
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

MCA BEST SALES MARKETING TRAINING 2018 #Best Education Page #Online Earning


Wow what's going on guys it's Alex Haney
thank you for watching this MCA Motor
Club of America training with Alex Haney
this is MCA best sales marketing
training 2018 with Alex easy in this
video I will be telling you guys some
sales are marketing trying to get more
sales inside MCA Motor Club of America
in 2018 my name is a Latini so thank you
guys for watching this video right
please like this video and subscribe to
my youtube trailer you guys get value
out of this MCA Motor Club America
training video today's video is going to
be about how to sell MCA Motor Club
America and other market and advertise
and see it right MCA Motor Club America
training right are you are you solving
the problem right are you solving
someone's problem inside MCA Motor Club
America now you might be promoting the
benefits or you might be promoting the
income opportunity but you are a problem
solver but you have to think about it
like this right
you are either marketing the benefits or
you are marketing the home-based
business opportunity but you have to
realize that you are a problem solver
and once you realize this and market in
this certain way you would generate more
sales because you are solving people's
problems right so what do I mean by MCA
training the opportunity right so if
you're promoting the business
opportunity or the opportunity it shows
people how to make money online with
this opportunity what does the
opportunity saw right what does the
opportunity solve for people right you
have to get in to get inside the mindset
of the person right MCA so they're
promoting the opportunity MCA
provides the opportunity to earn rate
and actual weekly income right so the
opportunity solves people that are
looking for annoying extra weekly income
the second thing the opportunity saw the
opportunity solves people arm to earn
extra money for bills right a lot of
times people you know when they pay the
bills at the end of the month they have
no money left so the opportunity sauce
solves the problem for people that pay
their bills on time the opportunity
officers also solves people you know
living paycheck to paycheck because you
have to understand 67% of people live
paycheck to paycheck and most people are
one paycheck away from you know having
no money right I know people that make
$100,000 a year at a corporate job but
no one
a check away from basically doomed
because they live a lifestyle of
$100,000 at lifestyle and they have a
job and their one paycheck away from
basically having no money right so MCA
is an opportunity that solves people's
problems right the opportunity of MCA
because it pays every single week can
help them break pay their bills on time
could help them stop living paycheck to
paycheck can help them earn their
actually weekly income right so you need
to show and tell people that MCA is the
opportunity that can solve the problems
because MCA is one is a great
opportunity to make money with because
they pay every Friday and it's a
low-cost outlet and it's low cost
startup cost right you know there are
business opportunities that you know I'm
a part in that a $500 there are thousand
dollar buying or a thousand dollars that
you have to get to reseller license
right and a lot of people don't have
that money to invest right so MCA is a
simple low cost opportunity that can
help you earn the actually weekly income
can I help you pay your bills on time
and I'll be styled living paycheck to
it can help you you know have more money
if that person has a family and kids so
you have to understand that you are
solving people's problems and you have
to market and advertise in that way
right so what do I mean by that right
you have to paint the picture for them
right right so I always say something
like you know if we tie the pain you're
both great it batali paying your bills
at the end of month and having no money
left then this is the perfect
opportunity for you to stop worrying
about how to pay your bills all the time
and start to pay your bills on time
early and have extra income right you
have to paint the picture for that
person right you going on your Facebook
and say who wants to make five hundred
thousand dollars a week you're not
painting that picture right you have to
paint that picture for that prospect so
I might say something like now I did
that in the past and I've gotten sales
but recently I learned that I have to
paint a picture so my post now are are
you tired of living paycheck to paycheck
or I retire to paying your bills every
single month and having no money left
over but let me show you how to increase
your monthly revenue or weekly rate so
paint a picture for the prospect show
them how MCA can help them
extra weekly income show them how the
opportunity can help them pay their
bills on time
show them how MCA can help them stop
living paycheck to paycheck right so
paint that picture for the prospect
inside of your marquee or a copy right
so if you're doing the benefits right
now how can the benefits to solve a
problem right the benefits rate can
never rate the person can you ever worry
about being stuck on the side of the
road and knowing what to do right a lot
of people you know they don't have
roadside assistance and when the car
breaks down the road they're sitting
there trying to call a tow truck they're
paying one hundred two hundred dollars
out of their pocket just to get a tow
truck so the benefits can have that
person not worried about okay if I my
car breaks down I'm not worried about
either car right also the benefits can
help them save money on medical right
because MCs benefits program right 65
percent dental vision prescription
discounts so when these people get these
benefits or when you're marketing out
time from the benefits there would be on
social media Facebook YouTube Craigslist
oh them how the benefits rate can help
them save money right for their families
right help them save money on medical
bills with also how the benefits can
help them have a peace of mind when
anything happens to them right because
MCA / R AMC has medical benefits and we
get hospital bills emergency room
benefits so you want to paint a picture
for that person about how MCA and these
benefits can help them you give them a
peace of mind while on the road in the
peace of mind just in case they gave to
accident in the game to the hospital now
they have a medical benefits program
that can help them give them five for
the dollars a day emergency room fees to
help you all the medical and hospital
benefits right paint the picture
breaking what paint a picture of every
16 minutes a car actually occurs and
someone results in the death now you
guys know the MCA has a fifty thousand
dollar insurance policy right so if your
marketing and advertising and you're
telling people hey and you when they're
due to their pain points right whether
people's pain points right when you
market and advertise to people pain
points the most likely um
psychologically worth of
from you because they see it they see
that picture inside of mine so right so
you could say something like right every
16 minutes a car actually happens right
did you know every 16 minutes a car
actually happens right
did you know our company offers
unlimited roadside assistance and go in
detail inside your ad copy inside your
message or talk with the people however
you promote the benefits and just tell
them how these benefits can have them
have a peace of mind on the roads have a
peace of mind with benefits how peace of
mind with medically discounts or paint a
picture about how the benefits can solve
their problem and how the benefits can
give them a peace of mind on the road
and just in case anything happens right
how to tie all this together now if
you're promoting the opportunity or you
do promoting the benefits right make
your post or make your ad copy based on
what people want to eat and get their
pain point right if they're painful is
very important right this is like
marketing psychology right people
usually buy off emotionally right people
buy off of emotion so if you can fill
their painful ways and give them that
emotional great
you will most likely generate that sale
whether it be for the opportunity or for
the benefits right so market right so
we're doing like posts on Facebook
Instagram Twitter priceless
whatever you promoting the business will
opportunity focus on people's pain
points from focus on what people want
right market to what people want and
need and how MCA can fill that one need
remember what I told you before an
how can MCA the opportunity help someone
right it could help them earn the extra
weekly income it can help them pay their
bills on time it can help them stop
living paycheck to paycheck you can help
them stop worrying about you know where
the next income coming in because MCA
pains every Friday so just like a normal
job pays every Friday MCA pays every
Friday when you paint that picture for
these people no more likely sign up with
you and you earn the 80 doc commission
right so this is going this is how you
going to tie it all together right make
your ad copy you'll make your post
around people around what people want
kids are pain points and just you know
talk with the people and show them how
MCA can help them with either the
benefits or help them with the
opportunity right so this is MC mo
American training with Alex 2080 I hope
you guys got value from this video make
sure you get that subscribe button below
or comment below if you guys have any
more information or if you guys want me
to make some more mca motor club and
make the training videos thank you guys
for watching this video if you guys have
any questions make sure you connect with
me on Facebook and connect with me on
Facebook and also make sure you click
the link in the description if you will
enjoy my mca motor club and make a team
or if you're looking for it more mca
motor club america training on how to
make more sales inside mca motor club of
america it's a link in the description
for watch some of my other youtube
videos where i show you how to make more
money inside mca motor club america
whether it be promoting the opportunity
or promoting their benefits i'll catch
you guys on the next video i'm out let's
get this money please