
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Ideas Don't Matter, Everyone Has Them (The TRUTH In Business) Best Education Page #Online Earning

Ideas Don't Matter, Everyone Has Them (The TRUTH In Business)

the concept doesn't have to be perfect
but the execution does now what does
that mean well we have all these ideas
right maybe you had an idea to start
this one type of business or maybe you
had the idea to invest in this startup
right our ideas are great but are you
gonna execute on those ideas everyone
has wonderful ideas I'm sure you've came
up with the idea of uber before it
became over right everyone does that but
the execution is where the value lies
okay because when you execute on those
ideas then you actually bring them from
life then you can actually bring that
concept to market and then the market
will decide if that's actually going to
be a valuable concept so stop sitting
around and thinking of ideas and start
executing on those ideas because the
execution is what matters

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