
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Secret To Happiness - Best Motivational Video 2019 #Best Education Page #Online Earning

The Secret To Happiness - Best Motivational Video 2019

so where does happiness come from I'm
going to name two places that it comes
from number one it comes from when
you're doing something of greater
purpose in yourself right when you're
working on something that is helping the
world add value to the world right I
want you to think about maybe we're a
little kid and you're on a soccer team
right and you're helping that team score
the goal and you made that goal and your
team's happy other people are happy your
parents are laughing and joy they're
clapping for you right how did that make
you feel probably made you feel pretty
happy right it's because you had a
greater purpose you weren't scoring that
goal for yourself you're scoring that
goal to help out your team right
and that's why I've learned kind of in
my life when I was unhappy at times I
had to realize like what makes me happy
it's helping other people it's you know
helping add value to this world why am I
here right so you got to ask yourself
and number two it comes from within I
know you probably heard this from you
know gurus and maybe maybe self-help
gurus right but it's really true it does
come from within because when you're
grateful for every opportunity that you
have every day and minute that you're
given by whatever higher power he gave
us this opportunity right then you start
to become more happy because you're
you're thinking yourself like there's so
many horrible things that go on in this
world Wars famine right but look at look
at where we are today I'm filming this
video for you you're able to work on
your self development right now you're
able to better your life better your
family's life right so every minute that
we have this opportunity we have to be
grateful for it and that's where
happiness comes from

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