
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Top Affiliate Programs - BEST For 2018 [Up To 37K Per Month] #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Top Affiliate Programs - BEST For 2018 [Up To 37K Per Month]

hey this is Josh from Josh eller calm
and in this video I want to talk about
my top recommended affiliate marketing
program now if you're looking to build a
full-time business with affiliate
marketing you can feel free to subscribe
to this channel below there'll be a
little red button below this video also
if you're on a tablet or if you're on a
phone there will be a little bell right
next to the subscribe button go ahead
and hit subscribe and hit that Bell to
receive all notifications of when I
upload videos so I want to talk about my
top recommended affiliate marketing
program in this video there's thousands
out there if you go out there on YouTube
and you look at other videos there's
lots of different people talking about
different affiliate networks and
different affiliate programs what I want
to do in this video is sort of help you
shortcut the learning curve and shortcut
your success because you could very
easily go to a Clickbank comm go to a
commission junction comm go to a jvzoo
comm cre
ate an account and start
promoting products right yeah you don't
have to spend any money out-of-pocket to
do that the problem with that is is if
you want to create a full time income
with affiliate marketing if you want to
make 2,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 20,000
30,000 dollars plus then you want to
make sure that you go with a high ticket
affiliate program the reason for that is
is you can take one customer and create
up to you know sixteen thousand dollars
with one customer versus taking one
customer and making 1015 $20 off of one
customer so when it comes to picking the
right affiliate marketing program of
course you want to pick something that
you resonate with you want to pick
something you're going to you're going
to make money with you're going to get
paid what you're worth with right you're
going to want to make sure that what you
pick is going to be valuable in the time
that you're putting in to create that
income that you're wanting to create so
you got to really look at this from a
bird's eye view when you're looking at
an affiliate marketing program and think
about these different things what
my end goal what do I want to achieve
how many hours a day can I actually work
at this and what's the best option for
me now if you want to make maybe a
couple hundred dollars a month you can
go with a low ticket program and not
have to spend really any money other
than investing into the program because
I don't believe in selling something you
haven't invested in first so you want to
make sure that you invest in the program
you go through it you become a
testimonial of it and I've talked about
this in a video that I created called
affiliate marketing for beginners so if
you're beginner you can also check out
that video but you want to make sure
that you become a testament of the
product whatever product you're picking
right and then look at the compensation
plan look at how much money you're going
to make from that affiliate product if
you're going to sell the product for
$100 and make a 50% Commission you're
going to make 50 bucks then you realize
you want to make $10,000 a month realize
how many customers are going to need to
get how much traffic you're going to
need to have to acquire those customers
right so once you pick an affiliate
program you want to then focus on one
specific traffic method because a lot of
these affiliate programs they have
built-in processes they have built-in
systems while others don't right so a
lot of times you get into an affiliate
program not knowing what to expect then
you have to learn traffic generation you
have to learn cell skills you have to
learn copywriting you have to learn how
to face book market and YouTube market
and snapchat market and Instagram and so
on and so forth so there's a lot of
unknown sort of concepts that you will
come across after you join an affiliate
program so it's good to to know what to
expect when you first get into an
affiliate program so let me give you my
top recommended affiliate program it's
known as digital altitude it came out in
April of last year 2016 another company
owner Michael Force personally he was
actually in the military and once he got
out of the military got started in this
affiliate marketing
world and worked up to the ranks and
eventually created his own product he's
got products but he's been coming out
with since 2006 I believe one of the
most well known products was a carbon
copy Pro which a lot of companies went
on to copy carbon copy pros so this
concept a bit of digital altitude has
been around for a while there's been
other companies out there that have
copied this high-ticket ascension model
top tier sort of business model so I
want to let you know there's a lot of
other programs out there that imitate
that they're like digital altitude when
they're actually not but the other day I
don't ask you to listen to me I don't
ask you to listen to somebody else I ask
you to do your own research and then
come to your own conclusion as to what
works best for you now when I got really
when I started having success back in I
believe was 2012 I was promoting like
Clickbank products lower end products
doing cpa marketing joining affiliate
networks like like peer flying
Commission Junction and Clickbank in
jvzoo and I was promoting their products
and I was making some money I was making
300 500 and as much as $1,000 a month
but it really wasn't life changing
income and I was actually leveraging
YouTube marketing I was creating YouTube
videos based around specific keywords
right which I'll get into in another
video but I was leveraging YouTube
marketing to drive traffic to these
offers and I'd earn a commission off of
it they were very low commissions so I
decided to do is in 2014 I can't I came
across my first high ticket program and
I took the traffic that I was plugging
into all these other programs and I
plugged it into this high ticket program
and literally almost overnight I went
from making a few hundred even a
thousand dollars and struggling to do it
to making two thousand three thousand
five thousand then ten thousand dollars
per month and then I've been
implementing this ever since and I've
made up too and I'll put it on the
screen here up to thirty seven thousand
dollars in one single
on with affiliate Pro with affiliate
marketing these affiliate programs that
are high ticket so that's why I
recommend a high ticket affiliate
program is because it does have more
leverage it does have more you have more
ability to to pretty much plug less
people in the front door how the system
do its work and be able to earn these
high ticket commissions and with digital
altitude there's over 60 income streams
and you can make up to sixteen thousand
eight hundred dollars per cell in
digital altitude now with a high ticket
program the cost is not going to be for
your cheap right so a lot of people they
struggle getting into high ticket
because they're not willing to invest in
themselves not willing to gather the
resources and so they spend their time
promoting low ticket products and never
achieve success so they end up getting
up giving up and then starting over and
over and over again and it's like they
become this becomes this sort of hamster
on a wheel where they'll get motivated
and excited they'll join an affiliate
program have a little bit of success
really gain no momentum and then they'll
quit and they'll come back and do it all
over again
searching for the next best affiliate
marketing program they can get started
with so I've been able to see pretty
much every affiliate marketing program
out there under the Sun I've promoted
lots of different products I've done
reviews on lots of different programs
and I can honestly say that about 99% of
what's out there is really just rehash
garbage from 2011 2005 that's pretty
much boxed together into a new product
with a new name on it and that's what a
lot of people don't know about this
industry and so I want to speak the
truth when it comes to picking the right
affiliate marketing program is yes you
do have to be willing to invest in
yourself you do have to be willing to
invest inside of your business you have
to be willing to invest in traffic
resources in training and that's just
the truth when it comes to building a
business online so don't
leave people that say hey if you just
plug into my system for free and spend
ninety seven dollars on this eBook
you're going to make a bunch of money it
doesn't exist you got to put in the work
you got to put in a time you got to put
in you know the time to learn those
skill sets and then literally overnight
it can happen you know we see famous
basketball players like coma Kobe Bryant
and Michael Jordan and Steph Curry and
Kevin Durant and music these amazing NBA
players you know you're able to see the
end result you're not able to see the
work that went into creating that end
result so I want to be realistic with
you and let you know the success in this
industry can happen relatively quickly
but you got to be willing to put in the
time put in the effort you put in a
solid 90 days of consistency every day I
promise you your life will never be the
same that's one of the great things
about online businesses and affiliate
marketing is that you have all that
leverage you have systems you have
traffic where you can plug in money in
the front end have you know solo out
providers and YouTube and Facebook and
ten send you customers right and you can
use leverage to do that you don't have
to go to each and every customer and
pitch them you can simply send them to a
sales video have that do all the selling
and telling for you and make money from
that so with that said digital altitude
is definitely my number one pick it even
allowed me to qualify and earn a
paid-for BMW 650i which is pretty cool I
got that paid for for hitting 10th out
or actually $15,000 a month for three
months straight and then you qualify to
get that car pay for it and I was able
to do that which is pretty cool so of
course you know I'm a little biased
about digital altitude they've helped me
achieve the success that I've had the
products are valuable they actually
teach people how to build a digital
business online so if you just want to
buy the products you can do that if you
want to be the next Tony Horton and
create the next p90x they will show you
to take that skill set that you have in
the health industry
package that up and actually sell it so
it doesn't matter what you're doing what
you're selling digital altitude can help
you and in conjunction with that if you
want to join their digital their
affiliate marketing program then you can
do that and start earning commissions up
to sixteen thousand eight hundred
dollars off of one single customer so I
think the back office of my digital
altitude account being able to earn over
$200,000 in ten months shows that this
system does in fact work so what I'd
like you to do is go ahead and click the
link below in the description there's
going to be a link right there if you're
on a tablet or a handheld device though
will be a little upside down triangle
you'll click that you'll get access to a
digital altitude you'll be able to join
right now there is a trial membership
it's one dollar it could be seven
dollars it might be thirty seven dollars
if the trials not available but
typically they'll offer a trial
membership for you to try the system for
anywhere between one and seven dollars
to get started so with that set click
the link below in the description and I
cannot wait to see you on the inside

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