
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Q/A How To Make $1,000 A Week Online With Affiliate Marketing 2018 #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Q/A How To Make $1,000 A Week Online With Affiliate Marketing 2018

what's hello YouTube live what's going
on YouTube faintly
its Alex 88 it's really only be talking
about how I make over $1,000 a week with
affiliate face marketing right how do I
make over $1,000 every week working from
home working online with affiliate base
Marquis now let's just alive question
the answer so you guys have any
questions right this is live or you guys
simply do is drop a comment in a chat
box or of you guys are watching the
replay you know just ask me questions or
inbox me on Facebook and I'll show you
guys how I make all $1,000 a week online
with Elliott bass marketing before I
jumped all online started making money
online with affiliate based marketing
right two years ago I used to work as a
dishwasher right I work 40 hours a week
you know around 400 to 500 dollars per
week working as a dishwasher right but I
understood the way I was living paycheck
to paycheck I didn't have a lot of extra
money you know my life was kind of just
work work work all the time right then I
got introduced to making money online
with the power of affiliate based
marketing right so I I wasn't about a
trainee course not the training course
that teach me how to make money online
with affiliate based marketing now two
years later I was able to quit my job
move to New York City Manhattan and make
over a thousand dollars a week with one
opportunity simply by using affiliate
based marketing and online based
marketing to make money online every
single day every single week every
single month by leveraging the power of
affiliate based marketing
you guys are live on my youtube channel
so you guys are my first time coming on
my youtube channel watching me how how I
make money online you guys have been
watching my videos my how-to videos on
how to make money with with the
affiliate based market or affiliate
based marketing is very simple concept
we market and advertise other companies
products and services when we generate
them a sale we in turn get paid a
commission now I always say and I
learned from my mentors committees over
wages great why'
commissions over way wages right it's
because if I'm
for profit over wages if I'm earning a
profit I'd rather turn a profit than
work a job and the reason why behind
these gates because if I work a job and
my job is only pay me twenty dollars an
hour and I worked 40 hours a week the
motion way I could ever make it that job
is 80 hundred dollars right if I want to
make more money I have to spend more in
top and I don't want to spend more time
right because I can always make more
money I can never make more time
introduced to affiliate based marketing
and spend the last year and a half
learning how to make money online with
affiliate leads marketing because I can
leverage my time right
I can leverage the power of Facebook I
can leverage the power of the internet
that does not close down to make money
every single week with affiliate based
marketing right the concept is very very
simple the reason why I love our Philly
greens marthy is because I don't have to
create the product I don't have to do
sales support I don't have to do
customer support
I don't even have them make your website
all I simply have to do is grab my
affiliate link whether I'm promoting
their product of Amazon whatever if I'm
promoting the product on Best Buy I
simply grab my affiliate link put my
affiliate link in front of people and
how I make money and I never never have
to create the product I never have to do
customer support I never have to mail
anything I never have the shipping I
just have to do the marketing and
advertising behind the company and this
is how I make money every single day
with affiliate base marthy and you guys
land on this because you want to learn
how to make money online with affiliate
based market and I believe it's probably
one of the simplest and easiest concept
that create right because how often in
2018 do we shop online right how often
do you shop on Amazon how often do you
shop at Best Buy how often do you take
lip take uber right how often do you go
to a restaurant you tell your family and
friends about this restaurant but they
never pay you right but then with a
billion base Martley we simply marketing
advertising our company's products and
services for them and we generate them a
commission for our we generate
commissions for helping that customer
that come we bring
a new sale and this is why I love it
right because when you learn how to
leverage the power of Facebook we learn
how leverage the power of YouTube what
you're watching this YouTube media right
now you can understand that my business
never closes down but I never stop
making money because my business never
sleeps right as long as I have Facebook
as long as I have YouTube as long as our
Instagram and my business never sleeps
right because I could post simple ads
online right I can post simple ads on
these websites when people read the
advertisement they click on my affiliate
link when they buy all my affiliate link
I generate a commission well some of the
companies that I work with pay $35
Commission's $125 commissions $500
Commission's a thousand dollar
commissions now imagine this right
imagine you post one hat on Google a one
ad on Google search engines someone
reads your advertisement they click on
your ad they go to the sales page any
without you having to talk to anybody
right and you just made a five hundred
fifty dollar commissions from posting a
single ad on Google or Bing on Facebook
putting that ads in from the right
target market target market the person
clicks on your ad when they buy the
product and service from your affiliate
link you you you're paying a commission
right it's just that simple and this is
what I do every single day to make $100
a day $200 a day because the concept is
very simple right I don't have to create
the product I don't have to make the
sales page all I have to do is do the
marketing and out behind the company
using Google using Facebook using social
media to do the marketing and
advertising behind the companies and we
get paying a commission this is how I
was able to go from being a broke
dishwasher two years ago now I'm making
over a thousand dollars a week have a
passive income have a residual income
every time someone pays their monthly
bill I make money right imagine selling
painting a monthly bill of $20 per month
every time that person pays a monthly
bill at $20 a month I make $5 now
imagine you have a hundred people all
paying a
a month bill and you earned $5.00
imagine you making imagine you put in
the work one time and you earn a
residual income for the lifetime value
of that customer right how often do you
pay yourself own bill when you pay your
cell phone bill other companies make
money well when people pay their monthly
bill I make money right when someone
pays of $20 monthly bill I make $5 this
is the power of affiliate based mark and
learning how to make money online with
affiliate based marking and learn how to
turn profits into profit over wages and
the reason why I say profits over wages
and commissions over wages is because I
had a job I can only make so much money
on a job I have to deal with a boss as a
job I have to deal with a suit and tie
this is my business apparel right this
is what I wear a hat and a black Jordan
t-shirt and black joy and shoes this is
what I do every single day I literally
wake up turn myself on the lawn turn my
laptop on post simple ads online talk to
people online I make $100 a day $200 a
day $1,000 a week or more with affiliate
based market so if you guys want to
learn how to make money online with
affiliate greasemonkey I want you to go
check out a course now my mentor put
together that I recommend for anybody
even if you're a beginner online the
ones who really learn how to make money
online click the link below and go to my
website weekly income with Alex calm as
weekly income with Alex calm go check
out my free video course that's going to
show you step-by-step on how you can
start to make money with affiliate
marketing make money online every single
week with a really face marketing so all
you have to do is click the link below
go check out my food website out weekly
income with Alex calm go watch my free
training course and let me help you guys
start to make money online every single
week with a Felipe's marketing if you
guys have any questions Facebook me
email me or shoot a comment in the inbox
ICAST guys on next video
Jayden cool stuff yeah yeah cool stuff
Jay I can say affiliate marketing high
library because it's simple right we
don't have to create the product we
don't have
create the sales page you don't have to
ship the product you don't have to do
customer support we just do the
marketing and advertising behind the
company when we generate them a sale we
and we can get paid a commission great
but I work with one company that gives
me a ninety five dollar commission so
imagine you make three sales a day every
single day right imagine you make $100 a
day $200 a day $300 a day like I do
every single day
simply by posting small ads on the
internet when these ads generate sales I
make money it's just that simple right I
work with Amazon Amazon has an affiliate
program you can go to Amazon become an
affiliate for free both find products in
which you like go do some remove videos
or go market and outside these products
put them in front of the right people
when people buy the product on Amazon
you make money you can do the same thing
with target you can do same thing at
Best Buy you can do same thing with uber
this is how I generate income every
single day online whether it be a
hundred dollars a day two hundred
dollars a day three hundred dollars a
day with affiliate based monkey so all
you guys do is click the button below go
check out my free training course where
I show you guys by step with how you can
start to make money with a million face
marthy I'll catch you guys on the next
video if you have any questions Facebook
me gmail me or leave a comment in the
YouTube making description catch you
guys on the next video peace let's get
this affiliate money out out bump-bump
on I so how do I excellence

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