
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

MCA how to get started with MCA with Alex Haney! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

MCA how to get started with MCA with Alex Haney!

hey guys what's up it's Alex hi guys do
it today this great dagger I'm just
coming at you with another alien video
with Alex and this video always talk
about money now before we start talking
about money
I'll give you how we get you guys will
see you or what I'm looking at right
as you can see this two local rx Aqaba
dr. game right actually from my
apartment I usually come here you know
just to read a book or get my mind right
and just watch the soccer game but today
what well we'll talk about it is money
any reason why I would talk about money
is it feels like me or you know if you
want to online business you know you
know hey I've run like three online
businesses I don't have a job I don't
have a boss you know I work from home
for time I make money online
full-time so you know I get a lot of
questions whether it be on my facebook
my YouTube or email me and people who
would say Oh Alex you know I want to
join you in MCA Motor Club of America or
my two other business opportunity and
the first thing that they always says Oh
Alex you know one get started but I
don't have the money and then you know
and then I start talking with them and
I'm like oh you know you have a job
you've a full-time jobs you have a job
already and ninety percent of people say
yes you know they have a stream of
income coming into the household already
whether it be a job a part-time job
full-time or or they get money from the
government and the reason why I wanna
make this video is because you have the
money right if you have a job you have
the money to get started right because
you're going to spend the money
regardless you know yogurt spending mind
guards right MCA is Coryell's but I
please show you pie spent 40 hours a
week on stupid dumb every single
day every single day break and you're
spending your money on on something that
is not going to make you more money
right you go out there and you might go
out to dinner go to movies go to the bar
go to club go buy a new pair of shoes go
buy a new outfit right you're spending
our money on stuff that makes you no
money right you're spending money on
stuff that as soon as you get done
eating your food I mean I mean I guess
who's that not a bad analogy because you
have to eat but you know if you're
buying clothes or you're buying going to
the bar a restaurant you know just
spending money that you're not going to
get back so you know the reason is you
know you're going to spend the money
regardless so why not spend the money on
an opportunity that can potentially make
you honey to even thousands of dollars a
week right MCA is for yells to get
started and you pay you $1 for each
referral so on your first and CRO you
are doubling your money you're spending
$40 and the company's paging 80 hours
for each and Pro you know so you're
doubling your money and these people
that join me on my team that have never
made money online before never done any
kind of marketing sales advertising
online or offline and are going through
my training course are setting up their
funnel a setting up their Facebook Ads
you're setting up your profile or doing
arts and priceless ads or doing videos
and I'm making your 5 plus sales a week
right 5 sales a week and MC is four on
the dollar right so just kindly you know
for y'all to get started and even if you
do it free marketing and you give five
sales of meat that's $400 into your
account and your bank he'll every Friday
so that's four hundred times for four
weeks in a year that's for eight X and X
is 16 hundred dollars into your bank
account or into the household a month
right now $1,600 for me can barely even
pay my rent in New York City right so
just imagine it you know what the $1,600
do for you and your household so the
reason why I wanted I guess have one
shoot this video is you know stop
stop giving me or Ava Elsa excuse of oh
I don't have the money because you do
have the money just you're going to
spend the $40 on gas on going out to
dinner instead of going out to dinner or
you know lunch or buying lunch at your
job for the whole week don't bring your
own lunch don't go out don't go buy a
new pair of shoes don't go buy an outfit
take the folios invest into the
opportunity that can potentially make
you hundreds to give you thousands of
dollars a week now I'm not going to sit
here you know flash a whole bunch of
cash and find you you know or tell you I
five thousand dollars a week with and it
which I'm not I will I will be making
five thousand dollars or more we can MC
eight but right now I averaged anywhere
from 1,200 to run $1,900 a week with MCA
and that's doing a part-time and I've
high work maybe about one to three hours
of my mca business alone and MCA Motor
Club America is actually my second
stream of income that pays me you know I
would no stream the income I also do cpa
marketing and that's really you know
that pays meeting of the most amount of
money right now but like I said you know
I invested I've been with MCA two years
now I invested forty hours two years ago
and you know I really don't know about a
number of it like I said I was over
about fifteen hundred bucks a week so
from a for yell investment and now run a
$1,500 a week with just that small
investment now I also run a paid traffic
so I just I spend money on pay on
Facebook ads and I do offline market but
in general don't let $40 stop you from
potentially run your hundreds even
thousands of dollars a week with MCA so
whatever you do right now after you get
done watching this video is click the
link below get started go through my
funnel is the same funnel that I are set
up is through the same system the same
funnel great help you set up get started
a page the 3995 be a totally security
package that message me or text me after
you get started and I hope you set up
your funnel your system get started with
the training you can start with the
trade today after you click the link
below and get started with your start
today obviously you guys are in team I'm
out oh and PS don't let money stop you
from join the opportunity if you have
the money they spend the money anyways
why not spend the money for something
that's very potentially make you
hundreds to thousands of dollars a week
with MCA most of America make sure you
hit that subscribe button right here to
put our daily videos to help you make
money online and more as they used to
get it online money amount bye

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