
Friday, March 27, 2020

How To Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners - STEP BY STEP LEGIT TRUTH! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners - STEP BY STEP LEGIT TRUTH!

hey guys what's happening Joshua elder
here with yet another video for you I'm
coming at you live here in the kitchen
of the elder home we've got the dog
Benji over here he's just trying to get
these cookies out of this little ball
right here as you can see it'll be there
for like an hour but anyways guys I want
to show you in this video how to build
an affiliate marketing business from
complete scratch as a beginner I'm gonna
lay out five simple steps that you can
follow and implement obviously right
after you're watching this video so if
you're brand new make sure you subscribe
to the channel you hit the like button
and most importantly take the bell icon
be notified of all future videos
that I upload when I upload them right
now I'm uploading videos on a daily
basis teaching you how to build a life
and business full of freedom passion
fulfillment whether it's raining outside
or whether the sun shining I'm
delivering value to you guys so let me
kind of go over here I've actually got
everything written down on my computer
these five steps and we're gonna kind of
just take them one by one kind of step
by step number one here's a lesson for
you guys you know I find so many
entrepreneurs they message me on
Facebook and they ask me questions like
how quickly can I make money how many
hours a day do I need to put in to make
you know five thousand dollars a month
you know does internet marketing work
does affiliate marketing work and you
know I get my barded but by these you
know these questions that are great
questions but they're very I'm going to
give you a broad answer you know to
these questions and it depends on so
many factors you guys it depends on your
willingness to learn a new skill set
your willingness to listen to what I'm
telling you your willingness to believe
in the process and your willingness to
most importantly be consistent and keep
going even when you hit rough patches
and I noticed that most people aren't
willing to keep going when the going
gets tough right you're gonna have a
season in your business for sowing and
you're gonna have a season for reaping
and when I mentor said Josh you can't
sew and you can't
in the same season so you've got to be
willing in other words to do the work
today that's gonna impact you tomorrow
you know we're so wired to trade time
for money and so we have this tendency
when we start a new business we think
we're starting a new job we think it's
like a part-time gig we think it's a
hobby that's not what internet marketing
is guys what you do today the videos
that you put up the content that you put
up you know you're not going to get
instant gratification from it you're not
going to get paid tomorrow necessarily
you might get paid weeks and months and
even years later from one piece of
content but here's the deal you need to
know and you need to believe that you
will get paid okay so what you want to
do is you want to create this snowball
effect inside your business you know
when I first started my youtube channel
man it was super hard to get that snow
packed and get a snowball going and then
after it almost felt like I was rolling
that snowball uphill and some days there
were sunshine and the snowball was
melting in some days there was rain and
you know it was still melting in some
days there was snow and that snowball
was building up and getting bigger and
bigger and bigger right and you're gonna
have times like that in your business
you're gonna have times where a campaign
doesn't work you're gonna have times
where you don't know how to you know
send out an email you don't know how to
create an email you don't know what type
of content to create that day you're
having troubles with you know technical
stuff you will have those days but it's
how you deal with those days it's how
you break through those days and you
keep going when the going gets tough so
with that said you know rule number one
is to be willing to sow and reap don't
look for the shortcut system or the
push-button secret software that's gonna
make you money overnight you're gonna
end up broke you're gonna end up
spending a lot of money and spending a
lot of time you're gonna have a lot of
heartache at the end of the day so that
leads me to number two is to get a
mentor that you can trust and believe in
that will help you overcome
these pitfalls in your online business
and get a mentor that's actually willing
to teach the newbie exactly how to
succeed okay there's so many mentors out
there that make great money but they're
not good teachers okay so you need to
find somebody that's willing to show you
the details because the truth is is it's
hard to teach the newbie how to make
money online it's one of the hardest
things to do it's easier for me as a
mentor to take somebody that's already
making ten thousand dollars a month to
take them to 20 30 40 and even fifty
thousand dollars a month versus a newbie
you know because they have so many
questions they have so many limiting
beliefs and I have limiting beliefs my
first got star but you know there's so
many roadblocks mentally that they're
dealing with you know there's so many
different things that are going on
technically mentally physically that are
keeping them from success right so you
need a mentor that's not just making 10
grand a month you need a mentor that's
making at least a hundred thousand
dollars per month you need a mentor
that's making ten times the amount that
you want to make so therefore you want
to make 10 grand a month get a mentor
that's making a hundred grand a month
and that's actually what I'm doing right
now right is I've got a mentor that
makes a lot more than me and he allows
me to think bigger and faster and he
covers all the details that most mentors
you know can't cover because they're not
at that stage ok so number two make sure
that you get a mentor number three
you've got to be willing to invest in
yourself this is probably the most
important things you guys and this is
probably the single most important thing
that people overlook your you've got to
think about it this way you're either
going to invest with your money and your
business or your time okay when I
started my business I didn't want to
invest money guess what happened a lot
of trial and error I felt for five years
after five years I learned a lot of
great things but I decided to pay a
mentor and that mentor was I was was
able to pretty much help me shortcut my
success and start generating results in
90 days flat right so be willing to
trust in the process be willing to get a
mentor and
listen to everything that mentor says
don't question anything because if you
question your mentor
you probably don't trust your mentor
okay that's that's a signal you don't
trust your mentor and if you don't trust
your mentor you should probably go find
another mentor okay so I find a lot of
people ask me a lot of questions you
know about how much things cost and that
it might be too much money and you guys
have to understand if you want to make a
lot of money in your online business
you've got to be willing to invest money
in your online business right a lot of
people are like well I can spend you
know forty nine bucks a month but are
there upsells I'm gonna have to pay for
other programs am I gonna be up sold to
these you know other different things
that just want to pull money out of my
pocket and that's not the case it's a
successful business model Apple follows
this business model
McDonald's follows this business model
you know any company Amazon follows this
business model you know when you go to
the drive-up window at McDonald's what
do they always ask you if they if
they're doing their job they always ask
you would you like to supersize that
that's an upsell they don't make money
off of their cheeseburgers they make
money off of their combo meals and and
you know upselling you with you know a
bigger set of fries and a bigger drink
right that's how they make their money
and you've got to think about it as a
business owner stop thinking like a
consumer think like a business owner if
you are paying you know for example five
hundred dollars a month for a billboard
on a freeway but the product you sold
was only you know twenty dollars and
that's the only product that you sold
and it cost you you know that five
hundred dollar billboard to acquire a
twenty dollar customer you're actually
losing money but if you had other
products that you were selling in
conjunction with that twenty dollar
product you know for example mac or
apple right they have the mac you know
the imac they have the macbook pro they
have the ipad they have the ipod they
have so many of these different products
that you can buy
and what happens is someone not only
purchases this computer here but they
end up purchasing the desktop computer
they end up purchasing the iPhone that
I'm speaking on and so they know their
lifetime value per customer and they can
spend more money on advertising because
they understand the the customer is
going to pay more than the what the
company is paying for to acquire the
customer does that make sense so that's
why you don't just want to sell one
product you guys you want to sell many
products and to do that as an affiliate
marker you've got to invest in two
products right not just one so that's
number three number four is don't go
wide in a niche go deep right so so many
people are looking for multiple streams
of income and they want to do affiliate
marketing one day they know what they
want to do ecommerce the next day and
they want to do drop shipping the day
after that and then they want to buy and
flip domains and they want to do you
know retail arbitrage all these
different things right I would recommend
this is what I would tell you to do if
you want to do e-commerce go deep with
it don't even worry about affiliate
marketing forget about it don't don't
let the shiny object syndrome take your
your mental focus away okay that's
that's probably the most valuable thing
that I can tell you in this video is to
focus not just three months six months
the next year the next two years focus
on affiliate marketing if that's what
you want to do focus on e-commerce if
that's what you want to do and go deep
with it learn everything about it don't
be a dabbler be a master right master
affiliate marketing and that's what I
did this whole channel has been for the
past few months and it'll be for the
next year all I'm doing is giving you
guys content about affiliate marketing
because that's what I'm going deep with
and you know people want to join people
that are the experts and to be the
expert you got to stay in the game right
so that's number four avoid Stinney
object syndrome go deep with one thing
number five this is a big thing too as
well I want to say that all these things
are the
things which they are that's why these
are the five steps but step number five
is to follow principles and strategies
not tactics tactics are you know
basically things that will work today
and tomorrow and will be outdated by the
next week
okay principles are learning how to
adapt in the change you know within
social media within traffic generation
without having to do any blackhat
strategies or black hat techniques what
do I mean by this black hat is like
trying to gain the system it's trying to
hack you know Facebook or hack Google's
algorithms so you can get more traffic
to your website and do it unlawfully
right these type of tactics can work
short term and I've done them and
they've made me you know six figures but
what happens is when you make a lot of
money you lose it just as fast because
when that tactic no longer works you
pretty much lose everything you lose
your income so what you need to do is be
aware of what's going on with these
platforms in the future and adapt today
versus just focusing on what's working
today so what I would suggest that you
do is maybe you could do some tactics
here and there that work for the short
term maybe 10% tactics but 90%
strategies and principles plan for the
future adapt to the change in social
media in these platforms okay and and
build a long-term business versus you
know taking the risk on getting shut
down by YouTube or getting shut down by
Facebook getting your Facebook fan page
shut down or your ads account shut down
I've seen it so many times because
people are implementing tactics and not
strategies and principles okay so those
are the five steps to making money with
affiliate marketing and if you guys want
access to the right mentor into the
right system that can show you in detail
as a newbie as a beginner how to make
money online all you need to do is go to
the link in the description below it's
my top recommended
system that's going to lay out
everything you need to know to build an
online business from scratch
and I promise you guys I've been in this
industry for the past ten years and most
of the programs I've been a part of they
cover you know kind of like an overview
of everything but then you're left with
you know outdated information or just
information that has gaps in it and so I
ventured out there to look for something
that the newbie could honestly go
through and it would show them in detail
how to get everything set up how to get
a true system that's step by step this
is the first of its kind in my 10 years
of being online I can promise you that
you can check it out in the description
below completely up to you most
importantly I hope you got value from
this video if you did give me a thumbs
up like this video comment below what
was the most valuable step in this five
steps that you found from this video
please let me know in the comments and I
always want to over deliver to you guys
so please please comment and please
subscribe to this channel if you got
value from it and give me a like and I
think I've pretty much covered
everything here for you guys thank you
so much this is Josh Heller signing off
check out my number one recommended
system below and we'll see you in the
next video take care

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