
Sunday, March 29, 2020

Start A Business Online In 30 Minutes With Less Than $100! (Step By Step) #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Start A Business Online In 30 Minutes With Less Than $100! (Step By Step)

can you start a business online with just $100 I'm about to take this christy
$100 u.s. bill and we're gonna jump it to my computer and see how much it will
cost to start an online business and see if we can actually do it for $100 or
less so if you want to know if this can be done stay tuned because we're about
to do it right now jump into my office and let's see what we can do with this
$100 bill alright guys so the goal of this video is to see if we can actually
start a business online with $100 or less
is it possible can it be done this is the question can it be done with less
than $100 so let's see what we're going to actually be doing guys is going
through the steps and the cost laid out for you on this page we're gonna take
you through step by steps you can see if it's possible and if you want to do
something like this to start making money online but just important move on
guys I want to let you know that this is not drop shipping this is not I'm not
going to just add a YouTube channel I'm not going to teach you how to do
webinars or we're not going to talk about how to sell your own course okay
you don't know what webinars are don't worry it's irrelevant so I'm not gonna
talk about these four things guys for this usually what people you know link
to making money online at a lower budget they usually talk about these types of
methods but we are not going to be doing that today my goal is of course to show
you how you can make money on less than $100 $100 more like how to start a
business on less than $100 and can we actually do it and I'm going to be
showing you two methods to guys with two ways of how you can actually achieve
this one of one of them is a more traditional way and one of them is my
favorite way of doing it now guys Before we jump into the
training make sure you subscribe hit that bow notification icon like this
video and comment below because I give away entry to my training every single
week to one person in the comments if you have any questions let me know below
because I might feature your question in one of my future videos now guys what
are we talking about in this video what are we going to be covering now I'm
actually going to be covering a trend that is happening right now and how you
can jump into this and take advantage of this and start to make some money now
how much can you make I will talk about that in a second I'll actually show you
some but this trend is absolutely massive and
it's the online education trend and the best thing is is you don't need your own
course however you can make money from other people's courses and it's called
affiliate marketing but we're going to show you how to do it properly well you
don't have to spend any money on advertising and you don't have to go out
and beg people to purchase someone's course from you and spam all over the
place to make yourself look like a bit of a clown I'm gonna show you how to do
it properly on a super low budget and yes it will be below $100 we're going to
try and do that anyway so this is a billion dollar market guys that's
growing at a absolutely insane rate is only getting bigger and bigger these
courses everywhere and people are making millions billions of dollars from in
this market right we do very well selling courses ourselves now how much
money can you make guys all of these people on the screen and doing the exact
myth that I'm about to teach you these are people who are affiliate marketers
for my courses right this is a 30 day payment schedule so we have paid out to
one affiliate over $40,000 in the last 30 days
$40,000 guys and these are we've got hundreds of them these are just 21 of
them so what happens guys is you go and find courses and they will pay a 50%
Commission usually so you get 50% of whatever they're selling it for could be
$200 a thousand dollars and I'm actually gonna show you a way that you can make
money from people's courses that don't have an affiliate program they don't
actually pay out commissions but I'll show you how you can actually make money
from their courses which is really really cool this is the second myth that
I talked about so guys there is lots of money to be made and doing this stuff
and it is very simple to set up I'm going to show you step by step and I'm
going to show the cost so I'm going to take you through the more traditional
way first then I'm going to take you through the bitter way that is going to
make you more money with less work and then I'm going to give you an extra tip
at the end on how you can build our assets and build a long-term business
doing this with little than a hundred dollars guys you can build it out to an
online business so the first thing we want to do guys is step one we will need
a website for this and it's not very hard to start a website stuff
going to show you so step number one is get our website and name okay
that's step number one you need to do that and you need to pay for a website
guys don't be cheap and trying to offer for free and trust me if this doesn't
work very well so let's jump into my Google guys and I would recommend
Bluehost they do door deal with me however there's other ones you can use
as well now some people might be saying I don't want to buy a website I don't
want to spend money in a web site guys web site is so cheap nowadays you
should have one I've got hundreds of web sites in my affiliate businesses and
other things I'm doing drop shipping stuff they're so cheap now literally so
cheap so what you want to do guys is go to your favorite web site hosting
platform ok and go to get started or whatever you've got to do and you're
going to get a domain name and you're going to get a plan now I'm gonna click
on these select here and we're going to go to the plan how it and I'm going to
just choose a a name here now the name doesn't really particularly matter too
much I mean honestly it doesn't for the Smith it you can just put anything I'm
going to put Frank's reviews okay I've made for the thing it there doesn't
really matter in this particular method so just put like most of my affiliates
have just weird named websites or random names or even just their name so for
example Franklin Hatchett calm or something right so I'm gonna go to next
guys and this is going to be your domain name your website name okay and I'm
going to show you how to get traffic guys without putting a much work don't
worry go down and fill in all the details guys and you want to select the
12 month plan it's a little bit more expensive it's going to cost you fifty
nine dollars and forty cents per year extremely cheap you can uncheck site
lock and tech code guard but I would recommend leaving on domain privacy okay
you don't have to if you don't have that on it's going to cost you fifty nine
dollars if you do have that on it's going to cost you $71 per year I'm going
to uncheck that okay and we're going to get this fifty nine dollars and forty
cents so that is our first cost okay fifty nine dollars and forty cents
let me just redo that sorry guys forty cents okay
as our first cost number one now once you actually go through this guy I'm not
gonna actually show you how to set this up cause it's very easy you just go down
put in your credit card details click Submit and they're going to take you
through the process of starting a website with what we call the WordPress
platform it's very very easy to use and once you actually set up the WordPress
platform it'll take you to a dashboard that looks like this okay this is one of
my websites and what it's going to do guys is you're going to have a lot of a
lot of kind of features okay and I'm going to go through that in a second but
first I want to actually show you what we're going to be doing okay it's very
very simple let me kind of take you through what we're actually going to be
doing so guys step number one is get the website a name alright we're going to
actually go to step number two and a second because you have to actually find
some stuff to sell however I'm going to show you the kind of process here let me
just I'm trying to do this as fast as possible about step by steps you
understand if I go to econ elites econ elites review there's all these websites
that shop guys and these are people that have reviewed my product okay so this is
where all of these commissions are coming from and to write the content is
completely free it doesn't cost any money they do the articles themselves
and let's kind of just go over some here I don't really want to expose their
sites but you know there's sorry guys but you go through in it and it's just a
simple article because what people do is they go online and they will search they
will search Franklin Hatchett review or econ elites review and these guys had
their affiliate links in there and they get a commission now when you when it
costs you 50 bucks nine dollars to start a website you can make that back in like
two Commission's or one commission depending on the product you're
promoting and the good thing is is is a really really low competition in Google
so you can get your website ranked quite high in these search results and start
to get traffic guys you don't need a lot of traffic these guys are making money
forty thousand dollars in 30 days 1,000 dollars in 30 days 800 dollars in 30
days the proof is there the money is being made so once you actually start to
get your website going you want to it's really simple so this is kind of how it
looks like but you want to actually find courses to read you now the easiest
way is just to go to youtube and find a Shopify guru or a affiliate marketing
guru or just someone selling a course okay contact them and say hey I want to
promote your course and they're going to give you an affiliate link and you can
promote that okay that's the traditional way however the way that I recommend you
highly recommend you do is go to youtube find someone that is new to the industry
and the trying to sell a course go to their particular course now they're not
going to have an affiliate system that you can sign up to but that's okay what
you're going to do is because they're new you're going to take their name so
this one is zero to six com I think that's what her courses called
yep go to zero to six and I'm gonna actually put that into YouTube and into
Google guys and go review and you want to look for two things okay first of all
sorry first of all is there anyone else ranking for this keyword no there's not
the reason and that's a good thing because that means that it's going to be
easy for us to go and rank for that particular keyword and the second thing
or local guys is just what kind of websites are on the front page just go
and kind of have a look and just see if they're big Authority websites you're
gonna have a bit of a hard time ranking but if they're not you can go out and
rank in these in these particular things now you might be thinking how do I go
make money from this person when she doesn't even have an affiliate program
guys it's simple you go and write a review in WordPress which I'm going to
show you how to do in a second you write a review about her particular product
you can ask you can go on contact her and say hey I would like to write a
review can I can I get a copy can I have a look on something and she might say
hey yeah you can you can do that here's my affiliate link or if she doesn't have
an affiliate link you can write about her product and recommend someone else's
course now the reason you want to do that is because number one she is new to
the industry people are going to be searching for her and sorry number one
people gonna be searching for her number two there's no competition no one else
has done reviews on her course this is my secret method and this is how a lot
of people are making money with affiliate marketing by promoting other
people's courses in the and this online you know in the industry
online so it's very very simple guys now so yeah
traditional method go and find your favorite guru and say how when I write a
review about your course and they'll give you a fill-in link okay and you can
go and rank it and but the problem with that is is a little bit of competition
the second method which is the best you gonna find a course that doesn't have an
affiliate your affiliate system see if they do and someone that's new to the
game because there's less competition and you can rank higher okay there's not
as much search volume however it doesn't really matter too much we need to do is
make back 50 all you need to do at this point is make back to fifty nine dollars
and 12 months which you can easily do by doing this particular method so what do
you do guys it's really simple we want to go and create articles like these
ones and simply get them ranked in Google when people search for particular
store review and stuff sorry course review and stuff like that it's
quite simple to do alright let me show you I'll show you
literally inside I'll show you right now it's really easy so first you want to
once you sign up and get your website going that you literally just paid 56.50
nine dollars for extremely cheap do you want to get a cheaper monthly deal you
just go for the longer term so two or three years but we've done the the last
one so step two guys is to find a course to write about or find a course you can
compare to another course and promote the other one okay now this might seem
like hey why are you promoting another course when you're talking another one
guys this internet everyone's doing this this is just standard affiliate
marketing however a lot of people you know the online education niche is
booming so there's still a lot of room for people to get in so that's tip
number two guys find the course to write about it what's step number three okay
and guys this is free to do so this is free step number three is write an
article write it guess what guys you can pay someone if you want but we want to
keep we want to keep under this hundred dollars so what do you do right and
article once again this is free this one costs to win your money you can just do
it yourself so step 2 find a course and write about it okay see if have an
affiliate link and if they don't then you just compare it to another course
like I'm not going to show you my affiliate websites because they probably
don't want me to but if you go search it you commonly through you'll see
but Davis right about it and then they have a little affiliate link down here
get it here that's an affiliate link or their write about someone else's
dropshipping course and then mention mine because it's cheaper and stuff okay
now once you actually have your website started guys it's simple you want to do
first of all you want to go to our plugins okay and you want to put in the
plugins section sorry you want to go to let me just go to here add new plugin
okay this is a first step and you need a plug-in called the CEO Yost put an SEO
in the search bar there and go to a ghost SEO and install this okay I want
to show you how to use this to rank your website on the top of Google so when
people search EECOM elites review best e-commerce review or Franklin Hatchett
review people that you know see like if we search guys like I said if we search
econ elites review with where is it here all of these websites show up and if we
click on them guys there's an article and people are going to click on there
and people are going to make money the person that owns this website is going
to make money from affiliate commissions okay and you know I'm just using my
courses as an example you can go on promote anybody's cost I'm not telling
you to buy my course so yeah install Yoast SEO guys okay now the second thing
you want to do guys is you want to go to post you actually want to put an install
a theme so that's pretty easy as well you can just go to down to appearance
guys and go to themes and you can pick a theme to install on your website now the
front of your website doesn't matter too much because we're not trying to rank
that particular page in Google we're trying to rank what we call the inner
pages so you just install a theme a free one that's fine for now um now
when you sign up to Bluehost awaiting a platform you want to use they will show
you how to log in and the store WordPress and get to this point okay
it's very simple now you want to go to PI
you want to actually create a post okay only go to add new now they're a three
really important things you want to do right now number one is the title is
very very important because that's going to have to get ranked at the top the
article is very very important as well and then the Yoast SEO plugin is very
important as well now let's pretend that we are trying to rank for the keyword
EECOM elites review now to you just not think about my course for a second
you'll just change the course name so I don't know anyone off the top of my head
Tai Lopez bla bla review is some guru and so let's just say econ elites review
first of all guys to get ranked on the front page of Google when people search
to see to get your website to show up you want to copy this guys and you want
to make sure it's at the front of the post title okay okay this is really
important and then put something there and go is is it right for you the reason
I want to put ekam elites review personal title is because that's what
google recommends next guys you want to actually write your article okay so I
love this course because of this blah blah blah now I'm not going to obviously
write out a whole article here it's very simple you just put in your your content
okay now inside here guys you want to put your read your keyword inside the
article a few times I recommend one one per 200 words okay you don't want to
overdo it so for every 200 words you want to you want to repeat the word
EECOM elites review so I might say in this and this econ elites review I would
love to show you this and then maybe show them inside the course or something
like that or I would love to talk about this just make sure you have econ elites
review in there a few times and make it natural okay now obviously if you were
going to compare my course to somebody else's so let's say hey Franklin
doesn't have a affiliate program you would put an e-commerce review as well
but you'll also put keywords from the other person's course as well as that
will help you as well now just I did forget guys you want to go to permalink
here and click Edit and you want to edit this and also put your keyword in here
and go to okay okay so we've ikana let's review here we have accomodates review
here or or could be another course name you know it doesn't have to be mine
obviously and in fact we're not even open to
affiliates at the moment so please don't ask to get in because we're not we're
not open till it's right now and then make sure you have some content in here
I would recommend at least 1,000 words okay there should take you around about
half an hour to an hour to write that out not long at all so you've spent
fifty dollars guys to get started super super easy and you can get an article up
within an hour next guys is the important NIT is the next important part
so what Yoast is going to do guys is you can change the title and this is going
to be what shows up when people actually search let me just see if I can get okay
let's put it on here this is going to be what shows up when people actually
search for that term okay so this guy have a look here so I'm going to put
once again put econ elites review and then put I just reviewed reviewed sorry
about my spelling guys this course and this is what I found you want to kind of
leave with a question at the end or like a cliffhanger because this is what
people first see you want people to click on your article and the more
people that click on your article the more Google sees that people like your
content so they put it up in the and the search engine for you right so I had
just reviewed this course and this is what I found people I hey what are you
fine I'm gonna click on this alright then you also want to put in the mirror
description some content as well now I don't recommend you put EECOM elites
first in the middle description because it becomes over optimized then and
google also like that put something like um I just went and looked at Franklin's
course and this is my econ beliefs review that I think you
will love obviously write something better than that
okay and what I'm going to do now guys is actually click I'm gonna click
publish we'll publish this particular article and what I've done is I've
simply gone econ elites review is it right for you if we go preview changes
real quick you'll kind of see what's going on here so II kama leaps review is
a right for you and here's my content and then it's a bit messy guys if you
want to know how to actually make your site look good
you could learn that for free as well I have some tutorials on there or you can
simply go on YouTube and find some tutorials and how to make your website
look nice this is an a tutorial on that but what I've done guys is we've just
created a website where this will go and rank in Google and then when someone
goes and looks for that course review or that course information or something
like that hopefully you will show up at the top and you will put your affiliate
link in and get some money now and so what we've done guys is we've done the
title we've done the URL that's all that's called we've done the article
here there'll be a lot more there when you do it and then we've done the the
SEO description down here now how do you put in an affiliate link guys it's very
easy so you might put some words here by the course here you highlight this guys
and click on the little chain link up here and then just put in your website
so HTTP colon slash slash online dimes comm which is another one of my websites
and then I'm just going to go apply now when I click update guys and I go to
preview this again I have now a link here that links back to one of my other
websites when people click on that they will go back to my website online dimes
calm there loads of it slow and and then then we'll link back to the course that
you're trying to promote and you will get a fifty percent commission if they
purchase but the whole aim of the game guys is to think outside the box that's
really critical you can go and do articles on course review and stuff and
that's fine on some of the biggest courses and the in the industry but it's
going to be hard to rank so you want to go for new courses that have
just come out if they have an affiliate program because they will start to get
popular and you want to also go for courses that don't have an affiliate
program so you can compare them to another course that has an affiliate
program and you're basically what it's called it's called jacking their traffic
traffic jacking you're taking the traffic from the other course and
recommending another course that has an affiliate link guys so I've literally
just showed you how you can go out there and start a website for $59 guys and
forty cents come on guys that's cheap man like that's under $100 you saw a
little bit more to go step to find a course to write about guys you can do it
for free there is hundreds of YouTube channels with people selling courses
right now I get people contacting me every day asking to be an affiliate for
me people are doing this guys people are doing this guys and they're getting
results they're getting literally results from exactly what I'm showing
you on the screen there's no excuses I'm literally laying it right out on the
table for you obviously I can't show you everything step-by-step because we'll be
here forever I can't show you how to do the website and stuff and make it pretty
you can go and do some research and how to do that yourself but I'm laying
everything out here guys and how you can do this now you've found the course you
go write the article it's simple step three is to go and write the article
okay and then step four is to post the article okay so step four guys is to
post the article and once again guys that's free to do I just showed you how
to publish an article now what's step number five what's the extra trick I was
talking about insight at the start of this training guys with your website you
want to actually have what we call email forms and you want to collect emails and
build an email list this is critical to starting your online business I have an
email list of hundreds of thousands of people I can go and send an email right
now in fact I just did a launch on my course last week and I sent out emails a
couple of emails did six figures right heaps we did really really good and
that's from sinning a few emails so you build up these assets guys and what does
go to plugins real quick and we will go to I'll show you right email form
and you want to put these email forms on your website and collect emails so when
a new course comes out you can say hey guys this new cost has dropped here's an
affiliate link alright well you can go to a website called and they
have a list of products they're launching every single day and you can
promote those products to your list and it builds up and builds up and you get
this big audience where you can go and send out money I send out emails guys
and make money so guys there is all of these easy you know ninja forms easy to
build powerful forms all of this stuff in fact if we go to my website here guys
when we go to my blog here you'll see down below ok this is a bad example but
let's just kind of go I'll show you something real quick just give this up
real quick for you guys ok guys so on this website there is a drop down box
where it collects an email and down here people click on this that pops up and
I'm collecting an email so you want to find plugins like this one where you can
actually clicked emails but what you want to do guys and is very important is
use these applications but integrate them with a third party email marketing
system the reason you want to do that is because you have more control you can
export your list and you can do whatever you like with it now I recommend get
response because it's very very cheap and what this allows you to do guys is
build out an email list and have a list of customers you can promote to so there
is a cost with this so let's add this to the list the cost of this is pretty
cheap I think it's a lot cheaper then you would you would think so we have $10
per month and we have thirty two dollars per month Isis and euros so I'd say a
little bit more for us so let's just say 15 dollars per month okay so let's add
this to our thing guys step five number five
collect emails they say that costs you $20 per month okay alright let's say
that okay so you know you can go you can go choose this package I'll leave links
for all the stuff below guys you can go and choose these packages and you can go
and collect emails build an email us any marketer online that's making millions
of dollars right now will tell you the best tool is the email marketing list
that is the best asset that's how they make pretty
much all of their money it's that so guys you create this email list and now
our cost is at 70 what are we at we're sorry sixty seventy eighty we're at
eighty dollars and forty cents and would it and like crazy guys and literally
just told you how you can start making money online for less than $100 guys so
let's recap get a website under name $59 find a course promote that course or
find their course and compare that to another course and promote it super easy
guys free to do write an article free I just showed you how to do that post the
article free just push the button collect emails 20 bucks per month to do
that if you want you don't have to do that you don't have to do that but I
highly recommend it and it falls under our $100 limit okay guys that's it it's
so simple and you're creating articles like this guys and they will rank in
Google okay and you can get results like this they will rank in Google and you
will get traffic and you only think about how do I get the traffic Franklin
well people are searching for things we just did a launch recently like I said a
few weeks ago our flips made thousands of dollars because what happens guys is
people go hey I want to know more about this course I don't want to buy it right
now I'm gonna go and search and Google and you can bring it up a notch guys
into YouTube videos if you like but that's free but people are gonna search
and Google guys because they are intrigued they're interested but they
don't want to pull the trigger just yet okay guys so these are the results I
literally just showed you how you can start a business or under 100 dollars
any money it's right here so there's no excuse you can go and take a crispy $100
bill and start your own business on line don't forget to subscribe hit that
notification Val leave a comment because I might use your comment in a future
video if you have any questions and that appeals to a wider audience I'll see you
guys in the next video