hey this is Ryan Hildreth and if you're
watching this video I'm gonna show you
exactly how to make your first thousand
dollars online okay and this is very
achievable in a week's time span so if
you're someone who is either making zero
dollars or you're not making more than
four thousand dollars a month online
this is a very achievable thing to do
without having to spend thousands of
dollars on advertising okay so this is
very scalable this is something that you
know once you start making four thousand
a month online you could reinvest back
into advertising and start making even
more so this is the first step alright
if you're not making any money online or
make you're making less than four
thousand a month this is very this is
gonna be a very achievable thing to do
so let's go ahead and jump into it and
I'm gonna show you how okay so the first
thing I want to talk about is building a
personal brand alright if you aren't
currently if you're on these platforms
you know maybe Instagram Facebook
YouTube you already have a personal
brand okay you just don't know how to
monetize it yet so if you're not
currently making money from your
presence on these platforms then I'm
gonna show you how to in this video okay
and it's very crucial that you start
taking advantage of this because it's
just such a lucrative you know lucrative
niche in the industry and making money
online that a lot of people aren't
taking advantage of so the barrier of
entry is fairly low right now but
there's a lot of people coming into this
building personal brands and it's it's
getting harder and harder to gain
attention and kind of you know make a
dent in the space so what is building a
personal brand is just being yourself
and showing the daily things that you do
and then possibly and I'm gonna show you
how to monetize through your personal
brand in this video okay so if you're
currently on these platforms you already
have a personal brand you're just the
consumer part of it okay like I get
caught up in it you know we all get
caught up and waking up the first thing
we do we go on Instagram we're just
scrolling through the Instagram feed for
an hour or so wasting our time looking
at content and just consuming other
people's content so what we want to do
is shift that consumer mindset to a
producer mindset in
and think of Instagram Facebook and
YouTube as a business rather than
something that maybe you throw up some
content because you feel like it and
then you consume other people's content
okay so I'm gonna show you what this
means okay so why should we build a
so building a personal brand is the best
way to earn another source of income
while building communication skills
crucial communication skills okay so if
you're currently relying on one source
of income that is a no-no okay you never
want to rely on one thing because if
that thing goes away then what do you
have left right that's that's exactly
why I decided to build a personal brand
you know generate other revenue streams
from online business because if I had
one source of income like a nine-to-five
I'm totally reliant on that and I've
seen my parents go through it I've seen
my parents you know lose their job and
it just you know it was a really hard
time on the family so I don't want that
same thing to happen for my family and
when I have kids so the same thing could
maybe applies to you if you know how I
feel you know maybe you had a parent or
something lose their job and it was
really devastating because that was like
the only source of income for the
household then you know that having one
source of income is no good all right
and if you aren't currently happy with
what you're making you need to add
another source of income on top of that
to maybe you know fill that gap to where
you feel comfortable oh wow like I'm
making enough money to you know have
some time to travel or buy nice things
for myself or invest you know in the
stock market or into real estate so you
have to build another source of income
all right
plain and simple I'm just leaving it at
that in personal branding you're already
on social media okay you're already and
we talked about this you're already on
social media you just have to use it as
a business now I'm going to show you how
to use your own social media as a
business rather than being a consumer
okay because 99% of people on social
media are consumers they're consuming
content and then eventually purchasing
things you know that either an
influencer on social media recommends or
has their own product and I'll show you
exactly how to switch that consumer to
produce her mindset okay
reason number three why we build a
personal brain you don't have to rely on
anyone else to pay you just you're
relying on your own work ethic your own
social media right okay so it's just
it's a very nice source of income
because the amount of work you put in
you're definitely gonna reap those
rewards maybe even 10x once you start
you know paying money for advertising
and then number four time freedom okay
that's the number one reason why I
decided to leave my nine-to-five I quit
my job I quit college and I decided to
build a business online because I wanted
the time freedom okay I could do
whatever the hell I want when I want
right I woke up at you know nine this
morning which is pretty late for me I
usually wake up at like 6:00 a.m. I go
hit the gym but you know it doesn't
really matter because I have the time
freedom I have I make money passively
actively both all sorts of ways right I
have like multiple over five sources of
income coming in so I don't have to
worry about you know my time being
traded for money I don't have to clock
in to anything I don't have to you know
answer to a boss so that's why I highly
suggest you build a personal brand okay
so the number one way to get you know
how do you monetize that's that's the
biggest question I get like how do you
monetize a personal brand how do I take
the knowledge that I'm producing and in
the content that I'm putting out on
social media and how do I turn that into
money how does that how does my
Instagram photos equal money okay and
the number one thing that I started with
with my personal brand was getting
consulting clients okay and what does
that mean
consulting clients are people that are
paying you for your time okay they're
paying you to get on a phone call with
you so that you can give them either
advice you can give them your knowledge
your maybe help them with a skill set or
just give them inspiration okay there's
a lot of people out there that just need
inspiration and motivation to start
going after their goals okay
and when you when they hop on the phone
with you you are that inspiration you
are that motivation they look at your
content on social media on YouTube on
Instagram on Facebook they look at you
is someone that they aspire to be like
or have similar attributes as you
because they see you grow you know
crushing it they see you grinding it
every single day and they want to you
know get on a phone call with you and
see what your day looks like they want
to see what kinds of skill sets
should they be you know focusing on what
what should their you know what should
their life look like and sometimes they
just need answer so getting consulting
clients is what I started off with first
all right so it's a direct one-hour
towards providing value in in making
money right so like you're providing
value in exchange for money you can you
know get consulting clients and Facebook
groups right if you whatever niche
you're in whatever type of personal
brand you want to build meaning it
doesn't have to be entrepreneurship and
making money online that's the niche I'm
in right it could be you love reptiles
you love snakes like one of my
mentorship students you know it's very
profitable niche but because he loves
that type of stuff he has multiple
snakes he builds snake enclosures you
know it could be fitness and health
right when I first got started I was
watching a lot of youtubers you know
influencers personal brands that were in
the fitness and health niche and that's
kind of the Nisha I wanted to go in
obviously things change but could be
fitness and health do you love going to
the gym do you love meal prepping do you
love certain eating certain types of
foods clean foods you can build a
personal brand around that it doesn't
matter what the niche is it could be
literally anything it could be basket
weaving there are people out there that
basket weave that would you know pay you
for a consulting call or a Skype call to
see how you weave the baskets right like
literally any niche there's no excuses
you can pick any niche and you can find
a group of people that are interested in
the same things as you on Facebook okay
Facebook groups are a great way
Instagram DMS okay Instagram is a group
the the number one way that I would get
consulting clients I would literally
every single day I would DM 30 people ok
30 people and I would tell him random
people ok I'll go on in influencers page
that was in my niche so entrepreneurship
I'd go on to an entrepreneurs page that
had you know millions of followers I
would go under his following his or her
following you know would find and I
would literally just follow everyone
like I would follow 50 people and then I
would go message those people as well
and shoot them a DM a video DM and I
would say hey my name is Ryan Hildreth I
love that picture of the dog you had my
grandma have the same dog you know what
I mean like build rapport build a
relationship don't just try to sell your
services and then I would be like I have
a youtube channel if I have a YouTube
channel that has investing tips if you
if you're interested in that here's the
link to that right and if you have any
questions feel free to reach out to me
most of the time about 98% of the time
they would message me back they would
follow they subscribe to my youtube
channel they'd watch my investing videos
and then I would get them on a
consulting call because they wanted to
learn more about it okay
so 10 people times $50 an hour out
charge $50 an hour at a minimum okay and
this is very possible I know right now
you're probably thinking like why would
anyone pay me $50 for my time okay and
that's the hardest hurdle to get over is
believing in yourself believing that you
are worth more than $50 an hour but
you're charging 50 because you really
want to help people okay so that's the
hardest hurdle to get over but dude
everyone starts everyone starts from
somewhere and you are worth $50 an hour
trust me if you have the you know the
the work ethic to be able to follow
through with this turning your social
media into a business you have a skill
set that a lot of people don't have okay
and there they would be very much
willing to pay you for that skill set
because they didn't watch this video
right here and they need your help so 10
people at $50 an hour that's an extra
okay so we're at the $500 mark in a week
in seven days how do we get to the
thousand dollar mark okay
let's go forward the the next $500
you're gonna make is gonna be through
affiliate marketing okay what this is is
basically you're the middleman like
let's just say I'm in the in the snake
the reptile nation I love snakes I know
I have this this one all the time this
same niche I talked about all the time
because I didn't know that there was
such a money-making opportunity if you
actually love you know snakes and
reptiles but let's just say you know
you're in that mesh of reptiles and
there's already people buying you know
snake enclosures like whatever or let's
just say we're in the fitness niche -
there's people buying supplements
protein you know BCAAs multivitamins all
these things there's already people
buying that stuff affiliate marketing is
you going to the company right like
bodybuilding.com getting an affiliate
link a special link that is tied to you
and you reach out to those people that
are already purchasing protein you know
BCAAs multivitamins and you're getting
them to purchase instead of going
directly to bodybuilding.com they're
going to through your link to
and for everything that they purchase
you get a commission off that okay so
affiliate marketing is actually one of
the most probably my number one source
of income and you can easily make more
than ten thousand a month from affiliate
marketing once you scale up okay so this
is the other way you're gonna make five
hundred bucks you're gonna find an
affiliate offer on something you
currently use in your niche okay a
product or service you currently use
you're gonna find an affiliate offer for
that you can literally type it in
whatever bodybuilding affiliate
marketing offers on Google okay and find
affiliate programs there's affiliate
networks like Clickbank Max bounty a
bunch of digital courses out there
Amazon has an affiliate program and I
guarantee every single product you use
is on Amazon and you can go get an
affiliate link on Amazon Associates okay
so 10 purchases at a $50 Commission
equals the next 500
okay so you have to get 20 people
converting into customers okay 10
purchases through your affiliate link
and 10 consulting calls at $50 an hour
that's $1,000 a week okay so how are you
gonna reach those 20 specific people
that are ready to pull out their credit
card all right and that's the next part
of the formula all right so you have to
grow your following let me go ahead and
move this you have to grow your
following all right so a 1 percent
conversion rate is very achievable
so if enable if in order to get 20
conversions meaning 20 people pulling
out their credit cards and buying
something whether it's a consulting call
from you or an affiliate product you
have to reach 2,000 people okay 2,000
people at a 1% conversion rate is 20
people 20 people that has paid okay and
that's very very achievable in my niche
I mean I get a conversion rate of
anywhere from three to seven percent so
one percent is super conservative and
very very achievable okay
but how are you gonna reach these two
thousand people a week 2,000 new people
every single week how are you gonna
reach them you're gonna reach them
through your social media okay that
means you have to constantly be growing
okay and vid IQ helps you gain more
traction on your YouTube videos okay so
I'm gonna show you right here this is
the top 5 ab workouts I just literally
press I just typed in top 5 ab workouts
so you're iffy and you're in the fitness
niche this is a tool that I use okay
it's called vid IQ let me just show you
I'm gonna click on this video I'm gonna
pause it real quick and as you can see
this video was on when you search top 5
ab workouts it's on the first page of
YouTube now we're gonna look at vid IQ
as you can see in the corner over here
they have ranked their videos for these
keywords right how to see your abs
they've ranked number 5 for that best ab
exercises they ranked number 1 for that
ab workouts they ranked number 12 right
training your abs they ranked number 1
so there's ways
to rank your videos when you make a
video in your niche about anything that
you do right you love health and fitness
you love entrepreneurship making money
online whatever niche you're in you make
a video you upload it to YouTube you
download you download the Chrome
extension vid IQ and vid IQ will help
you rank your videos for certain
keywords okay just like these right and
then your video gets promoted to the
first page on YouTube and thousands you
know literally hundreds of millions of
users are coming onto YouTube and if
your videos on the first page they might
just click on it okay so you're gonna
get a lot of organic reach and that's
how you're gonna grow your YouTube
channel and grow your following there
okay and then they could see watch other
videos of yours maybe your affiliate
marketing links are in the description
plus you're consulting call link is in
the description and you will generate 10
you know 10 conversions 20 conversions a
week from there ok the next thing you
want to do is utilize captivate to gain
followers on Instagram ok captivate is a
follow unfollow tool now this is not the
best way to grow your Instagram okay
this is kind of a now a prehistoric way
to grow your Instagram but if you only
have 200 Instagram followers okay you
need to use this method in order to get
new people specific people that will
purchase from you okay that's why I
continue to use follow and follow
because I could go on to a top
entrepreneurs Instagram page follow
their followers their newest followers
and I know that those people are
interested in entrepreneurship and out
of you know half of those if I'm able to
follow a 30 at a at a very low rate 30
people an hour right in a 24-hour period
what that's 700 720p Polad I've followed
and then half of those might follow me
back that's over 300 people reached okay
over 300 people reached and at that rate
I'm able to get so many people that are
interested in entrepreneurship to see my
Instagram profile I could go message all
those people right
and get conversions okay start providing
value get them over to my youtube
channel provide free value upfront get
the consulting call get them to purchase
through my affiliate links right so
follow unfollow is a way to it's
basically free advertising because when
someone follows you you see in your
notification feed like oh this person
followed you and then they have the
choice to either go check out your
profile follow you back if they're
interested right and if they do follow
you back you know that they love your
content so this is honestly the best way
for business to you know for free to get
more customers okay is using follow and
follow it's not the best way to grow
your Instagram to a million followers
trust me it's gonna take you you know
years to do that through this method but
to get consulting calls to get people
purchasing from you I believe this is
the best method okay especially if you
have zero followers on Instagram or
under a thousand or under ten thousand
you need to be utilizing this to get
that first initial amount okay so I just
showed you two like two really really
crucial tools that I use alright so you
could start using these tools utilize
your Facebook group to grow your list
exponentially so also set up a Facebook
group around what you want to teach what
you want to help people out with okay
whatever niche you're in set up a
Facebook group Facebook will promote
that group and get new people and make
it make it a private group make it hard
to get into it just you know upset
scarcity and it ups that I don't know
what the word is I can't come up with
the word right now but yeah so at then
at the end of the day alright you have
one of three choices all right you're
gonna utilize these tactics and start
getting results
alright these tactics vid IQ captivate
4ig you know getting consulting calls
affiliate marketing all of these tactics
can be used today and you could start
getting results okay so that's number
one and I hope you choose at least you
choose number one please
start getting results or okay or you
learn to automate this income alright
maybe four thousand a month isn't quite
enough to go full-time with this so you
want to automate this income you want to
make ten thousand plus and grow your
personal brand exponentially with
personal mentorship from me okay
so that's choice number two choice
number two is like maybe you already
know these skills and you're like man I
really want more in depth I want the the
you know more in depth skill sets I want
to really work on this maybe you want to
start paid advertising you can get
personal mentorship from me okay and
I'll help you you know grow your
business over 10,000 a month easy easy
or number three which is the worst and I
really hope that you're not on this
video is especially if you got to this
slide and I really hope that this isn't
you okay you can continue to waste your
time watching videos doing nothing and
getting zero results this was me about
three or four years ago okay I would
just watch video after video after video
and I'm like oh this person's not good
enough or or this person you know
somehow they're they just made it and
they hack the system whatever okay I
didn't believe that it was possible so I
just kept watching video after video
video and wasting my time I wasn't
making any money I saw these people
making money and I'm like I want to be
them but I'm not willing to put in the
work I'm not willing to utilize the
tactics that I just watched on the video
and make some money so please don't be
number three do not waste your time
watching my videos and doing nothing and
getting zero results if you want to get
results either number one you utilize
the taxes tactics you just learned today
number two you get mentorship from me
okay in influence or evolution where I
help I help people build their personal
brands okay the first link is in the
description the price is 397 right now
and I am going to be raising this price
in three days okay for influencer
evolution where this is a group it's a
movement of people that are building
their personal brands getting results
making full time incomes from
their personal brand okay and leaving
the nine-to-five s leaving the the life
of mediocrity and just really taking
action so if you want mentorship
personal mentorship for me the price of
influencer evolution is three hundred
ninety seven dollars in the first link
in the description I will be raising
this in three days so if you don't get
in at this price unfortunately I am
raising the price so I hope that you
enjoyed this video and I will see you in
the next one
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