
Monday, March 16, 2020

How to use Facebook Watch Party For Endless Free Facebook Leads #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How to use Facebook Watch Party For Endless Free Facebook Leads

what's going on guys it's Alex Haney
thank you for watching this video will
only show you guys how to get and this
leads on Facebook by using Facebook
watch parties I'm gonna be showing you
guys how to get those free leads using
facebook watch parties now I'm gonna
show you guys like Emily's freelee's
using Facebook watch parties I just did
a watch party inside his Facebook group
little over five minutes ago and I got
over 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 leads and under
10 minutes and 2 shares using the
Facebook watch parties so let me show
you guys exactly I'll use Facebook watch
parties to get more leads coming into
your business now you can use this for
affiliate marketing network marketing or
maybe you promote our product or
services and you can use Facebook watch
parties to generate more leads right so
how are you gonna do is it's simple
right so we'll go to your Facebook group
right so you're gonna take a Facebook
group that's targeted around your niche
right my niche is you know affiliate
marketing online based marketing right
so I'm going to go to a Facebook group
that's based around my niche right so
let's go to this group right here now
all you're simply going to do is hit
watch party now why highly recommend is
you shoot your own video you shoot your
own video of you telling the people
about your product or services or how
you can help them in some sort of
fashion right so what you're going to do
is hey watch party you're gonna come to
either save videos now I'm doing this
video right here it's about a 35 second
long video I'm done
now right here is waiting for your
marketing message or your ad copy your
marketing message did you get a copy you
want to give these people call it to
action right so they're going to watch
the video you would you want to give
them a call to action after they watch
the video what are they going to do
right I'll leave on to drop a comment
are they going to inbox you or message
you so here's where you're going to put
your ad copy right here so usually my ad
copy I always like to ask questions
because people love to answer questions
would you like
so you can tell you had a copy based
around your product or service and what
you're selling or your service and how
you help people so we're going to do
this with this live in front of you and
see how fast the leads coming boom and
you're also going to put the ad copy or
the title of the ad copy right here
you're simply going to hit post now
watch what happens watch how quick so
this is the power of watch parts because
just like this right so within a matter
of one second of doing this wash party I
have over five people watching and just
imagine six right imagine you do this
maybe in five to ten groups per day and
this group has over 1500 over 48,000
people in this group targeted around my
niche see look at this over five people
are watching this video in a matter of
30 seconds which is almost like just as
good as paid Facebook Ads right because
you are targeting groups inside your
niche great inside these groups are
targeted people are facing around your
niche or your product or service all you
simply have to do is come you come to
some of these groups right click a group
I recommend you maybe do about five
groups a day and do the wash parties
like every maybe every two hours right
so you simply come to a Facebook group
Facebook group based around your niche
you can come down here and let's go to
here and this is how as you can see
right in the matter of 10 minutes I got
all these leads so all I gotta do is
inbox these people and ask them a couple
questions and invite them over to my
free training part where I show them how
to make money online with affiliate
based market this is how I use watch
parties to gain endless free leads
simply by going through Facebook groups
based around your niche ratio fearing
that I affiliate marketing network
marketing it might be a Health and
Wellness niche or you might have a
product or service in which you
become the groups based around your
niche you come down to the very bottom
all you gotta do is take watch party
yeah I title right there what but a
title that job that it's a person to
read for more information you hit add
video I highly recommend you have your
own video and all you simply do it it's
hot to hit add to to come back it done
for your ad copy message right here I
like to ask the question right would you
like to wait say a feeling of weight
loss this would you like to learn how to
lose 5 pounds in 25 days or maybe you
are in I guess you got telly yeah I copy
based around your niche yeah basically
do that but you put the ad copy right
here put the tiger right here I highly
recommend you put a call to action
inside the video or the call to action
inside the attach right so you have to
direct people where they go and tell
people what to do is people have to be
led and direction in which you want to
lead that so you simply hit post at post
and people are going to watch the videos
inside the group if they want more
information they're going to like and
comment just like all these people
comment on my posts that I posted a
watch are the inside this group over
50,000 members I go over 15 leads and a
matter of 5 minutes and more leads to
come in every single day so this is how
you can use watch parties to generate
more free leads using watch fires on
Facebook thank you guys for watching
this video if you have any questions
make sure you inbox me on Facebook or I
click the link below go watch my free
training series where I teach you guys
how to make more money online peace