
Friday, March 27, 2020

How To Make Money Online Fast (2018) | THE TRUTH! NOT COPY & PASTE #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Make Money Online Fast (2018) | THE TRUTH! NOT COPY & PASTE

you guys are obviously at this video
because you want to learn exactly how to
make money fast here in 2018 and you
want to make money fast online I want to
ask you guys a question would you rather
me give you a hundred thousand dollars
right here right now or would you rather
wait a year and have me give you a
million dollars right a lot of you guys
would probably take the hundred thousand
dollars but if you're willing to be
patient alright they say that fools rush
I and I can I can mention numerous times
when I rushed into relationships when I
rusted rushed into businesses you know I
ended up getting my heart broken I ended
up losing a lot of money so if you guys
can be patient right and if you guys can
be persistent in your goals you're going
to get the results that you want now
this video is going to be much different
than other videos that you've seen out
there on how to make money fast here in
2018 I'm not gonna give you guys a copy
and paste method I'm not gonna
necessarily give you guys a how-to
method if you're looking for that you
can click off this video right now but
if you want long-term sustainable income
and you're not just dipping your toe in
the water but you're really taking this
business seriously listen closely
because I'm gonna outline to you exactly
what it is that you need to do number
one what I want you to do is I want you
to find a niche I want you to find some
of your passion about I want you to find
somebody that you're somewhat interested
in right and after you do that right I'm
gonna give you guys some examples here
right what's hot right now well
ecommerce is super hot right now
affiliate marketing is really blowing up
right now especially here on YouTube
drop shipping is big you got you know
ecommerce Amazon FBA of course I said
ecommerce but there's you know Amazon
FBA there's having your own e-commerce
stores there's a buying and flipping
domains there's buying and flipping
websites of course you guys know how
much I love you know affiliate marketing
and you know everybody's going to have
different advice out there on exactly
what you should go
into and they're gonna say why all these
other opportunities you know you
shouldn't get involved with them and
they list off bullet points as to why
you shouldn't and then they basically
pre-frame you to you know get into their
deal whatever it may be right although
that's marketing and it works extremely
well it can confuse people and it can
deprive them of opportunities that they
may be good at so what I would suggest
is that you taste a little bit of
everything get your feet wet get your
feet dirty right don't like spin your
will is trying to figure out what niche
to go into but pick one niche you guys
and just go deep into it for the next
six months to two years and see if you
like it right you know what I need you
guys to weigh out the pros and the cons
if you do nothing right you're gonna
keep doing what you did before so why
not take a risk on something that may
work for the next six months to two
years so you're not doing what you were
doing before which is probably working a
nine-to-five job working a job that you
hate you know maybe you're in school and
you hate school maybe you don't know
what you want to do with your life right
chances are if you do nothing at all
you're going to stay in that exact
position so worst case scenario you try
something you fail but you get clarity
and you get experience there is so much
value in experience because you cannot
have success without experience failure
is a prerequisite to success okay so you
know as you're going through youtube
you're watching all these videos I want
you guys I want you to avoid the
distractions right whether you're
listening to me or somebody else I want
you guys to focus on without one thing
that you resonate with maybe it's Kindle
publishing right maybe it's affiliate
marketing like I said maybe it's
ecommerce maybe it's SEO doing SEO work
for small businesses maybe it's Facebook
ads whatever it is go deep into that one
thing right for the next two four five
ten years just go deep into it guys
right and I tried a lot of things when I
first got started and it's okay for the
first three to six months it's okay to
a little bit and kind of taste
everything and see what you like right
but after you do that right go deep with
one thing after you taste a few things
you might not have a lot of success
right because your attention is spread
out trying these different things but
you're still going to resonate with
certain things more than others find
what that thing is okay step number one
and then step number two get a mentor
that can teach you how to master that
specific market that specific niche
right so if you decide to do e-commerce
Amazon FBA find somebody that's
legitimate in the marketplace that has a
track record that has proven
testimonials that can show you the way
right and what you do is you avoid all
distractions you unsubscribe from other
email lists you get off of Facebook you
avoid all distractions and you just
focus on that one thing no matter how
good something else may sound okay you
got to focus on that listen to your
mentor do everything that they say even
if it doesn't make sense okay if they
tell you to invest in yourself guess
what invest into yourself if they tell
you to jump ask how high right do
everything lose the ego forget about
everything forget about the failures
forget about the past right they're
gonna tell you to do some things like
start listening to personal development
start reading books start doing things
that you hate but the thing is guys
you're gonna have to fall in love with
the idea of these things okay when you
fall in love with the idea these things
you start to enjoy the learning process
you start to see yourself transform you
start to become more confident and that
confidence just feeds itself right you
become happier you start producing more
in your business right but you got to
plant that seed first and that seed is
planted here okay and stick with it
stick with it long long term be
persistent you're gonna fail you're
gonna get knocked down but it's not
about how you get knocked down it's how
you get back up when you get
down okay so that's number two find a
mentor have them teach you everything
number three focus on a skill set master
the skill set okay that may be traffic
generation in my specific niche now of
course you're your mentor is gonna teach
you a lot of this stuff too as well but
I realized that traffic was the
lifeblood of my business I didn't have a
business if I didn't have traffic so in
the affiliate marketing world there's a
lot of things that you need to learn you
need to learn some techie stuff you need
to be able to create funnels you need to
be able to set up autoresponders you
need to learn copywriting right you need
to learn how to be on video you need to
learn how to influence people but if I
could boil it down to one thing to help
you avoid all other distractions focus
on getting eyeballs to your website
you're gonna have to learn how to do
this in e-commerce you're gonna have to
learn how to do this in affiliate
marketing if you're selling your own
products you're gonna have to learn how
to do this right and so when I finally
realized that I learned a skill set
which was search engine optimization
right SEO ranking websites and ranking
videos the top of youtubes and Google
search engine that was my trade that's
what I resonated with and I mastered
that every single day so guess what I
can do is if I go when I decide to find
somebody that knows e-commerce really
well I can partner up with them and help
them launch their product and rank that
product at the top of Google or YouTube
so I have a skill set that's going to
teach them how to do that right and
you're gonna learn a lot of these things
once you dive into a niche you know
you're gonna learn you know you're gonna
learn traffic generation you're gonna
learn a lot of these different things
but I'm boiling all these different
things that you will need to learn down
to one specific skill set right because
a lot of these other things that you can
outsource you need to know how the games
played right but you don't necessarily
need to be the quarterback be the
receiver be the linemen be the point
guard be the shooting guard be the
you know the center you don't need to be
all those people you just need to be one
of them right so if we're talking about
the affiliate marketing world you don't
necessarily need to know everything
about funnels you don't need to know
everything about autoresponders and
copywriting and sells you could be 10%
good at those things and be you know 80
to 90 percent good at traffic generation
so that's just from my personal
experience my brief breakthrough came
from you know traffic learning traffic
generation also branding branding is
huge go out and brand yourself look at
what everybody else is doing guys and do
the complete opposite I'm always looking
at the other YouTube videos looking at
the information I'm poking holes in them
and I'm saying what can I do better even
if it's a great video what can I bring
and you know a refreshing point of view
to the marketplace that somebody else
can't bring ok and so I've gotten sick
and tired of seeing so many of these
YouTube videos giving you guys what you
want and that's great we like to hear
from people that kind of feed our ego
and tell us what we want to hear but the
purpose of this channel is tell you guys
what you need to hear so you're not
getting that sugar rush of success for
two weeks maybe you make a hundred
dollars here and there but then what
will happen for most of these videos
that you're watching is you're gonna end
up making really no money in the long
term because they're all short term
methods right so it kind of gets you
guys sucked in and then you buy start
buying all these products from these
people where I'm focused on deflecting
the people that are looking for the
instant gratification looking to make
money overnight because I know what's
gonna happen to them because it happened
to me you're gonna end up spinning your
wheels gonna get distracted by anything
and everything you know every single
week you're gonna end up spending a lot
of money you're gonna spending a lot of
time struggling for years so I'd rather
be real with you from the get-go this
will take work this will take hard work
right I would say that it's not easy but
it's simple but you can do this anybody
can do this you got to be consistent
every single day do something produce in
your business put out content
send out an email right you know drive
traffic number one that's the number one
thing right if somebody like myself that
dropped out of college that spent
thousands and thousands of dollars on
products that join opportunity after
opportunity that was looking for instant
gratification that worked retail jewelry
sells for eight years and turned my
annual income into my monthly income if
somebody like myself can do that right I
wasn't born into a rich family you know
I you know was taught the value of hard
work I wasn't given a silver spoon right
I had you know aunt my you know I wasn't
guys a lot of people think that it's
like somebody's born and they're just
smart right though they're just born
that way
they're just naturally talented that's
not me you guys what my biggest strength
is and I want you guys to identify this
my biggest strength is the fact that I'm
consistent and I don't give up right if
we're both on a treadmill I will as Will
Smith says I will run on that treadmill
until I die right competing with you I
will do that either you're getting off
or I'm dying right and you've got to be
that way that's the way I am about my
business too as well I will be
consistent I will keep moving forward
right I will be two steps ahead of
everybody else so with that said you
guys if you got some value from this
video please give me a thumbs up please
you know like this video comment below
do you want more videos like this I know
this was a different kind of video
probably like oh my gosh Josh just give
me the Howard to stuff no I'm giving you
guys what you need giving you guys your
daily dose of what you need and if you
resonate with my channel hit the
subscribe button also if you want to get
started in affiliate marketing I've got
my top recommended system below in the
description I'll pull this up on screen
if I didn't already I've been able to
generate you know well over you know
half a million dollars in the industry
I'm doing right now right
between ten and twenty thousand dollars
a month which is great just working part
time and I've done it with with YouTube
you know YouTube's my platform YouTube
is my traffic generation strategy right
and that's something that I teach but
it's not the end-all be-all there's
other traffic strategies that work
extremely well you know you got Facebook
I would pick the top three most traffic
sites on the Internet
the sites to get the most eyeballs
Google YouTube and Facebook you can
dominate those three start with one but
dominate those three you can write your
own paycheck in life so with that said
check out the links the description
comment below we'd love to hear from you
if you like what you're hearing here if
you'd like me just you know if you'd
like to suggest anything else you'd like
me to talk about let me know in the
comments below would be more than happy
to do that and I think that's about it
you guys so this is Josh elder signing
off and we'll see you guys in the next
video go out there and take action now
and watch your life transform

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