right people came after him
to execute that dream he didn't know how
he was going to execute the dream but he
spoke the dream into existence and he
built this whole this big following and
now we celebrate Martin Luther King Day
in the United States here so that's just
a good example of what happens when you
speak a vision and there's many movies
as well out there countless movies that
have this this hero and this hero talks
about this vision and through that
vision he connects with his audience and
that's where he really builds a
following so you've really got to have a
strong vision for yourself
I can't drive that home enough okay you
got up to vApp to have a strong vision
for the people that you're looking to
bring into your business so you're going
to notice here this whole entire post I
don't want to bore to you with all the
details but I want to break down to you
why I'm posting what I'm posting so
first off what I'm doing is I'm
acknowledging the problems in my market
right now okay you need to understand
who your target customer is on a deep
deep level okay you need to know what
their struggles are where they're at in
life what they think about right from
time to time and you want to get in
their head as much as possible and
that's exactly what I did my target
market in this case is people probably
like yourself that wants to start an
online business wants to make money
online struggling to make money online
sick at the overwhelm and the complexity
and jumping from program to program and
just want something simplified that can
work for them so you'll notice right the
top out here I said I'm looking to
create long lasting relationships and go
deep with a core group of people daily
to build their online business without
opportunity hopping okay without
stretching their financial bank account
so people are sick of spending countless
amounts of money on different products
right and they want a clear path to
success they want they don't want to
feel like a number
a lot of times they join a company they
get a sponsor they get a mentor and you
know they buy all the products and then
guess what that mentor goes in the
witness-protection program you never see
him again you never hear from him again
so people are losing trust in people
they want people around them and mentors
around them that they can trust and so
I'm acknowledging all these different
problems right in the marketplace and
then my solution is going to be the 4%
this program that people can get access
to but I don't want to just come out
there and just say hey you know here's
the 4% here's all the features and
benefits join click here right what we
want to do is we want to pique curiosity
if you notice in any good TV show right
before you know you get to the climax
there's a commercial all right we kind
of want to create that same exact effect
on people so as we go here as we go on
here you're gonna notice that I just
want to peak interest right here that's
all I'm doing is really peaking interest
I want people to write in the comments
I trust you right because the whole
purpose of this post is to regain
people's trust right because a lot of
times even though they they know me very
well if they've been a part of a program
online and they fell to that program and
you know they come in they they
potentially see me as somebody that is
an expert in the same arena that they
failed in they might bring a lot about
that bad energy over to what it is that
I'm doing and think just everything out
there is just a scam so what I want to
do is I want to build people's trust
first and that's what I did with this
first post is I had people put I trust
you in the comments below and when I
release the group I'll privately inform
you so this is kind of like the
pre-launch phase of launching my offer
launching this 4% offer and it's
completely different than what everybody
else is doing the marketplace most
people are just like hey get access to
this five hundred dollars say $500 a day
system click here what I'm doing is I'm
adding value I'm building trust I'm
saying hey I understand you understand
where you've been and I can help you get
to where you want to go so I'm really
focused on helping people and you can
see that within this post and so I
mention I'm going to open up a private
group a private Facebook group where I'm
gonna walk people through how to succeed
and make their first ten thousand
dollars a month
inside their business okay and I
eventually did that okay and here's the
group over here we got now got four
hundred and fifty-one members okay and
you're gonna see that I got a pin post
right here and the purpose of this post
is to welcome people to get them to
engage inside of the group right
introduce themselves because we want
interaction going on inside the group
there's so many groups that people
procreate and then they start adding
people but those people don't engage
because they're not giving them steps
you've got to tell people what to do if
you're not telling people to engage in
the group you're not pre-qualifying them
whatsoever they're just they're just
gonna think it's another group that
they're joining they're not going to do
anything so I'm giving people action
steps of the expectations you know
within the group I give them the
opportunity to right here you know to
check out the four percent in a very
non Scelzi way and then I have one of my
other products right here and again I
have another call to action at the end
here so this is an example and you guys
can feel free to reverse engineer this
right you can model what I'm doing here
because I'm all about modeling what
works right don't don't reinvent the
wheel if there's something I'm doing
here you want a model don't copy it but
model it take the same format and
integrate it into your business maybe
your Facebook group you can feel free to
do that so and then I just make frequent
post on a daily basis I give value we
hold weekly mastermind calls where I
reach down and I actually help people
all right we have zoom calls on a weekly
basis we've got success stories going on
we got people going through the steps in
the 4% we got engagement and then what I
do is I have another private chat group
so what you can do is you can take all
these people right or at least all these
people that not everybody in this group
has purchased the 4% program ok the
people that are what I do is I put them
on a separate email list and then I
email that list okay about the calls
that we have you know and then if
anybody also sees the posts that I make
in the group about the call they can
jump on to so they don't necessarily
have to be in the 4% they can join
regardless but this gives me an
opportunity with the people that you
know have joined 4% I can get them added
to a private chat group on messenger and
this is where I can gauge with them
further right and the whole purpose of
this is to again show them that I'm here
for them I want to help them right when
I when I wrote that first post that I
just showed you guys on my Facebook wall
that was truth I told people that hey I
wanted to go deep with you I want to
help you I want to spend a lot of time
with you over the course of the next
year and so I've got that private chat
group that's gonna help me accomplish
that I've also got the weekly calls that
we do so at the end of the day what I'm
doing here is I'm focusing less on
automation which is what most people are
doing is they're like they get this idea
in their head of autopilot income and so
what they do is they just slam leads
into a
sells funnel and it just becomes a
numbers game they don't realize that
there's real human beings with real
desires on the list that want to be
helped so as soon as you can combine the
automation with like actually helping
people and going out of your way to
personally reach out to people if you
got those two things working for you
then you're gonna have a lot of success
and that's what I've been able to do to
create eight thousand dollars within the
past month so with that said in that
private chat group I engage with people
and then I give them the opportunity to
get access to what I call my Leadership
Council group so if they upgrade and buy
the other products with it within the
four percent right then they have the
opportunity to get even more one-on-one
hand-holding and coaching from me okay
so it gives them an incentive to upgrade
and buy the other products and this is
what you want to do is you want to offer
bonuses we've talked about this before
if you've been following me on my
channel you want to offer bonuses and
incentives and somewhat bribes to get
people to upgrade to a new level
and there's so many things that you can
do by offering extra training extra
mentoring Skype calls right training
programs that you've recorded in the in
the past so on and so forth and that's
what I've done
so I campaign this and then I added
people to the private group and then
once I got them in this private group I
started doing you know Facebook lives
started making some posts to create more
buzz around this opportunity just like
you know when you got new movies coming
out in the summer there's buzz that's
created right now around these movies
kind of giving people a little daily
dose or a weekly dose of you know what
they're gonna get when they come in and
they and they see this specific movie so
you'll see like different movie trailers
right for the same movie to get people
into you know the movie theater right so
they might not resonate with one trailer
but they may resonate with another movie
trailer and I kind of take that same
idea is like how can I take the features
and the benefits and the vision of this
product right and use that and use
different marketing angles using those
features and benefits to bring people
into you know my world and eventually
buy my prod
and again this is a higher level of
thinking you guys this takes a little
bit of time to kind of think and write
down and pre-plan but if you're willing
to do this you're gonna separate
yourself head and shoulders above
everybody else so again I'm speaking
vision right here I'm committed to
developing a core group of independent
entrepreneurs you know I'm hundred
percent committed
speaking to my market again are you sick
of shortcuts and want to build a
long-term business and fulfilling
relationships with me together connect
with me so starting to really promote a
little bit more here more calls to
action in this video I talked about the
problems in the internet marketing
affiliate marketing world and I'm pre
framing people by telling them hey
here's the problems you know there's
there's merchants problems with
companies not paying you out you're
relying on another company's sells pages
you're relying on their their ability to
sell through those sales pages you're
reliant on their email follow-ups you
rely on their whole entire system by
it's like having a nine-to-five job all
over again so instead of being in that
boat what if there was a program out
there that would teach you how to be
independent and write your own paycheck
and be able to manifest money out of
thin air right and that's what the 4%
offers so I'm creating a prob with the
current state of the internet marketing
industry and I'm saying here's a
solution over here with the 4% okay
that's I'm paving a way for a new
opportunity which is what we want to do
this is what we want to accomplish again
pre framing people once again and I'm
campaigning guys over and over and over
again you guys can feel free to go to my
Facebook wall you can type in Joshua
elder you can connect with me reach out
say hi you know but you guys can you can
guys can reverse-engineer what I'm doing
look at these posts you know I talked
about the problem again another problem
with the affiliate marketing industry is
designed to help provide people with
strengths that maybe you're their
weaknesses and shortcut their success
but it can also keep the training wheels
on people for too long which enables
them to be reliant on
else again pre-frame guys preframe I'm
not mentioning 4% at all right here I'm
pre framing people I want them to reach
out to me and say Josh what is it that
you're working on whatever it is I love
your posts and I resonate with it I want
to be a part of it so we're using
attraction marketing to get people into
our world okay and I just continue to do
that through Facebook lives through
different posts and I'm just bridging
the gap you guys so with that said
that's pretty much the process and then
people will private message me and I'll
send them a link to 4% they'll get
access and they'll get in my private
Facebook group they'll get in the
private chat group they'll get in my
leadership council group and they'll
upgrade to the different levels and
that's really the process and it works
extremely extremely well now if you're
new I don't expect you to do all this
stuff what you can do is you can
leverage my expertise right leverage my
knowledge my cell's ability my
experience to build your business and
that's what's so great is if my team you
know promotes the 4% which of course
they will because they're on my four
percent team and they start generating
sells what will happen is people get
added to that Facebook group they'll get
indoctrinated to our facebook chat and
then they'll upgrade so then my team
makes more money because of my efforts
and I also make more money so it works
out for everybody so you don't need to
be the Guru but you need to plug in to
somebody that can help lift you up and
get you to the level that you want to be
at you know when you're starting out and
that's something I can help you do so if
you're interested in locking arms with
me and getting access to you know this
Facebook group and leveraging the same
products that I've been able to leverage
to create an $8,000 income in the last
month by teaching people right you can
either become an affiliate partner and
promote the 4% or you could just be a
customer you guys can come in if you
want to learn how to build an
independent business you want to use
this for your current business maybe you
got a business you want to grow you can
use this for that too as well you do not
have to promote the 4% the whole purpose
of the system is to teach you guys how
to be into
entrepreneurs not to promote the system
all over again
okay so you're actually getting tangible
value when you go through this process
known as the four percent right so again
right here real quick you guys I'm
campaigning the the next election
lifestyle Facebook group again getting
people out of that group getting them to
look at this pin post the top getting
them indoctrinated into my world right
and all that good stuff and then I post
some income every once in a while
typically this is you know if you're
just starting out I can get why you
would post income I'll do it every once
in a while to really get people inspired
because income does inspire people but
if you do it so much it's just a shallow
way to connect with people so just be
conscious of that do it every once in a
while but don't do it too much so this
is a good you know way to attract people
to you because I get a lot of people
saying hey Josh how you making all this
money you know and I give him access to
the four percent which four percent it
shows you guys how to do this it shows
you how to build a following everything
that I'm explaining in this video the
four percent actually shows you how to
do just that so with that said you know
I even did a review on the four percent
right here with some current results to
get people in right so a lot of
different angles you guys you know I
speak vision about the product I tell
people features and benefits about the
product multiple income streams the
product offers I'll review inside of the
members area so I'm taking little parts
features and benefits creating little
posts and videos around that so I have a
lot of material and content to use to
market this so with that said you guys
appreciate yeah and you know I continue
to campaign this February 24th another
post right here problems with you know
multiple streams of income and what
people think MSI's really are you know
and it's not just jumping from one
product to another product another
product and saying oh I have multiple
streams of income I have four different
products I can promote the problem is
you have those same four products and
that same email list that same Facebook
following that you can promote those
four products too but the thing is
you're just gonna
distract people but if you can just go
deep on one product and that product has
symbiotic income streams that complement
each other that's what you want that's
what you're looking for and that's what
I talk about in this post and
four-percent offers you know that as a
solution so that's why I believe in this
this program you guys it's life-changing
it will change your life regardless of
your experience level regardless of how
much you guys have struggled in the past
trying to build a business online you
want to potentially make up to $8,000 a
month on Clickbank and $5,000 alone just
by leveraging the 4% program get inside
my Facebook group I'll put a link below
I'll also put a link to 4% you can get
started with us you can join us on the
weekly calls and I'm dedicated to your
success so with that said appreciate you
as you continue to see all the awesome
posts that I have about this system on
my Facebook wall and how I really
promote this you know and and drive just
long-term results from it so success
leaves Clues you guys reverse engineer
what I'm doing in your own business and
your business will never be the same so
with that said Josh Eldar signing off
slam the subscribe button if you got
some value from this give me a thumbs up
and comment below if you got any
questions take care have a great day

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