
Sunday, March 29, 2020

How To Start An Online Business With Little Money! (Beginner Friendly) #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Start An Online Business With Little Money! (Beginner Friendly)

what if you want to start your own
online business and you wanted to spend
around about $500 or less now no you're
thinking you're probably thinking
Franklin but I want to start my own
business without spending any money well
the truth is in life you have to spend
money to make money
and whatever they're doing this video is
take you through what I would do exactly
what I would do if I to start again with
$500 because this is what I get asked
all the time how much do I need Franklin
can I make money online with a few
hundred dollars a thousand dollars five
hundred dollars and I think five hundred
is a pretty good amount to start with
especially considering that it usually
cost a lot more to start any other
business offline so let's jump into my
office and I'm gonna go through the
steps that you need to do that's
probably the easiest way for you to
start making money online with $500 or I
guess I get asked this all the time what
if I had $500 or less will this get me
started online yes it will get you
started but emphasize the word started
this will get you started that will not
make you a lot of money and you need
some sort of money whether it be a
hundred dollars five hundred a thousand
to actually start making money seriously
online so yes
five hundred or less is a great amount
to get started on a line and you can get
started with this amount of money now
what is the best business model to
actually go for there's lots you could
say I own software company could of flip
marketing it all sorts of stuff and my
opinion right now because it does
actually change often but in the last
couple of years the best business model
to start on a little bit of money is
drop shipping now if you don't know what
drop shipping is I do have a full
playlist of tutorials down below that
you can watch for free drop shipping is
when you get a product from China or
America now and you send it to the
person without actually touching the
product the reason this is a great
business model is because a you don't
touch on your product B you don't spend
any money on bulk products and see this
is booming right now because of retail
stores are dying literally dying just
like video stores every single day we
can get food delivered
door right now who breats within 30
minutes we can get a car at our at our
door within 5-10 minutes and it can take
us wherever we need to go you can get
your shopping your clothing whatever you
need delivered to your house overnight
just order something online right now
probably get to me tomorrow morning it's
crazy you can order anything on line and
this is why drop shipping is a great
business model to get started now I say
started because eventually you would
want to turn it into a branded store do
white labeling things like that once
again I talked about that and the
playlist below now can you get results
from this yes you can get amazing
results now disclaimer obviously results
are not typical I don't know how much
these people spent when they started but
these are a few of my students one of
them has just hit three million dollars
yes that's three million dollars even at
a twenty or thirty percent profit margin
which that what she's probably doing
there's a lot of money and then we have
Omar here a hundred thousand dollars per
month is nearly doing and then we have
Gary here who's nearly hitting ten
thousand dollars a day
so yes results can be achieved with this
particular method and that's why a lot
of people were doing this right now
because you can get results quick
however to get big results like this guy
so you will need to spend all of money
however you can spend a little bit about
a little bit of money to get started in
this business model and that's why a lot
of people do it
so guys step one I'm not going to take
you through sitting up stores and stuff
cause that's not what this is about I
have lots of videos on that on my
channel but step number one guys is
obviously start a dropshipping store I
use a platform called Shopify very easy
to use but you probably already know
about that and there are there is a
14-day trial that you can use but the
myth that I'm showing you in this
training guys is how they actually get
started how to get the traffic and stuff
like that so what you do is you start
the store and you upload products to
your store now the thing is you want to
find a product to sell now what we do
guys is we actually use a website called
le Express where we can go in and find
hundreds and thousands of products we've
got Black Friday coming sales coming up
soon you can just find any type of
product right and you can sell you can
you can quickly take these products from
Aliexpress put them into your store with
an app Quarter billow and then start
selling them online
it's insane and it opens up a door to
everybody so they can start their own
online business but there's a few
criterias that you really want to focus
on when you're finding products on a
small budget number one make sure you
can make at least $20 profit with that
particular product okay this is really
important if you find a product that's
$2 make sure you can sell it for $25
okay or just put that price at $25 the
reason you want to have a product with
the 20 plus dollar profit is simple you
want to make money okay
the high the profit the better and this
is a great profit kind of profit margin
I mean 15 is okay 10 but 20 plus is
probably the best choose a product a
popular Instagram niche so we're gonna
be using that for traffic now you want
to do things like fishing that's popular
on Instagram car products which I'm
going to actually show you an example
inside this particular training and make
sure it has a sales history so on
aliexpress you can go to a particular
property Q learning so fishing and you
can see how many orders that product has
had in the last few months or something
great so I'm going to go to orders and
this product has had a lot 12,000
reviews 20,000 orders the reason you
want to do that guys is because you're
not selling okay you don't have much
money to play with you're on a budget
you need a product that is going to
probably sell whew okay you might test a
couple of products but you need a
product that's going to sell for you so
that's a very big criteria make sure you
can create good images with it this is
important you need to either create good
images or make sure the supplier has
good images so let's have a look down
here for the particular traffic that we
are going to be getting so these images
are okay but this product isn't a good
example okay so those are the criterias
okay find a product to sell next guys
you need to find cheap traffic do not
use Facebook yet yet I'll talk about in
a second if you don't have a lot of
Facebook is brutal it's evil if you
don't do it properly and get taught how
to do it properly you will chew through
money quickly okay first of all you want
cheap traffic the
best place to get this from is Instagram
guys okay I'm gonna show you in a second
how to get it but this is an example of
a product that someone actually paid me
to promote for them we've got them five
hundred thousand views and this was a
little turbo keyring now these guys are
called turbo gasm they have a website
called turbo gasm calm we know that they
made a lot of money from getting us to
post this and that we charge them $40
they probably made thousands well at
least I'll say at least a thousand or
2,000 so this is what we do guys and
actually here's another example of a
product that I did so this is when I
first started doing Shopify I was
promoting this phone charger on these
phishing pages and I was making very
very good money doing it as how I got
started doing show if I dropped you in
so I was on their budget guys just like
you just like everybody else
so Instagram is by far going to be your
best traffic source when starting ok
then you can move into other things
which we want to talk about in a second
as well so what do you do guys it's very
very simple number one you want to go
into Instagram here and just put in the
particular niche in the search bar on
your phone that you want to add that ad
that you're in right so for example will
say fishing because that's exactly what
I was doing here ok and I'm going to
just click on a random page the reason I
click on a random page guys is because
you can click on this little button up
here and it's going to give you a
suggestion and you can do this on mobile
as well all you want to do is go through
and find pages with lots of followers
now I would say around about 50,000 or
more ok obviously the more followers
they have the more money you're going to
make ok this niche is probably a little
bit hard because there is not a lot of
big pages we'll try this one
18,000 meters by one guys as an example
for you guys ok so this one has 50,000
it's a little bit probably lower than I
would like this is 60 goes fishing tag
with the DMS DM for private for pay
promotional ads so it's really easy guys
you just go through and you find
these phishing accounts we can contact
them it will have the contact
information and the profile so 50,000 is
okay you might get a few sales but I
would go for accounts that have at least
eighty to a hundred thousand or more
obviously gonna have to test it to your
account so finding them is not hard it's
really really easy to do then what you
want to do guys is simply message them
and say hey do you do shoutouts and then
you send them the picture and the
caption this is the caption I did here
and then you can either get that you can
either tell the people to go to your
profile your Instagram profile and click
on the link in your bio or you can tell
the page to put the link in their bio
and then people will go and click to
your product page where your products
going to be and they will make a
purchase now getting the shoutouts easy
but what should you pay and stuff like
that so this is kind of my criteria
especially when you're just starting ok
what should you pay per shout-out first
of all you only want to get a shout-out
that's up to 5 hours max the reason is
is because within the first kind of four
or five hours that's when you get when
you're gonna get the most engagement and
all that sort of stuff and the most
exposure so anything past that you're
pretty much wasting your money in time
don't pay any more than thirty to one
hundred dollars depending on the page
for that shoutout
so if it's a page with like a hundred
thousand I would say pay run about
thirty forty dollars okay if it's a page
with half a million maybe 100 bucks
don't let these guys bully you into
paying more because a lot of them will
just say hey I'm only willing to pay
forty bucks
I'm not gonna pay any more and then move
on to the next page cuz guys you would
only need one or two sale or at least
you only need two sales to become
profitable right to make Tim bucks
profit if you're running at a twenty
dollar profit okay if you paid thirty
don't get sucked into twenty four-hour
plus a shout outs a lot of the counsel
say hey we'll do you a 24-hour shutter
that's better for you blah blah blah
don't bother because like I said you're
only going to get you you're gonna get
most of your sales in the first four or
five hours six seven hours kind of max
right even the first two or three hours
and always check the accounts guys so go
online and find a Instagram stats
checker make sure there's no you know an
irregular following
so some days where they have like a
thousand followers and they get none you
want to make sure it's consistent
because that means the followers are not
fake okay now my secret sauce guys
that's going to make you even more money
after you do the shoutouts is to
actually go onto Facebook okay you
should have a Facebook account started
before you even do this
put a Facebook pixel on the product page
and what it's going to do is it's face
books really smart and it's going to
basically put people that have visited
your page into a audience where you can
advertise back to them and it's really
really cheap so what you do is you pay
for a shout-out okay and you send people
to the product page there's any people
that will purchase and people that won't
purchase what you do then guys is after
you've done a few shoutouts you go and
start a Facebook ad with their product
and you use the audience from your
Instagram traffic so you can do all
sorts of stuff guys you can create an
audience on people who viewed your
Instagram profile because you might be
sending people to your profile from the
shout out page you can create an
audience of people who visited the
product page of your store which is
really really powerful I get a lot of I
get like 30 40 percent of my sails from
retargeting even more on some of my
stores right that's really really
important in it and that's the secret
sauce too many people go out there and
they'll do a shout out and they'll make
one or two sales and they'll be like hey
I made 20 bucks profit this sucks
what am i doing no there's no money in
this guy's you can do retargeting and
you can make another 40 50 60 bucks
there and then you just keep going keep
going and keep going and you're building
up your audience you're building up
money you're you're just building up all
of these assets that you can use okay
this isn't a get-rich-quick scheme we
are building a proper business here and
to be honest if you can go out and build
a proper business eventually a $500
starting you're doing very very well
considering people get 10 $20,000 loans
from the bank and get into debt to go
and start businesses like plumbing
building accounting lawyers right for
rent and even brick-and-mortar stores
retail stores need money for rent and
products you don't need that so you're
at a big advantage here okay so that's
very important guys the secret sauce is
to is to send the people to the pay
with the cheap Instagram traffic and
then go I make sure you have a Facebook
pixel on your page so you can click the
data and start to do cheap advertising
back to people who went to the cart went
to the page or even went to the checkout
and nearly made the purchase but didn't
I have tutorials and here consider this
up in the description below this is just
kind of a tutorial on how to actually
get cheap traffic and stuff like that
alright guys so that's really important
as to make sure you do do the
retargeting and like I said it's
important to find a product with $20 or
more profit okay it's important to get
cheap traffic from Instagram
do not start real Facebook advertising
yet it's you can start Facebook
retargeting traffic but don't start
doing cold Facebook ads and you know if
you don't know what you're doing
especially okay that's not going to work
when starting with a low budget for
those drop shipping method now guys I
mentioned these guys before these guys
are three students from my training okay
these guys have been on my training for
a super long time I teach people how to
make money online by studying their own
drop shipping stores because obviously I
can't teach you in this video it would
take a super long time because there's
actually a method to this madness but
what I've done is I actually have a free
book that you can download for
completely 100% free you don't have to
pay for this it takes you through the
four steps on how to start your own
e-commerce business I take you through
everything there's lots of images you
can go through and you can see we got
some results here this is actually Phil
when he did his first five hundred
thousand and here he's hit three million
this is under a year I think so he this
is an old image here he went he and his
sorry in his first year he did five
hundred thousand in the first nine
months and then a year later he had
three million so a lesson in two years
he's done three million dollars from my
training okay guys when I take you
through here and this will literally
take you through and explain to you how
to start your own dropshipping store
from start to finish okay and this is
free free to download there's a link
below you can get this book or
completely free alright guys so I hope
you enjoyed that video makes
sure you give this a like and subscribe
leave a comment below I'm happy to
answer any questions you have I'll be
online for the rest of today after
uploading this video make sure you drop
that like if we get over a to 300 likes
I'm going to be giving away access to my
training so I'll see you guys in the
next video I'll see you below and the
questions and have a good day