
Monday, March 16, 2020

MCA NEW METHODS FOR SUCCESS #Best Education Page #Online Earning


what's going on guys is a light a mean
thank you for watching this video and
this MCA Motor Club America training
video only talking about how you can get
one two three sales birthday inside MCA
Motor Club of America right now if you
guys know if you're an MCA Motor Club
America or looking to join MCA Motor
Club America and they drop their
commissions down from JV to $35 per sale
right but you can still go out there and
make one into two to three sales per day
by following this simple strategy right
this simple easy strategy can help you
make more sales inside MCA Motor Club
America right and the simple strategy is
talk to ten new people every single day
right talk to ten new people every
single day
present your MCM roker america business
to ten new people every single day and
you will generate one two three sales
per get right the reason why is is like
this right if you are right if you might
be on facebook you might be on instagram
you won't you might be passing out
flyers and you're not making any sales
let me ask you this how many people are
you talking to every single day how many
people are you sending over your website
how many people are saying yes to allow
you to show them your business
opportunity mca right all you have to do
is talk to 10 people per day right and
you close probably about one sales right
and it's easy right if we talk to ten
people a day seven days a week that's
seventy people a week right with you
talking to 70 people week you should be
able to close around I would say five to
around seven sales right so if you're
talking to ten people a day times seven
days a week you should be able to close
around five to seven sales right because
as long as you are talking and these
people want more information about the
business right it's easy it's think it's
easier right because if you're talking
to ten people a day these ten people all
want more information about the work
from home opportunity you can close
anywhere from one to three of their
sales right so go out there and try to
talk to ten people a day right I'll
present your opportunity to these ten
people whether it be you passing out
flyers you doing our Facebook fan pages
be doing your Facebook page right or you
eat you might be on Instagram
but just talking to 10 people they send
over your website to total 10 people and
follow up with them that's all you have
to do it's just looking like this right
today Sunday right so Sunday if you talk
to 10 people right
you might close one sale but then on
Monday you talk to 10 more people now
the people on Sunday then you talk to
you follow up those people on Monday now
the 10 people we talk to on Sunday
you're talking to 10 more people on
Wednesday I mean on Monday so the people
you talk to on Sunday you follow up with
them on Monday and vice versa so at the
end of one week we're talking to you 70
new people at the end of one month
you're talking to 3000 people
no 300 people out 300 if you talk to 300
new people about the home-based business
opportunity you should be able to close
anywhere from I always say 15 to 20
sales right so if we are making $35 a
sale and you talking to 300 people per
month how there's 300 people you close
say 30 people 30 times $35 is 1200 bucks
it's not a lot of money per month but
that residual income will kick in after
six months right so it's duplication
because that's the biggest thing with
side mca right you guys want to make
more sales but you you cannot duplicate
what your sponsor told you or you you
signed up under someone that just flash
the cash and find you and you there's no
duplication for you and your team so all
you simply have to do is talk to ten you
people a day present your business
outfit to ten new people a day follow up
with those people and you should be able
to close one two three sales per day
simply by talking to 10 new people a day
right you can do this on your Facebook
page if your Facebook ad profile on
Instagram or even passing out flyers
like so just go out there and present
your business opportunity to ten new
people and not I mean talk to them right
not just say hey here's my link go and
make a bunch of money ask them simple
questions hey what do you do for work
why are you interested in a home-based
why do you want to work online once you
find out that person's why and they
really want to know more information
about MCA
and send over your link that's one
person right talk to 10 people that say
yes send me the information if you talk
to 10 people in the correct format and
follow up those people you should be
able to closed one to three people per
day around five to seven people per week
and earn three to four hundred dollars a
week in MCA and that's in six seven
months you if your team duplicates that
same thing you're gonna earn a residual
income around $1,000 a month $2,000 a
month simply by teaching your people how
to talk to 10 people per day right this
is how you know I earned the residual
income and MCA this is how I closed a
lot of my sales but in the last couple
months I saw the benefits of MCA because
I just like to sell the benefits am see
it but I want to make this training
video for you guys - how to close more
emceeing sales simply by talking to ten
people per day send it over your website
there's ten people following up with
those ten people the next day and talked
to ten new people every single day
this is going to have the compound
effect now after a month to two months
you get have so many people to talk to
you have so many people your email list
that the money is just going to roll in
the sales gonna roll there so thank you
guys for watching this video
if you need more MCA Motor Club of
America training click the link below go
check out my facebook course where I
show you how to make more money on
Facebook I generate more leads and sales
using free Facebook methods cash guys
our next video peace