- So today I wanna talk to you guys
about a couple of tips I have for you if you're just
getting into the realm of investing and stocks,
and I know it sounds like a wonderful thing to do.
It sounds so easy.
You just buy stocks and they go up
and you make all kinds of money.
It's not true.
I mean, it can be true, but you need to have
a basic understanding of what you're doing.
These are things that I wish I could go back in time
and tell my former self about the stock market.
That way, I wouldn't have made these mistakes
in the first place, so here's what happened.
I kind of got into stock market trading
just out of something I've always been interested in.
I've wanted to trade stocks
since I was like eight years old.
I can remember a trip to New York City where I was,
where I saw the stock tickers for the first time
and I was just fascinated by them.
I was like this is something
that I really wanna learn how to do.
I just loved the idea behind the stock market
and then that day in New York City,
I picked up a Wall Street Journal
and I read it the whole way home
on the bus ride that we took to New York City.
That's where my interest in stocks started
and now the problem was in order to invest, you need
to have money and I didn't have any money at the time,
so it's kind of something that was on the back burner for me
for a number of years, and then recently,
when I've started working and having money coming in
and having extra money on the side,
I decided to start investing in some individual stocks.
I'm the kind of person that likes to learn by doing,
I don't like to just have the path carved out for me always.
I kind of like to go through things myself
and experience it firsthand, but for those of you
who maybe don't wanna waste a bunch of your money
trading stocks and making bad trades
and learning the hard way, I have six tips for you
that I wish I could go back and tell myself because,
I mean, I don't regret going through what I did
with the stock market because I learned a lot
going through what I did,
but for somebody who maybe doesn't have as thick of skin
and as much ability to take loss as I do,
I don't know if that sounds right,
but if you're not looking to spend,
'cause I'm not gonna lie to you guys,
I traded stocks for nine straight months.
Never made a profit on nine months, I made bad trades.
Now I'm to the point where I consistently make
a few hundred bucks a week trading stocks,
spending one to two hours a week doing it,
so I've gotten past that learning curve
and gotten to the point where I'm making good trades
and making a good amount of money with very little time,
and I just wanted to mention before I get
into the video here, the six tips,
for the last three months, I've been working on
a trading guide or strategy guide for stock market trading
based on all the information that I've been studying
over the last year or two in the stock market.
I've read dozens of books and guides
and talked to many people about trading stocks
and I kind of collected all of my favorite pieces
of information into my stock market trading guide,
and I think it's a great place to start
if you're somebody looking to get into investing
and you wanna know what kind of signals am I looking for,
how do I pick a stock,
what stock should be on my watch list?
I feel like it is a great foundation for you
as far as stock trading goes, so if that's something
you might be interested in, I will link it up
in the description and there also should be
some kind of icon on the video in the corner.
You can click on that, and that will direct you
to the page that tells you more about that
if you're interested, but without further ado,
I'm not even sure if that's the phrasing for that,
but we're going to get into
my six tips for stock market trading.
Alright, my first tip for investing stocks as a beginner is
get over your emotional attachment to money.
I'm gonna say this again
because it's really, really important.
Get over your emotional attachment to money.
As you've grown up, you've become
very emotionally attached to money.
You love money, you wanna make more money
and you wanna hold it close to you
and you wanna protect it and you wanna, you know,
minimize the risks and you wanna be very safe.
You have emotional swings with your money.
If you lose money, if you spend too much money,
it's all driven by emotion, and that's really
gonna screw you up when it comes to trading stocks.
Where I learned this, the book is
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.
He sold 40 million copies of that book.
I'd be very surprised if this is the first time
you've ever heard anybody mention that book, but if it is,
I think I paid about seven dollars for it on Amazon
and it was life changing, to say the least.
I learned so much good stuff from that book
but this is like one of the number one things I learned
from that book as it pertains to stock market trading.
Money is not real.
You gotta realize it's something
that we collectively give value to.
It's something that we make up to represent
the value of something.
We don't wanna be carrying around bags of corn
and blocks of gold and precious metal anymore, so we decided
to have a universal value associated with items.
Start thinking of money as that.
Don't think of it as this emotional thing
that you cherish and you love.
It can't be that, or else you will be so afraid
to lose money that you'll lose money once,
or you'll get your emotions involved when trading
and that's not the place for your emotions.
Trust me, your emotions are a very valuable tool
in other areas of your life, but when it comes
to the stock market, leave them at the door.
They have no business in your trading strategy.
You want to be trading based on technical data,
the numbers in front of you,
the charts in front of you, and nothing else.
You don't wanna be trading based on how you feel that day.
Maybe you got a bad night's sleep.
You should not bring that into your trading strategy.
That needs to stay in other areas of your life.
Keep your emotions separate from your stock market trading.
You can't be emotionally attached to your money
because the truth is with stock market trading,
you're going to win some and you're going to lose some.
The idea is your wins will outweigh your losses.
You're gonna be winning more trades
than you are losing trades,
and that's how you're making profit over time.
There's no way you can always be right,
but if you're trading based on data and nothing else,
you're going to have the best chances of being right
because you're not gonna wake up one day
and see that your stock fell and all of a sudden,
you go, oh my God, I lost $1,000, I'd better sell.
You only lose that money if you sell.
You only lose if you sell, it could go back up, alright?
And if you have data in front of you that may show you that,
oh, it may go back up, oh, there's a good reason for this,
oh, it's just market or industry correction.
You need to start trading based
on data and not your emotions.
Okay, my second tip for somebody
as a beginning stock market trader is
invest in something you actually care about,
and I feel like this should be a no-brainer,
but it's not because I made this mistake too.
This is kind of what my stock market strategy
looked like when I first started trading.
I'd wake up and I would open up Google News
and I'd scroll there, be like, oh,
somebody said that this stock is going crazy.
It's blowing up, it's got so much potential.
Let me buy it.
I bought stock in a jewelry company.
I bought stock in biomedical companies.
I bought stock in oil.
I mean, I don't have an emotional attachment
to any of those things.
I know I just said don't have an emotional attachment
to your money, but it is okay
to have an emotional attachment
to the stock you're representing.
You want to buy stock in something you actually care about.
If you really like video games, find a video game company
or anything involving video games,
something that has to do
with something you actually care about.
For me, I'll give you my example.
I live around Malta, and right in Malta,
there's a big chip fabrication plant
and they make chips for AMD and I bought stock in AMD
simply because I've seen what AMD,
they're the main chip that that company is making chips for
over there in Malta, but I've seen what that has done
to our local economy and I'm so thankful for them
for coming here, and so for me, I have
an emotional attachment to that stock
'cause I'm like, you know, I'm really happy.
I'm proud to represent that company with my money,
and as a result, when you buy something
that you're proud of, when you buy something
you're actually interested in,
when you're buying something you care about,
you'll be less likely to sell based on fear and panic.
Now, I've told this story a lot
because it's a very true story.
I mean it's not something that's ...
It's just a really good example of this.
I bought shares of AMD and I bought them at a terrible time,
but I had no idea, but I bought shares
and the very next day,
the company unloaded a bunch of shares.
They offered them to the public at a much lower valuation
than the stock was currently valued on at the stock market.
What they were doing was they were selling stocks
in order to pay off high interest debt,
so in the long run, it was a great move.
In the short term, it decimated the stock.
I mean, I saw the stock go from seven.
I bought the stock, I believe $7.44 a share.
It hit just under six dollars a share within two days.
So as far as my trade goes,
within two days, I was down over $1,000, okay?
If I didn't care about that company,
I would have sold, I guarantee you, I would have sold.
I would have said "you know what, this was a stupid idea.
"Why did I buy this?
"I better sell before I lose more money."
But because I cared about the company,
I was like, you know what, I don't think this is the end.
I don't think this is it.
I'm gonna hold and see what happens,
and I ended up making over $1,000 on that stock,
not even two months afterwards.
So because I cared about that company
and I was proud to represent them with my money,
I ended up not selling at the bottom,
I was able to, you know, weather the storm
and I wasn't worrying about fear and panic.
I had confidence in that company,
and as a result, I held onto it
and I sold it and I made a good profit not long afterwards.
So that's something you guys really need to do
when you're looking at stocks, pick a stock,
a company that you actually care about
or an industry that you actually have interest in.
All right, I'm sure with this third tip,
some of you out there are looking at me like I know,
but a lot of people don't know this,
and I had the same problem with this tip.
The third tip, buy low, sell high.
I'm gonna say it again, buy low, sell high.
One more time, buy low, sell high.
I'm sure every person you've ever talked to
about trading stocks has told you this piece of information,
but nobody follows this rule,
and I'm going to explain to you why.
You need to be going against the grain with your trading.
You don't want to be buying a stock
when everybody else is piling into it.
That is called the herd mentality.
In my ebook, I talk about how there's three types
of people who trade out there.
There's people who make bearish investments,
those are people who are betting on the stock to go down,
and they make money from falling stock prices.
There's bullish investors who are betting on the stock
to go up, and they make money from rising stock prices.
For the most part, that's where the majority of people
are trading, and then there are the sheep,
and the sheep follow the herd, being led by other people
because they don't have the confidence
to make decisions themselves
and they get slaughtered by the market.
The stock market is unforgiving, it's true.
It really is, it can make you or it can break you,
there is no forgiveness when it comes to trading stocks.
So if you go online
and you do what I did where I was going online
and watching what stock was way the hell up,
it was flying, the sky's the limit with this stock.
You got people on the news just talking about this stock
left and right, everyone's piling into it,
I was like, I can't lose,
I better get into this stock while it's up.
You want, your mind tells you you want to get into a good
thing, and we see a stock in decline almost as a sick stock,
and you can't look at it that way.
You want to buy low.
You want to buy that stock when everybody else is selling.
You want to be seeing people on the news saying
"get rid of this stock."
I mean, within reason,
if you see other reasons to buy that stock.
It's not like you just want to go out there
and buy a loser stock, you want to do your research
and understand why this stock is going down in value,
but you don't want to buy stocks that are sky high.
They're gonna come down.
It's all hype.
You don't want to buy stocks based on hype.
You're going to end up losing a lot of money that way.
I can't tell you how many stocks I bought
based on what I saw on the news.
I know one of them, like I said, I bought a jewelry company,
I bought Signet Jewelers and for some reason,
I read an article on seeking alpha or one of those
trading sites that was like, this stock has
unlimited potential, we can see this stock trading
10% above where it's trading in the next two months,
and I was like, of course it will, it's so high right now.
You know, my head was in the clouds with the stock,
and unfortunately, reality set in and the stock went down
and I lost money and I sold down.
I bought high and I sold low,
and everybody seems to understand this
if you ask them how to trade stocks.
They will say, if you tell them "buy low, sell high,"
they'll say "yeah, but give me a real piece of advice,"
and they don't follow this key rule.
This is like the cardinal rule of trading,
and I know every time I talk to people about stocks,
and I give them this piece of advice,
they think I'm being an asshole, but I'm not.
People don't understand this.
This is the cardinal rule of trading.
They think I'm mocking them, like oh, here's the tip, guys,
buy low, sell high, but it is the cardinal rule of trading
and you may think you understand it,
but I didn't understand it,
even after reading book after book,
I didn't get it until I really realized what I was doing.
You do it without realizing it,
you buy a hot stock in the news.
You don't want to do that, it's as simple as that.
Okay, tip number four, quick and easy one.
This is something, again, if you haven't guessed,
these are all mistakes that I've made in the past,
and I'm sharing these with you.
So this is something I did over and over in the past.
When I first started trading,
I put like $500 in my trading account,
and I was like "well I don't want to spend it all in one
"place, so why don't I buy a couple of different stocks?"
Diversification is not a bad idea,
but when you invest so little,
you have to overcome your commission
before you can even make a profit,
and in most cases, you're never going to,
and let me explain to you why that is.
If you don't realize this, just because this is a
beginner's video, I want to explain this.
When you go on any website, Etrade, Scottrade,
when you're going through an online stock broker
or any stock broker, they're going to charge
a commission for trading your stock.
The prices vary based on websites or based on
if you're using a live broker, whatever you're using,
a human broker, but for me online,
I trade with Scottrade, and it's like seven dollars a trade.
Some of the sites are a little bit more,
but Scottrade seems to be the best bang for your buck
as far as what I've found, and just throwing this out there,
I'm not paid by Scottrade, I wish I was, however I'm not,
but I just like to tell people exactly how I do things
because I like to be transparent.
Even if I'm not getting paid for it,
I want to be honest with you.
So when I was trading with Scottrade,
I bought a number of stocks in companies, you know,
or I bought a number of company stocks,
spending about $100 on each trade,
so here's the problem with that.
Let's say you spend $100 in stock of the ABC Company,
which, it doesn't exist, I just made that up,
but you're gonna pay seven dollars on Scottrade
to buy that stock, all right?
Then you're gonna pay seven dollars to sell that stock,
so yes, you pay commission every time you trade.
A round trip is opening and closing a position,
so every round trip, you're gonna pay $14 in commission,
so that means that 14% is how much your stock
would need to increase just to offset your commission costs.
Let me say that one more time.
14% before you even make a profit.
Let's not talk about slippage, though,
or no, let's talk about slippage because what is slippage?
Slippage is the difference between the buy and the
ask price for that stock.
So just because the stock is trading at a certain value,
doesn't mean that you're going to get
that exact price for it.
Now when you trade a higher volume stock,
there's less slippage because there's more trading going on,
but you could possibly, if you're trading a lower
volume stock, have a good amount of slippage,
which means that maybe the stock is trading at
$20.10 a share, but you only get $19.99 a share for it
because that's what the current buy and ask prices are
for the stock, so you won't necessarily get
the quote of the stock at the time because of slippage.
So your stock needs to increase 14% in value
plus whatever slippage is involved
before you even break even.
So let's say you were trying to make $20 on this stock.
You invested $100, you're hoping to get $120.
That means that the stock would have to increase
14% to 114 before you even made any money,
and then account for your slippage.
You're talking about having that stock raise
30 or 40%, somewhere around there,
before you even make any money on that.
You know, that's the point when you're making your $20,
but even if the stock increased 15%, which,
ask anyone, that's a great stock.
That's a great investment if you have
a 15% return on investment.
You haven't made a penny.
You haven't even made back your money yet
when it's increased 14%,
and if it increased 14% and you sold,
because of slippage, you would probably still break even
or end up slightly in the hole on that stock.
That is why I suggest you do not invest
any less than $1,000 on any given trade.
If you don't have the money to invest $1,000,
save your money and spend your time right now
researching and learning more.
I promise you guys, I know you're eager
to get into the stock market,
but it will not hesitate to kick you right in the gut
and send you back to your chair, okay?
It will teach you a lesson
whether or not you want that lesson,
I'm gonna be honest with you guys.
Okay, so my fifth tip for a beginning stock market trader
is do not buy the news.
This is something I did many times over and over,
and it's something a lot of people do.
You go on NBC or any news channel and you watch
the money and the financing reports
and the shows that are all about the stock market
and they talk about what the newest hot stock is,
and I know earlier in this video,
we talked about the herd mentality,
and when you run with the herd, you're trading like a sheep.
What that means is you don't have the confidence
to make your own investment decisions,
so you'd rather have somebody else tell you what to do,
and when somebody else is telling you what to do,
it makes you feel like, okay, if I lose money,
I can blame them.
You need to hold yourself accountable for your trades,
and one way of doing this is don't trade the news.
There's a lot of people out there trading the news.
A lot of people watch the news
and a lot of people trade the news.
What you want to do instead is you want to
buy the rumor, sell the news.
So let's say for example there's articles out there
saying okay, this company may be releasing a new product
on this date, that's a rumor, okay?
It's possible that it's just a rumor and it's not true,
but on the chance that it's true,
you may want to make a small investment in that.
Then you find out, okay, it wasn't just a rumor,
it was true and then they release this new product,
the stock goes flying sky high.
That's the point when that stock becomes news.
That's the point when all of the sheep are
dog piling into that stock and it's going way high,
but you bought before people knew what was going on.
You bought before it was mainstream,
and as such, you paid a lower price for that stock,
and now you're able to make a comfortable profit.
Sell while it's safe before that hype ends
and the stock falls over,
because it's my second point here, guys.
Hype is not a safe investment.
I don't like to trade hype.
Okay, so my final stock market trading tip for beginners
is this.
Checks stocks a few times a day.
I actually forgot what it was,
so I had to turn around and look at that,
so if you're wondering what that was,
I completely forgot what my tip was,
but now that I jogged my memory,
let me elaborate on that for you guys.
You don't want to check your stocks
every minute of the day.
I know it's exciting, it really is,
that's the reason I trade.
It's an adrenaline rush when all of a sudden
you buy a stock and it's going sky high,
and all of a sudden you're like
"I actually made money trading a stock, oh my god."
But you don't want to just sell immediately
because there's potential for more,
and you don't want to be watching the stock so carefully
that you get shaken out of the position too early.
I've done this many times,
where all of a sudden I'll check my stock,
like you know the stock market opens at 9:30.
I remember on one occasion it was like 10:15 in the morning,
I log on and I'm like, holy crap, my stock is up!
And I think I had about a $140 profit at that time,
and I kept hitting refresh like every 15 seconds,
and like oh it's up, oh crap I lost money,
on look, we're up two cents now,
oh no, we're down three cents,
oh we're back up four cents.
You can't watch a stock that carefully
because it's going to be changing so minutely at that point
that you need to look at what the trend is,
maybe the 15 minute trend,
the 30 minute trend of that stock.
So what I do for myself now,
because I made this a rule for myself
after I made this mistake of getting shaken
out of a position too early,
and on that mistake, I mean, yes,
I did make money on that stock.
This was one of my early AMD trades, okay.
I had like $180 profit, okay.
I logged on and I saw, watching the chart,
minute to minute that the stock fell like three minutes
in a row and I'm like, oh god, it must be doomed,
it's going down, this is the most people are
willing to pay for this stock, I better unload.
And then the next day, had I sold I would have made
$1,300, but instead I made $180 because
I got shaken out of my position.
So that's the lesson for you guys.
Pick a time increment, no less than every 15 minutes,
in my opinion, so if you're getting excited
about your stock, let's say it's 10 o'clock in the morning,
you check the opening numbers on the stock
and you see it's up, say "okay, I'm gonna close this.
"At 10:15 I'll check again, 10:30 I'll check again,
"10:45, 11 o'clock I'll check again."
Do not leave stock charts continuously open
on your phone or your computer.
You will get shaken out of a position,
and it may not be a bad thing, because look,
you made some money, okay?
Yes, that was a successful trade for me on AMD,
I made like 180 bucks,
but had I not gotten shaken out of my position,
I may have made $1,000 on that early trade,
and I've traded AMD a number of times,
and I have done well with that stock,
but I could have done a lot better
had I not gotten shaken out of it
because I was checking the stock too much.
Like I said guys, it's exciting,
it should be exciting because once you are able
to take this knowledge you have and apply it
in the real world and be able to pull money out of thin air,
it's amazing, it's a great feeling.
It's a rush and that's why I trade all the time,
but you need to keep your emotions in check
and make sure that you're not playing it too safe
because for me, I left a lot of money on the table
because I was watching my charts too closely.
Okay guys, that's pretty much all I got for you.
These are my six tips for beginning stock market trader,
and these are things that, again,
I wish I knew when I started,
but I was able to learn them in the long run
and I went from trading nine months in a row
without a profit to making a couple hundred bucks a week
by trading one to two hours a week.
It's not hard, guys,
and if you watched this video all the way,
I just wanted to thank you for spending the time you did
with me and I really hope I was able to
shed some light on this topic for you guys,
and if this information is something that interests you,
I really think that my ebook might help you out as well
because it kind of expands upon a lot of this stuff,
and I outline my exact trading strategy
of how I am consistently making a couple hundred bucks
a week with very little effort trading stocks,
but I thank you guys for watching,
and I hope to see you in the next video.
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