
Sunday, March 29, 2020

How To Outsource Online And Build A Profitable Online Business! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Outsource Online And Build A Profitable Online Business!

what's going on guys in today's video
I'm gonna give you a full tutorial on
how to outsource online and build your
own profitable team that makes your
business run makes your business get
lots of money and gives you more free
time to do other more important things
in your business now this has been one
of the most requested videos from all of
my followers and subscribers over the
last year and I understand because it
can be hard trying to figure out who to
hire you know where to get people from
and stuff like that so we're finally
getting around to doing it guys now the
reason you would want to build a team is
to save you more time in your business
obviously help you make more money and
give you more freedom now when you're
starting online business I recommend you
don't do this you try to learn
everything yourself just in case you do
need to do some stuff if you can't hire
somebody but you can actually outsource
a lot of stuff and it's really
hands-free and all that sort of stuff
and to give you an example guys this is
one of my products where I literally
paid someone to create this entire
product for me I don't know how to code
paid someone to do the sales video I did
most of the sales page myself but I paid
I'm someone to run all the support I
check support once every maybe every
week just to make sure everything's
flowing nicely this product is very very
profitable and I'm pretty much 99%
hands-off I don't do anything anymore
this particular product I might update
training videos every now and then but
that's really it so you can build an
entire business a product of course or
anything by hiring people to do it for
you okay and this is very profitable
guys I don't spend much money on the
support I don't spend much money on
anything else I just pay the virtual
assistants to do this stuff for me and
it's very very cheap so that's why you
would want to go out and build up a team
and you know make I use them to make you
money now where most people will go
wrong is they use the wrong platforms
they try to go for cheap cheap is not
always the best and they don't give out
instructions so a lot of people say to
me hey Franklin can we use someone that
you use your virtual assistants and I
say well what's the point like we all
start in the same position we hire
someone they don't know what we want we
don't know how they work so we have to
work together and train them in a
explain to them what we want because
everything is different everyone has a
different goal with what they're trying
to do now this is why you should
outsource you need to focus on the more
important stuff
so with EECOM turbo here I I got paid
someone to do the sales video and to do
and to actually create this back in 2015
we started developing this and I focused
on the landing page because that's what
I'm good at doing landing pages so could
you imagine if I try to do the video
landing page try to forget how to do the
coding do the support I would not have
any time to do anything else so it's a
very very good process to speed things
up so you want to focus on the important
stuff will end up taking you forever if
you try to do it all and you want to
outsource the stuff that you can tweak
so for example you can outsource things
that you can tweak later so you might
say hey I want to make a landing page
you make that landing page for me I'll
tweak it later hey I want you to write
this article for me I'll tweak it later
or you can outsource the work that can
be run by someone else completely so for
example guys I have this Pinterest
account where it's 100% hands-off I
don't do anything I pay someone I think
I pay like $9 an hour for them to run
this Pinterest account get me traffic
we're at 30,000 monthly views right now
it's climbing it'll be in 100 probably
hundred thousand and a couple of hour
weeks and it gets traffic to my blog so
this is completely hands-off so it's
good to hire people to run your social
media accounts and stuff like that once
again you also start to explain to them
what you want okay and for another
example as articles I get people to
create articles for me I think this one
cost like 100 bucks and then I go
through an editor edit the article put
it up on my blog and do all this sort of
stuff here and this takes me about two
or three hours to do but in the long run
I didn't take much time because it would
have taken me a day or two to do the
entire article if I had to write the
article as well so it's just a
time-saving things I think guys now what
I use to actually do this is
now there's lots of other sites guys
freelancer paper our course for people
per hour I don't miss with any of those
I find up work is very very good and
this is what it kind of looks like in
the backend
let me just go back to here so
this is some jobs that I've posted about
and then here are some past jobs that
I've posted about so you can see heaps
of jobs now I will warn you guys you'll
see that up here it says Shane Dylan
this is my friend's account because my
other account that my Franklin account I
had I missed out my last name and then
sometimes I'll ask you for ID and I sent
in the ID I didn't realise then they
completely banned that account banned my
ID and I actually can't start any more
accounts on up work so just a warning
you have to use your real name because
sometimes they'll ask you for ID most of
time they won't but will they they will
eventually whether it be six months down
the track or a year down the track they
will ask you for ID I have my my name
spelt wrong they won't give me another
accounts and now I have to use my
friends account okay so just be warned
to use your real details when you're
signing up to up work okay so guys what
I'm gonna do first is take you through
how to post a job and then I'll go into
some of my old jobs and show you kind of
how I pick and why and how I picked them
now is what I use you can use
this for other websites but I just use
this site it's really just the best and
the good thing about this stuff guys is
everyone's on a contract base so if you
can use someone for one day if you don't
need them anymore you can cancel the
contract or you can keep the contract
going and you just say hey I don't have
any work right now so you so you don't
have to hire teams and then keep paying
them keep paying then when you have no
work because they're not employed
directly with you they're employed on a
contract so honestly the the online
world is crazy now you can hire people
to do anything okay anything like let's
just go for a quick I'm searching here
clickfunnels which is what I I hide I
hire someone to make my click funnels
funnels and landing pages and people
there's there's literally companies
these guys haven't three hundred
thousand the company that built my econ
turbo guys they have done over four
million dollars online so there's these
big companies we can use or individual
people for everything so the first thing
you want to do guys is when you start
this is you want to go to jobs and you
want to go to post a job now we're gonna
go to create a new job
continue now naming the post like
honestly when you're posting the job
guys you don't need to be very specific
because you're going to get people
sending you gather
cover letters anyway most people just
copy and paste into heaps of jobs and
try and get them so it doesn't matter
what you post just post kind of
generally what you want okay so I'm
gonna go from so let's go to my
Pinterest one here guys let's see if we
can find the job okay so I just said I'm
looking for someone to run my Pinterest
tower wound account to bring me more
traffic your job would be add a mix of
other people's content plus your own
plus my own Tower wind every week I
would give you a list of blog articles I
want to send traffic to you would create
the Pens optimize the descriptions and
linked to the right post if you're
interested let me know you must have
history and doing this so I will copy
this guys and we'll just use this as an
example to speed up the video if we'd
like to keep my videos under half an
hour so the title is what did I do here
neat yeah so I just said what I say it
need Pinterest expert that's it because
you're going to get you you're gonna get
people just copy and pasting heaps like
their cover letters in any way so you
have to go through and pick who's who's
the best for you most people don't read
the descriptions they just post some
stuff and then you have to decide what
to do so we'll go back in from one of my
old one of my old posts and a second
jobs our job category so I would just do
I think I did social marketing media
analytics so I'll just leave that on
there just go to next so just pick a job
category the title I mean you can try
and make it more compelling if you want
but we're gonna be inviting people
anyway so doesn't really matter I mean
what I'm doing now works for me so it's
gonna roll with it so for example um I'm
looking for someone to run Pinterest so
tell them what you're looking for
okay and then tell them what the jobs
about because you want to give them an
idea on what it's about obviously but
don't get too detailed like a lot of
people are not going to read through it
all dead people are lazy and then it's
just explain what you want want them to
do I would give you a list of blog
articles I want to send traffic to you
would create the pins optimize the
and link it to the right post but guys I
actually go out and what I do is I
create a Google document with
instructions on what I want them to do
and then when I'm got what I'm trying to
find people to do it I send in the
document and if they're interested and
they say they can do it then we'll go
ahead use Google Documents for
everything you have to explain to them
what you want because they don't know
this is the thing people say to me
Franklin can we use your V ace what's
the best VA this pointless me telling
you that because I started exactly where
you are I started with fresh virtual
assistants I had to teach them so if I
sent you my one it would take him away
from me when I need him and you would
still have to teach him what to do with
your job so there's no difference
whether you use my virtual assistant or
you find your own virtual assistants on
upwork there's no difference whatsoever
so we go back to here guys you want to
post your stuff additional project files
I don't really miss with that go to next
so whether it be a one-time project or
an ongoing project I always just do I'm
not sure the reason I do that because
that's really what it is I'm never
really sure if it's going to be one-time
or ongoing it can sometimes be either
either in this particular case we'll
just say Pinterest so what social media
sites are you targeting this would be
different depending on what category you
choose okay so you have to decide when
you do that go to next and what skills
and expertise are most important to you
I actually don't put anything in here I
just leave it it's really up to you but
like I said I like to keep this very
minimal I like to just get the job up
and then go through the people once they
start submitting themselves to my job so
here who can see the job anyone so you
want to put it on anyone freelancers
using up work and public search engines
or you can put on only up work
freelancers but I just put on everyone
ok how many freelancers do you want for
this job just leave it on one freelancer
because even if you pick a freelancer
you can still leave your job running so
this is this question is kind of
redundant I don't know why they have
that there so just put one
no I don't have anyone I want to avoid
in this go next the thing is guys so to
keep this real simple I'm like like you
see app works hey hey upload some
qualifications upload what what you want
people to be experts in but what I like
like I said that's a waste of time
because you're gonna get people
submitting anyway it doesn't matter so
just leave there otherwise just waste of
time I pay by hour or pay by first fix
price once again this doesn't really
matter because I always sit to pay per
but once you find someone you're going
to be talking to them in chat anyway and
they might say hey let's do a custom
contract I'll do this job for a hundred
bucks or we'll stick to the one hour you
don't have to pick one and stay with it
with the job okay so just pick what if
you want I do pay by hour and then I'll
say to someone hey how much is it how
many hours are gonna cost you take you
to write this article they might say
five hours okay
it's if they're an hourly rate or do
your fixed rate if you want or if you
want we can store a fixed rate you get
the money now you put into escrow you do
the article some people just depends
okay um down here so this is where
everyone really goes wrong they'll go
for like less than eight dollars an hour
that's fine but you're gonna find it so
hard to find someone for eight eight
dollars an hour or less to do
complicated like semi complicated stuff
if it's really simple stuff like admin
data entry typing some things out of you
now and then maybe accepting people to
your Facebook group accept approving
post and your Facebook group or
something like that then yeah that's
but once you start to get technical like
write an article do a landing page or
something like that you need to go
intermediate or expert okay I just do
intermediate that's a pretty good sweet
spot for me so I just leave like that
how long do you think this project will
last I use you just do one to three
months because we don't know it just
depends honestly on that and then I just
put I don't know on here because you can
change that later on okay and then go to
next and that's it guys and then you
just post your job okay so I'm going to
post this I don't bother doing any of
the upsells I'm gonna post this because
what's going to happen and I'll just
pause it later
matter is you're going to go to here
invite freelancers so now you can
actually invite people now there's a
couple of things you want to do number
one you want to go to ninety percent you
want to go to filters and ninety percent
and up you only want people that are
willing to complete jobs so a completion
rate ninety percent or more that's very
important and I usually go a thousand
more or in most cases if it's a
complicated job or a job where I need to
be really really good quality I'll go to
people who have earned $10,000 or more
the reason is we know that they've got
experience they've been on the site for
a while people are obviously using them
who have made quite a bit of money and
then scroll down and we've got all of
these people here Pinterest Instagram
expert she's made $80,000 a ninety seven
percent success rate so you go to invite
and you just invite them to the job now
I'm not going to do that and you just go
down guys and you just invite these
people $6 an hour you just invite these
people right and that's it you just have
a look but just make sure 90% plus
success rate and they've earned a little
bit of money now in this case with the
Pinterest thing I think the guy I'm
working with now I'm paying around about
10 bucks an hour because it's not too
hard to this isn't a hard job so it's
not like if he messes it up it's not
that bad it doesn't really matter if he
messes it up it did take me a while to
teach them to tell them what I wanted so
and what you pay is going to depend on
what type of job you're doing like for
example when we created econ turbo comm
we're not going to be giving this
project to someone of 8 bucks an hour
right yeah I think we pay like 20 bucks
25 an hour or something but we're not
going to be giving this to someone
that's on 8 bucks now they're not going
to care they're gonna do a bad job and
simple as that
alright so let me actually just cancel
this job and then we'll come back right
guys they just cancel that job because I
don't want people bombarded me with
applications so once your jobs up guys
and you start to get proposals you can
go into your job section and go to my
jobs and go to proposals here so we'll
go to the Pinterest one and we'll go to
proposals and I'll tell you what to do
what to look out for and how to process
proceed to the next thing okay so what I
do guys is I go through
pretty much archive people that and have
no interest in so for example $9 an hour
will click on this person and to see
what's up so they've come through and we
actually didn't use her for some reason
I don't know we've got someone else that
you find someone yes so this is kind of
an okay cover letter you want to make
sure they give you a decent cover letter
with what their experience and all that
sort of stuff make sure they've got
examples so she sent me examples of
profiles she's worked on if they haven't
then obviously asked them for examples
it's quite important because they don't
have any examples then how we know
they've done this type of work before um
and what you want to do guys is just go
through I've actually short coded a lot
of people but you pretty much want to
just clean everything up you want to
clean up the mess
of the people that not interested so for
example three dollars an hour hasn't
earned any money I'm probably not
interested so I'm going to archive that
person success rates below 86% I'm gonna
archive that person zero earned no no
success rate I don't know what you know
because I was haven't many money I'm
going to archive I know that's kind of
mean but we're here to find someone that
some within our criteria in an archive
this one and you're just going to go
through an archive people you are not
really interested in having working with
you okay then by the time you like maybe
wait a couple of days and by the time
you have archived everybody that you're
not interested in working with you're
going to have this list of people that
you can possibly work with so what do
you do now well you take your your
Google document that you've created so
create a Google document with
instructions hey so this is my Pinterest
I want to do a mix of blogging pins
really at least once a day something
from one of my blogs with custom emojis
in my blogs can you repost them content
over and over again and then I say I
send it to these people and I say hey
this is what I need to be done are you
interested in working with me so you go
send message and you say hey this is
what you know this is is what I want
I you interested and you send them the
the document okay so you go to share and
you seen this document the reason we
seem to Google document guys is because
a Google document can be updated
whenever we like so we can so we can
send them this and then the next day I
might say hey I've updated the document
go and check it out you know after
you've hired them okay like seriously
that's it's really important to have
something that you can update in real
time so they can go through and see it
and you can work on stuff together well
you can go ahead and get a software
there's software's out there that you
can invite them into and you can have
your whole team there you can contact in
real time as well however I don't do
that because I don't need to that will
just be a waste of money if I did that
now once they once you've found someone
guys you go to hire freelancer
okay and open a minutes log in and what
you're gonna do is gonna go down and you
can set how many hours you want them to
work per week so you know just so they
don't blow out and go and go and do like
for 500 bucks with the work you don't
want them to so you can put them on 10
hours and max there are only workers 100
100 100 dollars max and then you can put
some work description there then you go
yes I understand you go hire Barbara and
you hire her that's it she will prove it
and then she's hired and you guys can
talk through the messenger and you're
ready to go now to see progress guys you
got two reports your weekly summaries
budgets timesheets so weekly summary is
going to bring up basically how much was
spent in that period of times in the
last week I've spent a thousand dollars
which is you know and then I've got all
my contacts down here the hours they've
worked and you could click on them and
you can see timesheets and stuff like
that so if I click on this guy I should
be able to see ok so this is one of my
guys this is what he's worked alright
she's 41 dollars an hour this one and
this is full any pages he's really good
you want to go to if you can go to work
diary and it will show you what they've
done see go back again so you can see
he's been building out these landing
pages for me okay so you can see what
they're doing guys it's really really
awesome and
that's how you can go out and build your
own team but the critical thing is guys
what you really need to understand is
you you need to focus more on the
important stuff that's why you outsource
and and you need to teach them what to
do they don't know even though this
person is an experienced and
he does he has no idea what we want he
has no idea what I want I can't just go
hey create a clickfunnels page for me I
have to go create a clickfunnels page do
this do that do that I want this I want
this I want that and then you might have
to go hire a copywriter to do the copy
because he only builds the pages right
so that's really the in critical are the
critical thing with hiring hiring people
okay and yeah so hopefully this tutorial
isn't too long but guys before we move
on we as some of you know some of our
old school subscribers know that we are
doing a relaunch of econ Elite which is
my ecommerce training so this is
literally probably going to be the last
week that this is at one point that the
original one is open well and probably
stay open but the prices going up so we
did this at 197 for the initial launch
and this mean it's been like this for a
long long time now we've decided we are
going to put in the price up and we have
some insane content let me just get it
up here we have some insane content
coming out for this like just folders
and folders of folders of content for
2.0 and obviously I'm not going to be
selling that at 197 we have premade
funnels done for your funnels coming out
done for you check bot sequences heaps
of cool stuff coming out okay so there's
a comma later 2.0 you can see up here
you commonly 2.0 we might actually be
rebranding it not sure but either way
for all of my old school subscribers if
you haven't gotten yet you can given
that the 197 right now asked do the link
at the bottom and you will get all of
the new content for free you the 197 is
what you pay for ever no monthly like
this is guys this is too cheap this
course on the planet you're not going to
find anything with this much value we
have nine modules heaps of bonus content
and these modules are big like look at
those heaps of content in here there's
one Facebook module and it's like
actually actual stuff is not garbage
like a lot of the other ones out there
module 4 is advanced Facebook stuff
you have your product research which is
massive as well so there's lots of
content in here guys I just wanted to
put this out as a reminder like I don't
like to push my courses on YouTube too
much I like to give you valuable content
and then kind of mention it at the end
if you're interested so if you enter
ecommerce guys you want to learn how to
do Shopify will it have you drop
shipping definitely wanna jump in on
this at the 197 because we will be
putting the price up as soon as we
launch the next one and you will get
access for free you'll get all the free
funnels or the chat bot stuff everything
alright guys so hit that subscribe
button guys and that like if you enjoyed
this video you have any questions let me
know below I'm happy to answer any
questions as you know I reply to every
single question you can go back to my
other videos and you'll see that I reply
to every single question alright guys so
I'll see you either inside the training
or I'll see you on my next video I hope
this video helped you understand that
you should be hiring people online to do
the work for you that you don't have to
spend too much time on so you can focus
some more important stuff once you
figure that out you'll be able to scale
your business to the moon like guys econ
turbo I haven't touched this for ages
like seriously this has been out for two
years now we start development
developing in 2015 and it's made it has
made a lot of money on lock in the light
so it's a very very profitable product
and I have not touched it for a super
long time I check the support once twice
a week my team updates it my team does
all the work and I don't even promote it
it just sells we don't know where we get
the traffic from to be honest it just
comes from somewhere we've don't even
run ads for this but yeah
accept it guys I'll see in the next
video hit that subscribe button hit that
like button leave a comment if you have
any questions and I'll see you soon