
Friday, March 27, 2020

The EASIEST Way To Make Money Online In 2018 As A BEGINNER With NO MONEY #Best Education Page #Online Earning

The EASIEST Way To Make Money Online In 2018 As A BEGINNER With NO MONEY

hey guys what's going on Joshua elder
here welcome back to the channel and in
this video I'm going to show you the
easiest way to make money online here in
2018 as a complete beginner with no
money whatsoever zilch zero money 0 list
0 influence 0 subscribers zero following
okay this is what I would do if I was
completely new and I knew what I know
today so what my goal is is to inject
the information that I have today into
you so you can go out there and start
getting results as quickly as possible
so you guys can see that since April
10th I've implemented this new strategy
and it's earning me and you where
between two hundred dollars all the way
up to four hundred dollars a day and up
to three thousand dollars per week okay
so if you're brand new to the channel
make sure you subscribe and hit the
thumbs up button because I'm releasing
daily videos teaching you how to build a
life in business full of freedom passion
and fulfillment and if you're well if
you're back to the channel I want to
welcome you guys back this is some
information I've never released out
there before and I pride myself on
always releasing brand new information
and you'll notice I give a refreshing
point of view in marketing in strategies
I'm doing things completely different
than what you're seeing out there on
YouTube and all the rehash garbage
that's being put out every single day
most of these marketers are posting
content and showing you guys how to make
money online and they're not even
practicing what they're preaching and a
lot of these videos right what the real
strategy is is YouTube marketing right
they're getting you into their business
through YouTube marketing that's exactly
what I do that's how I created this
income so I pride myself off of being
really authentic to you guys and show
you guys how to read between the lines
and see the real marketing and how
people are making money online through
all the Bowl okay so I hope you
appreciate this video let's go ahead and
dive into it so what you want to be
doing first is you want to be building
you know an audience on YouTube right
I've talked about this before but listen
here I'm going to show you how to build
an audience
quickly I'm going to show you how to
start ranking videos quickly at the top
of YouTube I'm going to show you how to
get traffic and visitors to your
websites quickly if you don't have a
website don't worry I'm going to show
you how to promote products you know
using like a website like I do like right this is actually my
earnings report inside a Clickbank
Clickbank is a digital marketplace full
of tons of products that you can promote
right it's called affiliate marketing
you're basically promoting other
people's products OPP and you're earning
a commission off of it
so if you want to promote products what
we want to do first is not put the cart
in front of the horse right we want to
build an audience first most people are
not building an audience they're like
Josh how do I get traffic here's a
product I want to prote and they're
thinking so small in their business what
I want you guys do is I want you guys to
begin thinking bigger you know a lot of
you guys like Josh just show me show me
the money show me the money and I'm
gonna show you guys the money but if you
want to make the big income right if you
want to make life-changing income you
guys need to start from Ground Zero and
find out who you are gain a level of a
nova wareness so you can figure out what
your strengths and weaknesses are and
really truly figure out what your on
this earth to do and what you're
passionate about so with that said you
know let's go ahead and dive into the
content on how you need to build a
business here in 2018 that any newbie
can really do step number one you guys
need to be willing to put yourself out
there on video right people don't trust
other people and companies like they
used to right a lot of times you know in
the past you could have just sent
website visitor to a product and they
would have just bought right you
wouldn't you're able to like in Google
AdWords in 2005 you were able to
advertise at the top of Google search
engine and send people straight to a
sales page of a product and they would
buy nowadays people get scammed so much
they want to see people in the flesh
they want to see people on video so a
lot of you guys want to make all this
money online but you you don't want to
buy from somebody that sends you an
email right you don't want to
from somebody you don't know and the
only way to get to know people really
well is to see them in the flesh like
this so you'll buy from somebody that
will only put themselves out there but
you're not willing to put themself out
there right you're not willing to put
yourself out there so think about that
think about why people buy think about
why you buy and you've got to be willing
to do these things that most people
aren't willing to do so if you'll only
buy from somebody that's willing to do
the hard thing so you've got to be
willing to do the hard things too okay
so be willing to create videos be
willing to exercise that mental muscle
of being on camera the first time it's
going to be scary you're gonna hate it
you're gonna look at yourself you're
gonna say I don't like the way that I
wave my hand like this I don't like the
way that I sound and that's just a
process of growth you're gonna make
you're gonna stumble all over your words
you know I still do it to this day on my
videos every single day it's a part of
the process I understand that you're
gonna have haters as well you know in
the YouTube comments man I get at least
a few on every single video and you know
the more successful you become the more
haters you have so if you have a lot of
haters that's actually a good thing it
means that you're successful it means
that you're making progress and so it's
just a part of the journey when you
understand it's a part of a journey you
don't get so emotionally attached to it
and you're able to sort of go through
the obstacles knowing what's ahead of
you and that's my goal is to sort of be
your guys's guide and help you see
what's right in front of you before you
come in contact with it so you can
either avoid it or you can understand it
and not let it bring you down okay so
with that said we're gonna be showing
you in this video
the easiest method that I believe if
you're willing to get on video to make
money here in 2018 as a complete
beginner with 100% free traffic with out
spending any money on advertising
whatsoever okay so what we're gonna do
is the best way that you can begin
on YouTube is to start reverse
engineering what other successful
youtubers are doing okay
for example Shelby Church just found her
from a random search on YouTube she's
got a million subscribers she got she's
got a million subscribers for a reason I
want to find out why and one one of the
great things is is she probably started
her business thinking about okay what do
I represent what is my lifestyle what do
I like to do everyday what am i
passionate about and she probably wrote
all these ideas down on the types of
videos that she could create right and I
love that because not only is she
building a brand that's evergreen which
is her name she's not confining herself
to one niche that she might grow out of
right if she's into hair and makeup
she'll create so many videos on that
then she'll get bored of it that's human
nature should want to grow out of it so
instead of being the makeup girl she's
Shelby Church right and so what I would
urge you to do instead of wanting to
promote such a linear products just
promote one product right which is what
most people are doing and I've taught
this they're teaching people how to go
pick out a product and then go and
promote that product you shouldn't be
doing that because guess what there's a
lot of competition out there doing the
same thing that you're doing so here's
what you want to do if you want to get
more website visitors to your products
right because we need eyeballs on our
products for people to buy we need to be
selling products that's how we make a
commission but we need to prepare our
channel and prime our channel to
actually get seen by people on YouTube
and the way that we do that is we want
to create videos at first that have very
little to no competition what do I mean
by this we want to create videos on
topics that a lot of people are
searching for on YouTube but there's not
a lot of competition for these topics so
instead of being like okay I'm going to
promote a product on juicing on green
juices you know and creating a bunch of
videos around juicing like that's what
most people do would do on you too
you create a video around something from
the start something else that you may be
passionate about and you don't even
really need to think about it you just
need to document what you're already
doing in your life day to day life it
could be a vacation that you're going on
it could be a new product that you're
gonna buy from Best Buy it could be
something that you order from Amazon it
could be a product review it can be an
it could be Disneyland it could be
virtually anything right so even if we
want to like promote a juicing product
what we want to do is we want to prime
our Channel and get subscribers because
as we get subscribers what happens is
when we start uploading videos in our
specific niche that we really want to
get traffic to and where we really want
to make the money what'll happen is
they'll rank a lot easier because we
primed our channels with these other
easy to rank for videos so instead of
saying that I am the fitness expert and
I want to create a channel about
intermittent fasting which is what kino
body is doing here and there's a lot of
competition going around about
intermittent fasting on YouTube what I
would do is just create some videos to
prime my channel in another random niche
it could just be you recording your life
you sharing value with people on your
day to day experiences and then finding
out if people are interested in what it
is that you're talking about okay so let
me sort of digress here and let me
scroll down you'll see that you know my
girl is Shelby Church she's talking
about a bunch of different things in
this channel and that's what's so cool
is let me just scroll down for example
my Travel routine outfit makeup
essentials okay things to do in Seattle
another random video so if you're going
to Seattle chances are what we want to
do is we want to find out ok I'm going
on a trip to Seattle so if somebody was
going to Seattle
or preparing to go to Seattle and they
want to know the best places to go what
would they be typing in YouTube to get
some ideas on where to go in Seattle
right you see where I'm going with this
so they'll probably type in something
like things to do and see like Las Vegas
San Francisco look Seattle boom check it
out I guarantee she's ranked at the top
yes she is right here number two so you
see what is here I'm going here and we
can even put things to do
let's see best restaurants maybe best
restaurants in Seattle see 1.6 million
views here nine point three thousand
twenty-five thousand two hundred and
sixteen thousand so not only what Shelby
could have done is talk about things to
do in Seattle but she could have talked
about best restaurants to go to in
Seattle and the idea here you guys is
not to make money off the bat it's again
to prime our channel once we get
subscribers and our first goal is to get
a thousand subscribers because once we
get a thousand subscribers we can then
sign up for the YouTube Partnership
Program which basically YouTube will pay
us a percentage of the advertising fees
that the advertiser pays to overlay
their video on top of our video before
it plays so for example this munchies
channel if we click on this let's hope
an ad shows up it looks like it didn't
right but an ad supposed to show up
before the video plays same with this
one and some of these videos aren't set
up for the YouTube Partnership Program
or for monetization looks like this one
isn't as well and we can just keep going
until we find something
this one isn't either so it looks like
most of these you're not seeing ads show
up at the beginning but typically what
will happen is an adult show up at the
beginning of a video for example this
one and then if the consumer that's
watching the video clicks
on the ad guess what you get paid but
you won't qualify to be able to monetize
your videos and make money from your
videos to the partnership program until
you get at least a thousand subscribers
so the first goal is to help you get to
your first thousand subscribers as
quickly as possible not to necessarily
make money so you'll do this by just
recording your life experiences right
what you're doing on a day to day basis
and then going to YouTube and saying
okay well my plans for tomorrow is this
this and this so maybe your plan is to
eat out at a specific restaurant or
maybe it's to go to the mall and buy a
specific new pair of shoes so many
different things you can do you could do
a review on those stylish shoes you
could do a review on the brand of those
shoes you could do a review on a
restaurant that you went to there's so
many things that you can do but what we
want to do is first kind of figure out
what somebody would be typing in to
YouTube that's related with what we plan
on doing on any given day right just
like the Seattle getaway example are
people actually looking for a specific
review on any experience right so we
would definitely use YouTube's instance
search to figure that out just by
beginning to type in okay I'm gonna go
to this restaurant tomorrow maybe people
are looking for best restaurants and you
know for example I live in Salt Lake
City in Salt Lake City and then we can
rank at the top of YouTube and optimize
the title of our video for best
restaurants in Salt Lake City and
document our experience at that specific
restaurant you know maybe we're gonna go
skiing maybe we're going to go golfing
and we can talk about you know for
example find out if people are typing in
you know top golf courses in for example
Myrtle Beach if we're going to go to
Myrtle Beach so we want to go for any
specific search phrase that's related to
what we plan on doing on any given day
and you
use that as leverage to get subscribers
and then guess what we can start doing
start promoting any product that we want
an any niche because now we've built
that foundation
now we're getting subscribers we're
getting views Google's starting to trust
us YouTube's starting to trust us and
that's where we can go to clickbank and
pretty much start promoting any offer
that we want to promote and if you want
to learn how to make money with
Clickbank I will put a link in the
description here or there'll be a card
up here somewhere and go ahead and click
that and you can take the strategy that
I've taught to you in this video and
apply it to you know Clickbank marketing
and that'll show you like the product
selection side of things so then you
have the strategy combined with the
product and all you got to do is go out
there and execute right so I think this
channel is a perfect example that we
went over with Shelby church's channel
here there's other channels but they're
not the branding is specific to like he
no body specific to fitness right and
you know he might be able to use this
brand to grow out of fitness if he wants
to teach other things like you know
spirituality or maybe he wants to to
start doing travel the logs and stuff
like that maybe he can do that but I
think using a name like your own
specific name allows you to grow out of
whatever niche you want to grow out of
so with that said I hope you got value
from this video and hopefully this will
help you go out there and not think so
small about how to make money with
YouTube and make money online in general
but it'll show you how to build yourself
build your brand because people are
going to buy because of your story your
life experiences and the best thing that
you can do in the beginning is document
your journey document what you're doing
every day because there's no competition
every person is unique their likes and
dislikes are unique their experiences in
life are unique and I think that's the
most duplicatable thing out there
instead of teaching everybody you know
affiliate marketing and then teaching
other but everybody how to teach
everybody else how to
make money with affiliate marketing or
you know any other industry right and I
think a lot of people fall in the trap
of promoting a lot of the same stuff in
the same niche which is create
saturation so this will allow you to
start monetizing maybe you'll eventually
turn into the person that's all about
doing travel reviews and you'll have
these big companies sponsor you right
you never know what might may happen but
the key is to put out content start
building a channel and then monetize
later so with that said this is Josh
elder if you got value from this video
give me a thumbs up you know like this
video comment below did you have a
breakthrough from this did you get value
from it you know is this something
that's actionable you can go out there
and implement I would love to know your
honest opinion
but the end of the day most people don't
succeed because they don't take action I
know 99% of you won't take action on
what I just taught you today you want to
separate yourself go take action so that
said give me a thumbs up subscribe and
if you want to learn how to you know
build a true independent business from
complete scratch there's a link in the
description my top recommended system I
highly recommend you check that out and
we'll see you guys in the next video
take care

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