
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How To Start a Online Business and work from home jobs legitimate online jobs 2018 #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Start a Online Business and work from home jobs legitimate online jobs 2018

let's go guys Alex and thank you for
watching this video in today's video I
want to ask you a question right why'd
you want to start an online business
wait why do you want to work from home
why do you want to start an online
business and become your own boss right
as you can see I'm downtown I live in
Manhattan New York City all thanks to
the power of the Internet and making
money online right but the main question
I want to ask you is why do you want to
start the online business right if you
just want to start an online business
because you want to make more money
because you want to create $1,000 $2,000
$3,000 a day right this question is
right you have to understand right it's
not all about the money right I'm in
downtown Manhattan right there's people
that make $100,000 $200,000 a year but
there's one thing that they don't have
right there's one thing that these
people don't have that I possess and
that's time freedom break this time
freedom right as you can PI see right
now I'm not really right people are
walking to work right today's Friday
I'll be the fifth right happy sequel's a
mile right so a lot of these people are
walking to work right because it's like
7:30 in the morning I just got done
playing ping pong right but don't
because you wanna start online business
but you wanna make more money yes we all
want to make more money but money should
not be the your only goal right you're
20 the goal should be time freedom right
money is just a piece of paper anybody
can make money money says clothing
around the internet if you know how to
grab the money is their opponent but
what's more important is time for me
right now like I said right a lot of
people walking by as you can see there's
not people walking by and the one thing
that these people don't possess that I
possess is unlimited time freedom right
I run the online business I really can
work one one hour a day or 20 hours a
day and make as much money as I want to
but the one thing that I possess that a
lot of people is that 9/7 designing that
people don't possess his time freedom I
have unlimited time freedom right I
today I could break up a one o'clock
afternoon and not really worry about it
because my business is online so my main
focus sure you guys ask yourself this
question are you doing it for the money
it's the only sources rate are you just
doing it for the money or you're doing
it for something bigger than the money
that's what I want to ask you right
don't do it for the money wolf at a time
freedom right money can bring you time
right money can bring you time the time
freedom is one of the most important
now what you guys get across right
anybody can make money right this deep
without working 9 to 5 job that they say
in downtown Manhattan but they worked 50
60 70 hours a week right I can sit on my
ass all day long sit on my laptop soon
my smartphone make hundreds of thousands
of dollars because I have the time
freedom leverage time to make more money
if you're only working for time you can
never make more money you have to
understand leverage time to make more
money right a lot of these people right
here going to work right they work a 95
job I have unlimited time
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