
Friday, March 27, 2020

WHAT is Affiliate Marketing and HOW Does it Work? COMPLETE Tutorial For Beginners! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

WHAT is Affiliate Marketing and HOW Does it Work? COMPLETE Tutorial For Beginners!

hey guys what's going on Joshua elder
here welcome back to the channel and in
this video I want to show you what
affiliate marketing is and exactly how
it works
you see affiliate marketing has
completely changed my life
it's taken me from working 40 to 60
hours a week at a dead-end job working
as a retail jewelry salesman to
completely quitting my job to traveling
the world to places like Barcelona Spain
South America Europe and even purchasing
my dream car a Ferrari f430 black on
black and even to other cars like a GLC
300 and even my model 3 so affiliate
marketing obviously works but you're at
this video and you want to find out
exactly how it can work for you you see
tons of companies out there using
affiliate marketing people promoting
affiliate products on Instagram you have
Amazon which leverages the affiliate
marketing business model so affiliate
marketing is still alive and well here
in 2019 and beyond and in this video
we're going to walk you through what it
is how it works and I'm even going to
show you some live examples of me
leveraging and using affiliate marketing
in action so if you haven't subscribed
to the channel please do so by clicking
that red subscribe button we upload
videos pretty frequently teaching you
how to build a life in business full of
freedom passion and fulfillment take
that Bell icon to be notified of all
future videos that I upload it when I
upload them and don't forget to smash
that like button if you're looking
forward to the content and without
further ado let's dive into the computer
and show you this step-by-step ok so
this is one of my first websites that I
ever made affiliate income from and what
you want to do is you want to create
some sort of presence on a particular
platform that could be you know YouTube
it could be Facebook it could be
Instagram it could be through Google's
search engine so the idea here was to
first obviously get visitors get people
to the platform that I was marketing on
and monetize the people on that platform
and monetization simply means making
money from so you see Instagram
influencers for example they build up an
audience and then they monetize that
audience and that's how they make money
obviously you can make money through
other ways like sponsorships but you
have to build up a reasonable amount of
people as far as an audience to be able
to finally make money from and get
people to approach you about promotions
so affiliate marketing is by far the
best way to sort of earn while you learn
you can actually make money while you're
building up an audience on each of these
platforms so what you want to do is
first decide which platform you want to
start making money from well before you
even pick an offer so the platform that
I chose when I got started was Google's
platform and I would create these mini
websites and they were typically you
know most of them were review sites
where I would review one particular
product so the product that I was
reviewing here was known as juvenile and
I put many different articles on this
particular website and then you'll
notice that there's links in each of
these articles now of course this
website isn't up anymore because I
launched this you can see June 9th of
2010 so I've been doing this for a
little little while now but you can see
all these little hyperlinks aka links
that go to the affiliate offer now when
somebody clicks on the link I've
actually got a special link that I've
coded into this link here so when
somebody buys the affiliate network
knows that I made that sell and
everything is tracked back to me now
we'll talk a little bit more about
affiliate networks in just a second what
they are and how they work but
essentially what you want to do is take
your affiliate link put it on a website
put it on a blog again put it on you
know Facebook or Instagram or even
YouTube you see a lot of YouTube
influencers that do like tech reviews
they might do like you know car reviews
some sort of review channel they have
set up and then in the description they
will post a link an affiliate link and
they decide to buy that product then
that influence or that creator gets a
commission so now that you've kind of
seen this example and I even have other
links over here you can see I have this
little banner and again people click on
it and it would go straight to the
juvenile sales page they buy I get a
commission you even have a link right
here you even have a very apparent link
right here so you can see how I'm
actually monetizing or making money from
this particular website so let's go
ahead and talk about how you find these
specific offers in the first place
now you have affiliate networks and then
on affiliate networks you have affiliate
products and then you even can go out
further and you can go to places like
offer vault which will list all the
products they will list all the
affiliate networks so then you're not
having to go to an individual affiliate
network to find a product to promote so
you can see right here here's an example
offer name amazing products Samsung ST
Samsung s10 IT the category is legion
and the affiliate network is aragon
advertising so it's actually listing out
all the affiliate networks right here
that you can find the specific products
on and then what you need to do is go to
those specific affiliate networks and
sign up for those networks so offer
vault makes it easier to sift through
products so then you don't have to join
you know the affiliate network and spend
all that time applying because you do
have to apply to these affiliate
networks and then go through the waiting
period and then finally find out what
products that they actually house that
you can promote with offer vault you
could just do a simple search and if you
are searching for specific health offers
so maybe we just type in health right
here it's going to show up all the
health offers you can see nutri systems
keto diet cannabis right here and then
you have the network right here so if
I'm like you know what I really
want to promote this keto diet offer you
could just click on this network right
here and it's gonna take you straight to
this affiliate network and you can sign
up so it makes it just a lot easier to
find a specific product without having a
joint affiliate network and hoping that
they have the type of products that you
want to promote now let's talk about a
few affiliate networks that are probably
the best for beginners that you really
don't have to go through an approval
process like g4 offers right here you do
have to go through a specific approval
process you do have to have some
experience so let's start with some
basic affiliate network so that you can
get approved you know from quickly the
first recommendation that I would
recommend that you join is Clickbank and
Clickbank all you need to do is create
an account right here follow this
three-step process
Clickbank has processed billions of
dollars in transactions I been with
Clickbank for over 10 years they've paid
me on time every time all your personal
information is kept private so I want to
stress that point that you can be secure
that when you enter your information
here that you know Clickbank will not
sell it will not release it so I'm going
to go back here I'm actually going to
log in and once I log in here I'm gonna
go to marketplace and you can actually
see all the different products that you
can promote now what's so cool about
Clickbank is they house digital products
the reason why I like promoting digital
products is because there's varied a
little no overhead there's not a
manufacturing process which cuts the you
know Commission that you get and you can
get up to like 80 to 90 percent
Commission's on the sell of products so
if I go down here to like health and
fitness for example and this is the
first product right here at the very top
it's Cinderella solution and all I would
need to do is click this promote button
and enter my account nickname here the
nickname that I created when I first
signed up this says that I'm going to
earn 75% Commission's off the sell of
this digital educational product so in
other words the products within
Bank our products so they're
downloadable PDF guides they're
downloadable you know videos maybe you
get access to a membership site so
everything is digital so I can click a
generate hop links right here and you
can see this is my custom affiliate link
right here if i zoom in on it you can
see that it's kind of ugly but this is
my personalized link no one else in the
world has this link but me so when I
share this link online whether it be
through like a mini blog a mini website
like I showed you or social media like
Instagram or Facebook when somebody
clicks that link and they decide to buy
this health product then I actually earn
a commission off of it okay so that's
just an example of how cells are tracked
back to you and so what Clickbank uses
is what's called cookies so when
somebody clicks on the link then it is
logged in their web history and it's
cookie for about 30 days it really
depends on the affiliate network that
you're with but I believe with Clickbank
it's 30 to 60 days that they cookie four
so if somebody doesn't buy you know on
the first time but they come back to the
offer within 30 days you're actually
going to get the sell on that specific
product so this product shows that
you're going to get thirty three dollars
and ten cents on the initial cell and
the average Commission amount is eighty
three percent commission so you get
eighty three percent you know of the
cell now this average cell you'll notice
is slightly different because there's
other products that people are up sold
to and when people purchase those
products you also get a cut of that
Commission so that's an example of the
Clickbank marketplace it's definitely my
number one recommendation because you're
going to make the most money with it
with the least amount of effort you do
also have companies like Best Buy if I
scroll down here and I go down to there
should be something like affiliate
programs right here partnership and I
click on that and then I click sign up
right here you can see that you're going
to make one percent commission so not
the amount that you would make with
Clickbank which is why I really don't
promote products from like Best Buy or
even Amazon so I just want to show you
this to show you an example of how
affiliate marketing works of course same
thing with Amazon Associates you will
get paid a little bit more depending on
the volume of cells that you bring it's
gonna be anywhere between one percent
all the way up to ten percent commission
so what you would do here is you would
just click this button and join now for
free and you would get instant access to
Amazon Associates a little bit different
platform of course but you would access
your affiliate links much in the same
way that you would access your affiliate
links with Clickbank so here's an
example of a video that I uploaded quite
some time ago and I do this often
obviously in my youtube channel where I
will put an affiliate link in the
description of my videos so what I did
right here you can see where it says get
a 14-day trial of click funnels right
here and then what I did is I did what's
called a redirect so when somebody
clicks on this website right here it
actually redirects to that long
affiliate link that I showed you when I
was showing the Clickbank example but
you can actually clean up that link by
purchasing a domain and then redirecting
that domain to the actual affiliate link
so it's more pleasing more people are
you know more than likely going to click
versus having like a long spammy looking
affiliate link now here's another
example not just with blogs not just
with Instagram but with YouTube as well
that you can monetize and make money
from this specific platform now one of
the cool things about affiliate
marketing especially when you're doing
it with YouTube is you can have
different videos that lead to different
products so you can actually create
multiple streams of income and this is
one of the few platforms that you can do
it effectively because people are typing
in exactly what they're looking for so
in this case if they're looking for
click funnels this is like a SAS company
that I became an affiliate of I can make
a video around that specific search
phrase so when people search that phrase
at the very top they clicked my video
it's very relevant to what they typed in
they watch it they click the link in the
description and they buy so the fact
that you can use the search engines and
YouTube and Google to give people what
they already want what they're searching
for is a huge leverage point when it
comes to affiliate marking now it still
works effectively on Facebook or
Instagram but people are kind of
scrolling they have a little bit of a TD
you don't know exactly what they're
searching for so that's why I like to
use YouTube so you can have one video
about clickfunnels you can have another
video about a new camera maybe that you
had purchase that you want to review
then you can have another video about a
skincare product and you can make money
from all these multiple videos you can
also hire somebody to shoot the videos
for you and then the video lives on the
platform for life so you're making money
on a continuous basis while you're at
work while you sleep while you're at the
beach while you're on a cruise just
doing what you love so I've been able to
make passive income for the past five
years because I use platforms like
YouTube that are highly leveraged so
here are some more results on other
programs that I promoted this is just
within the last year one hundred and
seventy thousand dollars just about
right here and then over twenty six
thousand dollars right here and then
over ten thousand dollars in this
specific program here and in over ten
thousand dollars in this program here
and here's another SAS company that I
promoted thirteen thousand three hundred
and forty nine dollars and thirty four
cents and even another one right here
you guys get the point so I've been
making money from multiple streams of
income on a continuous basis but I got
started really without knowing anything
about affiliate marketing the key to
success with affiliate marketing is to
be consistent is to put in either twenty
to thirty minutes every single day and
within sixty to ninety days you can
watch your life transform so if you want
to learn how to build an affiliate
marketing business in great detail from
A to Z from start to finish I'm gonna
leave some links in the resources
section below so you can go ahead and
check those out and see if you're a good
fit without further ado I hope you got
value from this video if you did get
value please subscribe to the channel
take that Bell icon give me a big like
and we will see you in the next video
take care

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