
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

MCA Training-How To use Email Marketing for more sales #Best Education Page #Online Earning

MCA Training-How To use Email Marketing for more sales

that's what's up Alex Guinea thank you
for watching this daily training video
with Alex and please video like I
promised before what we're talking about
is email marketing and how you can use
email marketing to make a passive income
of $1,000 or more per month now the
reason why I always talk about email
marketing in this video is because email
marketing is very important now if
you're not you realize the email
marketing and collecting emails inside
your business you know you're never
going to see that customer again now let
me give you two examples of businesses
that use email marketing in your
everyday life
now one business that uses email
marketing is Groupon now I don't know if
you guys are familiar whoop on but
Groupon is a service right all they do
is collect email some people then
third-party companies with products and
services they pay group on that because
Groupon is the email based highly of
millions of millions of people all
looking for a discount in a certain
niche right so the companies come to
Groupon and say okay we have this coupon
or we have this Poliquin service we
which we want you to send this email to
your list right and then Groupon earns
that certain affiliate Commission for
when you know people you know getting
into coupon or get the products and
services so all Groupon does is collect
emails and send products through their
emails to people and Groupon impalas
email list of hundreds of millions of
people with a push of one button
they send their email blasts to these
people and they're going to make
hundreds of thousands of dollars with
this one email blast now another one
another which people use email marketing
is if you're going to have a lot of
stores or a lot of malls right we're
going to offer you something of value in
order to get your email so they might
say hey sign up for our email list and
we'll give you a 20% off your of your
checkout right now and the reason that
they do that is because they want to
follow you wherever they go and they
want to sell their products and services
to you again through the email so
they're willing to give you a front end
offer of something of value then boys to
get your email so then they can email
more information about your product and
services and you can do the same thing
is you can do the same thing with your
online business you don't matter if
you're doing you know Shopify store
affiliate marketing cpa marketing or
direct sales right you have to be
collecting emails because if you send
people directly to your sales page right
the person might want to join your
opportunity or buy your product but you
are never going to see that person again
that person might be looking at your
sales page or welcome out your product
you might be at work might be driving
their car might be on break you know
there's a thousands of reasons why that
person won't buy your product or
services but if you collecting their
email first you can then we market your
products and services through then due
to you know through email marketing this
is important okay
I thought about that what service so
this is the importance of collecting
emails and then saying then your
offering through the emails now there's
a certain ways that you have to build
your capture page and there's a certain
way that you should be sending your
emails you know you want to give value
based emails and show them you know say
if you're in you know affiliate
marketing company or you're in a direct
sale company make sure you you want to
give them value behind the email so tell
them a little bit about yourself a
little bit more about the companies over
more about the products and service and
then you know then give them value and
then also add your link that goes back
to whatever your affiliate products your
your sales page whatever were if they
buy they join your company you make
money so I'm not going to pitch you on
anything I'm not going to drop my link
below this video I just want to give you
guys a daily tip on why you need to be
collecting emails and start to collect
emails today style your business if you
guys need any help you know building a
capture page to shoot me a inbox on my
Facebook or if you're watching this on
my youtube channel all my information is
below this video thank you guys for
watching email marketing with Alex
have a great day see you on the video
tomorrow tomorrow's Tuesday
make sure you follow me on Facebook is
daily videos that help you start to make
more money online and give you
motivation and get this online money
cannot stop
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