
Friday, March 27, 2020

How To Promote Clickbank Products Without a Website with FREE FAST Traffic #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Promote Clickbank Products Without a Website with FREE FAST Traffic

hey guys what's going on Joshua elder
here welcome back to the channel in this
video I'm gonna show you how to make
money with Clickbank promoting Clickbank
products without a website whatsoever
this is probably the fastest way to
start generating leads and sells through
a 100% free traffic method so if you're
here for the first time welcome make
sure that you like this video and you
subscribe because I'm uploading videos
on a weekly and right now a daily basis
teaching you how to build a life in
flip freedom passion and fulfillment so
with that said let's go ahead and dive
into the content and I'm gonna pull out
my trusty notepad here and we're gonna
talk about the three steps that you need
to go through to promote Clickbank
products without a website and with free
fast traffic okay so step number one is
what we're gonna start with here we're
gonna need to find a course that teaches
us how to get an end result okay and I
put in parentheses here you don't have
to worry about a capture page I'll talk
about that in just a second basically
what we want to do first is we want to
pick a market and then a niche to go
into okay and this needs to be something
that you're going to be willing to put
the next you know six months to a year
and solid right don't be that person
that wants to do Clickbank this week and
you want to try something you know the
next week I know with all the YouTube
videos that are out there on you know
building a business online and making
money online it could be so easy to get
caught up in the next shortcut and
get-rich-quick tactic okay I'm going to
tell you want to be honest with you this
is a tactic that can help you get
results fast is it gonna make you rich
overnight probably not because you're
gonna have to scale it alright once you
find something that works you're gonna
need to repeat it right and then time
just gonna have to play itself out and
time will tell the you know pretty much
the end result that you're looking to
get so if you're looking to make your
first ten thousand dollars per month
online you know it might take you a
solid you know couple of months to
and get to a point where you kind of can
get a grasp on your numbers and how many
you know how much content you need to
put out to be able to yield you know ten
thousand dollars per month
okay so we're going to go ahead and dive
into step one here and we're gonna do a
little bit of market research inside of
Clickbank again if you're somebody
that's brand new to Clickbank Clickbank
is just simply a marketplace full of
digital products right it's just like an
Amazon you know dot-com it's just like
you know the iTunes marketplace in this
situation it's 100% pretty much 100%
digital products there's a few physical
products or in Clickbank but mostly
digital and I absolutely love Clickbank
I've been using Clickbank for the past
decade I had my first success on
Clickbank they've always paid out on
they're just reliable and they have
quality products right everything's
secure everything's safe your private
information right you don't have to
worry about you know Clickbank selling
off your you know private information
whatsoever so you can see that I'm
logged in here and just in the past week
we've done over $1,600 in gross sells
here last week didn't do a whole lot of
promotion but still did over $500 but
you can see the previous week's you know
twelve hundred here thirty two hundred
and twenty three hundred here so I'm
really averaging right around two
thousand dollars you know per week
within Clickbank and what I want to do
in this video is show you how I've been
able to do this with 100% free traffic
and it really comes down to this formula
we're gonna lay out to you okay so let's
go ahead and let's dive in to this okay
so step number one we want to find a
course that teaches you how to get a
specific result whether it's a weight
loss result whether it's a spiritual
breakthrough whether it's a financial
breakthrough right whether it's getting
a result from you know trading the
markets through Forex or Bitcoin right
so what what we're looking to do is
we're looking to
create an end result a positive result
from a specific product that we purchase
okay so this will represent that we are
a testimonial of the product that were
somebody that stands by the product
right and that we are a product of the
product and so that's what I've done
throughout my marketing career is what I
do is I go find a good quality product
in the marketplace right I purchase it I
go through the product I implement the
teachings in the product and get an end
result and I teach other people how to
get the end result you know by giving
them sort of an overview right of some
teachings that I got from the product
and if they want the whole entire
solution they'll have to purchase the
product themselves so I've got that
social proof that the product works and
I'm also providing you know proof and
valuable information based off of what's
in the product to build a rapport to
build know like and trust with my
audience and you know eventually get
people to buy so we're just gonna start
here from step one and then we're gonna
work our way to step two and step three
sound good so let's go ahead and let's
jump back here and let's go to the
marketplace right here so if you go to
clickbank com you can create a free
account after you do that you'll log in
and go to the marketplace here and you
can see everything sorted by categories
in this instance I'm going to select a
category that I'm super super interested
in and in this case let's go ahead and
let's select health and fitness and then
what we want to do and this is actually
quite interesting it's awesome that
organifi is actually at the top here
because I just started taking this
supplement just last week and by the way
this this recording wasn't pre-planned
other than you know kind of the
structure of the video I had no idea
that or canif ID was gonna be at the top
here but this is a really really good
example basically what I would do and in
this case this is actually a physical
product this is one of the very few
physical products that Clickbank
you know houses with in their
marketplace right so this is basically a
product that helps you know the body you
know cleanse the body alkalize the body
helps with mental clarity you can see
some of the benefits right here so
basically what I would do is I would
purchase organifi right and then I would
use it for about a week or two and maybe
on day one I would shoot a quick YouTube
video right telling people about the
issues that I'm having when it comes to
my health so in my case I've dealt a lot
with heartburn and acid reflux right my
my stomach is just super sensitive to
acidic foods and so this is a great
product that would help equalize and
alkalis my body to help give me you know
better digestion improve you know my
mental clarity and my overall health
right so this is a perfect product that
would help eliminate that acid reflux
would help you know eliminate the
stomach problems that I'm having
potentially right and so what I would do
is I would just create a quick video
talking about these specific problems
that I'm dealing with and and pretty
much do like a case study of the product
in action and I could do it like a day
by day I could do a week by week there's
no right or wrong formula but when it
comes to this product I would simply
just you know document my problems first
like I explained and then let people
know hey I'm gonna be taking this
organifi for the next week I will let
you guys know how it goes if I feel any
different so on and so forth so then
people can actually see the product in
use and in action before you know they
decide to make a buying decision so I'm
sort of the guinea pig and that's what
you want to do is you want to be the
guinea pig for whatever market whatever
niche you're in and whatever you know
potential product you're looking to
promote to other people so they can see
that you're not just promoting trying to
make money but you actually want to help
people you know create a breakthrough
first you're putting you know people
before profit right so that's that's
step number one there let me pull this
back up real quick so we want to find a
course that teaches you how to get a
result and this is a great course that's
gonna help people do that or this is a
great supplement in this case and that's
gonna help people do that right you can
see that there are some other products
here in the health and fitness niche and
guys you can see that there's over
thirteen hundred and twenty nine pages
or thirteen hundred twenty nine products
and one hundred and thirty three pages
we can choose from and I said this in my
last video yesterday and I'll actually
post a link of it below and it goes into
detail and talks a little bit more about
these stats and what they mean but this
is a good quality product because we're
getting average per cell right because a
lot of times people will buy this
organifi and then the owner of organifi
will offer other complementary products
throughout their sales funnel that
people can purchase that's why this is
the average sell amount which has a
tendency to be different than the
initial sell amount so this is basically
on the front end product if people buy
this green juice you get paid seventy
two dollars and seventy six cents but
after they go through the funnel and
everything's said and done and they go
through the upsell process on average a
customer spending right around one
hundred and twenty six dollars in
seventy cents right and then this little
button right here you can click this
little promote button and it looks like
affiliates have to be pre-approved
which is actually quite rare typically
it'll just have two boxes where you'll
enter in your username that you signed
up with and then you can enter like a
tracking ID and then you click like
create link and it will create this long
link for you and that's your
personalized affiliate link that you go
out there and you can share you know
around the internet so like this one
we'll probably see that one doesn't do
it as well let's see maybe this one will
do it yeah right here so what I would do
is just select
create and this would be my customized
tracking idea I can go out there and I
can share around the internet right on
Facebook on YouTube through email
marketing on forums you know so on and
so forth so what we want to do now now
that we've you know really selected our
product okay
and I just picked organifi because I've
actually used it and I'm using it right
now so this is like perfect to do a case
study around this but if you look at
these other products a lot of these are
courses so what I would recommend is
that you actually buy the course go
through it and you can always refund if
it's bad quality right you can always
refund but what you want to do is you
really want to go through the whole
entire course right it's gonna take you
some time might take you a week or a
couple days and then implement the
teachings and then get an end result
maybe take a before and after picture of
yourself right and we're just talking
about the health niche here you guys can
do this in any niche what we want to do
is we want to document an end result a
transformation right some sort of
positive outcome that's what we're
looking to create and then what we want
to do is we want to take this positive
outcome and we want to put it on YouTube
okay right so what we want to do that
step two we want to create a minor
success on one platform in our niche in
this case if you want to get free fast
traffic we're going to do it on YouTube
okay there's nothing better than
documenting your journey on YouTube
because it doesn't get lost in a
newsfeed like Facebook right it doesn't
get lost in an email it doesn't get lost
on a blog it's always there in your
YouTube channel and it's documented
through video form there's nothing more
powerful than video video marketing
right so we want to make sure step
number two we create a minor success by
going through the product getting result
with the product and then we want to
document those results on YouTube that's
step number three and you guys can see
that I've done this right I've done this
in my own YouTube channel I continue to
do it right I did it at the beginning of
this video I showed you guys these
awesome results that I've gotten as a
result of a specific product
that I've been going through and I've
been implementing the teachers teachings
inside the product you guys will have a
chance to get access to it at the very
end of this video but at any rate you
can see for example two months ago this
is one of my first videos that just got
tons and tons of traction you can see
it's got over eight thousand views but
it's how I made seven thousand dollars
in one week with you know Clickbank
affiliate marketing right and so this
really created the momentum for my
channel and it positioned myself as an
authority because people are coming to
this video and seeing an end result
right and then what I can do is I can
say okay if you guys want this end
result and I could just do like an
overview and show some proof maybe give
them some some gold nuggets in the video
about what I did but if they want access
to the whole entire formula what I would
do is I would lead them to an affiliate
product that would show them everything
in complete detail because we know in
these videos you guys I can only make
these videos so long right if I showed
you guys every detail to make money with
Clickbank like these videos would be
hours and hours and hours and hours long
so we want to make these videos sort of
concise to the point still give a lot of
value help people have some sort of
breakthrough but we also want to entice
them to get access to the whole entire
solution right because it's gonna help
them they're gonna get a breakthrough
they're gonna get it a positive outcome
and you're gonna get a positive outcome
as well by promoting the product that
helps you get that initial result right
and you're gonna make money doing it by
showing other people how to get that
result too as well right so it works out
extremely well for both parties and that
is really the formula you guys it comes
down to these three steps find a course
and the Clickbank marketplace you know
find a course in a niche that you really
really love that you're really
passionate about and like I said don't
worry about the capture page now
basically what a capture page is and I'm
just gonna go to this video and show you
guys real quickly I had somebody in the
YouTube comments earlier today wanting
me to do a two
tutorial about how to create a high
converting capture page well I'm gonna
answer your question those of you that
are so focused on traffic and
conversions and you know optimizing a
capture page for conversions that's
great and everything but what's
important is what's what happens before
somebody goes to your capture page
before somebody goes to your website and
for those of you guys that don't know
what a capture page is this is exactly
what it is the whole purpose of it is to
get people to fill out a name and an
email address or just email address then
you send them straight to a product
right and so basically what somebody was
asking in the comments is what kind of
headlines this is called a headline like
what text should I put in my headline
and how should I structure my capture
page to improve conversions right you
can change like the color of the button
you can change the headline you can
change the wording but let me tell you
something this is what it really comes
down to you guys it's about what happens
before they get to the capture page it's
about the content of your video it's
about the content of your Facebook post
if your marketing on Facebook it's about
the content of your email if you're
doing email marketing it's about the pre
frame it's about what they see before
they get to the capture page that's
really what matters guys okay focus less
on optimizing your capture page that's
somewhat important but what's more
important is if you pre frame people
well you give them good quality value
your capture page conversions will go up
regardless of how good it is right
regardless of how good it looks because
they got so much value from you on the
front end does that make sense so
they're more likely if they got value in
the pre frame they'll fill out their
information here and they'll potentially
go and buy your product right and this
is just a result of this let me just
jump over here I'm actually split
testing these two pages which is
something that you also want to be doing
right is you definitely want something
like a click funnels because in the
description of your videos you want to
be setting people right after you create
your case study you create the positive
you document the outcome and show people
the end result like I did right here you
want to how it call to action so they
can get access to the product that
helped you have that same breakthrough
that you were telling them about in the
video right and so you would have them
go to the link in the description here
and then they'd fill out their
information they'd go straight to the
product okay so that's the idea is to
get them from the video to the capture
page have them fill out their name and
email address and then from there send
them straight to the product so if we
click this here click here to get
instant access you'll notice that it
comes straight to this product sales
page right the whole purpose of the
sales page obviously is to give value
and sell right and this product teaches
entrepreneurs and business owners how to
build an independent online business and
also make money with Clickbank I've
actually used this very knowledge right
here to make this type of income on
Clickbank so if you want access to this
again it's it's $1.00 to try it out
right if you want to access to this
whole entire formula that I'm talking
about in this video click the link below
in the description right it might look
something like this
it might just say no more work days com4
slash success go ahead and click that
and you'll get instant access to this
specific four percent challenge that's
gonna show you how to get this end
result right here okay so with that said
if you got value from this video give me
a thumbs up right like this video
comment below if you have any questions
and that's pretty much the whole entire
formula to you know making money with
Clickbank product without a website and
with free fast traffic okay and this
free fast traffic is in fact YouTube
right we're using YouTube marketing and
what we're doing is for example what I
would urge you guys to do example if
organifi is the product that we're
promoting what we want to do first right
we don't want to expect from our first
video to get a bunch of
views right what we want to do is want
to create a before video and an after
video so in our YouTube channel and if
we're promoting organifi I would type in
organifi see you organifi green juice so
what I would do is I'd create a video
around organifi green juice and tell
people hey I'm about to take this
product I'm gonna let you guys know what
this products about I'm gonna document
the whole entire process right and I
will let you know I'm go ahead and
subscribe to the channel and you know
follow me along this journey so you'll
have that first initial video that
optimizes right basically what this is
doing right here when I type in this
search phrase this is actually YouTube's
telling us exactly what somebody is
typing in based around this product so
the idea is to rank our videos for the
product name so in this case it's
organifi green juice and like I said we
create a quick quick intro video about
that and what we plan on doing
documenting the end result and then what
we would do is we create another video
that's based around this same exact
search phrase and we tell people about
the end result and then in our first
intro video we would have a link in the
description that we would add to our end
case study video so people can see the
before and the after
right and that's pretty much the idea
here is you want to document the
progression of the Clickbank product
that you're looking to create a
testimonial around that's all we're
doing guys we're documenting our journey
that's the key here is document document
document share with people if you're
building ad agency document that if
you're building an e-commerce business
document that if you're building a
weight loss transformation document that
and document it by learning from a
specific product and Clickbank and then
document the teachings in your YouTube
channel and the before and the after
result so with that said I hope this
didn't confuse you I hope you got tons
of value from this and go ahead if you
everything explained in complete detail
it's a buck you'll get access to the 4%
challenge and together we'll show you
how to create you know this type of
income on Clickbank and you can
virtually do this in any niche so to get
access to that click the link below in
the description we'll see you guys in
the next video and don't forget if you
haven't subscribed already please do so
right now take care guys
have a great day

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