
Friday, March 27, 2020

HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH CLICKFUNNELS - $8,907.84 IN EARNINGS #Best Education Page #Online Earning


what's happening you guys Joshua elder
here welcome back to the channel and I
got a little bit of a different video
for you guys today today I want to show
you how to make money with click funnels
step-by-step now I know a lot of you
guys don't know what click funnels is
I'm gonna explain that in this video I'm
gonna explain why I've been a member for
click funnels for about the past 3 years
and potentially why you should be a
member of click funnels as well I'm
going to show you how to not only become
a member but also promote click funnels
and promote something that you believe
in and something that everybody needs to
build their online business so first of
all what does click funnels you guys
click funnels is a funnel software right
it's a software that creates these neat
looking web pages that direct people
from point A which is you know educating
somebody on a product or service to
point B and that's buying that product
or service so what happens with most
people is you know that they want to go
into business or they already have a
business and you know they find out that
they need a website so what do they do
they they hire somebody to you know
create a website for them they spend
thousands and thousands of dollars they
try to do it themselves maybe they use a
free website creator like Wix and they
go and they have their website creator
they create it themselves and it's not
set up to be optimized to get people to
actually buy their products right most
websites you go to there's a bunch of
links everywhere on the website right
and so what it does is it distracts
people you know within the buying
process so when you create a website you
want one specific goal right you want
one specific goal and that goal is to
get people to buy your products right so
there should only be one thing that
people can do when they come to your
website so if you go to a lot of my
funnels right and I always use you know
my no BS payday com website which is my
affiliate marketing funnel for people
that are looking to make money online
and I'll list it below in the
description so you can feel free to go
through it and check it out but the
whole purpose of this webpage
is to get people to number one opt-in
enter their neat name and email address
or just an email address and number two
to guide them through the buying process
so after they click click click here to
get instant access now they're gonna go
to another web page and the whole
purpose of that web page is to sell
something right it's not to you know get
people to learn about you know who the
company is or who I am or it's not to
just have a bunch of content on a blog
the whole purpose and the only thing
that you can do is watch a video and
then click link below and buy and that's
what's so great about click funnels is
it improves company's conversion rates
skyrockets their conversion rates and
there's people out there that are part
of what's called the the 2 comma Club
which is people that have created a
million dollars in their business using
funnels created by click funnels right
so just like an offline store if people
were to walk in the store and you walk
them through the sales process right you
do that offline it's the same thing
online right and so when somebody's in
your you know for example jewelry store
you're not going to distract them with
you know products that maybe you would
buy at a home depot you know for home
supplies and office supplies right
you're not gonna distract them with
other products when they're in a
specific store that has to do with
jewelry right so that's just an example
there so clickfunnels has allowed me to
build a multiple six-figure yearly
business and my business would not run
without clickfunnels as you can see guys
i have tons and tons of funnels that I
use and without these guys without a
website you have no business it's just
having the right website and click
funnels makes it incredibly easy to
create and construct websites from
scratch with little to no technical
knowledge that's why russell brunson
created this and so the newbie can come
on on here and get access to click
funnels and create a funnel within 5
minutes or less and i can go into detail
about click funnels and show you how to
create funnels but I'm not going to do
that because once you get access to
funnels Russell walks you through all
that stuff but trust me when I say it
it's so easy to create funnels with
click funnels so with that said what I
want to do guys is I want to show you
that you know I've been paying for click
funnels since if I go down here check
this out my transactions since July 14
2015 I've been paying 97 bucks a month
and again the investment is absolutely
worth that you guys it's worth my $97 a
month because I'm paying collect funnels
ninety seven bucks a month to make over
$10,000 per month consistently so you
think my investments worth it most
definitely it is and I even upgraded my
membership look January 14 2017 I paying
two hundred ninety seven dollars a month
so for me guys the values there you
could see that I'm sold on click funnels
I'm not just talking about it to get you
to buy through my affiliate link I want
to make that just transparent you can
buy from whoever you want to that's
completely up to you if you're seeing
the value here so now that we've covered
that how do you actually promote click
funnels well before I get into that I
want to show you guys some results of me
you know promoting click funnels
personally I'm gonna walk you through
exactly how I promoted click funnels and
how I was able to make eight thousand
nine hundred and seven dollars eighty
four cents from promoting click funnels
and the cool thing is I actually didn't
directly promote click funnels there was
a system in a process that actually did
it for me so what I'm going to do is I'm
gonna show you number one how Russell
shows you how to promote click funnels
and he gives you 100% free training to
show you how to do this why does he do
it well because he's the owner of click
click funnels and he knows that if he
has a lot of affiliates on board and if
he could teach his affiliates how to
promote click funnels they're gonna make
a lot of money and he's gonna make a lot
of money so that's why he's offering
this training 100% free and you can go
to I'm actually gonna put the affiliate
bootcamp link in the description below
but what he does is he walks you through
how to retire a hundred days as a click
funnels super affiliate and he actually
gives away just tons and tons of free
training showing you how to implement
Facebook ads show you how to implement
free traffic
he shows you and walked you through step
by step in a series of videos how to
become a super affiliate and again how
to retire in a hundred days as a
clickfunnels of super affiliate so
that's super cool I'll put that link
below so that's number one number two
I'm going to show you exactly how I
promote it click funnels and the way
that I did it is sending people through
an automated system that will sell click
funnels for me so for example this is a
way this system set up somebody comes in
the front door and they want to learn
how to make money online so there's a
series of videos that will educate them
and show them how to set up their online
business so they're told hey you know
Sandra you're going to need number one
an autoresponder okay and Sandra is
going to get access to that
autoresponder and then they're gonna say
hey Sandra you're going to need to get
access to a funnel soft work because you
need a website to be able to make sells
on the internet and Sandra's gonna click
the click funnels link and she's gonna
get access to a 7-day trial and after
that trial she's gonna be charged right
and then I'm gonna get the commission
for it right so it's all about having
systems that do all the selling and
telling for you and and looking at the
big picture and finding out what
people's problems are right most
people's problems aren't that they need
a funnel to build a business because
they don't know that they need a funnel
their problem is they need to you know
get started in a business they need to
learn how to make money on the internet
first right and so that's going to be
the byproduct within the training of
teaching them how to make money online
so let me show you just a live example
there's a website called the four
percent and I will put a link in the
description below so you can get access
to this if you wish and what's so cool
about this system is it has different
income streams and the system teaches
people how to become independent
entrepreneurs and build an online
business from scratch not only build an
online business but help people already
have businesses take their business to
the next level right and so they
understand to accomplish all this they
need access to tools right and one of
the tools one of the income streams is
click funnels right so what's so awesome
is you can actually plug in your
affiliate IDs right for clickfunnels
for another you know tracking software
this is a click tracking software called
click magic this is an autoresponder
software here another one here and
here's hosting you know people need to
host their websites so you get your own
Bluehost affiliate link so as people go
through the system and they click the
links below the videos right that's when
I start earning money that's when I
start earning Commission and click
funnels is one of the income streams and
it's actually in level 1 session 7 so my
business partner will actually educate
people on what a funnel is why they need
it inside their business kind of like
what I did the beginning of this video
and then people have the opportunity to
actually get click funnels right here on
step number 4 option C and you can see
there was an affiliate ID if you look at
the bottom of this page there's an
affiliate ID and it says 7 3 3 4 1 so
the person that I signed up under write
their affiliate link is coded right here
and so when I click that link and buy
they get a commission same thing with
people that come in under me they go
through the 4% they go through the
challenge and they go through these
steps they get to step 7 when they
decide to get a membership to click
funnels guess what Josh gets a
commission and that's where I'm making
all this money right here right this
8287 dot 28 since it's been paid out but
here's my lifetime earnings right here
so I'm not making money by promoting
click funnels directly I'm letting the
system sell click funnels for me by
educating people on the bigger picture
of what they need to build an online
business right so that's what's so cool
about this so as people get access to
these tools not only will you be able to
make money step-by-step with click
funnels you're going to be able to make
money with other tools that people need
right get response click magic and if
you'd like me to just kind of show you
the income of each of these if you'd
like to plug into the system your
looking at look an extra three thousand
seven hundred twenty one dollars and
seventy seven cents three hundred 12.30
cents are waiting to be paid out from
just the work of the system here right
people signing up and then also get
response right here if I go to their
affiliate program I'm making money from
get response as well so here's a bonus
for you guys not only you're gonna be
making money with click funnels but
you're gonna be making money with other
tools and resources as well so as this
is loading ok here we go up you can see
right here eight accounts nine free
accounts for the month pending earnings
eighty-three dollars and 82 cents here's
what's wild though guys my lifetime
earnings seven thousand five hundred and
thirteen dollars and ten cents just from
get response
un-freakin'-believable and that's
because you have system selling for you
versus you haven't go out there and
having to hustle and directly sell click
funnels you can leverage your efforts
more effectively by having a system that
will not only promote click funnels for
you but give you other income streams
right so if you'd like access to this to
the four percent there's gonna be a link
in the description below also if you
want to get access to affiliate blue
camp I'm going to put a link in the
description below as well and then I
also got a private Facebook group for
the four percent and I mentioned this
private Facebook group in my last video
but this Facebook groups phenomenal we
give each other support so if you really
want to get the most out of promoting
click funnels and promoting your online
business whatever it may be maybe you
want to be an affiliate marketer like
myself or you want to promote your own
products we got this group that shows
you how to do that and I apologize for
my slow connection here but we got
people crushing it left and right inside
of the four percent so here's another
income stream in conjunction with click
Falls is the front end product actually
pays you when you first come in the door
and get access to this challenge and pay
for this system that does all the
selling for you and you you know reap
remote that you're gonna earn
Commission's as well so you can see
today's March 28th the twenty seven
thirty-eight dollars 26 11 56 97 and I'm
averaging anywhere between 2500 to 3000
dollars a week and I show this to
inspire you guys not say hey josh is
great because you know he's got you know
a BMW he's got you know he has freedom
he can travel you know all these
different things this is about you you
guys I want to help you guys become free
and I'm dedicated doing that so again if
you'd like to know more information
check the resources below check out 4
percent the affiliate blue camp and get
access to our free group here we have
weekly calls helping you build a life
and business full of freedom passion
fulfillment if you'd like this video
give me a thumbs up comment below
say I'm in and clickfunnels is the bomb
you don't have to put clickfunnels as a
bomb but it is the bomb and yeah you
guys don't forget to subscribe to the
channel and we will see you in the next
take care

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