
Thursday, March 26, 2020

How To Make Passive Income Online 2018 - My Daily Routine To $10,000 Per Month #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Make Passive Income Online 2018 - My Daily Routine To $10,000 Per Month

hey guys what's going on Joshua elder
here welcome back to the channel how's
everybody doing today hopefully the
start of your week is going well of
course it's a Monday when I'm recording
this and today I've got something
special for you I'm gonna show you guys
exactly how to make passive income
online here in 2018 working really no
more than one hour to two hours a day
what I'm about to show you an outline to
you is exactly what I do on a consistent
basis every single day okay so you're
gonna be able to see the leverage points
of my business you're gonna see where I
get the most production inside of my
business you're going to see the
difference between income producing
activities and time sucking activities
that don't put money in your bank
account okay so if you haven't already
make sure that you subscribe to this
channel I'm always uploading videos on a
weekly and even a daily basis teaching
you how to build a life in business full
of freedom passion and fulfillment also
take the belt icon to be notified of
future videos that I upload when I
upload them so first let's show you guys
the results not just the results of what
I've been able to get using this daily
routine to create passive income but let
me show you the results of other people
inside of my private Facebook group and
you guys will have the ability to get
access to this and it's great because we
share ideas with each other we keep each
other motivated we have weekly calls
where we jump on and we talk about the
the problems in each of our businesses
what we're dealing with the struggles
mentally and technically of what we're
dealing with inside of our business and
we help each other overcome those
specific problems and I love mastermind
groups because I truly believe that
there are 80% of your success most
events you're paying you know five ten
fifteen thousand dollars plus for a
quality event so this is like having an
event every single week for free and
being able to
get access to 7 and
8-figure entrepreneurs like myself
inside of a Facebook group and this is
just my way of giving back to the
community because I know what's lacking
in the industry is there's a lot of
people that have this Drive they have
this tenacity
but the only thing that's missing right
they may not have the money they may not
have the resources they just need the
knowledge right they just need to
connect the dots so they can have their
breakthrough so they can succeed and so
I want to take away part of that
financial burden by having this private
Facebook group that people can go into
and feel like they're a part of
something bigger than themselves and
create friends create relationships and
create relationships that turn into
eventually million-dollar-plus
partnerships and that's what the type of
relationships I've been able to create
by just being in private groups as far
as Facebook groups go and being on at
actual events so with that said let's go
ahead and let's show you some cool proof
here inside the group you can see that
just today my buddy
Cody Gertz just had his first $200 a day
on the internet so huge congratulations
to him we're having people you know join
the group on a consistent basis and
basically this is a support group for a
specific system known as the four
percent challenge if you don't know what
that is you can click the link below in
the description to learn a little bit
more about it but basically people come
in for a $1 trial they get to try the
system out the whole purpose of the
system is to teach entrepreneurs how to
build a business from complete scratch
write and how to do it in the right way
there's a lot of products that leave out
certain tactics and certain strategies
and maybe they'll provide like you know
how to set up you know a website but
then they don't show you how to market
that website or you'll have different
products like for example the secret
everybody seen the secret most people
that are familiar with law of attraction
and personal development they've seen
the secret and the secret teaches you
how to get your mind right right but
then it doesn't give you actual vehicles
once you do get your mind right to make
money with right and they don't even
teach you the whole entire you know
puzzle of Law of Attraction they only
teach you kind of one facet you know
what you think about is what you attract
but it's a whole nother game to actually
go out there and take action now on what
you think and how to connect that
thinking with with a deep feeling that
matches that thinking right so there's a
lot of different products out there they
only cover you know small little pieces
of entrepreneurship and they don't cover
everything as a whole so what I love
about the four percent challenge is it
covers everything in complete details so
there's my plug for you right there if
you want to get access to it if you want
to check it out up to you the link is
there in the description but this is
basically a support group for that so
Kody Gertz was able to make $200 in one
day with a four percent system - super
awesome scroll down here you can see his
results very close actually to two
hundred dollars one hundred eighty three
dollars and forty nine cents and this is
a guy that's never made a dime on the
internet before somebody that's newer in
the industry but somebody that was
willing to you know he says here I put
my blinders on I take my daily success
pill he follows each and every one of
the videos so that's daily success pill
is metaphorical for these videos that
you'll watch and then after you watch
these videos there's actual steps to
take after you watch them right to set
up your business from complete scratch
so this is something that anybody can do
I don't care if you're a stay-at-home
mom I don't care if you're technically
challenged I don't care if you're an
eight year old grandma I don't know I
don't care if you've been in
construction all your life I don't care
if you're not computer savvy I've seen
amazing transformations happen inside of
this business because people made a
decision and they decided to believe in
themselves and listen to the the sound
of my voice and actually take action on
what it is that I'm teaching so Cody
congratulations to you my man again we
have you know people asking questions
support questions here and we got you
know people always there to answer we
were welcoming people on a daily basis
to as well and we even have a private
chat group here if I go to my messages
you're going to see I've got two let's
see go to oh here we go next election
lifestyle so we even got a private chat
support you guys where we're always
talking we're always masterminding we're
always answering questions
so it's just another layer of support
for you so this is something that you
can implement in your business if you
have a business already it's good to
have you know a private Facebook group
for your members because these members
will eventually upgrade they'll buy
other products that you offer because
they know that your you have their back
you're there to help them so with that
said here are some recent results of me
personally what I've been able to create
following this ritual I'm about to show
you in just a second
but let's show you the results real
quick just today Monday March 26th I've
done one thousand one hundred fifty six
dollars and ninety seven cents right and
I'm still averaging right around two
thousand dollars a week which is pretty
dang close
it's actually about twenty five hundred
dollars a week if you want to average
these out which is right around ten
thousand dollars per month so how would
you like to see my $10,000 per month
formula that I not only use myself but I
give to my team inside this next
election lifestyle group if you're
excited about it let's go ahead and
let's dive into it so Cody use this
exact same daily action plan to create a
two hundred dollar day inside of his
business and some of these things I'm
gonna explain to you may not make sense
to you right now you're like Josh just
get to the how-to stuff get to the how
to show me what I need to copy what I
need to pace what I need to write what I
need to promote and unfortunately these
are the wrong questions that you're
asking all right Tony Robbins taught me
if you ask better questions you're gonna
get better answers okay so if things
haven't been working for you up to this
point you need to change your mind
there's something you need to do
different right and if you keep looking
for the secret like I did for so long
you're not gonna have the success that
you're looking to create okay so if
you're willing to sort of forget
everything you've heard in the past and
you're ready to pay attention to me and
close out of Facebook close out of all
the other windows and pay attention here
I'm gonna show you the formula that I've
been able to use to create a $10,000 a
month consistent income okay so be open
and be willing to listen even though it
may not make sense to you right now
even if you're like Josh I don't get why
I have to read for 20 minutes it will
make sense as I explain it to you right
here right now so number one this is
what I do every single day guys the
first thing when I get up
and not only drink two glasses of water
get myself hydrated but I read for
twenty to thirty minutes okay I'm always
educating myself and one of the things
that I've learned is your income is in
direct proportion to your growth right
income is just it just measured it's
just a measurement tool based off of how
much you're growing as a person because
if you're growing as a person
guess what you're gonna have more to
give you're gonna be able to help more
people Zig Ziglar says if you help
enough people get what they want you're
going to get what you want and so that's
what I'm always focused on is I
understood that that concept I'm like if
I just focus on helping as many people
as I can I'm gonna get compensated for
that at some point even if it's not
right now it will be at some point so
when you grow yourself from a scientific
perspective you're able to influence
other people and when you're able to
influence other people people start
giving you money right it's exchange of
value you give them value you help them
have a breakthrough right you're at a
level of influence where you're able to
get them to the next level in you know
mentally financially emotionally they're
going to pay you for that okay and so
that's why I focus on reading is because
I've realized that knowledge is power
with action right and the people with
the most knowledge have the greatest
level of influence right the right
knowledge not just generalized knowledge
but the right knowledge to help people
get from where they are to where they
want to be so I understand that and so
what I do is I focus on educating myself
on books that will help me grow as a
person helped me get to a certain income
goal help me become happier healthier
more fulfilled right physically and
mentally and I know that if I do that
then I will be able to help influence
other people right so you can't
influence others until you influence
yourself until you're influenced by
somebody else right so you got to be a
student before you can be a teacher
okay so again just to summarize this is
why you need to read it's going to allow
you to become more confident you're
gonna you're going to be able to take
actionable steps towards your goals with
complete clarity right and you're going
to be able to influence on a high high
level other people and help them get
what it is that they want if you wake up
in the morning and you're like okay you
get to step number four which we're
going to talk about and you want to
create content out there but you have no
value to give to people to warm them up
to you to build a relationships with
them they're not gonna buy from you
right and so you have no content to give
because you're not growing you have no
knowledge to give people like to follow
people that have the knowledge that they
don't have right so that's why number
one is so important number two is much
like number one it's a reprogramming
mechanism you see we have these beliefs
inside of our subconscious mind and I
won't get into this too much but we got
two parts of our mind we got a conscious
mind again we got a subconscious mind a
subconscious mind is basically our
programming right it's the reason why we
have our daily routines and some reason
why we know how to drive our cars while
we're talking on the phone even though
we shouldn't be it's the reason why
we're able to just wake up and tie our
shoes without constant consciously
thinking about it it's because of our
subconscious mind once we do something
so many times it becomes part of our
subconscious mind now we've also have
beliefs if you thought a negative
thought long enough that doesn't serve
you that doesn't give you get you
towards your goals then they're
obviously gonna keep you from your goals
and you're gonna start sabotaging
yourself you're gonna say things like
you know the reason I'm not successful
is because successful people are born in
the right family they're given a silver
spoon they're lucky they're gifted it's
in their DNA right and so we learn we
learn how we get basically our habits
from our parents and our ancestors some
of these habits are good but a lot of
these habits are bad if your family
always struggled with money and thought
that there was a lack of money then
you're going to view money the same
exact way you're gonna think money is
scarce you think money is an abundant
you think money is going to be hard to
make and maybe it's because you watched
your dad or your mom get up at 5 o'clock
every day work three jobs and she could
still barely
pay the bills right and so this is what
creates this programming mechanism is
the experiences that we have throughout
our life and that's why we listen to
audio daily that's why we read daily is
because we got to eliminate all these
limiting beliefs and I always like to
get up in the morning with somebody
else's positive influential thoughts
okay because I believe we're wired to
survive we're not exactly wired to
thrive from inception you know we're
right we're wired in a way we're you
know back in the the Stone Age is
whatever you want to call it right all
we were hunters and gatherers it was all
about survival survival and so our
brains were just wired to survive right
and so that's why we have stress we have
anxiety we have all these different
things these different mechanisms that
keep us safe but a lot of times you know
they don't serve us on a greater level
right so I understood that okay my
brains wired for survival not
necessarily for success and so I got to
be willing to work at that so I can
reprogram and rewire my brain for
success right
so some of the things have gone on with
us are not our fault in life you know
there's human error there's a lot of
different things our predisposition
where we grew up but guess what we can
change we can change in an instant if we
want to if we want it there's a blank
page on tomorrow and your your past does
not have to equal your future okay so
with that said I'm gonna stop harping on
this but here's a list of some YouTube
channels for motivation inspiration some
of the YouTube channels I watch every
single day when I first get up in the
morning and I'll be glad to post these
in the description below so that's
number two number three is where we
really get it get into traffic
generation get into building our
business if we have a business a lot of
you guys don't have a business right now
if you don't again check out the
challenge below but this is what I do
every day
I either invest in paid traffic or
invest in free traffic or I do both okay
right now I'm mostly investing into free
traffic strategies which is YouTube
videos every single day I'm putting up a
YouTube video right and that YouTube
video is meant to give people value and
also potentially bring people into my
business so every day I'm putting out
quality content on YouTube okay and this
is my this is the leverage points that
I'm talking about this is where you
create passive income because I I
believe you have passive traffic and you
have traffic where your trading time for
money just like your job wouldn't you
like to be able to upload a video and
have that video make you money today
tomorrow six months and six years from
now what would that do for you what if
that was possible it is very possible
when I discovered YouTube marketing and
search engine optimization it absolutely
changed my life because it has such high
amounts of leverage it's like being you
know a musician that released a album
back in the 1970s you know look at
Michael Jackson I was just listening to
one of his songs at the gym today and
it's like wow he's been gone for quite
some time but his estate still makes
money off of his music and so the same
thing with traffic generation how can I
constantly get people into my business
without trading time for money while
while maybe being at the beach being
asleep and having customers coming to my
business how can I do that I want you
guys to start thinking about that and
YouTube is a way of doing that now
Facebook the thing about a lot about
free strategies like Facebook is you
have to post constant content I mean in
YouTube you it's kind of the same
process but there's not as much leverage
because in facebook you post content and
then it's lost in the newsfeed after a
couple days and you got to post
something else where with YouTube and
Google you post content and that content
can be ranked at the top of the search
engine for years and I've actually shown
people inside of my channel in other
videos maybe I'll post some examples
below videos that I've ranked for years
and years and years and a lot of these
videos took me 5-10 minutes to make and
they're making me write around 32
forty thousand dollars for just that one
video right because of leveraged time
right and focusing on my leverage points
so you want to invest into paid traffic
or free traffic paid traffic is fast
traffic you have to pay for it though
right out of pocket but you can have
visitors coming to your website almost
instantaneously right so it's great for
now traffic and it's great to scale your
business but free traffic takes a little
bit longer but there's a snowball effect
that's created with from free traffic
right you might post a few videos this
week and not get any traction but if you
continually keep posting in three three
months from now you're gonna wake up
there'd be like wow all of a sudden I'm
getting more subscribers like your
subscribers will boost up your leads
will boost up and your whole entire
business will boost up so there's sort
of a snowball effect that's created so
you're not gonna get results as quickly
with free traffic but the longevity of
free traffic there's nothing like it out
there and you don't have to pay for it
well other than with your time so pick a
traffic strategy the traffic is the
lifeblood of your business it's
basically visitors to your website and
without visitors you do not have a
business okay number five you want to
send out an email daily right so now
what you're doing is you're leveraging
these free traffic strategies and paid
traffic strategies to get people on to
your email list okay and once you get
people onto what's called an email list
what you're going to do is you're going
to email those people because chances
are when they come to your website
they've thought their information
they're gonna be exposed to an offer and
they're probably not going to buy on the
first time right on average it takes
about six to seven exposures before
somebody decides to buy so what you're
gonna want to do is you're going to want
to email these people okay and you're
gonna want to email them daily to build
trust to build relationships and so on
and so forth so you can see that you can
take a piece of content that you created
from number four and implement it in
number five and I also inside of our
Facebook group if you have access to
four percent we provide you with daily
done-for-you emails if you're like Josh
I hate writing
I want to learn writing but I want to
make money while I learn write we
provide you with a lot of done-for-you
funnels a lot of done-for-you traffic
resources and a lot of done-for-you
emails to get the ball rolling right and
then number six is to add all of your
new members to our private Facebook
group and again if you already have a
business you can apply what I'm teaching
here into your business okay so people
like to feel like they're a part of
something bigger than themselves and
this is a great way to make them fill
that is to get them added to a group
this will build camaraderie it'll build
trust in you and other members and
they're more than likely going to stick
with the program and they're going to
get results and you're going to be a lot
happier because you're getting results
they're getting results as well so those
are the six steps to ten thousand
dollars per month
in your business working part time and
you can implement all these you guys
really this part is what takes about 30
minutes to an hour a day but you'll
notice about 60% of these activities are
focusing on building yourself right
reading for 20 minutes listening to
motivational audio for 20 minutes and
investing to free or paid traffic for
about an hour hour and a half so you can
get done with all this stuff in about
two hours
two hours time maybe when you're getting
started it's a little bit longer but you
guys kind of get the idea here so these
are the six steps I'll leave these below
I hope you guys got some value from this
video if you did like comment and don't
forget to check out my resources in the
resources section below and subscribe to
this channel if you have already this is
Josh Miller signing off and we'll see
you guys in the next video
take care

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