learning how to create a passive income for yourself is going to be the one
skill you're going to want to learn to create financial freedom for yourself so
on this video I'm going to take you through my top five passive income ideas
but you're really gonna want to look into in 2019 now these passive income
income online and I'm going to take you through each one step by step I'm also
going to be showing you the earnings from one of my favorite methods and show
you the consistent passive income that I get from that particular method so if
you want to learn how to make passive income in 2019 you definitely want to
jump into this video and before we jump in guys make sure you hit the subscribe
button the notification bell drop a like and let me know below where your
favorite income stream is so let's jump in guys this is a no particular order to
let's get started number one guys is selling a course online now this is a
very very lucrative business model enric becomes passive really test if I would
know because I'd make very good money with online courses now how much money
can you make well you can make a lot so this is called the 2 comma Club guys
these are people who have done over a million dollars with one sales funnel
including me guys I just got my two comma Club and I am applying for more so
there's a lot of money to be made with online courses and it does become very
passive but what's more important guys is you need to figure out you know what
can you do to help people with you know you have some type of skill are you good
at something you can teach and I'll show you kind of some ideas in a second but
also what platform should you use now what I recommend you do guys and selling
a course is everyone rotated just go out there and create a course and that kind
of works but you need someone to sell it I'm going to show you a little trick
what I would recommend you do guys is use somewhere called udemy this is a
platform where you can upload your own course and you can sell it for a price
now they do take caps which kind of sucks but what they do guys is they
actually advertise the course for you on Facebook so they actually do a lot of
the work it's quite passive you get of course on there you get some reviews
and stuff and udemy will go and advertise your course on Facebook and
other YouTube as well I actually just saw a udemy ad on YouTube before and
they make the money for you and then you give them a commission and return for
doing that for you which is really really cool now let's go back to the
first question now these are just general questions that people ask me am
i fat in my arm YouTube videos what can you help people with so most
people have some sort of skill whether it be playing pianos riding the horse a
horse gardening or something like that right
udemy has all of these categories guys and now most of it is online stuff like
creating websites how to make money and stuff like that marketing and stuff but
there's photography health and fitness there are lots of categories you can
jump into and you can help people learn and you can teach them how to do things
now a lot of people think courses are like you know why do people do courses
why they charge them for courses you have the right to charge for your time
so go out there guys create a course and this is a very good passive income
stream now how do you get the word out this is something that people have a lot
of trouble with I recommend when you're starting guys is to build a tribe and
one of the best ways to do this is by using Facebook groups okay this is how I
got started with you know building out Facebook groups and putting the word out
of my course and I promote my youtube videos and here as well this is one of
my groups 40,000 members this is another group I just started four thousand five
hundred members so you want to go and build out these Facebook groups guys and
then you can go and promote your courses to these people give them value and they
will usually buy your stuff in return if you give them lots of value inside these
free places where you can find people to buy your stuff and Facebook does a lot
of the work for you guys they go out and get people you know they pretty much
promote your groups in the sidebar on Facebook and they get you members
into your groups so that is the first one guys as number one as selling a
course this is a very lucrative business model and it is very passive and it's
becoming bigger and bigger and bigger everybody's selling courses
and instead of thinking you know okay this person could be a scam selling
courses that's what everyone usually seems to think think why is it one
selling courses because there's good money and selling courses so if you
provide value to people then you're providing a service and you deserve to
get paid for that service and that's when an online course comes into play
now number two guys is probably my favorite even over selling my own
courses because it is a lot more hands-off I don't have to do pretty much
anything to make money and especially passive money in this particular income
stream so what is the best way to do this as a beginner this is called
affiliate marketing the best way to do this as a beginner guys zoo guard there
and create what we call a niche website this is one of my niche websites and
this is an article here guys what I compare two of the top email marketing
platforms on line okay click done Rose is more of a funnel but I do email
marketing as well people go down to here guys and they click on these here I get
a 50% of sorry with this one I get a 30% commission or 33% commission every
single month and this is an email marketing platform and get this I'm
about to show you the proof that this works and this is why this is probably
my top income stream online I love it it's very very tested I don't mean top
buy makes me the most just because it's really passive okay from this article
alone and a few more articles I am making nearly a thousand dollars per
month passive from just an article like this okay a simple article it's ranked
in Google it gets traffic people go down I recommend it and they click on this
and then I get a commission this is called affiliate marketing now let's
just do a refresh here guys you know this is legit because there's always the
skeptics out there so you know I made it a little few a few commissions now
decided to put a bit more work in and put some more articles out and I have
been growing at a consistent rate too for the last one five months this month
are we doing over $1000 and this is passive guys I don't put in any work
anymore this just happens now I just make money so $1,000 us every single
month is what I'm about to be hit and then this is keeps going up about two to
three hundred hundred dollars per month and this is gonna keep going keep going
keep going because these people are on a monthly plan using this email platform
that I've suggested to them okay and here's another one guys this is called
click funnels let me just do a refresh and I've done over fifty thousand
dollars with this one as well and the last kind of six months now this isn't
all from okay taking a while to reload here here we go
this isn't all from that one article this is from other stuff as well however
a lot of it is from this article here where I recommend these programs people
a coming are coming to this particular article and I'm getting a commission
every time they purchase from my website ok so I recommend the best way as
beginner as you start a niche website now another way guys is to start a niche
website based on products from Amazon so if I go top ten headphones and Google
and I scroll down I just have a look at these websites to get some examples for
this video these people have put the top ten headphones for 2018 right now if we
go down and we click on this link guys it takes me to Amazon so these guys to
get a commission from Amazon this is called I'm Emma's on Associates they get
a commission from Amazon for mentioning this particular products okay and there
are billions of searches online per day and you can get a piece of the pie by
going out and making a micro niche site or a niche site micro niche is a smaller
one a niche site based on a particular niche and do a ton of articles about a
particular product and these guys that this is probably the the most passive
way to make money online courses are passive but you do need to put some work
in I felt like kind of forever but affiliate marketing like this here guys
it's consistent forever now I just keep making money money money
I put in the effort now and now it just keeps making me money over and over
again and there's also a website guys called Clickbank
we can find lots of products and different niches and you can also
promote these niches as well like here's one here called superior singing method
about two years ago I used to promote this
I sold the website for over twenty thousand dollars and this website was
making me around about a thousand dollars per week and passive income
coming to the website now but used to rank for things like how to sing the
bitch singing course and stuff like that okay so that is number two guys
affiliate marketing and what you should promote I kind of just you know
software's I Clickbank and Amazon is probably the three best ones to promote
so email marketing software's bunnell software's and stuff like that now how
do you get traffic guys that simple you go and do these articles and they rank
in Google when people were searching they go to your site and they're highly
likely to purchase because they are called buyer intent people that search
for something they're looking for reviews and stuff like that and you get
money basically from these mini blogs that you start now just a quick thing
guys nearly every single guru you listen to online including myself we started
doing this as kind of like a stepping stone into making money on line
it's kind of what got us inside the game and we do this because it's very passive
ok so yeah the best way difinitely start a blog and get some traffic going by it
via Google and you you should definitely get some passive income coming now you
know guys at the start it's a little bit hard work like you actually have to put
in some work but it becomes very very passive now number three guys and this
is one of my favorites but you have to do this properly so I am pretty good in
the stock market so just listen and let me explain now first of all I just want
you know that a lot of people will tell you to invest in the housing market if
you want to make passive income well in the last 12 months in Australia there
was a study that the stock market made more profits for their investors than
the housing market the housing market always as an as an always a foolproof
investment it is for the long-term but sometimes there's other stuff that will
make you more money quicker like for example guys what
I go back to this affiliate marketing stuff here I'm making $1,000 per month
profit nearly I know people who are invested in houses and they make like
$10 profit a week right and now of course they're getting the house paid
off by other people but there is better ways to make passive income trust me so
stock market the best way to do it as a beginner is to invest every country will
have a top 50 or a top 100 what you do guys is new on best in the top 50
companies in your country and it's kind of like a a safe way of doing it because
if one goes down you still got 49 companies that you're invested in so in
your country guys you should have an application or a website or through your
bank where you can invest and something called it'll be the top 50 top 500 top
100 so here we have the in zip top 50 where the in zip top 100 and stuff like
that if I had a if I had to put $50 per week into the NZ top 50 now keep in mind
that this is a low blow to medium risk so the money isn't a lot a more high
risk fund will make you more money I would have made $12,000 profit in five
years it's not a lot of money guys but it's a couple of grand a year from just
putting $50 a week into some stocks now what happens guys is these stock
companies they will pay you out what we call a dividend every it could be six
months three months would be every quarter it could be once a year it
really depends on the companies but what I highly recommend you do as a beginner
is put a little bit of money into a fund that has multiple companies in it so you
a little you're pretty safe this fund here the NZ top 50 has been at a
consistent ride for the last five years with actually no down no hardly any big
dips it's a very safe fund to be in so I feel safe investing in a fund like this
now will you get rich doing stocks you can get super rich however I recommend
you just play it safe invest in a top 50 or top 100 in your country okay and you
can go through your bank and stuff like that however if you do want to
potentially make a lot of money in there just a bit of a disclaimer I'm not a
professional you know stockbroker or anything like
that I am you know professional and doing stocks myself but there is always
a risk okay there's always a risk and investing
however you can go to websites like we funder calm and you can invest in
startups now there is a massive risk because a lot of the times startups
could go bust and you never get your money back but you can invest some of
them you know $100 $1000 minimum or $200 minimum and if one of these companies
becomes big you can make a lot of money very very quickly if they get acquired
by somebody else you will get a you know you'll get a lot of that money I'm
yourself because you invest it but just be careful guys and read the disclaimers
because some companies will not pay you dividends and they won't you will only
make money if the company sells if it never sells you never make money so you
just need to be careful when jumping into stocks that you do your research
you really think properly and I highly recommend you go and buy a course on how
to do stocks now what I do don't do guys I don't do day trading okay it's you
it's like a full-time job day training is like a full-time job what I do guys
is I put money into big funds with lots of companies in them so it's diluted
it's spread out and heaps of companies or I sometimes will go and invest and to
startup companies as well we're feeling a little bit risky and a little bit of
money laying around so how do you get started doing the skies I highly
recommend you've gone find yourself a course on how to do I have you know how
to buy in the stock market but just be careful with day trading courses because
day trading is not all it's cracked up to be and it's very very risky now guys
another one of my favorite income streams that I make money from right now
and you're on the platform right now is YouTube videos these are probably the
best for beginners because you don't need any money you can start doing a
video right now when I first started doing YouTube videos guys I used my
phone that was it and actually have some sales right there from my course I used
my phone I had no fancy gear nothing like that so the best way for beginners
though to find something you enjoy doing like a
hobby a passion and go into YouTube guys and do what I call how-to videos
there are how-to videos and literally any niche so how to play the guitar how
to play the piano how to play fortnight how to play poker
how to play blackjack okay and you can use YouTube as a traffic source number
one you're gonna get what we call ad revenue now it's not going to be a lot
but it can depends on the channel and because it depends on the niche rack so
a my niche we make quite a bit of money from Adsense from Google ads and a niche
like how to play a guitar will be a lot lower however you know you can make $100
a week 200 300 400 500 and it will keep growing as your YouTube channel grows
the ad revenue however you can also use your YouTube channel to sell a course to
sell an affiliate product like if we go back to our Clickbank there is all of
the here we go there is a product here I think on how to play a guitar so you can
use YouTube you can monetize it in lots of different ways by affiliate marketing
links to a course or your own course as well if you like and add revenue as well
and every guy's gonna remember that these videos are on YouTube for forever
and they're getting lots of views this one here six years right um but I highly
recommend that you do go for what I call its how to keywords when people come to
me and say hey Franklin you know what should I do on YouTube I always say put
how-to in front of your niche and it's going to YouTube here see we've got how
to play that trick at our for beginners how to tune a guitar how to play Qatar's
guitar songs how to play heavy birthday on the guitar right there are all of
these sub niches sub categories you can do so many videos there's it's crazy
right and YouTube is getting thousands billions of searches every single day
and is it really person yes like I mentioned it's these videos downline for
as long as you leave online and they're getting views all the
time even if it's one or two views per day it doesn't matter it's people coming
to your video and watching you and they might subscribe they might buy something
from you or whatever right and you know they might click on our body of your ads
and you might get ad revenue so YouTube is really really tested it's one of the
most passive income streams online today now how do you get started guys simple
go to youtube start a free youtube account get your phone you can start
recording videos with your phone get a anything put our software on your
computer edit the video upload it to youtube that's it but just make sure you
go into here and you just do how-to keywords okay that's really important
because people always just typing in how-to it's the easiest way to get
traffic on YouTube and start to build up your passive income from your YouTube
channel now guys number 5 so will 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 is dropshipping no I did
this is in no particular order but I did do drop shipping last because drop
shipping is passive but it's a little bit harder to become passive because
with drop shipping you usually have to spend quite a bit of money on
advertising you have to build up your customer base then it becomes passive so
although drop shipping is a great business model it does take a little bit
longer to become passive and there's a little bit more work put in to drop
shipping that's why if I put affiliate marketing and drop shipping side-by-side
I like affiliate marketing more but I do both as well so the best way to get
started guys is simple going by yourself and drop shipping course I'll leave mine
in the link in the description below there'll be a link you can click on go
and just buy a drop shipping course learn how to drop ship and then you can
get started now it's kind of like a little bit of a run down guys so what we
do is we go to a website called le Express we find products for cheap we go
and put these products on a ecommerce store I'm not going to say what one now
because we're actually not allowed to use some of the names of these stores in
our videos and then you go and take these these pages you've created on you
on your ecommerce store and you go to Facebook Ads Google ads and stuff like
that when someone purchases the product guys you don't have the product you go
back to a supplier and they will send the product to the customer so you're
basically a middleman and you collect income from that the person comes into
it guys when you create your customer list and you have a big email list and
stuff like that oh can you just send out emails do pretty much just print money
once the hard works kind of done now what was working 2019 drop shipping is a
great passive income idea and it will work in 2019 because it's still getting
it's still big guys and what the thing is there are a lot of retail stores
closing down and everyone's going online to purchase so it's growing at a massive
rate and last but not least how do you get traffic go to Facebook do Facebook
ads go and do Google Shopping ads you can start a blog if you like actually
know a lot of e-commerce stores that have that have made well over seven
figures solely off Google search traffic so you can do Google search traffic as
well to make money on line okay guys so those are my five favorite ways to make
passive income online who's a great passive income ideas but 2019 selling a
course affiliate marketing which is one of my favorite guys like look at this
passive income is growing at a great rate I'm gonna be getting I'm gonna be
getting to 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 dollars per month within the next kind
of like a year one or two years I'm gonna kind of rent this up a little bit
and this is just from simple articles like this guy's okay one of my favorites
hands down you know an all-time like the entire time I've been working online
guys this is probably my top way to make money online then we have the stock
market guys but be very careful this is you know the very very risky okay but it
can be very passive if you just want to make a little bit of money maybe next
one thousand three thousand dollars per year put a little bit of money into a
fund that has a lot of companies in it you can has research the best ones in
your country okay that's that's kind of a safer
way to do it then we have YouTube videos guys just out a youtube channel this is
this is actually just like this is standing in twelves Prime guys YouTube
is getting really really big now normal people I wanted to go online to learn
things and then we have drop shipping as well so don't forget guys hit the
subscribe button hit the notification bell drop a like on this video drop a
comment below I'm going to be online all day answering your guys questions and
I'll see you in the next video
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