
Thursday, March 26, 2020



hey guys what's going on Joshua elder
here and welcome back to the channel in
this video I'm gonna show you how to
make $10,000 per month and I'm gonna
give you a complete dummy proof beginner
proof method to building and growing a
business on the Internet so before we
dive into the content number one I'm
gonna show you proof that I'm making a
consistent $10,000 per month online
working part-time and I'm also going to
ask you please if you haven't already
subscribe to this channel
I'm always uploading videos on a weekly
and sometimes a daily basis if I'm not
too lazy on how to build a life in
business full of freedom passion and
fulfillment so let's go ahead and dive
in I'm here my clickbank account right
and I'm gonna go ahead and log in and
you guys can see the boom look from 220
2018 to 320 2018 today's actually the
18th so this week isn't even over yet a
new week starts every Wednesday
according to clickbank and they pay out
every Wednesday so you guys can see that
I generated two thousand dollars here
five thousand dollars here that's right
around seven thousand dollars and he got
eight nine thousand dollars if we add
this nineteen ninety five and then we've
got another almost two thousand dollars
right around eleven thousand and if we
were to add all these numbers up you
know I don't want to bore you with the
calculations here but you'd be looking
at right around thirteen thousand
dollars or so so how do I do this
working part-time right spending thirty
minutes to an hour a day inside of my
business well number one I'm really
focused on the leverage points of my
business when you're new online you have
no idea what those lever leverage points
are you're just kind of going out there
on YouTube and you're listening to
everybody okay and what I found and what
the problem is is with most newbies is
they get information overload because
they're watching these videos on the
five ways or the ten apps that you can
use to make money from home or the three
survey sites that you can take surveys
from right and more often not a lot of
these youtubers that are teaching you
how t
o make
money aren't even practicing what
they're teaching right they're actually
doing something completely different
so I pride myself when I teach you how
to do something you're not going to find
videos in my channel on the 10 ways to
make money online with zero investment
right unless I'm like doing it myself
because a lot of these youtubers are
creating these videos and they're
creating valuable content but it's to
help them build you know they're
following obviously it's to help them
sell more of their products and so they
just see an opportunity in creating a
video about a certain subject that's in
demand even though that subjects really
not going to help you know the user in
the best way possible so I hope that
makes sense
you know I just pride myself off of you
know showing you guys exactly what I'm
remaining 100% authentic and genuine you
know in all my videos so with that said
you want to figure out what the leverage
points of your business are for example
in my business the leverage points are
traffic right and having a system to
send that traffic to the right system
not just any marketing system right so
if you really want to succeed on the
internet right focus on these two things
where can I get website visitors and how
can I go deep in that specific platform
right so YouTube YouTube is all I've
done guys for the past four years
that's all I focused on what most people
are doing is they're doing YouTube this
week and they're doing Instagram and the
next week because you know they watch
this YouTube video on how they can get
thousands of Instagram followers but
maybe they started a YouTube channel the
week before because they learn how to
get a million views to one video and
make a video go viral and it's just like
people are getting completely distracted
so if there's one thing that I can
implore on you that is to focus on one
method of driving visitors to your
website go super deep on it create a
success story with that method before
you move on to any other methods okay so
one of the reasons why I absolutely love
the YouTube is because there's so much
leverage there unlike Facebook
might make a Facebook post and then the
next day it gets lost in the newsfeed
there's really no leverage there so if
you want to expose your you know
products you your following you have to
post another you know Facebook post and
you got to make sure you're posting
every single day right so the good thing
about it it's yeah you build an audience
up over time but there's not as much
leverage with minimal work where I can
post the video to YouTube and that video
will receive views and visitors for
months and even years right I've got
I've got videos that I put up and I've
said this many many times in other
videos that I put up five years ago that
are still generating income for me today
and it's amazing to go back and look at
the view counts you know go from year
one to a thousand views to year five to
you know fifty thousand views just like
on one little video one little video
that I spent maybe five to ten minutes
to create because what I used to do is
just create videos on my web camera I
wasn't using fancy you know camera
equipment or lighting right and I've
still to this day I really don't do a
whole lot of that I'm just focused on
putting out content day on a daily basis
so if I'm gonna add to that number one
pick a platform and also number two be
consistent on that platform right so I
want you to imagine if I've got a bucket
under a faucet and I turn that faucet on
right that bucket eventually is going to
you know receive overflow because of the
water right it's eventually gonna get to
the top and it's going to overflow
imagine that overflow as cells inside
your business so overflow is good but as
soon as I turn that faucet off I'm not
getting overflow so you know imagine the
water of that faucet being traffic right
when I stopped the traffic when I said
when I turn that faucet off I'm not
making any money in my business right so
the only way that you can drive traffic
is to consistently be putting up
valuable content on your YouTube channel
on your Instagram account you know and
if you even if you do Facebook be
consistent with it the thing is is all
these platforms are going to require
what I like about YouTube is you're
going to get the most leverage for your
work okay if that makes sense so that's
absolutely why I love you know just just
YouTube marketing as a whole so now that
we've got that traffic piece in place
right we found a method we're now
consistent with that method we're we're
not dabbling we're really deciding to go
deep and achieve mastery with a specific
method now what we want to do is we want
to be able to monetize that audience
that we're building on that platform
right so if you're on you know YouTube
there's different ways that you can
monetize you can monetize by doing paid
advertising there's ma ways you can
monetize by having calls to actions like
telling people to click the links in
your description of your videos you know
and when they do that then they go to a
funnel right they go to a sales process
they go to a system it's like when I
jump over here and I go to
you guys you're gonna see this is an
ecosystem right I'm basically on the
homepage of a big sales funnel alright
this is just a big sales funnel so
imagine if I've got a link in the
description of my youtube video or in my
profile of my you know Instagram account
or on Facebook and I'm sending them to
my own sells funnel right so imagine being your own sales funnel
and then look people have so many
opportunities they can buy different
things on here right I can go to video
and you know somebody buys a video for
example let's go let's actually go to a
different department let's go to let's
go to beauty and health and I'm just
gonna go to men's grooming right so now
I've kind of entered inside the the
sales funnel I'm now looking for
different products and let's say that
I'm looking for
you know luxury grooming products and
let's do shaving right I mean now I'm
going through the sales process and then
now let's go and buy this shaver and if
I click Add to Cart right I'm now at
checkout this is what most people are
doing right
they're sending people to one product
and when that person buys the product
they get a commission which is awesome
right they get a commission but guess
they just screwed up their opportunity
to sell them more products right so
here's what's so cool about Amazon when
I proceed to checkout here I'm just
gonna log in I don't even know if I have
an account with this email address but
for the sake of showing you guys this
what it should do let's see let me go
back I want to make sure that I don't
buy this
well it's typically gonna happen
Amazon super smart I don't think it's
gonna do it until I actually check out
but what will happen is it will
recommend to me other products right so
typically before I check out it'll say
okay here's some other products that
some other people bought in addition to
this electric shaver would you like to
buy these products too so it's just
another step in the process which gives
you an opportunity to buy more products
and it also gives up the opportunity of
Amazon to make more money so again most
people are just selling one product to a
crowd of people and they're selling
nothing on the back end right so what's
so cool about this is Jeff Bezos the
owner of all he needs to do
is plug people in the front end into
this ecosystem they buy one product and
then he didn't personally have to sell
the extra products on the back end right
Amazon did that for him the system did
that for him and so what we want to do
is we want to have those leverage points
as well not just with our traffic but
with the system how can a system do all
the selling and telling for me where I
can be completely eliminated from the
equation also if I go to
right this is another great example and
if I just type in Josh elder is awesome
you know we search for that domain check
this out what's going to happen is I'm
going to add this to cart now this
domain and
can you two car and look at all these
other opportunities I have of buying
other products other services that
GoDaddy offers look we got privacy
protection we've got oh my gosh I can
you know create an email address and
then I can continue with these options
and then look we have other options too
as well
we can buy matching domains you know we
can buy twelve months instead of one
month of office 365 which is an email
service and look it just adds up so
check this out one domain that was 1199
just turned into one hundred and thirty
eight dollars and 32 cents
that's how you take one customer in the
front door
and and turn them into you know from up
from a customer that might spend eleven
bucks to a lifetime customer that'll
spend over you know thousands of dollars
right so this is where like companies
like GoDaddy where they can actually
like mark it on a Superbowl commercial
and they can you know spend a million
dollars for an ad because of these this
process that they're sending people to
it's like okay wait you need not only do
you need a website or not only do you
need a domain but you need a website you
need hosting right you need protection
of that website maybe you need to back
that website up you know you need email
for that website you need to be able to
you know maybe you want to drink in the
search engines you want more search
engine visibility right and so there's
there's other products they're offering
inside of their ecosystem so that's what
we want to have right you're probably
thinking well I'm not I can't create a
GoDaddy I can't create an Amazon I can't
create an eBay I can't create a on Apple
iTunes right so that's why we become an
affiliate of different systems right so
for example to show you here you want to
become an affiliate of a proven
ecosystem of products with multiple
streams of income right that will pay
you at least 40% commissions
okay so you'll notice the Amazon they
only pay about four to six percent
commission right which is okay it's not
great right there's not the most
leverage there you know GoDaddy will
give you a little bit of money here I
think you can become an affiliate but
it's not like life-changing income
you're gonna be chomping at the bit to
be able to make some money so what I
decided to do is I saw it decided to go
out there and kind of do some research
because what was happening in my
business was I promoted a lot of
products in the past but what was
happening was I would make like you know
fifty thousand dollars one month and
then I'd make five thousand and then I'd
make twenty thousand and I'd make seven
thousand right so my income was going up
and going down and going up and going
down because I didn't have an ecosystem
like a GoDaddy or an Amazon of products
to sell you know that really didn't
exist out there right there wasn't an
opportunity out there where you know an
ecosystem was created it was just like
they're selling like one product or just
a series of products and once people
bought those products it was like you're
done right so either you know people
would buy these expensive products that
I promote that were you know high price
you know they couldn't afford and you
know maybe a lot of these products did
provide all the information they need to
be successful online and so people found
themselves either spending too much
money with lack of information or they
didn't have the money so they really
couldn't get started you know in an
online business so what I did is I went
out there and I found this you know
opportunity called the four percent and
the challenge and this actually walks
people through how to you know build an
online business from scratch right how
to create their first ten thousand
dollars a month and what's so cool about
it is if you're a newbie he's actually
gonna walk you through what's called the
challenge you can click the link in the
description below and learn a little bit
more about the challenge but it's all
about making your first ten thousand
dollars in a month online okay and he's
gonna walk you through step by step
video by video look at all these
sections these sessions right it's like
holding your hand and looking over the
shoulder of an eight-figure a year
online marketer which is invaluable
typically you have to go to an event and
pay twenty thousand dollars to get
access to information like this right
you're paying your I mean I've done it I
paid one of my mentors thirty thousand
dollars to get access to the same
information that you get access to here
for just $1 to test it out right so if I
scroll down here look at all these
sessions that you guys get access to and
this is gonna walk you through and show
you all the detailed steps right I was
talking about traffic right success is
in the details guys you might have an
idea of how the game of basketball is
played but until you actually start
playing it there is going to be a lot of
you know issues that you're gonna run
into same thing with your online
marketing business if you want to really
know how this game is played and how to
play by the rules then you're gonna need
to be educated and this is the best way
to get that education this is by far the
best program in my 10 years of being in
online marketing this is the best
program out there for the newbie the
very very best I can guarantee it
I can guarantee it that you're going to
go and watch session one and you're
absolutely going to be blown away by the
information and the action steps so
there's there's a video here and then
there's action steps to take so what
what what my mentor is doing here is you
know he's generated millions of dollars
online and what he decided to he's like
I'm gonna create this this this training
program called the challenge that's
gonna walk people through how to get
plugged into an ecosystem number one but
most importantly I'm going to show them
exactly how I built my business as if I
were brand new so he goes and he sets up
as the websites he sets up the traffic
he sets up you know the autoresponders
he sets up everything and shows you how
to do it live step by step video by
video click by click and that's what I'm
absolutely loving about this
if you want to check it out click the
link in the description right you're
gonna be able to learn this whole entire
ecosystem right and here's just an
example of this ecosystem that you'll
you'll be able to sell become an
affiliate of the 4% and you're gonna be
able to promote products like the
challenge which is the $49 a month
continuity product which is those which
are those little pills that I just
showed you right here's one of the
videos here okay and then there's back
end products there is a product called
Internet traffic mastery and a product
called ease stage and here's the price
points here and then what'll happen is
people get access to these tools that
they need to implement a lot of you know
what's taught in the education right
it's like educating people on mining
gold but then then he picks shovels and
axes to go and mine the actual gold
right same thing here we're gonna show
you how to drive traffic we're gonna
show you how to create a home on the
Internet we're gonna show you you know
how to build your business from scratch
but here's here's here's the tools
you're going to need to execute that and
then of course you know the compensation
plan this is what's really cool is you
get 40% Commission's on all the products
and then you also get 10% commission on
tier 2 and tier 3 these are the products
that other people you know that you
bring in they decide to become
promotional partners they follow Vic's
process from start to finish my mentors
process then when they generate income
guess what you're also getting paid too
as well so the goal really is two cells
per day for 90 days 2 cells per day for
90 days if you can make 2 cells just 2
cells per day for 90 days on the
strategies that my mentor outlines check
this out right I don't want to go into
the math too much but let me kind of
just show you how the numbers would work
out tier 1 right that's two people a day
for 90 days that's 180 people then you
get 40% Commission off of this product
this is a very the front-end product
that people come in to right so if I was
to show you guys the funnel real fast
I'm just gonna jump over to my click
magic account so people are gonna come
up come come
to the front end here they're gonna go
through this opt-in page that looks like
this right and then they're gonna be
exposed to the challenge right this is
the funnel for the challenge once they
get you know access to the challenge
they're gonna get it get access to this
very first session right here okay and
that's where you when you send people
through that process I just showed you
we're gonna show you how to set it up
and everything very very simple you know
then you make 19 dollars a month right
and then when you bring people in and
they also bring people into the
challenge and those people decide to
promote you're gonna make four dollars
and ninety cents off of those people
right and then Tier three you're also
gonna make four $94.90 off of those
people too as well so you're actually
getting 10% Commission's on tier two and
Tier three cells so follow me here if I
bring two people a day in for 90 days
that's 100 and peep 180 people times 19
dollars per month that's three thousand
four hundred twenty dollars per month
just up front just from bringing in two
people a day so imagine if you just get
two percent of people to duplicate those
efforts which is very very conservative
in this in this marketplace I mean
that's incredibly conservative only two
percent of people are gonna actually go
out there and take action you know if
that happens you're going to get an
extra thirty one thousand or three
thousand one hundred seventy dollars and
20 cents and then Tier three you're
gonna make eleven thousand four hundred
sixty six dollars just on a $49 per
month product this is the power of
duplication and what leverage you guys
right this is why you want to have
access to an ecosystem that sells
different products on your behalf and
then allows you even more leverage by
becoming a promotional partner so you
can promote the same system to other
people right and earn and create numbers
like this this is all extra income right
here this 11,000 in this 3000 that's
just extra income on top of your 3,000
here so can you see the power and
leverage the power and systems right and
if you just bring in two people a day
this is the type of results that you
potentially be getting right and then
there's the other product Internet
traffic mastery you get 40% Commission's
tier 2 and tier 3 get $149 commissions
and the total on that type of
duplication this is only a 4% of people
actually purchase Internet traffic
mastery so they come through they give
the challenge and then they actually
decide to upgrade to Internet traffic
mastery check it out only 4% of people
out of those 180 that's an extra 43054
thousand three hundred five dollars and
then again and we talked about two
percent duplication so we're only
talking about four percent of people
upgrading to buying the other products
in the ecosystem and then only two
percent duplication two percent of the
people decide to actually take action
and promote the system as well I mean
these are extremely conservative numbers
that's twenty two thousand thirty six
dollars and then the last product was e
stage right it's just like Amazon you
come in and Amazon
you've got beauty products you've got
fitness products right in this case
we're showing out entrepreneurs how to
live the good life and how to build an
online business in the most effective
way right and so we're gonna expose to
them different products that are gonna
help them accomplish that right and so
that's what these products are so e
stage Tier one you know you're going to
get paid forty percent commission off of
for 297 so that's one hundred
ninety-eight dollars and eighty cents
and then tier two and Tier three is $49
and again if we look at the numbers
again only four percent of people decide
to upgrade all right
that's one thousand four hundred thirty
one dollars and 36 cents on Tier one and
then with two percent duplication on
tier two and Tier three you can see the
numbers here and that total is seven
thousand two hundred sixty two dollars
and thirty six cents so the grand total
on all those income streams just by
bringing people into the front end for
one dollar trial and focusing on two
cells a day to cells a day to cells a
day that's forty seven thousand three
hundred sixty dollars and sixteen cents
so what I'm trying to convey here right
I don't want to bore you with all these
numbers but it's all about having an
ecosystem guys when you have an
ecosystem that will do all the work for
you so you can stop trading time for
money right so you can focus on income
producing activities if you can focus on
these methods that Vic lays out for you
every single day just spend an hour a
day watching these videos and
implementing what he teaches you can see
these kind of numbers too as well so if
you want to get access to the same exact
ten thousand dollar formula $10,000 a
month formula the ten thousand dollar
challenge inside the four percent go
ahead and click the link in the
description of this video and I hope you
guys got some value from this I hope I
hope showed you guys kind of a bigger
perspective a different angle to look
how how you build an online business
versus listening to everybody else and
what they're doing let's focus on on
really you know the systems that we're
actually becoming affiliates of and
let's focus on traffic and those
leverage points there so with that said
give me a thumbs up if you got some
value from this video click the link in
the description below go ahead and check
out this challenge so you can experience
this type of income again results not
typical you will need to put in the work
like we talked about that faucet analogy
you want to be taking consistent action
keep the water flowing keep the traffic
coming and that's something that I focus
on at one hour a day every single day
inside of my business so with that said
Josh Eldar signing off we'll see you in
the next video

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