
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

MCA Team Duplication-Motor Club of America Residual Income Training #Best Education Page #Online Earning

MCA Team Duplication-Motor Club of America Residual Income Training

what's up I'm see a motel America family
MCA Motor Club America family right Alex
in today's video I really want to talk
about emcee duplication straight how can
you grow your mca business how can you
make more money and how can you help
your team make more money so you see
more success with MCA see the residual
income earn passive income and help your
team make more money inside MCA Motor
Club America
so I'm sitting laying on this park bench
right now my goals for the day looking
at my goals for the day but today I
wanted to make this MCA training video
about duplication right now how can you
help your team achieve success inside
MCA are you helping you team duplicate
your success right because there are a
lot of people in MCA that flash the cash
flash the lifestyle flash all this stuff
and I understand MCA attraction
marketing right Motor Club of America
attraction marketing I totally
understand that right but what's the
point of flashing your back office or
four five thousand dollars and that's
the only way you get signups right the
new person cannot duplicate that success
right so the only way that you can sign
us is by flashing money right and you're
telling your team they go out there and
flash money get signups well what
happens is John just paid thirty nine
ninety five and doesn't have any money
to flash but John does it have the two
to three thousand dollar back offers to
flash right it's your team do you have
training in place when MCA it has
duplication right
are you updating your training that's
going to help your NC 81 right
we always talk about the $80 tuition
rate we all want a non-commissioned you
guys know that it's a residual income an
empty a mr. passive income with MCA
there's rank with inside the MCA right
and if you can help you keep duplicate
your same process duplicate gear same
results whether it be five sales a week
ten tails a week sorry about that noise
I live in New York City so it gets kind
of loud on time but just thinking like
this right how can you help your team -
I and th you have duplication create
team to succeed right if you have
facebook scripts you have photos good
leave a simple process a boarding
process with people that dorium seeing
me know exactly what steps they need to
take in order to see a success for the
MTA right because we all talk about the
money we made we all talk about the
clash and the lifestyle the flashing
cash but you have duplication
he needs you have steps in place that
other team members can see success right
you guys do we keep training college if
your team's your weekly training college
do you have a good team do you have good
support six letters and your sponsors
are helping you and the gear sponsor
just sign you up and tell you hey go
flash over the cash you get sign up
right if you guys want to learn how to
have duplication value business have a
good team environment where we all
support each other and help each other
win right I have a training course I put
together and lower this videos gonna be
my training course don't watch my videos
go on this game what's inside my fourth
right what's inside my team and our
course rate if we teach duplication we
want to see everybody wait we're not
just here to make the $80
we're here sir of course to make the $80
but to make the residual income make the
passive income put in that work plan
that's one to two years so two years
later now you're making $10,000 a month
twenty thousand dollars a month residual
income again snake to think about these
four cases think about residual income
and put in the work every single day
help your team succeed
with inside CMO cover maker thank you
guys for watching mp3 with Ally
you came outside I do live in NYC we get
back to my goals right now my goals for
the day for the month I'll catch you
guys on next video
push the link in description go watch my
MC training video that can help you
duplicate and team success get more
sales and healthy team got you guys our
next video peace mentality
subscribe subscribe peace
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