
Sunday, March 1, 2020

MAKE $547 EVERY 90 MINUTES (MAKE MONEY ONLINE TODAY!) #Best Education Page #Online Earning


earn five hundred forty seven dollars by
simply browsing Yelp hey this is Rian
Hildreth and before we jump into the
exact strategy on how to start earning
money browsing Yelp go ahead and hit
that subscribe button down below this
video and that little notification bell
next to it so I can update you on the
latest ways of making money online but
let's go ahead and jump over to my
computer and let's talk about how you're
going to start earning money by simply
browsing Yelp I'm gonna reveal the
secret Yelp tool in just a moment so
stick around till the end because I'm
gonna be showing you exactly how this is
going to work so who is gonna pay you
and how is how does this all work
okay so Yelp actually how do they earn
money okay how does Yelp earn money
while they do advertising for business
owners as you can see right here this is
Yelp for business owners now business
owners who are paying thousands of
dollars every single month for Yelp
advertising now Yelp has earned 943
million in revenue last year okay nine
hundred forty three million now that's a
pretty big number but comparing them to
Facebook okay Facebook has earned fifty
five billion dollars in 2018 why is that
they're two of the same platforms they
both advertise for businesses so
businesses can get more customers right
but Facebook is earning way more because
they have much more people on their
platform right and they have a better
product okay they have better
advertising more targeted advertising
and I'm gonna show you how to get these
business owners that are paying for Yelp
okay to pay you to do Facebook ads for
them now if you don't know how to do
Facebook ads if you're like Ryan that's
too complicated don't worry I'm gonna
show you where you can get free training
at the end of this video okay I'm gonna
show you how you can learn Facebook ads
and literally one to two hours and start
earning five hundred forty seven dollars
every 90 minutes okay now what I'm going
to show you here is called the Yelp tool
okay so this
gonna be the Yelp tool and we're gonna
type it into Google right here okay and
for every 90 minutes that you spend on
this so hour and a half you should be
able to earn five hundred forty seven
dollars from a business that's going to
pay you so for every 90 minutes you can
earn this amount by charging five
hundred forty seven dollars and I'm
going to show you how to do that okay so
this is the Yelp tool we're gonna type
in so follow me right here we're gonna
type in site okay
colon and then Yelp space then watch
video okay so watch video and then we're
gonna type in restaurants okay so
restaurants because there's tons of
restaurants on Yelp and then plus the
city that you live in okay so I'm gonna
just type in Los Angeles California okay
and we're gonna press ENTER and we're
gonna see what happens so this is the
Yelp tool if you need to pause to write
this down go ahead and do that right now
but go ahead and press enter and what
you're going to see is all of the
businesses that are paying for Yelp
advertising now Yelp advertising is very
untargeted and it's not as good as
Facebook ads okay very untargeted and
lots of business owners are wasting
money on Yelp advertising for every
business that I've talked with and you
know actually worked with most of them
okay we're using Yelp and then they
switched over to Facebook and got way
better results alright so what we're
gonna do is find at least 10 restaurants
okay in your area and you're gonna
contact them and you're going to see
number one if they're paying for Yelp
advertising so you know they have money
you know they have at least five hundred
forty seven bucks to pay you to do their
Facebook Ads okay now let's go ahead and
click on the first restaurant right here
big momma's and Papas pizzeria now these
are all they are all restaurants that
are paying for Yelp advertisements now
the reason why Yelp ads aren't as good
as Facebook ads is because Yelp
will serve ads to people who maybe are
lactose in
hallerin don't even like pizza okay they
don't even like this type of restaurant
but Facebook ads you can target a
specific person that enjoys pizza okay
and that's not lactose intolerant it
actually enjoys these types of
restaurants okay so it's much more
targeted and basically you know this
advertiser or this restaurant right here
is paying for untargeted advertisement
and they're not getting as many leads
and customers into their restaurant okay
so if you can contact this business
right they have their all their contact
information right here you can call them
up you can send them an email right go
to their website and find their email
and you can ask hey what if I can get
you twice as many leads this month for a
fraction of the cost okay and then you
can work out a deal with them charge
them five hundred forty seven bucks to
run their Facebook ads and maybe they
have a couple hundred bucks in ad spend
so they're spending less than a thousand
for your services we're on Yelp there
for sure paying at least a thousand or
more per month just for advertising okay
so what you're gonna do is you're gonna
go back and you're going to contact ten
businesses and out of ten businesses at
least one should be interested in what
you have to offer okay so if you look at
this there's plenty of businesses right
here if you want to do a different type
of business maybe you don't want to work
with restaurants you could just change
this out okay and you could put like
dentist okay and that's gonna show up
you know all these dentists that are
paying for Yelp advertising so they're
paying for something that is not getting
them the results that they need to get
all right now if you don't know how to
run Facebook ads if you're totally
clueless on this okay I'm gonna show you
a playlist I'm gonna link it right up
above I'm gonna link it right now up
there okay and basically this is a
playlist I have on my youtube channel
that will show you exactly how you can
run Facebook ads for businesses okay
there's ten modules right here there's
ten videos and
basically this is gonna show you
step-by-step how to you know simply run
Facebook ads it's it's not gonna show
you like these super in-depth but it's
gonna help you get a better
understanding on how to use it for local
businesses okay and once you do that
once you go through this like this first
video right here is pretty much
everything you need to know okay and
once you feel comfortable doing that if
you don't feel comfortable let me let
you in on a little secret okay when I
first started my business generating
multiple six figures per year I went
from you know ten thousand and credit
card debt to you know making my first
seven figures and the only way I was
able to do that was having a coach and a
mentor help me through that okay and
sticking with a plan now if you want
access because I know you're serious
because you watch until the end of this
video okay if you want access to a
challenge okay 15 day challenge that I
have right here okay there's a 15 day
challenge that's going to teach you
exactly how to build a profitable
marketing business okay and how to do
Facebook Ads and all that kind of stuff
and you're going to have access to my
coach okay now this coach right here as
you can see you can schedule call with
your coach any day of the week that you
want and you're gonna have basically a
business plan you're gonna create a
business plan and actually execute in
the next 15 days to start earning
massive amounts of money online okay so
if you want this go ahead and click the
first link down below this video that
first link will take you to this
business challenge and for the cost of a
cup of coffee literally you're gonna
have access to a coach and the right
training to become successful at this so
if you enjoyed this video give it a
thumbs up subscribe and go ahead hit
that first link down below this video or
watch the Facebook ads training right up
above and I'll see you in the next one
take care

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