
Sunday, March 29, 2020

Shopify: How To Make MORE MONEY With Dropshipping This Q4! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Shopify: How To Make MORE MONEY With Dropshipping This Q4!

what's going on guys in today's video
I'm gonna give you some tips on how to
make the most of q4 if you don't know
what q4 is guys it's the last quarter of
the year and it's the most profitable
for e-commerce big brands small brands
Shopify stores to do our drop shipping
stores online is booming 4q forks is
Black Friday Christmas coming up all of
these holidays where you can make a lot
of money so in this video guys I'm going
to go through some products that you
know I kind of trend at this time of
year I'm gonna go through some tips and
I'm actually gonna go through my go-to
method that I use in q4 I actually use
this throughout the entire year but it's
very profitable at q4 to make a lot of
money and I'm also going to show you a
new place to find product ideas now if
you want to know how profitable q4 is
you can literally make so much money I'm
talking two hundred thousand three
hundred four hundred five hundred
half-a-million dollars a friend of mine
made half a million dollars last year
just in q4 that wasn't profit however
half million are still a great
achievement for the end of the year so
there's a lot of money to be made at
this time of you guys you've got to be
prepared ready and if you play your
cards right you can make more money from
now or I'm actually a little bit late on
this topic we're pretty much from now to
the end of the year and then to you know
the beginning of next year you can make
a lot of money if you play your cards
right so first of all guys just want to
give you some tips okay you can sell
higher ticket items at this time of year
just because people are in more of a
buying mood and you can just make more
money you can go out there and promote
or advertise or whatever higher ticket
items because people are willing to
purchase those items and you can
generally test more aggressively you
don't have to be so conservative
you can test more aggressively because
once again there's buyers in the market
that really want to purchase products
online and guys we're getting lazier
online is becoming massive just recently
Sears in America they're closing like
130 retail stores online is booming now
the good thing about q4 is you can scale
really really fast but you need to get
ready because it's kind of like instant
if you find a winning product in q4 it's
just like crazy you can just scale scale
scout you throw as much money at it as
you want and it will just keep selling
and selling if you can find a crazy when
it in q4 but you've got to be ready
you're gonna have your money ready to
scale that product to really take
advantage of scaling and q4 and of
course you can make really really good
money at this time of year so I would
take advantage of it if you want to jump
into e-commerce now if you already have
a store guys make sure you're using
upsells this is really important in q4
make sure you're using abandoned cart
emails they account for over 20 percent
of purchases from my ecommerce store
offer discounts and sales you'll make
good money from retargeting retargeting
you can make a lot of money from it this
time of year because people are jumping
all over the place
they're good let's tour let's store the
store and they're busy and stuff like
that and they'll leave the cart you want
to be retargeting consistently one thing
that I do recommend you do is do Google
retargeting ads I'm not saying go and do
Google cold ads but just go and get the
Google remarketing pixel put it on your
store and then do Google retargeting ads
for extra income and also if you can try
and find products that ship from the USA
so a lot of Aliexpress suppliers now
will actually have centers in America
where they will ship the products out so
it can be quicker shipping if you're
advertising to people in America or
close by and you get faster shipping
which is always going to be a bonus for
your drop shipping business
and next guys which is really important
is look at the data if you see an ad sit
that's getting good click-through rates
and everything it looks good in the data
like guys numbers don't lie if the
numbers add up scale scale scale so make
sure you look at the data and another
good way to make a lot of money in q4 is
to reactivate old winners what I mean by
that guys is if you had a Adsit or a
product or whatever that did really well
in the past but it died off try and
reactivate it because usually at q4 you
can do really really well with those
again especially if they've been long
term products in the past I'm talking
about real winners guys not ones that
win fourth couple weeks and died off
products that went for a few months at
least and then died off
you can usually reactivate those around
q4 now
something that
has really prepared for and it really
gets them by surprise
your CPMs are going to be very very high
at this time of year because everybody
is trying to capitalize on q4 what that
means is your cost per impressions so we
pay for impressions with facebook ads
your cost is going to be very very high
so to combat this guys what I highly
recommend you do is just test
aggressively because you're it's kind of
like it evens itself out you get high
CPMs but you should be able to find
winners a lot quicker then then then you
usually do because there's a lot more
people shopping so to combat high CPMs
cut the ones that are really high and
just go with the ones that get OKC PMS
or low CPMs because there's a usually
good sign that you're going to get some
traction with those okay so at the end
of the day don't get emotionally
attached to products that are giving you
high CPMs are you are generally going to
get high CPMs on all of your air
campaigns but some of them will be crazy
high you probably don't want to continue
on with those of they're not doing very
well for you within the first three or
four days of your head set going four or
five maybe next up but you've got to
remember guys you need to be quick and
efficient in q4 because there's a lot of
activity going on okay now use your
assets I'm still so surprised at how
many people don't use the assets use
your look-alike audiences and Pete and
use your custom audiences that you have
sitting around when someone goes to your
store or your page whether it be now
yesterday today or tomorrow whenever
someone goes to your store Facebook is
building and same with Google is
building these custom audiences for you
use them you have them there and you'll
probably be surprised that you haven't
checked them in a few months you've
talked about thousands of people you can
go and advertise to people have already
purchased products from you people that
have added to cart on your store people
that have just visited your store and
left they are potential customers and
people that can purchase from you so
utilize your assets these are your
biggest things and you'll see like
you'll see like gurus or new stores that
are they do okay they do okay and then
all of a sudden you'll see their ads
everywhere it's because they're
utilizing their assets make sure you do
that so now guys I want to jump into a
few products that I have done well for
and Nations they have done well for me
in the past I'm not saying they're going
to work for everybody
however I'll just go over them and
explain to you kind of why they worked
for me and stuff and they're trending
always around this time of year all
right so guys this is a product that we
did very well with last year and it
trends up and down around about this
time of year first of all because winter
is coming up and America on that side of
the world
second of all pets is a very very
passionate niche and third this product
solves a problem so I'm not saying this
is gonna work for you I can't legally
say that this products into work for you
over I did well with this last year and
this product always trends at this time
of year so dog jackets as a as the
product that you should go and try and
you can actually sell this product for a
high price because people are willing to
pay good money for something like this
because it's an a passionate niche
that's product that solves a problem
which is if you guys are in my training
course I have a method called the
triangle of profits where it's doesn't
solve a problem is it in the passionate
niche and is it actually a good hot
product which this is or is it trending
these are the three things that line up
so I would recommend going to finding
products guys and using Google Trends to
see if it's trending up at this time of
year if it's trended up every time last
five years at this time of the year then
it's pretty pretty good chance that it's
going to start trending up again now
this one here guys is a no-brainer every
single year that is a big upward trend
on went out on snow gear that's pretty
obvious because it's winter
once again this this is a high ticket
niche to jump into snowboards snow gear
and it's passionate it's a hobby so
people are really passionate about this
and they're willing to spend whatever it
takes to get the gear they need so
generally snow gear this could be
anything skis snowboarding the whole
broader snow niche you're going to make
a lot of money snow blowers do very very
well this time of year as well so that's
another nation now obviously this is
very cliche but this is one of the most
popular niches at this time of year for
obvious reasons Christmas stuff
quirky Christmas stuff you know like
these custom pillows hoodie
and wine bottle things click I don't
know what you call these things wine
bottle socks that create anything feel
of Christmas is always trending goes
however this late into q4 you probably
want to make sure that you use USA
suppliers so the products get to your
customers faster okay
so I've had very a lot of success in the
snow gear and the dog jacket niche and
generally Christmas stuff I tend to stay
away from Christmas stuff cause it can
be quite competitive
however there's good money to be made
now this one I do not sell this myself
however a friend of mine has told me
about this he makes good money with it
shoe dryers I don't know it's trending
right now so this could be a product
that you could probably jump into maybe
big give it a go and see if you can make
money with this this Q for now guys if
you actually want a place to find cool
gadgets there's a place called the
gadget flow comm and it will actually
give you ideas on gadgets and I found
quite a few gadgets on here however I go
to Le Express and actually find these
gadgets on Aliexpress so once that looks
like it now some of these products do
have a patent on them so you can't
actually sell products that like them
and stuff like that but just go through
have a look and there's like just cool
crazy things that you know like a
silicon Apple pen holder silicon pen
holder just cool things like that um you
can find products on here that no one's
really selling on Facebook or Google
because not a lot of people actually
know about this particular site okay so
if you want to go and get some good
product ideas go to the gadget flow comm
and there is just so many and as you
guys probably probably no gadgets do
very very well online especially if
they're kind of unique so that's just a
product a website you can go to to get
more product ideas now guys when it
comes to researching in queue for a lot
of people saying they're like witty
start is it what's so different and all
that sort of good stuff well nothing's
really that much different the only
thing is is that you can make a lot more
money because there's a lot more people
buying you know you've got Black Friday
and Christmas coming up in and I think
there's a few others but what you want
to do guys is research online and see if
you can find other
said did well last year now a few ways
to do that is to just go and you know
research other dropshipping stores see
if they have any products that you know
could maybe you wring a ballot they may
be sold last q4 or go on to Google and
search best queue for products to sell
there's people that write blog articles
about them and stuff like that but you
want to try and find information on
products that did well last q4 and you
can do that online that's one way one
one way I use in people that I know use
to find products they did well last q4
but you want to also find products that
are obviously used at Christmas or
winter so use Google Trends to go and do
that and find these products another one
is scroll through Aliexpress bestsellers
so I got a Aliexpress like nearly every
single day and I'll go through the
bestsellers and I'll just see what's
selling that's literally one of the best
ways to find products that could
possibly make you money because if
they're the best selling only Express it
means that they're selling
so people are obviously buying them in
other dropshippers are obviously selling
those particular products now one thing
I do recommend you do guys as well is
give yourself a good product research
tool now I'm not going to go into this
much in this video but this is one that
I call I use called intelligence
I might go tutorial tutorial on it one
day but this will bring in the hot the
hottest products that are selling on
Aliexpress every 24 hours you can also
research Shopify products all sorts of
cool stuff you can do Shopify stores
Amazon eBay and get ideas and just go
through and build out a list of products
to test right this is something there
that wasn't appropriate find products to
test and so I guys I found something
that wasn't appropriate if you go back
you'll see it but yeah you can find
products to test guys so get yourself a
good product research tool now the good
thing about intelligence is it's a
one-off fee most product research tools
will charge you a monthly fee this
product is one-off and it can usually be
covered in like one or two month
payments because some people are
charging 190 bucks a month 140 dollars a
month to use their product research tool
so I'll leave a link below to this one
if you want to check it out however this
isn't a full
tutorial they have a full user guide on
actually using this particular product
research tool okay guys now we're gonna
get into my method and the second but
one more thing is how do you price your
q4 products this is really important
guys you can actually a lot of people
miss out on a lot of money extra money
because they don't put the price up on
their products you can charge more in q4
because people are in a buying frenzy
you can usually put the price up on your
items this time of year but what's
really important guys is to put the
price up but offer discounts ok this is
a psychological way to get money because
you I mean you can price your products
however you like you're the one that
puts the value of them so if you're
selling a product right now for $70 put
it up to a hundred and give people a $20
discount so you make an extra 10 bucks
plus the customer feels like they're
getting a great deal which they are
because you can value value your
products that whatever you'd like so
price your items higher and give people
a discount at the same time trust me you
will make a lot more money
okay people love discounts and bundle
your products with cheaper items when
someone goes to purchase a product like
50 bucks and they see upsells or other
products that they can bundle together
for $10 or $15 or $12 off $5 today it's
a no-brainer to them to add those
products to the cart it's just a
no-brainer they've already invested 50
bucks into this product so why not
invest an extra 10 20 bucks and that can
be used for your add cost so it's really
important to make sure you have upsells
and bundles going when you are doing q4
where you should have been going anyway
but definitely utilize them in - for now
guys this is my go-to method I know this
has been a little bit boring on the
slides but this is my go-to method okay
that I use pretty much all the time now
and some of you I'm gonna need to render
some on you and my new training others
coming out but number one guys a quick
test everything I'm sorry I just I test
quick with images so I will do like 10
10 ad sets and what I'll do is I'll just
use images and short ad copy like this
and I'm just kissing testing testing
aggressively once I find a winner
or then create a ad so
go to Fiverr or upwork and I'll pay
someone to just create an ad of the
product and they'll just usually use
images and stuff it's really easy to do
or these software's out there we can
upload photos of the product and make a
video I will go into a post engagement
ad and get lots of video views and I'll
build up a massive video view audience
so people who have viewed 25% of the
video 50% 75% and I'll test and I'll do
website conversion purchase ads to those
audience to that audience okay so it's
crazy like this is a method that's
working very very well I mean it works
extremely well in q4 so you go and test
with images once you have a winner
you're gonna duplicate into a video ad
and you can run video views or PPE to
that video you want to build up a
massive video view audience and then run
a conversion purchase ad to that
audience and you get cheaper purchases
at the same time you're building up this
huge audience on your pixel of video
views post engagement and all that sort
of stuff and Facebook loves that and
gives you way cheaper purchases stuff
like that
it's a bit more of a spider way but a
little bit more harder to comprehend but
you can make a lot more money this way
and you can scale and samely fast with
video views and PPE especially in q4 and
build out that huge audience and then do
conversion purchase ads to them and make
a bunch of money so guys those are my
tips for q4 you have any questions let
me know below make sure you hit that
like and subscribe button
I'm just moving house at the moment but
I'll be trying to get lots more videos
out in the future sitting my stuff up so
we can do three videos a week probably
gonna do I'm gonna table at least three
videos a week I don't wanna do videos
every day because you know I'm pretty I
don't like to I don't like seeing people
every single day online you tend to
unsubscribe to from them so go back guys
read these tips q4 is can really make or
break so kind of let me go over
something real quick most people will
quit online within the first year a lot
of people quit within the first six
months use q4 to basically try and make
as much money as you possibly can and
that will get you through that
next year and then once you're past like
the first year of business it starts and
becomes so much easier because you've
got some money built up and stuff like
that so it's kind of just my tip is to
try and utilize q4 as much as you
possibly can because you can make really
really good money this time of year
online and e-commerce even if you're not
going drop shipping if you're selling
information products if you're selling
your own products on your ecommerce
store whatever you're selling now is a
good time to get up and start selling
I'll see you guys in the next video