
Monday, March 30, 2020

Webull App Review 2020 | How To Get 2 FREE STOCKS And Invest With $0 Fees! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Webull App Review 2020 | How To Get 2 FREE STOCKS And Invest With $0 Fees!

- Today, we have an array of free investing
platforms available that allow you to trade stocks
commission free with very low
to no minimum balance required.
And one of the most popular free investing apps
available today is called Webull,
which allows you to trade stocks commission free
with no minimum account balance to get started.
So we're going to review this free investing app
and talk about the features that will matter most to you.
One last thing I'd like to mention,
I am affiliated with Webull, so if you do use my link,
I earn a commission in the process, and I always thank you
for that support.
So that being said, let's get into the review right now.
All right, guys, one of the first things I wanna mention
is the sign up incentive for creating an account with Webull
and investing with this brokerage,
they by far have the most generous incentive program
out there because not only do you get one free stock
for signing up, you actually get two.
Now in terms of the value of these stocks
that changes based on different promotions they are running,
but me personally, I ended up getting a free share of Ford,
which is worth around $10, and a free share of Ambev,
which is worth $5.
So I got about $15 worth of free stock just for signing up
and opening up an account with them.
So it is literally that easy to get
two completely free stocks.
So if you end up using that link
and grabbing your two free stocks, make sure you come back
to this video in a couple of days, and let us know
what stocks you got for free.
All right guys, so now what I wanna talk about is
what has actually changed with Webull since my last review,
because I actually did a review of this brokerage
about a year and a half ago,
and quite a bit has changed indeed.
Number one, the first thing I criticize this app
saying it had kinda of a bad user interface
and that it was kinda of not the best user experience.
Well, I can fully retract that statement now
because this app is totally user friendly
and the user experience has improved significantly.
The second big change, is that webull now offers
completely free retirement accounts.
So if you're interested in the IRA'S side of investing,
you can now do so through Webull, completely free.
Another big change is that webull announced that
they will be adding options trading to the platform
in the near future, which has been a desired feature
that people have been asking for,
and then finally, because of user requests,
they also added a desktop platform,
so you can place trades and do your research
both on mobile and desktop using Webull.
So that's what's new as webull guys since my last review.
Now what we're going to do is we're gonna dive into the app
and I'm gonna show you guys what features are likely going
to matter the most to you.
All right guys, so here we are inside of my Webull account,
The main page it brings you to is your watch list,
which shows you the different indexes and stocks
you are watching.
If you click on the markets tab,
it will give you a different idea of
how the market is performing, showing you the major indexes
like the Dow Jones Industrial Average,
S&P 500 and the NASDAQ.
And the other useful feature here
is that they also will give you real time market data
on cryptos different cryptocurrencies
like Bitcoin or Ethereum, or all these different assets,
and you can also get data on global markets as well.
Now, one thing I will mention is you are not able to trade
cryptocurrencies yet on the platform,
and I'm not sure if they are going to make that
a future in the future, but it's definitely one people
would be interested in.
Beyond that, I'm gonna show you guys
what the main portfolio looks like, here is my portfolio
my one share of Ford stock that I got fo free,
I also got a share of Ambev, which I ended up selling,
And I have $100 in this account for demonstration purposes,
because I wanna show you guys exactly how to place
a trade within this app.
But before we do that, I wanna show you guys
a couple of features that you might be interested in,
and the very first one is the amount of data
available to you at your fingertips.
So what we're going to do, let's go ahead and click on Ford
and get a little bit more information about this company.
Now, this is where some people run into trouble
with this app, because you really have so much data
available to you here at your fingertips,
so if you're a complete beginner who is just getting started
with investing in the stock market, this may be a little bit
overwhelming to you.
However, if you're an intermediate
to advanced active trader, this platform was literally
designed with you in mind, giving you all the data
that you're likely looking for at your fingertips.
So I'll go ahead and scroll down just to show you guys,
there's a lot of different charting tools available,
if you like candlestick charts, they have candlestick charts
as well within this app, and there's just so much data
available here at your fingertips, analyst ratings
and all kinds of different tools like that.
So if you're looking for
a more robust data driven trading platform,
which gives you this stuff right on your phone,
this is definitely the app for you.
However, if you're looking at this and this is just going
way over your head, it may be too advanced based on
where you are at right now with your trading.
Now the other feature I really enjoy about this app
is the free trading simulator that is built right in
and it's right over here under menu and all you have to do
is click on paper trading, and there you go,
you have a million dollars of free money
to practice investing with this app.
I really liked that Webull offers this feature
because if you're a complete beginner to investing
and you don't know what it is that you're doing,
well, you can practice for free with fake money
and not have to worry about losing any money in the process.
I really like this feature,
and I'm not sure why other brokerages
haven't followed suit and offered the same exact thing.
So it's very simple,
you can literally place trades right here,
and I'll go ahead and show you guys just how easy that is,
will place a paper trade right now,
buying one share of Google.
So we wanna go ahead and do a buy order quantity
of one share, we'll go ahead and click confirm
and we will see if that order fills,
we are doing a limit order, So I'm not sure if that's going
to be filled immediately, because I have a limit price set.
So there are a couple of different market orders
available here within the app, so you may find these are
advanced trading orders that you may use,
or you may just wanna use the market order,
which means it's gonna be filled at the
immediate market price.
Now the next feature I wanna show you guys,
which I enjoy as well is the calendar feature,
which is going to show you what companies have
upcoming earnings, which is really helpful for tracking
major earnings reports for the companies that you hold
within your portfolio.
So as you can see, here are the different
companies reporting earnings right now
and also shows you what are the upcoming dividends
for major companies and if you do the overall snapshot
for this week, it's gonna show you
what are the major companies reporting earnings
and what are the major companies paying dividends.
So if you're keeping track of your investments,
and you're tuning in for these earnings reports,
this is extremely helpful to show you
what major events are coming up.
And then the last feature I wanna show you guys
before I place a trade for you live
is the community feature, which is really cool
because in my opinion, this is like a blend
between a brokerage and Reddit,
because you have this social tab here
where you can communicate with other traders
and share different information.
So I think this social aspect is a really cool tie in,
and I haven't seen any other trading platforms do this,
and I think it's really cool because people
wanna communicate and share different ideas
about investing and trading, so that is a really
cool feature available through Webull as well.
So now I wanna go ahead and show you guys
just how easy it is to place a trade within this platform.
So as you can see here I have $98.96 of settled cash,
meaning I am eligible to place a trade,
So we're gonna go ahead and do that now,
and I'm gonna buy one more share of Ford stock
just to show you guys how easy this process is.
So we'll go ahead and click on Ford,
and then we have an array of different options available.
Well, as you saw earlier with Google, in the paper trading,
I placed a limit order, but because I want this to close,
immediately, this time, I'm gonna place a market order
to buy one share of Ford stock, and it's shown me
the maximum shares I can buy based on my buying power,
which is nine.
So for now, we're just gonna buy one share,
so we're doing a market order, and we're gonna go ahead
and click Buy, and then it tells me what I'm doing.
So I'm buying one share of Ford stock at the market price
for an estimated price of 922.
I'll go ahead and click Confirm,
and we'll see how quick that goes, and there we go,
so just like that, we bought one share of Ford,
and I now have two shares of Ford stock
within this portfolio, and it's just as easy
to sell a stock unless you're using those more advanced
order types, which are the limit order, market order,
trailing stops, or OTO, and OCO type orders.
All right guys, so that's a quick overview of Webull
and what the platform actually looks like,
now I wanna go ahead and answer a couple of other questions
that you might have.
First of all, one of the main questions people ask is,
is this brokerage really free?
And the answer is yes, it is commission free
to place trades, they also offer
commission free short selling,
and there are no fees that are passed directly to Webull.
There are some fees that the SEC and FINRA charges,
but those fees are passed directly on to those groups,
and Webull does not earn anything from those fees,
and regardless of what brokerage you invest with,
you're going to end up paying those fees.
So yes, it is free.
Now many people wonder how these apps
are actually making money, and I have a full article
about how Webull makes some money.
I'll link it up down in the description below.
But one of the ways that they do this
is by selling real time market data on global markets.
So the US data is available for free,
but if you wanted data on global markets,
they offer that for a paid subscription,
and that is one of the ways they are actually making money.
There's a couple of different ones,
but there are ways that these companies are making money
outside of charging fees and commissions to customers.
Another question people often ask me is whether or not
Webull is safe to invest with, and the answer is,
they are just as safe as any other investing platform
out there, because they have SIPC insurance
and SIPC insurance is the exact same insurance
the other big brokerages out there have
and it protects investors for the securities
and the cash held within their accounts
for the purpose of investing.
So SIPC insurance gives you up to $500,000 of insurance
for the securities held within your account,
including up to $250,000 in cash for cash that is being put
there for the purpose of investing.
Now, the other thing to note here is that
they are also using Apex Clearing house
for placing the orders and placing the trades.
And this is the exact same clearing house
that many of the other free investing platforms are using.
Now that being said, guys,
I really do like Webull for more intermediate
to advanced active traders, but now I wanna discuss
a few areas where Webull does fall short.
Number one, they do not offer any direct
dividend reinvestment, which is a feature that a lot of
people are looking for these days.
Second of all, they do not offer fractional shares,
which is a feature that new investors really like,
because it doesn't require you to have
a large amount of money to begin
investing in stocks in ETF's, particularly stocks
that trade for a high dollar value,
such as Amazon and Google.
Beyond that another area where they do fall short
is that they do not offer cryptocurrency trading
or options trading, however, they did announce
that they will be rolling out options in the near future.
Now that being said, guys,
a lot of these issues are related to long term investing
in terms of you know, dividend reinvestment
or fractional shares, and I would say that
Webull is really not a platform that's designed
for long term investing, it's really meant for
short term trading for intermediate to advanced traders.
So the whole idea of having dividend reinvestment
and fractional shares really doesn't make a lot of sense
for this platform.
It's designed for those who are more active
with their trading, looking for the research
and tools available at their fingertips.
So Webull really is one of the newest investing apps
on the scene, but they gained market share quickly
because they identified a market
that Robinhood just wasn't serving.
Robinhood is a great platform for complete beginners.
But if you're more of an intermediate to advanced trader,
you're going to find that platform is very watered down
and you just don't have a lot of the research tools
that you want to have available to you. So Webull stepped in
and they saw this potential market
and they have really done a great job
at building market share and really giving Robinhood
a run for their money at the end of the day.
So that being said, guys, that is my review of Webull.
If you wanna grab those two completely free stocks,
that's gonna be the top link down in the description below.
And even if you just wanna try it out
and see if it's a good platform for you,
you can give it a shot, get those free stocks
and see what you think of the platform,
because at the end of the day, that's completely free
and you can see if it's a good fit for you, and if it's not,
you can move on to a different brokerage
and try that one out as well.
But that's going to wrap up this video guys.
Thanks so much for watching, I hope you enjoyed it
and I will see you in the next one.