hey everyone this is Ryan Hildreth here
with Johnny Bradley he's a six-figure
entrepreneur but it wasn't long ago that
he started basically from zero with his
personal brand so Johnny go ahead and
introduce yourself and let everyone know
kind of what you're about and how you
how you got started with personal
branding and online marketing and stuff
like that was probably most of the
people I was literally like nearly to
the day so it was the end of April 2017
so in between and then in year four
today when I started on my youtube
channel and to give you to give everyone
a bit of an idea about my background I'm
27 no yeah I'm 28 now I was 27 at a time
I worked in kind of corporate sales I've
worked in my Apple for a quite a long
time and I was always trying to get
promotions and always trying to work
really really hard like give 200% every
single day to try and get an extra I
don't like 2,000 pounds a year yeah I
know I was like while I was working
towards and they got to that point where
I took a new job to try and earn more
money which was a recruitment job and
that's when everything sort of changed
for me where I was literally leaving the
house at 7 a.m. getting back about 8 or
9 p.m. every single day and trying to
like work weekend furlough the weekends
and that really really grinding me down
I took a holiday which was about victory
a couple weeks ago from previous and
then also like the sign of it
no more I'm not having it like I'm I'm
upset like the the home life wasn't as
good as it could be and that's what I
decided I want to do two things so the
first thing I did was I wanted to start
up selling on Amazon and but I tried to
have businesses in the past but they've
never been successful or where I could
like take a wage for them so that was
one of the big things and the other
thing I wanted to do was document that
on YouTube because when I started doing
it there's loads of people within the
u.s. that were like doing em it's an FBA
and he covers and stuff like that
but there was no one I could learn from
in the UK and other than just a few
people that were like you know just
happened to be around on Facebook but
there was no real personal brands so I
was like well I wanted you to you but
years I want to do everything at Fjell
know I love business so I'm just gonna
combine that do the two and start just
sharing content on YouTube and it was
really really bad like they're rubbish
videos and they just mean kind of like
tumbling all the time but the point is
that it was very very quick that I was
able to actually generate income from
the YouTube channel which I didn't
really expect to happen I thought it was
gonna be a case where I couldn't make
any money from it for ages so I thought
you know you can make money on hand for
Evan ooh and you might be able to like
make money in the future through
consultations or start by I didn't
realize how quick it would be and kind
of combining everything together I
two months of uploading their first
video from then it's great it was
actually crazy I never expected it I
thought it was gonna be my year to like
it like you know support myself and the
big decision for me was was it more
riskier to stay in my job and not
dedicate time for doing my own business
or was it more risky to just
take the risk and quit my job right
so I decided against everyone's advice
to quit my job and just not look back
and spend a hundred ton of my time
trying to work on you know my mind
businesses now now it took quite a long
time to scale but it's something that I
want you know I was working on quite a
lot they did take a little bit of time
to the point now I say a little bit of
time but in the grand scheme of things
it's there's no treat no time at all but
to the point now where YouTube is really
really you know it's a it's a big income
for me it's one of my biggest income so
I have and that literally wouldn't have
happens in that's I took that decision
littering here and I just saw in the
video and it's gonna be rubbish and I'm
not gonna be able to talk very well on
camera but it was it was one of the bits
of literally the best decision I've ever
made in my life my hands down yeah
in what so so you're working your
corporate job in that just kind of put
you on the edge which where you're like
okay I'm gonna get started
did you know of the opportunity like did
you see other personal brands out there
other youtubers people on social media
making money is that kind of like what
gave you that push to do it or was it
just like you just had to get started
because you you did
wanna do your corporate job yeah I've
always wanted to do something when you
cheap I never had the excuse like to do
it okay and I tried it before and it was
rubbish deleting the videos and never
look at them ever again
and but there was no I didn't expect
that I could monetize it the way I did
that's what I read in the expect I saw
other people doing and I thought well
that's other people right it was one of
the big limiting beliefs I had was that
that's then they can do it I can't do it
yeah and so one bit held me back for a
quite actually a long time
the main reason it started is because I
wanted to give other people the support
network that I was really really
striving for and and I'd read it you
know pitting a few books that if you
want to you know create a network of
people around you then just put yourself
out there and so that's why I did and as
soon as I put myself out there saying
well I want to help people also I want
to learn as well and I'm learning at the
same time they're loads of people
started coming to me for advice
literally every single day and I started
to upskill myself in like terms of my
knowledge about e-commerce
extremely quickly because I had all
these questions of people aren't like
asking me so that was the reason I
started it was to try and give people a
support network and that's kind of the
filter that I have every single day as I
you know other videos that I do are they
gonna help the end you know the
interviewer are they gonna add value to
their life are they going to help enrich
their lives in some way and so that's
always the filter that I use and I just
never expected that you could make like
so much money from YouTube yeah I just
thought other people I could do it but I
couldn't do it
so you're making definitely more than
you worked at your corporate making more
than a corporate job I do way more like
it's way more thrilling it's more
interesting it's something I really care
about and in terms of fulfilling as well
like I had people reaching out for the
time saying I thank you for bringing out
the content and that's one of the things
a lot of people don't appreciate when
they start their personal brands is that
that's going to be one of the big things
are they that they may continue doing it
for it's because you're like you get
messages from people saying how you help
now that's about as super rich super
rewarding and you'll know this but it's
secret warning to get that it's sort of
like I used to teach a guitar like kids
and it was awesome to see their
progression so it's it's a nice nice
kind of alignment between nice so how
did you how did you choose your niche or
do you have one niche or do you have
kind of multiple things that you do on
your YouTube channel with your personal
brand really like choose my niche it
just it just it just happens okay yeah I
guess my niche is is Amazon FBA but
specifically in the UK market because
that's why then I think that's the
information I've written in the
beginning and that's kind of what I'm
known for now and I think my advice to
people when they ask me are I want to
start a YouTube channel and I want to do
personal branding or I want to do I
equal massive Shopify all my talk about
video marketing I'm I always say to them
and this comes from Russell Brunson it's
only I always say to them well they look
at the niche as a whole and then make
your own sub niche something that that
only you do so for me everyone was doing
internet baby but no one was doing UK
version I know the specific mechanism UK
so I kind of carved out my own nation
that respects and now and actually if
you go on YouTube only like the
authority figure for that collapse sort
of niche it's a small niche compared to
the overarching like category yeah
that's why I always tell people like try
and find a sub niche and something
special about you and your special about
the content that you're giving out there
and really be laser focused in that be I
talk about other stuff as well like
because I just like talking about
business in general yeah so I'll talk
about affiliate marketing and I'll talk
about like like some property I'll talk
about personal branding and YouTube and
all those sorts of things things that
interests me based on it but anything
that comes to mind then I'm just like
use trade video on it and hopefully
people will like it they know that I
just won't do that okay yeah that's fair
to say yeah cuz I think that's a lot of
people struggle from the beginning like
what niche do I choose like is there a
specific niche that I need to do or is
this niche to the best money making
opportunity but really you just got
started based off the things you were
learning the things you're reading right
and you just wanted to teach other
people the same things
right yeah yeah 100% yeah yeah I just
realized though as soon as I started
putting myself out there
loads of people wanted to know that sort
of stuff to the point where I couldn't I
couldn't actually help everyone out
personally so I couldn't like respond to
every single person to teach every
single person the things that they
wanted to know and that's when I started
really like the digital products other
things that was again that was a big
because no one was teaching me this
stuff and like I was part of your
mastermind video it's very much like
like all I'm scared but I was scared to
release the digital products like what
are people gonna think are they gonna
think I'm just out there for the money
but fortunately I just wasn't like that
and people loved it because the content
was was like kingly I always focused on
making sure the content was as good as
possible so that I could be proud of it
and and again I wish I had done that
earlier the end I was holding myself
back thinking that I couldn't do it
and this is why I tried like to help you
but this is why that I want to say to
people watching the video if they want
to get into personal branding and just
do it because a lot of people are scared
to including me because they see other
people do anything like on me I can't
get in front of a camera I'm rubbish on
the camera yeah ultimately everyone's
rubbish on the camera where they start I
it's just that's just part of it that's
what makes it real that's what makes it
a personal brand because like you know
that makes it relatable you know they
love to see the progression yeah no I
definitely it's funny too because when
you look back like when I've looked back
at some of your videos are some of my
videos it almost seems like we're not as
confident to be in front of the camera
but now we're like so loud and so like
you know confident in front of the
camera it's crazy to see that transition
you know maybe watching this and they
think well I can't go from 0 to 100 to
and actually that's never gonna happen
you just want to go from 0 to 1 and then
1 to 2 and so forth
yeah it's continually like work out your
own way of doing it because it's like
for example I could never do a video
I is just not my that's nothing yeah so
I would never try and do that you just
got to carve out your own personality
and get people to follow you because
they want to follow you yeah that's so
powerful what you said too because I
think a lot of people try to be like
someone else like they're like even I
catch myself in the morning like I'll
watch other YouTube videos and be like
okay what kind of video can I make today
but that's not it's not coming from the
heart it's not coming from your own kind
of like values and like what you want to
create right because you're you're
looking for something to copy in a sense
especially when like I'm trying to come
up with ideas for content okay that's
probably one of the hardest things is if
you're doing like a daily upload which I
did for a while is your art today me
started going around you could try to
find out the content and to try and take
some inspiration and sometimes that's a
good thing to do but actually England I
do now is why I wake up in the middle of
the night and come up with an idea for a
video not on my yeah yeah so let's talk
about some strategies because I know
like a lot of people don't you know dive
into this so let's talk about some
growth strategies for your personal
brand like what have you found to work
lately you know I know it's in 2018
everything's changed with the algorithms
on YouTube Facebook Instagram like what
have you found to work and help you grow
your personal brand good question
I think I've gone on like a development
journey understanding like different
ways and the way that I love at the
moment is just running out those like
adverts are the quickest and the easiest
unfortunately they're not the cheapest
way to grow that's yeah and the reason
the reason I like them is because I
can't do less content and still grow my
YouTube channel and so I can dedicate
more time to doing the videos and more
time to other businesses as well as
growing that platform itself
yeah I try things like giveaway so I was
giving away like no money
my giveaways and things like that I
think the best way to grow really when
you're starting out is make sure that
value like the actual content you're
putting out is like this good as you
possibly can make it at the time
but also you leverage the other net like
the other social networks and you have
so for example YouTube is my main social
media platform but then I might use
Instagram to try and like funnel people
to YouTube so I'll let people know a
little bit about Who I am with my
Instagram and say hey that you've gotta
go and watch my youtube channel I then
use Facebook as I support their work for
YouTube so when students enroll in the
course or they just need they want some
free help then I have free Facebook
groups where they can go and join and
making community there cuz each social
media platform is there for different
reasons yeah so as long as you're aware
of that and you don't try and have this
is a I can't remember who gave you this
advice but it was really good advice is
the you don't want to have a personal
brand on each social media platform your
one one my personal brand and the
different platforms enhance that one
brand in line so like to be out one
brand and the other ones really enhance
that one they give it different giving
people different ways to connect with
you that's powerful man yeah cuz I think
when people first start out they're just
trying to put out like content here
content there and just you know going
all over the place but when you have
kind of a structure like that right
Facebook groups or your support network
Instagram is kind of that that social
you know funnel sort of to your YouTube
channel your YouTube channel is your
main hub I think that's that really can
help someone else I think you got to
understand why different social media
platforms work my Instagram is a bit
more fickle like people follow you to
get follow back so it's a little bit
it's a little bit different whereas on
YouTube people subscribe to because they
genuinely want to see like what you're
yeah and I with Facebook it's way easier
to have that community because of the
way that it's structured whereas you
can't really do that on on you can't
really have like the big conversations
and YouTube and same with with
instagramers or things I think you can
and so if someone's starting on their
personal brand yes usual platforms
use it for what they're good at yeah
definitely definitely make sense cool
so I'm trying to trying to think here
like it's so crazy seeing your journey
because you started what you started
your YouTube channel last year around
this time okay so just a year ago and
you went from zero subscribers to now
you have around 14,000 I think 50 almost
15,000 and you've made you went from
making 0 to making you know well over
10,000 20,000 a month from your personal
brand that's it's just insane to see
that growth like reflecting back now
what would you what would you tell your
old self and those are more things I'm
probably realizing now is the like and I
said I still need to do this III finding
bend towards is super important so
that's why I was part of like yours and
kind of mastermind
yeah way way back when I started yeah I
think I should have joined maybe more
because I really understand now that
you're like everyone says it's right
everyone that's like super super
successful says your network is your
network by everyone it's just a little
saying that people say it's so true it's
so true so I wish that I'd invented it
more time and money into that it's like
building my network in terms of my
mental yeah I which I started a
little bit sooner and that's one of the
big things I which I did and because it
would mean that I had different
opportunities if I make sense well the
opportunities have come from the network
I have now it's just like an absolutely
ridiculous and crazy so that's
definitely something I would have done
different I think the other thing I
would tell myself is don't be so worried
about not being like perfect don't be
worried about like doesn't YouTube video
have to go out at a certain time
you have to be seven odd loads of
wigleigh I don't have to be perfect so
that's one of the big things though just
as long as you do it and that's the most
important thing wow man
super-powerful super-powerful well cool
man is I mean I think we covered so much
today I think a lot of people that are
getting into personal branding or you
know creating a business around their
passion online I think this is
definitely gonna help them out this
there's some set strategies that we
talked about and just some key
reflections to on now that you've made
you know you've you've made it but I'm
sure you I'm sure you have bigger goals
that you want to achieve but in someone
is someone's eyes that's for beginning
they can look at you and be like wow
this guy made it you know that there was
some key people really appreciate is
that because I've loaded a one yeah the
you can see the people out the
progression and then it's not that hard
it's really it's really not that hard
like for me here if I said to if I said
to you like you can start up the
business within a year they can be like
multiple six figures you'd be like one
year like I've started business in the
past I've lost money I've lost like
thousands of pounds trying to start
businesses yeah they never worked so for
me it's if you said that to me a year
ago I would say it's a bit too good to
be true but I've seen from from doing
that and from the people around me as
well they've also start their personal
brands even sooner than then like I have
a one of my friends Brad who started in
like November and he's done
fantastically from his personal brand
and he throws more about outsourcing and
stuff like that I've got another my
friend that I kind of network with his
name's Jack get me started in January
and he's already generating a huge
amount from his personal brand and just
leveraging the skills that he had before
like he was a business owner before you
just leverage that put up new to you you
know people want to know people want to
know the information so they can pack
them very very quick and I don't like to
say this right for like personal
branding in so I can get rich quits with
quick through it's gonna get rich quick
because it it's like there's no way that
you can it so it's really hard to
generate that sort of income that
quicker than why I've seen yeah
like a physical inventory business he
needs to like reinvest your profits in
like affiliate marketing you might spend
money on adversity like to have money to
do it if you didn't have the purpose of
a brand so I yeah I wouldn't tell people
that yeah well I I think just the
barrier of entry is so low right now in
the grand scheme of things because
there's not a lot of people that are
willing to just step up and and say you
know what I'm gonna create a personal
brand and really put myself out there so
really the opportunities there for
anyone watching if you want to start
your personal brand the opportunities
there Johnny is a key figure and it has
shown that it is possible I mean he just
started literally a year ago I started
about a year and a half ago so yeah man
any any last words for the viewers
questions yes
subscribe to Johnny I will throw his
link it'll be in the first link in the
description they can find you also on
Instagram go check out his Instagram
what is your personal brand Instagram
it's because I know you have to you have
a personal and like a public figure one
it's just Johnny Bradley UK so Jo in NY
ok but if you go to any YouTube you have
got links I've got and stuff like that
prevent it should be yeah I kind of I
tried to respond on that yeah the best
way to get in touch with me he's
actually my email address because I also
realize emails again if you want Matt
just just have a channel you can send me
an email I get back to every other
perfect that'll be in the first thing in
a description go subscribe to Johnny
guys I appreciate you being here man and
I'm sure we'll have a call soon take
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